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老子是先秦道家学派的代表,其著作《道德经》中即有归根复命的内炼学说,又讲述了“长生久视”的终极理想,从而与先秦以来的仙人与后世道教的仙道有了紧密的内在联系。仙人与仙道是指春秋、战国之际的“方仙道”、“神仙家”,它源肇于上古的巫师文化,至春秋、战国时不死成仙的思想已颇为流行,故被世人所重视。关于老子与仙人、仙道的关系,以及他对道教养生学的影响与贡献,下面略加讲述。《道德经》一书文约义丰,自传世以来,人们对它的理解就有分歧。历代出现的几百注家各执一说,莫衷一是。作为道教而言,既继承了《道德经》的宇宙生成学说,又…  相似文献   

Helen A. Moore 《Sex roles》1985,13(11-12):663-678
Job satisfaction for women workers is traditionally researched from the job-gender model in which sex roles generate the research framework. Women employed in the labor market are viewed as responding primarily to the confines of sex roles, as opposed to the structural rewards and constraints of the labor market itself. We reexamined earlier studies that found no effect of the labor market on job satisfaction for women. Reanalysis of the 1972–1973 Quality of Employment national survey revealed significantly different levels of job satisfaction, which are in part structured by the characteristics of the labor market sectors in which women and men work. Women working in labor market sectors that are predominantly male or have a balanced proportion of male and female workers jobs have high job satisfaction. This job satisfaction is predicted almost exclusively by their perceptions of fewer income problems, flexibility of hours, and use of job skills. Factors related to maternity benefits and leaves are related only marginally to job satisfaction for women workers in either labor market sector. Women in predominantly female sectors of the labor market have similarly high job satisfaction scores, but these are related to a wider cluster of factors, including fewer perceived income problems, skills, and challenge factors, as well as the socioemotional rewards of their work. This pattern is most similar to males who work in predominantly male sectors. In contrast, males who work in predominantly female or gender-proportionate jobs have significantly lower job satisfaction scores, even after controling for income issues and other benefits. Labor market sectors and the rewards available within them are important structural dimensions of job satisfaction for women and men employees.  相似文献   

Memory for objects helps us to determine how we can most effectively and appropriately interact with them. This suggests a tightly coupled interplay between action and background knowledge. Three experiments demonstrate that grasping circumference can be affected by the size of a visual stimulus (Experiment 1), whether that stimulus appears to be graspable (Experiment 2), and the presence of a label that renders that object ungraspable (Experiment 3). The results are taken to inform theories on conceptual representation and the functional distinction that has been drawn between the visual systems for perception and action.  相似文献   

Rogers B  Brecher K 《Perception》2007,36(9):1275-1289
Helmholtz's famous pincushioned chessboard figure has been used to make the point that straight lines in the world are not always perceived as straight and, conversely, that curved lines in the world can sometimes be seen as straight. However, there is little agreement as to the cause of these perceptual errors. Some authors have attributed the errors to the shape of the retina, or the amount of cortex devoted to the processing of images falling on different parts of the retina, while others have taken the effects to indicate that visual space itself is curved. Helmholtz himself claimed that the 'uncurved lines on the visual globe' corresponded to 'direction circles' defined as those arcs described by the line of fixation when the eye moves according to Listing's law. Careful re-reading of Helmholtz together with some additional observations lead us to the conclusion that two other factors are also involved in the effect: (i) a lack of information about the distance of peripherally viewed objects and (ii) the preference of the visual system for seeing the pincushion squares as similar in size.  相似文献   

Estimates of the diameters of the sun and moon expressed in centimetres have been reported by several authors in the past. These estimates imply that the sizes of the sun and moon are perceived as if these bodies are only some tens of metres distant. In this study five units of length that were used by ancient astronomers to estimate arcs on the celestial sphere were investigated. The purpose was to determine whether the lengths and angles represented by these units imply a specific registered distance of the star sphere. The sizes of the Babylonian cubit, Arab fitr and shibr, Greek eclipse digit, and Chinese chang support the conclusion that the registered distance of the stars was about 10 to 40 metres in these four cultures over the last two millennia.  相似文献   

Adhesion, friction and wear of Single-Walled Nanotube (SWNT) and multi-walled nanotube arrays have been investigated. SWNT arrays exhibit lower adhesion and friction values on account of the lower van der Waals’ forces resulting from lower packing density and higher flexibility. Wear tests show that both arrays do not wear. Tip wear and friction force in the SWNT array are lower due to lower adhesion and higher flexibility of the SWNTs, which lead to less resistance to the motion of the tip.  相似文献   

A 47-year-old man with a left temporo-occipital infarct in the area of the posterior cerebral artery is presented. The neuropsychological examination did not reveal aphasia or gross mental deficits. The patient presented with alexia without agraphia, color agnosia, but few visual perceptual deficits. The main impairment was in confrontation naming; he was incapable of naming objects and pictures, not from lack of recognition (excluding visual agnosia) but from lack of access to the appropriate word (optic aphasia). The patient also exhibited a deficit in the evocation of gesture from the visual presentation of an object (optic apraxia) and a difficulty in "conjuring up" visual images of objects (impaired visual imagery) and loss of dreams. The fundamental deficit of this patient is tentatively explained in terms of visuoverbal and visuogestural disconnection and a deficit of mental imagery.  相似文献   

This study explored whether special mechanisms are operative in picture perception to correct for the distortion that occurs when pictures are viewed from the wrong station point. Five photographs were taken of a layout composed of two same-sized dolls positioned at different distances on a flat untextured ground. Perspective differences existed between the photographs as a function of varying the distance of the camera to the layout. Each picture was viewed from five station points along the normal by 12 adults who estimated the relative magnitude of the depth interval between the dolls and judged whether the rear doll was objectively smaller, larger, or the same size as the front doll. No evidence was found of a compensation mechanism operating to stabilize the pictured layout. Distance and size judgments were affected in a manner that was consistent with what would occur if an actual layout and the conditions under which it were viewed were similarly transformed.  相似文献   

In the first of two selective masking experiments, 7-letter rows were followed at several ISIs by a mask or no-mask and a bar-marker partial report cue. The results suggest that the arrays were processed ends-first and then, in general, from both ends towards the middle. In the second experiment, bar-marker partial report cues were presented at the onset or offset of 6-letter/1-digit or 7-letter rows. The subjects could not anticipate the category of the to-be-reported item with the alphanumeric displays. With a delayed cue, selective masking was obtained with both mixed category and pure letter arrays, but with simultaneous cuing, masking was always distributed across all serial positions. The results suggest that the subjects: (a) abstracted some information about category from the mixed arrays during an initial parallel stage of processing, (b) selectively attended to mainly the cued item with simultaneous probes with homeogeneous and mixed category displays, and (c) employed an ends-first processing strategy with both types of arrays when the bar-marker partial report cue was delayed.  相似文献   

The processing of letter-position information in randomly arranged consonant strings was investigated using a masked prime variant of the alphabetic decision (letter/nonletter classification) task. In Experiment 1, primes were uppercase consonant trigrams (e.g., FMH) and targets were two uppercase Xs accompanied by the target letter or a nonletter (e.g., XMX, X%X). Response times were systematically faster when target letters were present in the prime string than when target letters were not present in the prime string. These constituent letter-priming effects were significantly stronger when the target letter appeared in the same position in the prime and target stimuli. This contrast between position-specific and position-independent priming was accentuated when subjects responded only when all the characters in the target string were letters (multiple alphabetic decision) in Experiments 2 and 3. In Experiment 4, when prime exposure duration was varied, it was found that position-specific priming develops earlier than position-independent priming. Finally, Experiment 5 ruled out a perceptual-matching interpretation of these results. An interpretation is offered in terms of position-specific and position-independent letter-detector units in an interactiveactivation framework.  相似文献   

Transforming the core array in Tucker three-way component analysis to simplicity is an intriguing way of revealing structures in between standard Tucker three-way PCA, where the core array is unconstrained, and CANDECOMP/PARAFAC, where the core array has a generalized diagonal form. For certain classes of arrays, transformations to simplicity, that is, transformations that produce a large number of zeros, can be obtained explicitly by solving sets of linear equations. The present paper extends these results. First, a method is offered to simplifyJ ×J × 2 arrays. Next, it is shown that the transformation that simplifies anI ×J ×K array can be used to also simplify the (complementary) arrays of order (JKI) ×J ×K, of orderI × (IKJ) ×K and of orderI ×J × (IJK). Finally, the question of what constitutes the maximal simplicity for arrays (the maximal number of zero elements) will be considered. It is shown that cases of extreme simplicity, considered in the past, are, in fact, cases of maximal simplicity.  相似文献   


Results from a high-speed photographic study of low-velocity impact cracking of optically transparent acrylic resin and poly(methyl methacrylate) spheres of 12.7mm diameter are described. It is shown that, in a sphere undergoing an impact, cracking occurs after the sphere has been plastically deformed. The point of initiation of cracking is shown to be located at the circle of contact between the sphere and the impacting platen. The cracking then develops throughout the sphere, with cracks attaining velocities of 600-800ms-1. It has been suggested that crack initiation at the contact circle is caused by the tensile circumferential stress, which is generated owing to the plastic flow of the sphere.  相似文献   

Optic aphasia is a rare, visual modality-specific naming disorder. We describe a patient who developed this disorder subsequent to a left occipital lobe infarction. Like another case that we described previously, this patient performed normally on a variety of tasks assessing the recognition of objects he could not name. Additionally, although he never read aloud a single word, his performance on lexical decision and word comprehension tasks was far better than chance. We suggest that his performance was mediated by a right hemisphere semantic system.  相似文献   

Subjects searched through briefly presented arrays of letters in a controlled order, indicating quickly which of two possible targets had occurred. Some arrays contained gaps—three missing letters. Reaction time (RT) and accuracy were both improved by a gap after the target; improvement was less when the gap preceded the target. To account for these results, a new model is proposed, one which calls for overlapping processing of successive array items. This is not a “hybrid” model, but a third alternative between the two extremes of serial (zero overlap) and parallel (complete overlap). Quantified, the overlapping model generates U-shaped serial-position curves and produces RT predictions in good accord with our data from arrays with and without gaps. The predicted functions for RT vs. array size are concave upward; however, for arrays of five or less they are virtually linear and not very different in slope for positive and negative trials. Although this model is primarily designed for RT, with some additional assumptions it can be extended to accuracy results.  相似文献   

In the behavioral sciences, discussions of vision often carry an implicit assumption that the formation of inverted optic images is a result of human technology (i.e., cameras) or biological mechanisms (i.e., the chambered eye). If this assumption were true, then inverted images would be—in effect—an invention of living things, which, in turn, would have important consequences for our understanding of the evolution and psychology of vision. In this article, I briefly review the history of ideas relating vision and optics to the formation of inverted optic images. I then evaluate the necessary and sufficient conditions for the formation of inverted images. I demonstrate that inverted optic images (including inverted optic flow) can and do form in the absence of any biology and that sufficient conditions for inverted image formation predate the origins of life. Inverted images are not an invention of biological systems; rather, biological systems and human technologies exploit preexisting facts of physical optics. This conclusion is consistent with the ecological premise that life is coherent with physical law.  相似文献   

The study examined effects of instructional sets (objective, phenomenal, projective, and retinal) on the judged sizes of blocks placed at various “distances” in a pictorial array. Magnitude estimations of size were consistent with previous studies of size constancy in three-dimensional arrays. Chronometric analyses indicated that reaction time increased with distal size, but was not affected by perceived distance. The results suggested that size was scaled relative to a perceptual unit. Instructions affected the nature of the scale unit (proximal vs. distal), but not the scaling process itself.  相似文献   

Visual short-term memory for sequential arrays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The capacity of visual short-term memory (VSTM) for a single visual display has been investigated in past research, but VSTM for multiple sequential arrays has been explored only recently. In this study, we investigate the capacity of VSTM across two sequential arrays separated by a variable stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). VSTM for spatial locations (Experiment 1), colors (Experiments 2-4), orientations (Experiments 3 and 4), and conjunction of color and orientation (Experiment 4) were tested, with the SOA across the two sequential arrays varying from 100 to 1,500 msec. We find that VSTM for the trailing array is much better than VSTM for the leading array, but when averaged across the two arrays VSTM has a constant capacity independent of the SOA. We suggest that multiple displays compete for retention in VSTM and that separating information into two temporally discrete groups does not enhance the overall capacity of VSTM.  相似文献   


The paper argues that Nikolai Berdyaev’s doctrine of theurgy has remained relevant in today’s cultural-historical context because it highlights a continuing problem in the philosophy of art. The problem is the misunderstanding of the ludic nature of art, its role in the evolution of consciousness and transformation of reality. The author questions the idea that artistic play is deficient compared with religious expression. As a result of this critique, he proposes that the theurgic quest for a radically new form of creativity was misguided and that the true meaning of the aspiration behind it is the need to comprehend culture as a dialectically articulated integral system of the cultural forms that constitute it.


The effect on identification and location of briefly presented targets (letters and blanks) of number of targets, retinal location, and direction and distance of simultaneously presented targets is investigated. In three different conditions, one, two, or three targets are presented on a trial with the location of targets varying from trial to trial. A model is proposed to describe identification and location performance in the one-letter condition. This model distinguishes between two sets of parameters, perceptual parameters and decision parameters, and assumes that in terms of these parameters, identification and location are independent processes. The perceptual and decision parameters of the model, estimated by assuming that these parameters are linearly related to retinal location, indicate that retinal location has a different effect on the decision parameters for both identification and location than on the perceptual parameters. Variables affecting the performance decrements found when multiple letters are presented are evaluated in terms of models stated for the multiple letter conditions. Estimates of the effects of distance from the fixation point and inter-letter distance indicate that, as both of these variables increase, performance decreases. In the three-letter condition, a serial position effect is found, with performance on center letters being relatively poor. A peripherally presented letter is found to have a large detrimental effect on performance, and the effect increases as interletter distance increases. Location of correctly identified targets follows many of the same patterns as identification performance in the multiple letter conditions. In addition, there is a tendency for incorrectly located targets to be moved foveally and to move to positions occupied by other targets on the trial. The possibility of a limited-capacity attention mechanism operating in the present experiment is discussed.  相似文献   

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