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Twenty-six male patients with severe chronic alcoholism were treated with electro-aversion therapy according to two different designs. At follow-up after 12 months, 24 per cent had not had any relapse requiring admissions to hospital, 12 per cent were lost during the follow-up period, and 64 per cent had relapses. Before treatment all the patients had been admitted to hospital several times a year.

Aversion therapy without supplementary treatment is indicated mainly for patients who have intact social relationships and regular work. Treatment of advanced states of alcoholism requires supplementary treatment in the form of anxiety-relieving methods, psychosocial support and teaching the patient new and alternative habits.  相似文献   

The association of maternal characteristics, family resources, and receipt of prenatal care with parenting behaviors observed in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU; n = 383) was assessed. The parenting behavior of mothers not receiving prenatal care (n = 128) was compared to that of mothers of the preceding and subsequent admissions (n = 256) by retrospective chart review. Parenting variables included frequency of visits to the NICU and evaluative ratings of parents' involvement with their infant. Parenting of the no-prenatal-care group was significantly less favorable than the control on all comparisons. Factor analysis supported a priori grouping of parenting variables. A stepwise multiple regression of maternal and family characteristics to the factor-derived variable, parenting, showed significant contributions for prenatal drug use and father involvement. Pediatric interventions assessing maternal social and behavioral characteristics are proposed.  相似文献   

A comparison was carried out between 237 hospitalised patients with emotional disorders during the years 1972-1975, and 316 patients between 1982 and 1985. The number of admissions as a percentage of all psychiatric admissions rose from 18.21% to 26.49%. There was a significant rise in the number of readmissions, notably from the third admission upwards, but a considerable reduction in the length of stay in hospital. During the period the number of admissions to general hospitals within the catchment area was reduced by about one half, with the result that there was no appreciable overall increase in the number of admissions for in-patient treatment of emotional disorders in the ten-year period.  相似文献   

The association of maternal characteristics, family resources, and receipt of prenatal care with parenting behaviors observed in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU; n = 383) was assessed. The parenting behavior of mothers not receiving prenatal care (n = 128) was compared to that of mothers of the preceding and subsequent admissions (n = 256) by retrospective chart review. Parenting variables included frequency of visits to the NICU and evaluative ratings of parents' involvement with their infant. Parenting of the no-prenatal-care group was significantly less favorable than the control on all comparisons. Factor analysis supported a priori grouping of parenting variables. A stepwise multiple regression of maternal and family characteristics to the factor-derived variable, parenting, showed significant contributions for prenatal drug use and father involvement. Pediatric interventions assessing maternal social and behavioral characteristics are proposed.  相似文献   

This review considers the role of drug therapy in the treatment of post-stroke aphasia, the evidence for efficacy of different agents, and the theory-based explanations of drug-related benefits for aphasia rehabilitation. Pharmacological interventions modulating stroke-induced disruption of diverse neurotransmitters may improve language and communication deficits in aphasic patients through facilitation of brain plasticity and long-term potentiation. However, benefits are not evident for all compounds and refinement in clinical trial designs is required. Some pharmacological trials have failed because drug treatment was not combined with speech-language therapy, while other trials combining drugs with intensive model-driven therapies also failed probably because of short-trial duration, inadequate sample selection, or lack of drug action. Preliminary data reveals that combining neuroscience-based intensive aphasia techniques (constraint-induced aphasia therapy) and drugs acting on cholinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmitter systems are associated with better outcomes than other strategies and long-term maintenance of benefits. Although further studies are needed, current state of the evidence suggests that drug therapy may play a key role in the treatment of post-stroke aphasia.  相似文献   

现在越来越多的证据显示短期胰岛素强化治疗可以使血糖接近正常,并明显改善胰岛β细胞功能,但是也有专家认为这种胰岛素治疗的代价比能带来的好处更多。本文运用比较治疗学的观点就这一问题进行了探讨,并强调了胰岛素强化治疗在早期2型糖尿病治疗中的重要意义。  相似文献   

Youth suicide attempters presenting to the emergency department (ED) are frequently admitted to psychiatric inpatient hospitals, yet little is known about how clinicians decide which youths to admit versus discharge to outpatient care. We examine predictors of inpatient hospitalization and describe service use outcomes associated with hospitalization in 181 youths drawn from consecutive ED admissions for suicidality. Predictors of hospitalization include ED site, suicide plan, and parent report of problems. Hospitalization was associated with improved linkage to outpatient treatment and more intensive service use. Future research is needed to understand the best service delivery and treatments for these high‐risk youth.  相似文献   

Over a period of several years, repeat Korschach testing was done with two groups of patients receiving outpatient psychotherapy, a long-term group (n = 88) engaged in intensive, dynamically oriented psychotherapy and a short-term group (n = 88) involved in behavioral or gestalt therapy. Rorschach protocols were obtained at the beginning of the treatment and on three subsequent occasions, 1 year, 21/2 years, and 4 years later, when most of the long-term and all of the short-term patients had completed their therapy. The findings demonstrate generally beneficial effects of psychotherapy, greater change in long-term than in short-term therapy, and the validity of the Rorschach for measuring these effects and changes.  相似文献   

Rorschach changes in long-term and short-term psychotherapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over a period of several years, repeat Korschach testing was done with two groups of patients receiving outpatient psychotherapy, a long-term group (n = 88) engaged in intensive, dynamically oriented psychotherapy and a short-term group (n = 88) involved in behavioral or gestalt therapy. Rorschach protocols were obtained at the beginning of the treatment and on three subsequent occasions, 1 year, 2 1/2 years, and 4 years later, when most of the long-term and all of the short-term patients had completed their therapy. The findings demonstrate generally beneficial effects of psychotherapy, greater change in long-term than in short-term therapy, and the validity of the Rorschach for measuring these effects and changes.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to describe and illustrate through a hypothetical case example how counselors can utilize an expressive arts technique called music listening in inpatient psychiatric group counseling. The authors give a rationale to implement here-and-now interventions, specifically music listening, in response to the critique of current inpatient therapy in psychiatric hospitals following a shift from long-term inpatient psychiatric care to brief stabilization admissions.  相似文献   

在新生儿重症监护病房(neonatal intensive care unit,NICU)中接受治疗的危重新生儿约90%结果良好,而这些患儿的父母100%都在此过程中遭受不同程度的心理创伤.患儿父母及其家人应被充分告知患儿的病情、治疗方案及可能的预后,这是他们拥有的知情权.在临床工作中,怎样运用良好的信息交流技巧让患儿父母充分理解病情、配合治疗又不过分紧张这对患儿的康复比对患儿实施具体的诊疗方案更重要.从患儿父母、医护人员、人文关怀的角度探讨NICU医护人员与患儿父母之间信息交流的技巧.  相似文献   

Randomised controlled studies in research environments have demonstrated dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) to be more efficacious than treatment as usual in reducing suicidal behaviour in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Limited evidence exists for the effectiveness of DBT in the treatment of BPD within routine clinical settings. This study examines the clinical and cost effectiveness of providing DBT over treatment as usual in a routine Australian public mental health service. Forty-three adult patients with BPD were provided with outpatient DBT for six months with patient outcomes compared to those obtained from patients in a wait list group receiving treatment as usual (TAU) from the same service. After six months of treatment the DBT group showed significantly greater reductions in suicidal/non-suicidal self-injury, emergency department visits, psychiatric admissions and bed days. Self-report measures were administered to a reduced sample of patients. With this group, DBT patients demonstrated significantly improved depression, anxiety and general symptom severity scores compared to TAU at six months. Average treatment costs were significantly lower for those patients in DBT than those receiving TAU. Therapists who received intensive DBT training were shown to produce significantly greater improvements in patients’ suicidal and non-suicidal self-injury than therapists who received only 4 day basic training. Further clinical improvements were achieved in patients offered an additional six months of DBT. This study demonstrates that providing DBT to patients within routine public mental health settings can be both clinically effective and cost effective.  相似文献   

There is good evidence that aphasia therapy is effective if sufficiently prolonged or intensive and that chronic aphasic individuals can also benefit from therapy, but data on chronic aphasia are scanty. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate whether chronic aphasia benefits from a very intensive therapeutic regimen. We revised the files (January 2000 to December 2008) of the chronic subjects whom we suggested have periodic sessions in our Unit (generally once a week) and 2-3 hours daily of homework with the help of a family member, supervised and controlled by the speech-therapist. Treatment would go on as long as amelioration is evident. Results for 23 chronic aphasic subjects are reported. All subjects had undergone previous therapy and 10 had been dismissed because no further recovery was expected. Recovery was significant in oral and written nouns and actions naming, oral and written sentence production and Token Test scores. Only 4 subjects did not improve. Severity of the disorder did not predict success or failure. We conclude that recovery was due to the intense work done. Further, we believe such a regimen could be successful in a number of patients for whom a less intensive regimen would not be effective.  相似文献   

Alcohol dependent smokers (N=118) enrolled in an intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program were randomized to a concurrent brief or intensive smoking cessation intervention. Brief treatment consisted of a 15-min counseling session with 5 min of follow-up. Intensive intervention consisted of three 1-hr counseling sessions plus 8 weeks of nicotine patch therapy. The cigarette abstinence rate, verified by breath carbon monoxide, was significantly higher for the intensive treatment group (27.5%) versus the rate for the brief treatment group (6.6%) at 1 month after the quit date but not at 6 months, when abstinence rates fell to 9.1% for the intensive treatment group and 2.1% for the brief treatment group. Smoking treatment assignment did not significantly impact alcohol outcomes. Although intensive smoking treatment was associated with higher rates of short-term tobacco abstinence, other, perhaps more intensive, smoking interventions are needed to produce lasting smoking cessation in alcohol dependent smokers.  相似文献   

The present study examined racial, ethnic, and gender differences in family composition substance abuse, and mental health issues, such as depression and self-esteem among adjudicated juvenile offenders. Results revealed a negative relationship between depression and self-esteem among all ethnicities and family compositions. Caucasians reported greater incidence of substance abuse than did African American and Hispanic youth. Moreover, in reconstituted families, Caucasians had lower self-esteem scores than did other ethnicities. The findings illustrate the complexities of risk to substance use among high-risk populations, particularly as they relate to familial factors and the importance of intensive family therapy among this population.  相似文献   

The object of the present study was to estimate proportions and changes in the incidence of suicide attempts in Denmark. Case sheets concerning all admissions in 1976-1979 (total 6,650) at the Department of Psychiatry, Odense University Hospital (the catchment area of which provides a representative sample of the Danish population), were examined with a view to establishing the reasons for admission. Rates of suicide attempts by age and sex in 1976-1979 were calculated, and estimated rates of the suicide attempts in 1980 added. Trend analysis showed an increase in the mean rates from 1976 to 1979 of 48%, followed by a decrease in 1980 of 13%. There were high increases among the adolescents, but the increase was above all due to the fact that more and more men attempted suicide; the study suggests as a new phenomenon more male than female suicide attempters. We stress the fact that incidences calculated on the basis of hospital admissions only underestimate the real proportions of self-destructive behavior.  相似文献   

An often-cited criterion for assessing the effect of a stuttering therapy is the ability of the stutterers to produce normally fluent speech. Many modern stuttering therapies use special techniques that may produce stutter-free speech that does not sound completely normal. The present study investigates this problem in the framework of the Dutch adaptation of the Precision Fluency Shaping Program.

Pre-, post-, and -year follow-up therapy speech samples of 32 severe stutterers who were treated in a four-week intensive therapy are compared with comparable samples of 20 nonstutterers. For that aim the samples were rated on 14 bipolar scales by groups of about 20 listeners. The results show that the speech of the stutterers in all three conditions differs significantly from the speech of the nonstutterers. The pretherapy speech takes an extreme position on a Distorted Speech dimension, due to the large proportion of disfluencies. The posttherapy speech has extremely low scores on a Dynamics/Prosody dimension, a‘1 while the follow-up therapy speech differs from the normal speech on both dimensions, but now the distances are smaller. These results are discussed in relation to the severity of the stuttering problem in the group of treated stutterers. Finally, implications for future research on therapy evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

Critical care is in an emerging crisis of conflict between what individuals expect and the economic burden society and government are prepared to provide. The goal of critical care support is to prevent suffering and premature death by intensive therapy of reversible illnesses within a reasonable timeframe. Recently, it has become apparent that early support in an intensive care environment can improve patient outcomes. However, life support technology has advanced, allowing physicians to prolong life (and postpone death) in circumstances that were not possible in the recent past. This has been recognized by not only the medical community, but also by society at large. One corollary may be that expectations for recovery from critical illness have also become extremely high. In addition, greater numbers of patients are dying in intensive care units after having receiving prolonged durations of life-sustaining therapy. Herein lies the emerging crisis – critical care therapy must be available in a timely fashion for those who require it urgently, yet its provision is largely dependent on a finite availability of both capital and human resources. Physicians are often placed in a troubling conflict of interest by pressures to use health resources prudently while also promoting the equitable and timely access to critical care therapy. In this commentary, these issues are broadly discussed from the perspective of the individual clinician as well as that of society as a whole. The intent is to generate dialogue on the dynamic between individual clinicians navigating the complexities of how and when to use critical care support in the context of end-of-life issues, the increasing demands placed on finite critical care capacity, and the reasonable expectations of society.  相似文献   

The association of mental characteristics, family resources, and receipt of prenatal care with infant birth weight, gestational age, and Apgar scores was assessed in a retrospective review of an extant computerized data base of admissions to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU; n = 3,818). Prediction variables included mother's age, marital status, health insurance, parity, prenatal health problems, and prenatal drug use. Less favorable infant birth status was associated with prenatal health problems, being single, not having private insurance, obtaining a prior elective abortion, prenatal drug use, and not receiving prenatal care. Stepwise multiple regressions of predictor variables to birth weight and lack of prenatal care were performed. Low birth weight was associated with being single, receiving no prenatal care, and being Black. Lack of prenatal care was associated with mother's age, high parity, prenatal health problems, and prenatal illicit drug use. Pediatric interventions assessing maternal social and behavioral characteristics are proposed.  相似文献   

This study describes the characteristics and global effectiveness of treatment of a military intensive outpatient treatment program for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Thirty-nine military personnel completed treatment outcome questionnaires. Results showed a statistically significant reduction in depression and PTSD symptoms after the participants completed 3 weeks of intensive outpatient therapy. The findings have clinical and research implications for the length, intensity, and focus of PTSD treatment.  相似文献   

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