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Decisions and judgments made after deliberation can differ from expert opinion and be more regretted over time than intuitive judgments and decisions. We investigated a possible underlying process of this phenomenon, namely global versus local processing style. We argue that deliberation induces a local processing style. This processing style narrows conceptual attention and can have detrimental effects on judgment and decision-making. Study 1 showed that intuitive judgments of quality of modern paintings were more accurate than were more deliberate, reasoned judgments. Study 2 showed that local versus global processing style is associated with accuracy of quality judgments of paintings, and Study 3 replicated this finding with an experimental manipulation of processing style. Finally, Study 4 showed that the effect of intuitive versus deliberative decision mode on quality judgments of poems is mediated by processing style.  相似文献   

W A Simpson 《Perception》1988,17(4):497-512
A simple scheme for deriving relative depth (time-to-collision, or TTC) from optic flow is developed in which the total flow is first sensed by unconnected motion (imperfect filter) sensors and then the rotational component is subtracted to yield the translational component. Only the latter component yields depth information. This scheme is contrasted with one where the TTC sensors respond only to the translational component at the initial registration of the flow (perfect filter sensors or looming detectors). The simple scheme predicts the results of three experiments on discrimination of TTC: discrimination thresholds are elevated if the objects withdraw from rather than approach the observer, thresholds are elevated if a rotational component is added to the flow, and the amount of threshold elevation resulting from the addition of a rotational component is reduced by prior adaptation to a pure rotational flow. These results confirm the simple model and disconfirm predictions based on the looming detector scheme.  相似文献   

In an earlier study (Börjesson & Lind, 1996), the perception of Euclidean structure from polar projected two‐frame apparent motion sequences was studied. The results showed that Euclidean structure is not perceived. However, at larger visual angles a certain consistency in the mapping between distal and perceived structure exists. The aim of the present study was to more precisely examine how this degree of consistency varies as a function of visual angle. In Experiments 1 and 2, slant judgments of simulated and real planes indicated that the degree of consistency is a positive function of visual angle. No definite sign of a Euclidean mapping could, however, be found even in the full view condition. Experiment 3 examined texture gradients and the response method used. The results showed that texture gradients did not influence the degree of consistency of the mapping between distal and judged depth and that the response method was both reliable and valid. However, texture gradients did influence the absolute values of the slant judgments. The role of Euclidean and affine mappings of distal structure is discussed and it is proposed that the perceptually important distinction is not between affine and Euclidean mapping, but rather between two types of affine mappings—consistent and variable.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that a local processing bias underlies overall visuospatial impairments in Williams syndrome (WS). However, recent studies have challenged this hypothesis by providing evidence against a local processing bias at the perceptual level. The aim of the present study was to further examine drawing and perceptual skills in children with WS using closely matched-hierarchical stimuli. In the drawing task children with WS exhibited a local processing bias. However, no significant preferential bias was found in the perceptual task. This indicates that children with WS do not systematically present a preferential bias for local information. Taken together the findings of the present study suggest that perceptual processing deficits per se are unlikely to explain local processing biases in visuoconstructive tasks often described in people with WS.  相似文献   

Perceived surface orientation and angular velocity were investigated for orthographic projections of 3-D rotating random-dot planes. It was found that (a) tilt was accurately perceived and (b) slant and angular velocity were systematically misperceived. It was hypothesized that these misperceptions are the product of a heuristic analysis based on the deformation, one of the differential invariants of the first-order optic flow. According to this heuristic, surface attitude and angular velocity are recovered by determining the magnitudes of these parameters that most likely produce the deformation of the velocity field, under the assumption that all slant and angular velocity magnitudes have the same a priori probability. The results of the present investigation support this hypothesis. Residual orientation anisotropies not accounted for by the proposed heuristic were also found.  相似文献   

Spatial orientation from optic flow in the central visual field   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous research has shown that stimulation of the central visual field with radial flow patterns (produced by forward motion) can induce perceived self-motion, but has failed to demonstrate effects on postural stability of either radial flow patterns or lamellar flow patterns (produced by horizontal translation) in the central visual field. The present study examined the effects of lamellar and radial flow on postural stability when stimulation was restricted to the central visual field. Displays simulating observer motion through a volume of randomly positioned points were observed binocularly through a window that limited the field of view to 15 degrees. The velocity of each display varied according to the sum of four sine functions of prime frequencies. Changes in posture were used to measure changes in perceived spatial orientation. A frequency analysis of postural sway indicated that increased sway occurred at the frequencies of motion simulated in the display for both lamellar and radial flow. These results suggest that both radial and lamellar optic flow are effective for determining spatial orientation when stimulation is limited to the central visual field.  相似文献   

Absolute pitch (AP) is the ability to identify or produce notes without any reference note. An ongoing debate exists regarding the benefits or disadvantages of AP in processing music. One of the main issues in this context is whether the categorical perception of pitch in AP possessors may interfere in processing tasks requiring relative pitch (RP). Previous studies, focusing mainly on melodic and interval perception, have obtained inconsistent results. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of AP and RP separately, using isolated chords. Seventy-three musicians were categorized into four groups of high and low AP and RP, and were tested on two tasks: identifying chord types (Task 1), and identifying a single note within a chord (Task 2). A main effect of RP on Task 1 and an interaction between AP and RP in reaction times were found. On Task 2 main effects of AP and RP, and an interaction were found, with highest performance in participants with both high AP and RP. Results suggest that AP and RP should be regarded as two different abilities, and that AP may slow down reaction times for tasks requiring global processing.  相似文献   

Path integration from optic flow and body senses in a homing task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the roles of information from optic flow and body senses (eg vestibular and proprioceptive information) for path integration, using a triangle completion task in a virtual environment. In two experiments, the contribution of optic flow was isolated by using a joystick control. Five circular arenas were used for testing: (B) both floor and wall texture; (F) floor texture only, reducing information for rotation; (W) wall texture only, reducing information for translation; (N) a no texture control condition, and (P) an array of posts. The results indicate that humans can use optic flow for path integration and are differentially influenced by rotational and translational flow. In a third experiment, participants actively walked in arenas B, F, and N, so body senses were also available. Performance shifted from a pattern of underturning to overturning and exhibited decreased variability, similar responses with and without optic flow, and no attrition. The results indicate that path integration can be performed by integrating optic flow, but when information from body senses is available it appears to dominate.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether the discrimination of heading from optic flow is retinally invariant and to determine the importance of acuity in accounting for heading eccentricity effects. In the first experiment, observers were presented with radial flow fields simulating forward translation through a three-dimensional volume of dots. The flow fields subtended 10° of visual angle and were presented at 0°, 10°, 20°, and 40° of retinal eccentricity. The observers were asked to indicate whether the simulated movement was to the right or the left of a target that appeared at the end of the display sequence. Eye movements were monitored with an electrooculogram apparatus. In a second experiment, static acuity thresholds were derived for each of the observers at the same retinal eccentricities. There was a significant increase in heading detection thresholds with retinal eccentricity (from 0.92° at 0° retinal eccentricity to 3.47° at 40°). An analysis of covariance indicated that the variation in sensitivity to radial flow, as a function of retinal eccentricity, is independent of acuity. Similar results were obtained when the Vernier acuity of observers was measured. These results suggest that the discrimination of heading from radial flow is not retinally invariant.  相似文献   

Baumberger B  Flückiger M 《Perception》2004,33(9):1081-1099
In three experiments we tested the ability of children aged 8 to 12 years and adults to locate a target in an optic texture flow projected onto the ground. During the exposure phase, a static target (diode) was lit up at 6 m or 8 m on the ground in front of the subject. During the pointing phase, the subject was asked to indicate the perceived location of the target with a laser pointer as soon as the target was switched off. In the first experiment, during both phases the optic texture (environment) was either motionless or approaching the subject. Results showed that target locations were significantly more underestimated within the moving texture than within the still texture. In the second experiment, a detailed error analysis showed that the differences of performance between children and adults were not due to differences in eye height. Errors can be described by a linear fit with the retinal speed of the optic flow surrounding the targets. Distance judgments improved from the age of 8 years onwards. In the last experiment we found the same kind of results with a receding texture and without stimulation in central vision. Results are discussed in terms of subject's capacity to compensate for the effect of linear vection produced by the optic flow.  相似文献   

Although considerable progress has been made in understanding how adults perceive their direction of self-motion, or heading, from optic flow, little is known about how these perceptual processes develop in infants. In 3 experiments, the authors explored how well 3- to 6-month-old infants could discriminate between optic flow patterns that simulated changes in heading direction. The results suggest that (a) prior to the onset of locomotion, the majority of infants discriminate between optic flow displays that simulate only large (> 22 deg.) changes in heading, (b) there is minimal development in sensitivity between 3 and 6 months, and (c) optic flow alone is sufficient for infants to discriminate heading. These data suggest that spatial abilities associated with the dorsal visual stream undergo prolonged postnatal development and may depend on locomotor experience.  相似文献   

This is a study of perception of bending motion and jointed rigid motions over large invisible segments of a bending line. In this project, we investigated the visual perception of changing form of lines, built up by a series of dots and presented under highly reduced pictorial conditions. The changing form was indicated by one or two moving and continuously changing visible fragments of the line. The most extreme condition studied was the perception of the bending of an initially vertical 24-dot line, visually represented only by the stationary base dot and the two moving dots at its top. In this experiment, nearly all subjects reported experiencing a smooth bending connection over the 21-dot empty gap. Three experiments are described and analyzed. The results suggest that the human visual system is astonishingly well adapted for derivation of relevant figurai information from such severely reduced, continuously changing optical presentation. An explanation in terms of automatic sensory mechanisms related to the physiological receptive field effect is proposed.  相似文献   

Previous research (Andersen, 1989) has suggested that the recovery of 3-D shape from nonsmooth optic flow (motion transparency) can be performed by segregating surfaces according to the distributions of velocities present in the flow field. Five experiments were conducted to examine this hypothesis in a surface detection paradigm and to determine the limitations of human observers to detect 3-D surfaces in the presence of noise. Two display types were examined: a flow field that simulateda surface corrugated in depth and a flow field-that simulated a random volume. In addition, two types of noise were examined: a distribution of noise velocities that overlapped or did not overlap the velocity distribution that defined the -surface. Corrugation frequency and surface density were also examined. Detection performance increased with decreasing corrugation frequency, decreasing noise density, and decreasing surface density. Overall, the subjects demonstrated remarkable tolerance to the presence of noise and, for some conditions, could discriminate surface from random conditions when noise density was twice the-surface density. Discrimination accuracy was greater for the nonoverlapping than for the overlapping noise, providing support for an analysis based on the distribution of velocities.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether the discrimination of heading from optic flow is retinally invariant and to determine the importance of acuity in accounting for heading eccentricity effects. In the first experiment, observers were presented with radial flow fields simulating forward translation through a three-dimensional volume of dots. The flow fields subtended 10 degrees of visual angle and were presented at 0 degree, 10 degrees, 20 degrees, and 40 degrees of retinal eccentricity. The observers were asked to indicate whether the simulated movement was to the right or the left of a target that appeared at the end of the display sequence. Eye movements were monitored with an electrooculogram apparatus. In a second experiment, static acuity thresholds were derived for each of the observers at the same retinal eccentricities. There was a significant increase in heading detection thresholds with retinal eccentricity (from 0.92 degree at 0 degree retinal eccentricity to 3.47 degrees at 40 degrees). An analysis of covariance indicated that the variation in sensitivity to radial flow, as a function of retinal eccentricity, is independent of acuity. Similar results were obtained when the Vernier acuity of observers was measured. These results suggest that the discrimination of heading from radial flow is not retinally invariant.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether the mechanisms responsible for the detection of three-dimensional (3-D) surfaces from optic flow operate in a cooperative manner. The first experiment was conducted to determine whether a hysteresis effect occurs for 3-D surface detection from optic flow. The results of the first experiment demonstrated a hysteresis effect with lower thresholds occurring for decreasing texture density than for increasing texture density. The second experiment used a priming methodology to determine whether this form of cooperativity was based on preactivation of shear detectors or preactivation of 2-D motion detectors. The results suggest that only shear detectors were primed. The third experiment utilized a similar methodology to determine whether a surface representation would produce a priming effect. We found no evidence that the priming effect found in the second experiment was the result of preactivation of a generic representation of the test stimuli. The results of the experiments, considered together, suggest priming of the mechanisms responsible for recovering shear.  相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted to determine the importance of smoothness of the velocity field in detecting 3-D surfaces from optic flow. Subjects were presented with optic flow displays simulating either points positioned on a corrugated 3-D surface or points randomly positioned within a 3-D volume. The subject’s task was to indicate whether or not the display appeared to be a 3-D surface. Smoothness of the velocity field was examined by systematically varying the speed of individual velocities in the flow field according to a Gaussian distribution withM = 0 andSD = σ. Variations in frequency, amplitude, density, and surface complexity were also examined. Detection of the corrugated surfaces systematically declined with an increase in σ. An increase in frequency of the corrugation for simple (single-frequency corrugation) surfaces resulted in a decrease in surface detection accuracy. Accuracy increased with an increase in density and amplitude for both simple and complex (multiplefrequency corrugation) surfaces. An analysis of the deformation of the displays predicted performance on the basis of human observers, providing further support for the importance of deformation for 3-D surface detection.  相似文献   

The results of previous studies have suggested that to optimize the decoding of visual information, global contents of a scene are analyzed before local features (global precedence hypothesis). Evidence supporting this hypothesis has been provided for identification of characters, faces, hybrid stimuli, and simple objects. In the present study, we examined identification of high- and low-pass filtered natural pictures. Despite the radical differences in the type of information conveyed by global and local features, confident and accurate identification was achieved on the basis of either kind of information when an intermediate range of spatial frequencies was preserved. The present data are consistent with the notion of global precedence in scene identification.  相似文献   

In visual search, items defined by a unique feature are found easily and efficiently. Search for a moving target among stationary distractors is one such efficient search. Search for a stationary target among moving distractors is markedly more difficult. In the experiments reported here, we confirm this finding and further show that searches for a stationary target within a structured flow field are more efficient than searches for stationary targets among distractors moving in random directions. The structured motion fields tested included uniform direction of motion, a radial flow field simulating observer forward motion, and a deformation flow field inconsistent with observer motion. The results using optic flow stimuli were not significantly different from the results obtained with other structured fields of distractors. The results suggest that the local properties of the flow fields rather than global optic flow properties are important for determining the efficiency of search for a stationary target.  相似文献   

Visually-based navigation is a key competence during spatial cognition. Animals avoid obstacles and approach goals in novel cluttered environments using optic flow to compute heading with respect to the environment. Most navigation models try either explain data, or to demonstrate navigational competence in real-world environments without regard to behavioral and neural substrates. The current article develops a model that does both. The ViSTARS neural model describes interactions among neurons in the primate magnocellular pathway, including V1, MT+, and MSTd. Model outputs are quantitatively similar to human heading data in response to complex natural scenes. The model estimates heading to within 1.5° in random dot or photo-realistically rendered scenes, and within 3° in video streams from driving in real-world environments. Simulated rotations of less than 1°/s do not affect heading estimates, but faster simulated rotation rates do, as in humans. The model is part of a larger navigational system that identifies and tracks objects while navigating in cluttered environments.  相似文献   

Magnitude estimations involving spatial characteristics, such as distance, typically show a compressive function when estimates are made from memory. In particular, as the magnitude of a property grows larger and larger, estimates become more and more inaccurate, with increasing underestimates of the actual magnitude. Previous theories have attempted to explain this difference by supposing that magnitude estimation was accomplished through a reperceptual process, in which the errors of perception are magnified, or a transformation process, in which the memory trace undergoes a consistent alteration toward a more schematic form. The present experiments present evidence in support of an uncertainty hypothesis. When subjects are uncertain of the actual value of a distance, they are forced to guess on the basis of the mean distance they encountered, because they are unable to retrieve the information accurately. When they can retrieve the information, they are more certain and their estimates are more accurate. This hypothesis was also extended to integrative conditions in which the subjects were presented with the stimulus display in a piecemeal fashion. In these cases, distance estimates were derived by combining spatial representations. This method of presentation caused distance estimates to become less accurate.  相似文献   

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