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When two (or more) observers are independently categorizing a set of observations, Cohen’s kappa has become the most notable measure of interobserver agreement. When the categories are ordinal, a weighted form of kappa becomes desirable. The two most popular weighting schemes are the quadratic weights and linear weights. Quadratic weights have been justified by the fact that the corresponding weighted kappa is asymptotically equivalent to an intraclass correlation coefficient. This paper deals with linear weights and shows that the corresponding weighted kappa is equivalent to the unweighted kappa when cumulative probabilities are substituted for probabilities. A numerical example is provided.  相似文献   

Pingke Li 《Psychometrika》2016,81(3):795-801
The linearly and quadratically weighted kappa coefficients are popular statistics in measuring inter-rater agreement on an ordinal scale. It has been recently demonstrated that the linearly weighted kappa is a weighted average of the kappa coefficients of the embedded 2 by 2 agreement matrices, while the quadratically weighted kappa is insensitive to the agreement matrices that are row or column reflection symmetric. A rank-one matrix decomposition approach to the weighting schemes is presented in this note such that these phenomena can be demonstrated in a concise manner.  相似文献   

Some Paradoxical Results for the Quadratically Weighted Kappa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The quadratically weighted kappa is the most commonly used weighted kappa statistic for summarizing interrater agreement on an ordinal scale. The paper presents several properties of the quadratically weighted kappa that are paradoxical. For agreement tables with an odd number of categories n it is shown that if one of the raters uses the same base rates for categories 1 and n, categories 2 and n−1, and so on, then the value of quadratically weighted kappa does not depend on the value of the center cell of the agreement table. Since the center cell reflects the exact agreement of the two raters on the middle category, this result questions the applicability of the quadratically weighted kappa to agreement studies. If one wants to report a single index of agreement for an ordinal scale, it is recommended that the linearly weighted kappa instead of the quadratically weighted kappa is used.  相似文献   

汉语“本体”由“本”与“体”两个符号组成,截然不同于印欧语系的 ontology。汉语“本体”与“体”“本”构成一个内在统一的过程。中华先哲的问学之旅,即是立“本”生“道”、“本体”与“体”“本”的和合相生之旅。汉语本体构成了汉语思维进行诗性超越的根基,它独特的创新意识表现为追“本”溯源、返“本”开新,在这个意义上汉语本体与方法论是统一的。自现代以来,ontology 式本体之理解遮蔽了汉语“本体”的“本”来内涵,汉语“本体”符号亟待摆脱ontology 的“殖民”,而返回母语故乡。  相似文献   

本文从不同角度分析了儒释之辩,对吕才"有了因,不再立生因",以及"去体留依而为喻"的合理性作了分析与论证,并指出了对因明传播与发展的贡献和弊端。同时,也肯定了玄奘将新因明传入中土的伟大业绩,以及在汉传因明本土化过程中的努力。  相似文献   

《来复铭》是目前所知最早由宗教学者所撰写的汉文伊斯兰教碑文,自碑文披露以来颇受学界关注。本文在前人研究的基础上,试对其内容从伊儒会通的角度给予新的解读,认为《来复铭》主旨在于运用儒学话语论述苏非哲学的"来复"理论,堪称"伊儒会通"的先驱。  相似文献   

子路与子贡根据管仲"桓公杀公子纠,不能死,又相之",断定他为"非仁"。孔子根据"不以兵车,九合诸侯"和"霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到于今受其赐"以及"微管仲,吾其披发左衽矣",断定他"如其仁,如其仁",为"大人"。孔子善于透过现象抓住和平、发展、人民受惠的本质;正确处理"经"与"权"的关系;提倡"宽猛相济"的政治,这些仍具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

墨家是先秦诸多学派之一,墨家逻辑也是中国古代本土逻辑思想的典范之一。墨子及其后学创立了中国思想史上第一个"以名举实,以辞舒意,以说出故"的墨家逻辑体系,成为中国古代逻辑思想发展的优秀代表。墨家逻辑的主要推理模式包括:"辟"、"侔"、"援"、"推"等。墨家逻辑思想的研究开启了中国逻辑思想研究的先河,墨家逻辑思想研究是中国逻辑思想研究的核心内容之一。国际逻辑学界对作为非印—欧语言系统的中国逻辑的关注,显示了中国逻辑独立存在的价值。今天的中国逻辑思想研究处于现代逻辑发展与中国现代文化发展的交汇点上,需要我们从逻辑和中国文化的角度来研究中国逻辑思想。用逻辑的一般特性来分析墨家逻辑,依据工具性、形式性和有效性这三个方面,是解释墨家逻辑的一个新角度。  相似文献   

《周易.乾卦》头四个字是"元亨利贞",历来有根本不同的解释。《易经.文言传》有著名的"四德"说,将"元"、"亨"、"利"和"贞"都读作单独的名词,即"善之长"、"嘉之会"、"义之和"和"事之干"。与此不同,不少注疏家将四个字分成两段,即"元亨"和"利贞",但是没有一致的理解。譬如,朱熹以为"利贞"是"利在于正"的意思,而高亨谓"利贞犹言利占也"。本文采取后一种译法,但是与朱熹和高亨又有不同。本文首先论证"亨"原文应该是"饗","元亨"或"元饗"的意思是本次贞卜的祷告被鬼神享受,然后又提出"利贞"应该读作"利于贞卜"的意思。表面看来,第一次贞卜的结果告诉贞卜者再进行贞卜似乎有违情理,然而本文论证中国古代卜法往往进行习贞。"利贞"是指导贞卜者再作习贞。  相似文献   

一本文中的“善”泛指道德伦理领域中的正面的价值。它与“恶”相对而言,指在社会中人与人之间显示公平、友爱、正义等表现在概念上的概括。也可以说,善是跟在个人层次上损人利己,在社会层次上的弱肉强食等现象相反的价值取向。大部分人都不否认善和恶的存在。但是在二者的起源上,则存在着不同的看法。有关善和恶的起源的理论往往与哲学家们对于人性的看法有联系。一般说来,主张人性善的人需要解释恶的起源。主张人性恶的人则要解释善的起源。在中国,孟子以其性善论而闻名。他认为,人之变恶,是由于失去了本心。在西方,卢梭也主张人性善。他…  相似文献   

A number of objections to the style matrix that Arthur Danto introduced in “The Artworld” seem to have quelled most discussion of it. So telling have these arguments been that Danto himself later recanted the idea entirely. This situation is somewhat unfortunate. It may be that Danto's own interpretation of the style matrix is not tenable, but I believe we can articulate an alternative reading of it that escapes the aforementioned objections. While the interpretation I suggest cannot provide all that Danto initially imagined for his style matrix, it does maintain much that was theoretically beneficial in it.  相似文献   

数学心理观:21世纪心理本质观的新解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严由伟  叶浩生 《心理科学》2003,26(2):356-357
1 我国关于心理本质问题的研究已经沉寂许久了。人们对于心理本质问题似乎已经感到一种无奈的漠然。实际上 ,自2 0世纪 5 0年代以来 ,我国哲学界域下的反映论仅仅在“形而之上”就其“质”的属性做出了定性的概括和描述。面对需要不断发展的中国心理科学 ,面对国际上轰轰烈烈的脑科学、认知科学、生命科学、智能信息科学所取得的长足进步和丰硕成果 ,我们仅仅做出“心理是客观现实的主观的能动反映”这样的简约描述 ,已经不能适应我国蓬勃发展的心理科学的务实需要。我们认为 ,在反映论视界里对心理本质做出“上之上”学的同时 ,还必须拓展…  相似文献   

服食是道教养生术之一,一般认为服食指道教徒服药求长生。本文耙梳大量一手文献,借鉴语言学、逻辑学方法,重新界定服食,认为道教服食之外延可以指药物,也包括气、符、日常膳食及特殊饮食等方面。  相似文献   

Hierarchical clustering is a common way to analyze repertory grid data, as it allows visual identification of homogeneous groups of elements and constructs. This article explores a bootstrap approach to clustering that additionally allows significance testing of dendrogram structures. Given that the choice of the specific clustering method and distance measure can be justified, the method yields indications of closely related element or construct structures. Closely integrated groups of constructs link to the concept of cognitive complexity. Several new complexity indexes are derived from the bootstrap solution. The behavior of the indexes is compared (a) across the most common clustering methods and distance measures and (b) to standard complexity measures. The derived measures reflect a different aspect of complexity than standard measures.  相似文献   

伦理冲突是当代道德哲学需要解决的重要问题之一。查尔斯·泰勒基于语言本体论立场,重新思考语言与伦理的相互关系,提出化解伦理冲突的新方案。通过肃清对语言本质的错误理解,泰勒主张语言和伦理之间存在建构关系,并以此论证伦理冲突发生的根源在于语言,不同伦理理解在主体达成对世界的普遍认知之后,获得互相通约的可能性。由于单纯的建构关系并不足以应对多元伦理理解带来的挑战,泰勒的调和论进一步阐释语言带给人类的灵活性能够帮助我们克服动物性本能,转变自身去追求更高的善,从而达到调和伦理价值体系之间纷争的目的。  相似文献   

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