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We examined the extent to which variations in session duration affected the outcomes of functional analyses. Forty-six individuals, all diagnosed with mental retardation and referred for assessment and treatment of self-injurious or aggressive behavior, participated in functional analyses, consisting of repeated exposure to multiple test conditions during 15-min sessions. For each set of assessment data, new data sets based on session durations of 10 and 5 min were prepared by deleting data from the last 5 and 10 min, respectively, of each session. Each graph (N = 138) was then reviewed individually by graduate students who had previous experience conducting and interpreting functional analyses, but who were blind to both participant identity and session duration. Interpretations of behavioral function based on the 10- and 5-min data sets were then compared with those based on the 15-min data sets. All of the 10-min data sets yielded interpretations identical to those based on 15-min data sets. Interpretations based on the 5-min and 15-min data sets yielded three discrepancies, all of which were the result of increased response rates toward the latter parts of sessions. These results suggest that the efficiency of assessment might be improved with little or no loss in clarity by simply reducing the duration of assessment sessions.  相似文献   

Three pigeons responded for food reinforcement on multiple variable-interval schedules in which the total consumption of food was entirely determined by the subjects' interaction with the schedules (a closed economy). The finding of overmatching, where response allocation between components is more extreme than the distribution of reinforcers, was reconfirmed. Generalized-matching sensitivity decreased from overmatching to undermatching values typical of conventional multiple schedules when food deprivation was increased by decreasing session duration, but not when deprivation was increased by decreasing overall reinforcer rate. Sensitivity also increased from undermatching to overmatching as session duration increased from 100 min to 24 hr, while deprivation was held constant by decreasing overall reinforcer rate. These results can be understood in terms of increases in the value of extraneous reinforcers relative to food reinforcers as deprivation decreases or as the economy for extraneous reinforcers becomes more closed. However, no published quantitative expression of the effects of extraneous reinforcers is entirely consistent with the results.  相似文献   

College student subjects estimated the duration of time intervals (8–54 sec) by counting or not (N=35 per group). Counting eliminated the repetition effect (a decline in the magnitude of estimations across trials), and resulted in a truncation of the psychophysical function. The former result was interpreted as contrary to Treisman's (1963) model. The latter result was attributed to the effortfulness of counting, which was established in a subsequent experiment.  相似文献   

The memory-strengthening manipulations of increased presentation duration and increased number of times items were presented were manipulated in the memory conjunction paradigm. Participants viewed parent words once or three times during the study portion of the experiment for 250 ms, 1000 ms, or 3000 ms. After an old/new recognition test participants were asked to give explanations for their answers from the recognition test. The results of true and false recognition as well as recall-to-reject responses (e.g., I know I did not see blackbird since I saw blackmail) indicated that both familiarity and recollection were influenced by the memory-strengthening manipulations. The results provide evidence for dual-process theories of recognition memory and the opposing processes of familiarity and recollection.  相似文献   

Three pigeons pecked keys for food reinforcers in a laboratory analogue of foraging in patches. Half the patches contained food (were prey patches). In prey patches, pecks to one key occasionally produced a reinforcer, followed by a fixed travel time and then the start of a new patch. Pecks to another key were exit responses, and immediately produced travel time and then a new patch. Travel time was varied from 0.25 to 16 s at each of three session durations: 1, 4, and 23.5 hr. This part of the experiment arranged a closed economy, in that the only source of food was reinforcers obtained in prey patches. In another part, food deprivation was manipulated by varying postsession feeding so as to maintain the subjects' body weights at percentages ranging from 85% to 95% of their ad lib weights, in 1-hr sessions with a travel time of 12 s. This was an open economy. Patch residence time, defined as the time between the start of a patch and an exit response, increased with increasing travel time, and consistently exceeded times predicted by an optimal foraging model, supporting previously published results. However, residence times also increased with increasing session duration and, in longer sessions, consistently exceeded previously reported residence times in comparable open-economy conditions. Residence times were not systematically affected by deprivation levels. In sum, the results show that the long residence times obtained in long closed-economy sessions should probably be attributed to session duration rather than to economy or deprivation. This conclusion is hard to reconcile with previous interpretations of longer-than-optimal residence times but is consistent with, in economic terms, a predicted shift in consumption towards a preferred commodity when income is increased.  相似文献   

Most negative-priming experiments have used a limited number of stimuli that are repeated many times throughout the experiment. We report five experiments that examine in greater detail the role of stimulus repetition in negative priming. Subjects were presented with displays consisting of two or more words, and were required to name the word printed in red. On attended repetition (AR) trials, the target word was the same as the target word on the preceding trial. On ignored repetition (IR) trials, the target word was the same as the distractor word on the preceding trial. Experiments 1 and 2 used novel words, and obtained positive priming on AR trials, but no negative priming on IR trials. Experiments 3 and 4 used repeated words, and obtained negative priming on IR trials, but no positive priming on AR trials. In Experiment 5, both novel and repeated words were intermixed, and negative priming was observed for repeated, but not novel, IR conditions, whereas positive priming was observed for novel, but not repeated, AR conditions. Together, Experiments 1–5 demonstrate that positive and negative identity priming are modulated by stimulus repetition and are stimulus specific.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of wheel-running reinforcement that manipulated reinforcer duration across conditions showed a strong relation between wheel-running rate and average postreinforcement pause (PRP) duration. To determine if the basis of this relation across conditions was a local effect of fatigue or satiation, the correlation between revolutions run and the duration of the immediately following PRP was investigated under conditions in which reinforcer duration was either constant or variable within a session. Seven male Wistar rats pressed a lever on a fixed-interval 60-s reinforcement schedule with the opportunity to run for 60 s as the reinforcing consequence. In the constant-duration condition, the duration of the reinforcer was always 60 s. In the variable-duration condition, the duration of the reinforcer varied between 2 and 240 s with a mean of 60 s. Mean correlations between revolutions run and the next PRP duration for constant, variable, and constant conditions were -.07, .20, and -.07, respectively. Although the positive correlation in the variable-duration condition is consistent with an effect of momentary fatigue or satiation, little of the variance in PRP duration appears to be attributable to these factors.  相似文献   

Three experiments assessed the stability of the repetition effect in time judgment. In Experiment 1, subjects (N = 18) produced intervals ranging from 8 to 31 sec in a two-phase procedure with a five min rest between phases. In Experiment 2, subjects (N = 20) made verbal estimates of intervals ranging from 8 to 20 sec with a 48-hour delay between phases. Experiment 3 involved daily productions by three subjects of intervals ranging from 8 to 54 sec over several months. The slope of the psychophysical function increased across phases in Experimental 1, declined (as expected for estimation) across days in Experiment 2, and increased across months in Experiment 3. It was concluded that the repetition effect is relatively permanent and thus more similar to habituation than to sensory adaptation.  相似文献   

Previous masked priming research in word recognition has demonstrated that repetition priming is influenced by experiment-wise information structure, such as proportion of target repetition. Research using naturalistic tasks and eye-tracking has shown that people use linguistic knowledge to anticipate upcoming words. We examined whether the proportion of target repetition within an experiment can have a similar effect on anticipatory eye movements. We used a word-to-picture matching task (i.e., the visual world paradigm) with target repetition proportion carefully controlled. Participants' eye movements were tracked starting when the pictures appeared, one second prior to the onset of the target word. Targets repeated from the previous trial were fixated more than other items during this preview period when target repetition proportion was high and less than other items when target repetition proportion was low. These results indicate that linguistic anticipation can be driven by short-term within-experiment trial structure, with implications for the generalization of priming effects, the bases of anticipatory eye movements, and experiment design.  相似文献   

Two experiments studied the necessary conditions for the occurrence of repetition priming and word frequency effect on priming in a lexical decision task. To examine the role of prime processing duration, the prime was presented either for 50 ms or for 700 ms, and an interfering task was introduced between the prime and the target in order to restrict the time during which the prime was effectively processed and to limit it to exactly 50 ms or 700 ms. The interstimulus interval (ISI) between the prime and the target was 1500 ms or 3000 ms in Expt 1, and 600 ms in Expt 2. With primes presented for 50 ms, repetition priming effects were not dependent on target frequency, decreased with an increase of the ISI, and were no longer significant with an ISI of 3000 ms. With primes presented for 700 ms, repetition priming was systematically larger for low‐frequency words than for high‐frequency words, and remained reliable even with an ISI of 3000 ms. Thus, a minimum of prime duration was required both for maintaining repetition priming effects over more than some hundreds of milliseconds and for the occurrence of frequency effect on repetition priming. Theoretical interpretations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to investigate the differential effect of repeated presentation of sentences on judgments of grammaticality under the two mental states of objective and subjective self-awareness. In Experiment 1, 22 students judged the relative grammaticality of sentences twice, receiving a repetition treatment between the two judgments. During the repetition phase, they were exposed to a repeated presentation of sentences. The findings showed that repetition makes a judgment criterion more stringent on judgments after repetition than on those before repetition for the subjectively self-aware subjects, while it does not influence the judgments for the objectively self-aware subjects. Experiment 2 was run using a revised procedure with 26 students. The findings showed the expected, interaction, such that the repetition makes a criterion stringent for the subjectively self-aware subjects while it makes the criterion lenient for the objectively self-aware subjects. Experiment 3 examined with 12 students whether the finding for the latter subjects could be explained, by divided attention theory in a concurrent task condition. The findings showed no change of judgment criterion. These findings indicate that repeated exposure to the sentences exerts differential effects on grammaticality judgments dependent on whether the subjects are objectively or subjectively self-aware.  相似文献   

Effect of shock duration on shock-induced fighting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Shock-induced fighting between paired rats was a direct function of the duration of the shock stimulus. Continued presentations of the shock partially reversed this direct relationship.  相似文献   

When two identical visual items are presented in rapid succession, people often fail to report the second instance when trying to recall both (e.g., Kanwisher, 1987). We investigated whether this temporal processing deficit is modulated by the spatial separation between the repeated stimuli within both audition and vision. In Experiment 1, lists of one to three digits were rapidly presented from loudspeaker cones arranged in a semicircle around the participant. Recall accuracy was lower when repeated digits were presented from different positions rather than from the same position, as compared to unrepeated control pairs, demonstrating that auditory repetition deafness (RD) is modulated by the spatial displacement between repeated items. A similar spatial modulation of visual repetition blindness (RB) was reported when pairs of masked letters were presented visually from either the same or different positions arranged on a semicircle around fixation (Experiment 2). These results cannot easily be accounted for by the token individuation hypothesis of RB (Kanwisher, 1987; Park & Kanwisher, 1994) and instead support a recognition failure account (Hochhaus & Johnston, 1996; Luo & Caramazza, 1995, 1996).  相似文献   

Effect of reinforcement duration on fixed-interval responding   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Five different reinforcement durations occurred randomly within each session on fixed interval 60-sec. Postreinforcement pause was directly related (and “running” rate inversely related) to the duration of reinforcement initiating each fixed interval.  相似文献   

Vierordt’s (1868) law states that when estimating the duration of a previous task, people overestimate short durations and underestimate long ones. We examine whether this same pattern holds for remembered and predicted duration for tasks lasting between 1 and 15 min. In support of Vierordt’s law and its extension to future duration estimates, task duration tended to be overestimated for short tasks (less than 2 min) and underestimated for long tasks for both remembered and predicted duration.  相似文献   

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