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利用津巴多时间洞察力问卷,采用跨期选择经典范式,考察“现在享乐型”和“未来定向型”两类时间洞察力个体在跨期选择上的偏好,从人格特质角度来探究跨期选择的认知机制。结果发现:(1)现在享乐定向组的延迟折扣率显著高于未来定向组;(2)未来定向组在时间洞察力量表“未来维度”得分与延迟折扣率显著负相关。这说明时间洞察力对个体延迟折扣率具有预测作用,支持了跨期选择的时间感知基础模型。  相似文献   

延迟折扣是指与当前或近期的获益(或损失)相比,人们总是倾向于赋予将来获益(或损失)更小的权重。为什么人们在跨期选择中会表现出冲动性行为?怎样才能让人"目光远大",而避免"鼠目寸光"呢?这些都是延迟折扣研究力求解决的问题。近几年,本课题组利用行为、ERP、多模态MRI等技术,从特质性和状态性研究角度出发,系统考察延迟折扣的影响因素、认知机制和神经基础。首先,从特质性角度,考察了跨期选择中价值评估和自我控制加工的神经分离、立即选项与延迟选项的神经表征与预测、调控方式对延迟折扣作用的神经机制;其次,从状态性角度,考察了框架效应、贫富线索等对延迟折扣的影响以及预期情绪对延迟折扣的调控机理。最后,根据特质性因素(控制能力、时间感知、识解水平等)和状态性因素(框架效应、贫富线索、预期情绪等)对延迟折扣的影响及调控机制,提出了延迟折扣可塑性的研究思路。本课题组的研究对于延迟折扣认知与神经机制的理论建构具有重要的科学价值,对于延迟折扣的可塑性及临床应用也有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

神经美学采用神经科学的技术手段来探索审美的神经机制。本文从审美认知加工过程的角度来探讨审美的心理学原理及其神经机制。回顾了近年来神经美学取得的主要成果, 研究发现与审美加工相关的脑区主要涉及感知觉、运动、情绪以及奖赏等机能系统。神经美学的三个重要研究主题是真与美、离身认知与具身认知以及认知与情绪。未来研究应从时间维度来探讨审美体验的动态性, 从跨艺术形式以及跨文化的视角来探讨审美神经机制的普遍性。  相似文献   

智力差异是心理学领域智力研究和个体差异研究的一项重要内容。近年来,研究者对智力个体差异的内在机制从不同角度提出了解释,随着认知领域相应研究的发展,陆续出现了4种研究取向:因素取向、参数取向、策略取向和适应性取向。文章在简要介绍4种取向的内涵、产生的历史背景的基础上,综述了各个取向相关的研究成果,特别是最新进展。已有研究表明,四种取向在解释个体智力差异本质方面都还存在着一定问题,未来的研究需要努力构建比较全面的智力差异理论;从认知加工和神经机制研究相结合的角度恰当解释智力差异;同时加强对非认知因素的关注  相似文献   

成瘾可分为物质成瘾和行为成瘾, 两类成瘾人群在跨期选择上都表现出高时间折扣率的缺陷, 但也有各自的特异性特征。成瘾人群跨期选择缺陷的神经基础主要集中在评估网络(腹内侧前额叶、纹状体、后扣带皮层等)、认知控制网络(前额叶皮层、前扣带皮层等)和预期想象网络(海马、杏仁核等); 可利用心理训练来改善成瘾人群跨期选择缺陷, 其干预方法包括工作记忆训练、预期想象训练、金钱管理指导等。未来研究应该从成瘾者跨期选择缺陷的认知机制、3个神经网络系统的交互作用机理、行为遗传学以及开发有效的干预方法等方面展开大量研究。  相似文献   

时间折现是跨期选择研究的核心问题。指数折现效用模型(DU模型)是描述时间折现现象的基本模型。跨期选择的实验研究中发现的大量违背DU模型的反常现象表明,DU模型并不能很好地解释人们在跨期选择中的真实行为。文章从时间知觉、建构水平、参照点和价值函数、情绪激活、情绪麻木、期待效用等角度探讨了造成各种反常现象的心理机制,并提出了值得进一步研究的方向和问题。  相似文献   

近年来, 情绪对跨期决策的影响逐渐成为一个新的研究趋势。根据情绪发生于跨期决策过程中的时间, 可以将其分为决策前情绪、决策中情绪和决策后情绪。目前关于情绪与跨期决策的研究, 尤其是决策前情绪影响跨期决策的研究, 大多还只是停留在揭示现象的阶段, 较少有研究直接验证其中的影响机制。综合运用行为实验和神经影像学的手段从认知过程和决策过程揭示情绪影响跨期决策的行为机制和神经机制, 将有助于加深对跨期决策心理机制的理解, 并帮助人们更好地利用和控制情绪以做出更满意的决策。未来研究还需加强研究的深度和生态效度, 如考察动态情绪、日常情绪和复杂情绪对跨期决策的影响, 并在情绪干预方面进行更多的尝试和探索。  相似文献   

近年来句子加工的脑成像研究大量涌现,并集中于揭示句子语义与语法加工的神经机制以及之间的联系。文章首先对这些研究所采用的范式加以分析与比较,从而将句子加工脑成像研究的研究思路与常用范式进行了归纳与总结。其次,讨论了语义加工与语法加工的神经机制,并根据现有的研究结果,对句子语义与语法两个成分在认知加工与神经机制上的共性与特性做出推论。最后,从语言的多样性以及影响句子加工的因素两个角度,对以后的句子加工脑成像研究做了展望。  相似文献   

做出选择与坚持选择是决策活动的两个重要阶段。跨期选择源于经济学领域对成人对发生在不同时间点的结果"做出选择"过程的研究;延迟满足则源于心理学领域对儿童为获得未来较大收益而抵制当前诱惑的"坚持选择"过程的研究。二者均致力于研究与时间相关的决策活动,从不同视角关注个体的冲动性与自我控制,但鲜见学者对二者异同的系统比较。本文着重从研究方法、认知机制与神经基础入手探讨了二者的异同,冀为两个研究领域协同发展、共同促进人类远见的培养与实践提供科学的理论支持。  相似文献   

跨期选择的性质探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
跨期选择指人们对发生在不同时间点的价值做出的权衡与决策。大量研究证明, 跨期选择中人们存在普遍的时间折扣倾向, 即将未来的价值折扣后与当前价值进行权衡。跨期选择研究不仅与人类心智的起源与机制等基础科学问题密切相关, 也关系到国家公共政策的制定等现实问题。本项目拟采用实验室研究和大规模问卷调查结合的方法, 深入探索跨期选择的本质。一方面, 采用实验室研究法探讨影响跨期选择的重要因素, 以探索:(1) 跨期选择的效价及其与价值数量、延迟时间的交互作用及其心理机制; (2) 跨期选择中是否存在领域特异性及其心理机制; 另一方面, 通过全国范围的调查, 从而:(1) 建立中国城镇居民时间折扣率的常模; (2) 测量不同类型人群的时间折扣率, 以探讨跨期选择的性质与内涵。项目研究结果将有利于加深学界对跨期选择现象的理解。  相似文献   

Discounting the value of delayed rewards has primarily been measured in children with the delay of gratification task and in adolescents and adults with the delay discounting task. In the present study, we assessed the suitability of the delay discounting task as a measure of temporal discounting in children. A sample of 7- to 9-year-olds (N = 98) completed a delay discounting task, a delay of gratification task, a sensation seeking measure, and IQ measures. In addition, teacher-based assessments of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder traits were measured. The results indicated that the majority of children produced meaningful data on the discounting task and discounted rewards hyperbolically. Children with an elevated risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder showed a trend towards discounting future rewards on the delay discounting task more steeply than did those at low risk. However, delay discounting was unrelated to either delay of gratification or sensation seeking. We interpret these results as providing some support for the use of delay discounting as a measure of intertemporal choice in children, although the results also suggest that delay discounting and delay of gratification tasks may tap different processes in this population.  相似文献   

Rewards that are not immediately available are discounted compared to rewards that are immediately available. The more a person discounts a delayed reward, the more likely that person is to have a range of behavioral problems, including clinical disorders. This latter observation has motivated the search for interventions that reduce discounting. One surprisingly simple method to reduce discounting is an "explicit-zero" reframing that states default or null outcomes. Reframing a classical discounting choice as "something now but nothing later" versus "nothing now but more later" decreases discount rates. However, it is not clear how this "explicit-zero" framing intervention works. The present studies delineate and test two possible mechanisms to explain the phenomenon. One mechanism proposes that the explicit-zero framing creates the impression of an improving sequence, thereby enhancing the present value of the delayed reward. A second possible mechanism posits an increase in attention allocation to temporally distant reward representations. In four experiments, we distinguish between these two hypothesized mechanisms and conclude that the temporal attention hypothesis is superior for explaining our results. We propose a model of temporal attention whereby framing affects intertemporal preferences by modifying present bias.  相似文献   

A magnitude effect in human intertemporal choice is well established-larger rewards or outcomes are discounted over time at a lower rate than are smaller rewards. However, many recent studies have failed to find a corresponding effect in nonhuman animals. Here we report a magnitude effect in temporal discounting for pigeons' choices involving a tradeoff between reward delay and amount. Pigeons chose between a small reward (1-s access to food) after a 2-s delay, and a large reward (4.5-s access to food) after a 28-s delay. Across conditions, the delays to the small and large rewards were increased or decreased, respectively. Temporal discounting functions obtained through a value-estimation procedure showed clear evidence of a magnitude effect: The value of the large reward decreased more slowly with increasing delay than the value of the small reward. We linked this result to a nonlinear relationship between choice and the delays associated with the small and large rewards. The nonlinearity was contrary to the generalized matching law but was predicted by the contextual choice model. Our results confirm the existence of a magnitude effect in nonhuman temporal discounting, showing that this adaptation is not unique to humans.  相似文献   

Animals are an important model for studies of impulsivity and self-control. Many studies have made use of the intertemporal choice task, which pits small rewards available sooner against larger rewards available later (typically several seconds), repeated over many trials. Preference for the sooner reward is often taken to indicate impulsivity and/or a failure of self-control. This review shows that very little evidence supports this assumption; on the contrary, ostensible discounting behavior may reflect a boundedly rational but not necessarily impulsive reward-maximizing strategy. Specifically, animals may discount weakly, or even adopt a long-term rate-maximizing strategy, but fail to fully incorporate postreward delays into their choices. This failure may reflect learning biases. Consequently, tasks that measure animal discounting may greatly overestimate the true discounting and may be confounded by processes unrelated to time preferences. If so, animals may be much more patient than is widely believed; human and animal intertemporal choices may reflect unrelated mental operations; and the shared hyperbolic shape of the human and animal discount curves, which is used to justify cross-species comparisons, may be coincidental. The discussion concludes with a consideration of alternative ways to measure self-control in animals.  相似文献   

主流跨期决策模型认为, 跨期决策存在一个时间折扣过程。时间折扣是指人们会根据将来获益或损失的延迟时间对其效用进行折扣, 折扣后的效用小于原来的效用, 而负折扣现象违背了时间折扣过程。负折扣现象出现在金钱、非金钱的获益与损失领域, 其可能的解释机制为预期情绪。目前关于负折扣现象的研究, 较少验证其影响机制, 未来的研究可以结合眼动追踪和fMRI技术探讨其机制, 并丰富对负折扣现象的影响因素研究。  相似文献   

Discounting of monetary and directly consumable rewards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compared temporal and probability discounting of a nonconsumable reward (money) and three directly consumable rewards (candy, soda, and beer). When rewards were delayed, monetary rewards were discounted less steeply than directly consumable rewards, all three of which were discounted at equivalent rates. When rewards were probabilistic, however, there was no difference between the discounting of monetary and directly consumable rewards. It has been reported that substance abusers discount delayed drug rewards more steeply than delayed money, but this difference may reflect special characteristics of drugs or drug abusers, or it may reflect a general property of consumable rewards. The present findings suggest that abused substances (like beer) share the properties of other directly consumable rewards, whereas delayed monetary rewards are special because they are fungible, generalized (conditioned) reinforcers.  相似文献   

预先承诺是指个体提前做出一个有长远目标的决定来限制对即时诱惑的选择,从而避免在未来决策中由于意志力缺乏而出现的自我控制失败。最后期限法和限制选择法是开展预先承诺研究的常用范式。本研究在系统回顾预先承诺的三种理论解释(自我控制资源模型、神经网络模型和时间差强化学习模型)的基础上,尝试提出一个整合性的认知神经机制模型来解释预先承诺的作用过程。未来研究可进一步丰富预先承诺的研究范式和应用范围,并探究预先承诺调控非理性决策的心理与神经机制。  相似文献   

Patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and schizophrenia (SZ) often show decision-making deficits in everyday circumstances. A failure to appropriately weigh immediate versus future consequences of choices may contribute to these deficits. We used the delay discounting task in individuals with BD or SZ to investigate their temporal decision making. Twenty-two individuals with BD, 21 individuals with SZ, and 30 healthy individuals completed the delay discounting task along with neuropsychological measures of working memory and cognitive function. Both BD and SZ groups discounted delayed rewards more steeply than did the healthy group even after controlling for current substance use, age, gender, and employment. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that discounting rate was associated with both diagnostic group and working memory or intelligence scores. In each group, working memory or intelligence scores negatively correlated with discounting rate. The results suggest that (a) both BD and SZ groups value smaller, immediate rewards more than larger, delayed rewards compared with the healthy group and (b) working memory or intelligence is related to temporal decision making in individuals with BD or SZ as well as in healthy individuals.  相似文献   

聂衍刚  利振华  窦凯 《心理科学》2019,(5):1202-1208
预先承诺是指个体提前做出一个有长远目标的决定来限制对即时诱惑的选择,从而避免在未来决策中由于意志力缺乏而出现的自我控制失败。最后期限法和限制选择法是开展预先承诺研究的常用范式。本研究在系统回顾预先承诺的三种理论解释(自我控制资源模型、神经网络模型和时间差强化学习模型)的基础上,尝试提出一个整合性的认知神经机制模型来解释预先承诺的作用过程。未来研究可进一步丰富预先承诺的研究范式和应用范围,并探究预先承诺调控非理性决策的心理与神经机制。  相似文献   

付梅  汪强 《心理科学进展》2014,22(4):659-667
目前神经经济学的首要目标是探讨人们经济决策背后的认知机制和神经基础。随着脑成像技术的发展, 人们对于脑结构和功能的认识也越来越深入。跨期决策作为经济决策领域的一个重要分支, 对其理解可以丰富决策的理论内容。首先, 梳理了关于跨期决策神经机制研究, 阐述了跨期决策的四种理论, 分别为单一评价理论(single-valuation theory)、双评价理论(dual-valuation theory)、自我控制理论(self-control theory)和自我参照加工理论(self-referential processing theory), 以及脑损伤研究证据。其次, 分别整理了基于体素形态学和弥散张量成像技术在跨期决策领域中的应用, 并揭示前额叶灰质和白质体积以及背外侧前额叶-纹状体神经纤维连接对于决策冲动性的影响。最后, 未来研究需要注意其在研究方法、认知过程、决策冲动性评估模型上的创新与突破。  相似文献   

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