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The article offers a response to the encyclical Fides et Ratio , identifying its ambiguity with respect to two issues: the nature of the relation between faith and reason, and the diagnosis of the relation of modernity and postmodernity. The tension between the different accounts in the encyclical is not a flaw but a positive feature of the encyclical as an exercise in catholicity.  相似文献   

John Paul II’s encyclical Fides et Ratio is of astonishing importance for the methodology of Catholic social teaching. This article highlights three points that emerged as contributions of Fides et Ratio to the epistemology and methodology of the social magisterium. According to Gaudium et Spes, Catholic social teaching is essentially a service of the Church that affects social life indirectly by making a free offer of sense and faith. Fides et Ratio reinforces this paradigm shift by rejecting fideism also in matters of social morality. In this, it goes beyond Vatican I, Dei Filius. The encyclical further clarifies that the method of Catholic social teaching is tripartite and requires the cooperation of at least three disciplines: theology, philosophy, and social sciences. Because of the shifting character of history, Catholic social teaching too fluctuates. It is sensitive to time and place, to history and culture.  相似文献   

Abstract: The postmodern critique has rendered traditional justifications of the practice of research incredible. Further, the status of theological research, in which ‘the discovery of new facts’ or the like is at best ambiguous as an aim, must be under question. This article argues that the aim of theological research is to discover what life lived as if theological claims were true might look like.  相似文献   

张严 《世界哲学》2007,(1):77-82
“信仰寻求理解”源自奥古斯丁在解决三位一体的理解问题时提出的“你们要是不信,定然不得理解”。安瑟伦将其表述为“信仰寻求理解”。“信仰寻求理解”不仅指出了寻求宗教真理的途径,而且渗透着深刻的哲学诠释学思想,甚至可以说在一定意义上开始了为后世精神科学的合法性的奠基。  相似文献   

Gregory Walter 《Dialog》2013,52(3):196-203
Martin Luther's statement “faith creates divinity” depends upon the antecedent promise of the crucified and triune God. When considered as a theology of gift, this statement illustrates that faith makes divinity by giving God glory.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to assess the relation between concentration, or pH, and the perceived sourness of 24 acids. The psychophysical functions for sourness conform to the power relation S = kCn which relates sensory intensity, S, to physical concentration, C. Averaged across the 24 acids, the exponent for sourness was 0.85 for both molar and percentage concentrations, and about ?1.70 for pH concentration. The intercept, k, which is a measure of relative sourness, differed across acids. The particular measure used to designate the concentration of an acid markedly influenced its magnitude and rank order of sourness.  相似文献   

In a series of 10 experiments, groups of Os judged the sweetness of 16 sugars. The results suggest that, for all sugars except mannose, the intensity of sweetness grows as a power function of concentration, with an exponent of about 1.3. The relative sweetness of sugars was determined using both molarity and per cent by weight. With both measures, sucrose and fructose were the sweetest sugars. The order of the remaining sugars in the sweetness hierarchy was partiy a function of the measure of concentration. The variability of the magnitude estimates of sweetness was roughly proportional to the stimulus concentration, supporting Weber’s law.  相似文献   

比率偏差是指小概率事件以不同比率形式呈现时,人们倾向于认为以较小数字呈现的事件更不可能发生.这种现象在医疗卫生领域和职业生涯决策中有重要的应用价值.目前关于比率偏差产生的解释主要包括标准理论与认知经验自我理论.比率偏差的影响因素主要包括元认知技能、计算能力、认知视角和任务性质等.未来的研究需要从比率偏差现象的产生、心理机制及应用方面进行深入研究.  相似文献   

Three pigeons, previously trained to a high level of accuracy on matching-to-sample procedures, were exposed to various schedules of ratio reinforcement for correct matches. Overall accuracy was lower on fixed ratio than on regular reinforcement. There was a high incidence of errors immediately after reinforcement on fixed ratio schedules with accuracy increasing as the ratio progressed. This increase was found to be inversely correlated with the latency of the observing response to the sample. By contrast, accuracy was high throughout the ratio on a variable ratio schedule.  相似文献   

There are different Bayesian measures to calculate the degree of confirmation of a hypothesis H in respect of a particular piece of evidence E. Zalabardo (Analysis 69:630–635, 2009) is a recent attempt to defend the likelihood-ratio measure (LR) against the probability-ratio measure (PR). The main disagreement between LR and PR concerns their sensitivity to prior probabilities. Zalabardo invokes intuitive plausibility as the appropriate criterion for choosing between them. Furthermore, he claims that it favours the ordering of pairs evidence/hypothesis generated by LR. We will argue, however, that the intuitive non-numerical example provided by Zalabardo does not show that prior probabilities do not affect the degree of confirmation. On account of this, we conclude that there is no compelling reason to endorse LR qua measure of degree of confirmation. On the other side, we should not forget some technicalities which still benefit PR.  相似文献   

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