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在心理测量和教育测量中,二级项目和题组项目是两类常见的项目类型。由这两种项目混合构成的测试在实践中有着重要的应用。被试在答题时,由于个人的潜在能力和项目难度不匹配,常常会产生异常反应,这些异常反应会影响IRT中潜在特质估计的准确性。仿真实验证明,二级项目题组混合IRT模型的稳健估计方法在出现异常值的情况下,能够比极大似然估计对被试的潜在特质做出更加准确的估计,能够满足实际测试的需求。  相似文献   

考试抄袭统计量是专门用于识别抄袭的统计指标。它们是以被怀疑抄袭者和抄袭来源匹配反应的数目为基础建立的,按其考虑的匹配反应信息可分为两类:一类只考虑被怀疑抄袭者和抄袭来源间的错误答案匹配;另一类同时考虑两者错误答案匹配和正确答案匹配。由于第一类抄袭统计量对那些只从抄袭来源处抄袭正确答案的抄袭者检测不敏感,所以存在缺陷;第二类抄袭统计量兼顾两种匹配,考虑的信息更全面。s2、g2、ω是具有代表性的第二类抄袭统计量,它们在测量理论基础、被怀疑抄袭者和抄袭来源的异常相似反应模式确定方法及考试抄袭检测效能等方面存在差异,在抄袭识别应用中应合理选择。  相似文献   

The logistic person response function (PRF) models the probability of a correct response as a function of the item locations. Reise (2000) Reise, S. P. 2000. Using multilevel logistic regression to evaluate person-fit in IRT models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 35: 543568. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] proposed to use the slope parameter of the logistic PRF as a person-fit measure. He reformulated the logistic PRF model as a multilevel logistic regression model and estimated the PRF parameters from this multilevel framework. An advantage of the multilevel framework is that it allows relating person fit to explanatory variables for person misfit/fit. We critically discuss Reise's approach. First, we argue that often the interpretation of the PRF slope as an indicator of person misfit is incorrect. Second, we show that the multilevel logistic regression model and the logistic PRF model are incompatible, resulting in a multilevel person-fit framework, which grossly violates the bivariate normality assumption for residuals in the multilevel model. Third, we use a Monte Carlo study to show that in the multilevel logistic regression framework estimates of distribution parameters of PRF intercepts and slopes are biased. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results and suggest an alternative multilevel regression approach to explanatory person-fit analysis. We illustrate the alternative approach using empirical data on repeated anxiety measurements of cardiac arrhythmia patients who had a cardioverter-defibrillator implanted.  相似文献   

Hansson  Sven Ove 《Studia Logica》2022,110(2):511-543
Studia Logica - This article investigates the properties of multistate top revision, a dichotomous (AGM-style) model of belief revision that is based on an underlying model of probability revision....  相似文献   


Although there is a wealth of knowledge on categorization early in life, there are still many unanswered questions about the nature of category representation in infancy. For example, it is unclear whether infants are sensitive to boundaries between complex categories, such as types of animals, or whether young infants exhibit such sensitivity without explicit experience in the lab. Using a morphing technique, we linearly altered the category composition of images and measured 6.5-month-olds’ attention to pairs of animal faces that either did or did not cross the categorical boundary, with the stimuli in each pair being equally dissimilar from one another across the two types of image pairs. Results indicated that infants dichotomize the continua between cats and dogs and between cows and otters, but only when the images are presented in their canonical, upright orientations. These findings demonstrate a propensity to dichotomize early in life that could have implications for social categorizations, such as race and gender.  相似文献   

Self-report measures are vulnerable to concentration and motivation problems, leading to responses that may be inconsistent with the respondent's latent trait value. We investigated response consistency in a sample (N = 860) of cardiac patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator and their partners who completed the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory on five measurement occasions. For each occasion and for both the state and trait subscales, we used the l p z person-fit statistic to assess response consistency. We used multilevel analysis to model the between-person and within-person differences in the repeated observations of response consistency using time-dependent (e.g., mood states) and time-invariant explanatory variables (e.g., demographic characteristics). Respondents with lower education, undergoing psychological treatment, and with more post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms tended to respond less consistently. The percentages of explained variance in response consistency were small. Hence, we conclude that the results give insight into the causes of response inconsistency but that the identified explanatory variables are of limited practical value for identifying respondents at risk of producing invalid test results. We discuss explanations for the small percentage of explained variance and suggest alternative methods for studying causes of response inconsistency.  相似文献   


Exploratory mediation analysis via regularization, or XMed, is a recently developed technique that allows one to identify potential mediators of a process of interest. However, as currently implemented, it can only be applied to continuous outcomes. We extend this method to allow application to dichotomous outcomes, including both mediators and dependent variables. Simulation results show that XMed can achieve the same sensitivity as more conventional methods for mediation analysis such as the Sobel test, percentile bootstrap, and bias-corrected bootstrap, but in general requires only half the sample size to do so. We demonstrate the implementation of this approach using an illustrative example examining the relationship between youth behavioral/emotional problems and alcohol use.  相似文献   

A method for extimating both additive and interactive effects of several independent dichotomous variables on a dichotomous criterion is proposed and related to explicit causal assumptions. Parameters of the stochastic model are estimated by observed conditional probabilities, a procedure that maximally reduces variance.  相似文献   

In this article, a maximum likelihood approach is developed to analyze structural equation models with dichotomous variables that are common in behavioral, psychological and social research. To assess nonlinear causal effects among the latent variables, the structural equation in the model is defined by a nonlinear function. The basic idea of the development is to augment the observed dichotomous data with the hypothetical missing data that involve the latent underlying continuous measurements and the latent variables in the model. An EM algorithm is implemented. The conditional expectation in the E-step is approximated via observations simulated from the appropriate conditional distributions by a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm within the Gibbs sampler, whilst the M-step is completed by conditional maximization. Convergence is monitored by bridge sampling. Standard errors are also obtained. Results from a simulation study and a real example are presented to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Research assessing the relationship of the Five-factor model (FFM) of personality to personality disorder symptomatology has generally been consistent with theoretical expectations. Three exceptions, however, have been failures to confirm predicted associations of the NEO-Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R; Costa & McCrae, 1992b) Conscientiousness scale with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder symptomatology, the NEO-PI-R Agreeableness scale with dependent symptomatology, and the NEO-PI-R Openness scale with schizotypal symptomatology. It was the hypothesis of this study that these findings might be due in part to a relative emphasis on adaptive rather than maladaptive variants of these domains of personality functioning within the NEO-PI-R. This hypothesis was tested by experimentally altering NEO-PI-R items to reverse their implications for maladaptiveness. The predicted correlations of the FFM were confirmed with the experimentally altered items in a sample of 86 adult psychiatric outpatients.  相似文献   


A simulation experiment was conducted to test the proposition that actors tend to attribute their behavior to environmental forces, while observers attribute the same behavior to stable dispositions of the actor. The results support this hypothesis and suggest that this tendency is not limited to blameworthy situations. Strong effects of success and failure on attributions were also found.  相似文献   

This study assessed the relationships between characteristics of biographical items from the Armed Services Applicant Profile and the items' validity in predicting the retention of enlisted military personnel. Item characteristics were appraised with ratings by expert judges and test takers, word and alternative counts, and response latencies. Item content was also appraised with ratings by expert judges. The more valid items involved overt behavior or experiences, dealt with discrete behavior or experiences, and had heterogeneous content. After controlling for item content, only the latter characteristic was related to validity. Item characteristics and item content interacted in several instances.  相似文献   

发表《科学引文索引》 (science citation index, SCI) 论文的多少和论文被引用率的高低, 是国际上通用的评价基础研究成果水平的标准。引进SCI的概念, 对促进我国的科研评价标准化和国际化发挥了积极作用。SCI目前已经成为我国评价科研成果的重要指标, 某些地方甚至成为唯一指标。但SCI主要侧重在基础学科领域的评价, 不能涵盖全面的科技评价。在肯定SCI对规范我国科研的评价体系的积极作用的同时, 对其负面影响也不能忽视。以上海中医药大学为例, 通过介绍SCI和国内SCI论文发表的现状, 对正确认识和全面评价SCI的作用提出建议。  相似文献   

近年来我国的冠心病介入治疗迅速发展,但有许多问题必须引起注意。本文讨论了我国目前冠脉介入治疗存在的问题;如何正确选择冠心病介入治疗、冠状动脉搭桥和药物治疗;重视冠脉介入手术病人的综合治疗等问题。  相似文献   

Many approaches to the psyche, models of therapy, and neuroscience tend to view emotional and cognitive brain functions as separate entities. Such a focus on one of these two aspects of mental function, at times comes at the expense of ignoring the other. In this paper emotions and cognitions, along with perceptions and other elements of the internal and external contexts, are viewed as relevant vectors in a matrix of information. Through the processes of pattern completion and noise reduction, information in each of these vectors may evoke memories in the same or other vectors that are used in the formation of a subjective understanding of each experience. The important roles of the external (physical, temporal, relevant events, etc.) and internal (emotional, affective, hormonal, medications, etc.) contexts in the formation of such subjective experiences will be discussed. The use of this view in broader and more comprehensive psychotherapeutic approaches and combined pharmacological and psychological treatment is explored.  相似文献   

近年来我国的冠心病介入治疗迅速发展,但有许多问题必须引起注意.本文讨论了我国目前冠脉介入治疗存在的问题;如何正确选择冠心病介入治疗、冠状动脉搭桥和药物治疗;重视冠脉介入手术病人的综合治疗等问题.  相似文献   

The current form of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) has been in use for over 50 years with no revisions in its item content or wording. As part of the MMPI Restandardization Project (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer 1989), 82 of the original items were rewritten. Subjects in this study were administered either the original booklet twice to serve as a baseline or the original and the experimental form (MMPI-AX) in a counterbalanced order. Comparisons were made between the percentage of subjects who responded similarly to the two administrations of the original items and the percentage of subjects responding similarly to the original and rewritten versions of the items. Of the 82 items, only 9 changed significantly and only for one gender. None of the correlations between these 9 items and the MMPI validity, clinical, or special scales they are scored on changed significantly for the rewritten items as compared with the original items.  相似文献   

Systematic Selection of Job Evaluation Items   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disposer d'items pertinents pouvant servir à la comparaison des postes est de premiere importance. Pourtant la littérature ne propose pas de solutions claires pour la selection de ces items. Notre travail suggere des principes pouvant presider a leur selection et a leur elaboration. Une serie d'items d'evaluation ont été selectionries et soumis a une prevalidation. L'analyse des relations entre les items d'evaluation des taches a mis en evidence trois types de relations: lineaires, non lineaires et absence de relations. Les items en relation lineaire et ceux qui pouvaient etre observes fidelement ont été juges convenir a revaluation du travail.
Des principes complementaires de selection des items ont été tires de l'analyse de contenu: les items decrivant la realisation de la tache, le niveau de la performance, et les items suffisamment generaux et independants de postes precis ou de groupes professionnels ont été retenus. Quatre dimensions de 1'evaluation du travail ont aussi été mises en evidence (la notion de limitation de l'autonomie dans la realisation de la tache les concerne tous): (1) precision des instructions recues, (2) controle hierarchique, (3) maitrise du travail, et (4) possibility d'introduire des changements.
Sur la base des principes et des dimensions, on a defini une serie de sept items generaux de 1'evaluation du travail. Les evaluations empiriques ont corrobore l'hypothese selon laquelle une hierarchie des postes approximative-ment unidimensionnelle pouvait etre obtenue.  相似文献   

粒细胞集落刺激因子(G—CSF)可以作用于粒系前体造血干细胞和外周成熟的效益细胞,促进其增殖、分化。G—CSF促使组织修复和血管生成的效能使其在临床上得到广泛使用,与此同时,G—CSF及受体在肿瘤中的表达及该药物的不良反应也引起了关注,本文旨在探讨G—CSF功效及副作用,引起临床医师的重视,把握适应证,指导合理用药。  相似文献   

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