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The relevance of perirhinal cortical cholinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission for taste recognition memory and learned taste aversion was assessed by microinfusions of muscarinic (scopolamine), NMDA (AP-5), and AMPA (NBQX) receptor antagonists. Infusions of scopolamine, but not AP5 or NBQX, prevented the consolidation of taste recognition memory using attenuation of neophobia as an index. In addition, learned taste aversion in both short- and long-term memory tests was exclusively impaired by scopolamine. These data provide neurochemical support for the theory that cholinergic activity of the perirhinal cortex participates in the formation of the taste memory trace and that it is independent of the NMDA and AMPA receptor activity. These results support the idea that cholinergic neurotransmission in the perirhinal cortex is also essential for acquisition and consolidation of taste recognition memory.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have shown that objects are recognized more readily in a semantically consistent visual context. However, the benefit from context could be explained by response bias, and may not reflect the influence of context on the perceptual processes of recognition. We conducted a six-alternative forced-choice experiment to measure semantic and perceptual errors. A target object appeared briefly, surrounded by four context objects. The target was more accurately identified when the context consisted of objects semantically related to the target. The large number of semantic errors, which increased when the context presentation preceded the target, showed that response bias did account for a proportion of the context effect. Nevertheless, significant facilitation was still present after a bias correction. Recognition of an object can be affected by context not only when it is embedded in a coherent naturalistic scene, but also when it is simply near other related objects. Materials associated with this article may be accessed at www.psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

In three experiments we investigated the perceptual specificity of explicit (old-new object recognition) and implicit memory (word-picture matching) for colour. In order to enhance the impact of colour on processing, we increased the number of colours per object and we impaired shape information. We presented multicoloured pictures (Experiment 1), blurred and partially occluded pictures (Experiment 2) and coloured line drawings in visual noise (Experiment 3). Experiments 1 and 2 had an intentional study phase; the study phase of Experiment 3 was an incidental colour or category naming task. Changing colour from study to test always had negative effects on episodic recognition although colour was irrelevant. In contrast, in the matching task old pictures were generally matched faster than new ones independent of their colour congruence. In Experiment 3, an additional small advantage of congruent colours and of semantic processing occurred. We conclude that two different memory representations contribute to these tasks. Changes of an achromatic, more abstract representation, that is used in normal object recognition, and a representation of the specific exemplar that includes colour. This latter token is used in episodic recognition as well as in unusual perceptual tasks (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

One of the most familiar empirical phenomena associated with face recognition is the cross-race (CR) recognition deficit whereby people have difficulty recognizing members of a race different from their own. Most researchers assume that the CR deficit is caused by failure to generalize perceptual encoding expertise from same-race (SR) faces to CR faces. However, this explanation ignores critical differences in the social cognitions and feature coding priorities associated with SR and CR faces. On the basis of data from visual search and perceptual discrimination tasks, it appears that the deficit occurs because people emphasize visual information specifying race at the expense of individuating information when recognizing CR faces. In particular, it is possible to observe a paradoxical improvement in both detection and perceptual discrimination accuracy for CR faces that is limited to those who recognize them poorly. These findings support a new explanation for the CR recognition deficit based on feature coding differences between CR and SR faces, and appear incompatible with similarity-based models of face categories.  相似文献   

In four experiments, we examined whether generalization to unfamiliar views was better under stereo viewing or under nonstereo viewing across different tasks and stimuli. In the first three experiments, we used a sequential matching task in which observers matched the identities of shaded tube-like objects. Across Experiments 1-3, we manipulated the presentation method of the nonstereo stimuli (having observers wear an eye patch vs. showing observers the same screen image) and the magnitude of the viewpoint change (30 degrees vs. 38 degrees). In Experiment 4, observers identified "easy" and "hard" rotating wire-frame objects at the individual level under stereo and nonstereo viewing conditions. We found a stereo advantage for generalizing to unfamiliar views in all the experiments. However, in these experiments, performance remained view dependent even under stereo viewing. These results strongly argue against strictly 2-D image-based models of object recognition, at least for the stimuli and recognition tasks used, and suggest that observers used representations that contained view-specific local depth information.  相似文献   

Infants’ visual processing of objects is characterised by a developmental trend from a predominantly analytical to a configural processing mode. In two studies with 6- and 8-month-old infants, we sought to replicate this finding in a purely visual condition (inspecting objects), and to examine how far redundant visual-haptic information present in a visual-haptic condition influences the processing mode. Infants were familiarized with two objects differing in three dimensions (texture, size and shape). At test, infants were presented with a familiar object, a switch object consisting of a recombination of familiar dimensions, and a novel object, and looking times were measured. Results indicate a transition from analytical processing at 6 months to configural processing at 8 months in the visual condition. In the visual-haptic condition, both age-groups displayed configural processing. Thus, redundant visual-haptic information seems to enhance object processing.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined whether transfer of past learning depends on how well the original discrimination is learned. To vary terminal learning levels, cues were either perfect (deterministic) or imperfect (probabilistic) predictors of a trial’s outcome. Participants in Experiment 1 acquired a configural, an elemental or a control discrimination. Tests for generalization showed that past learning influenced the processing of new compounds formed from elements of the original discrimination, especially so when the original discrimination was deterministic. Similar results were found in Experiment 2 when the test stimuli were elements derived from novel compounds presented after the original discrimination was acquired. Experiment 3 used filler trials to equate learning in the probabilistic and deterministic tasks, and demonstrated that final levels of learning, rather than task per se, was the critical variable mediating transfer. Implications for rule-based and associative theories are discussed.  相似文献   

J. Sergent (1982, Perception & Psychophysics, 31, 451-461; 1983, Psychological Bulletin, 93, 481-512) postulates that the left cerebral hemisphere preferentially extracts higher spatial frequency information, while the right hemisphere preferentially extracts lower frequency spatial information, from the visual scene. According to this view, shorter exposure times favor better right than left hemisphere performance, while longer exposure times favor better left than right hemisphere performance on tachistoscopic laterality tasks. We studied the effects of a threefold variation (40 msec versus 120 msec) in exposure duration, with constant 3-mL luminance, on face recognition and on object naming latency task performances. These are the same stimulus parameters employed by J. Sergent (1983, Psychological Bulletin, 93, 481-512) to demonstrate exposure duration effects in a task requiring the judgment of the sex of models from face photographs. We found the expected LVF superiority on the face recognition task and RVF superiority on the object naming task. There was, however, no influence of exposure duration on the performances. It is concluded that these tasks, which tap established lateralized processing asymmetries, are quite robust in their resistance to exposure time influence.  相似文献   

The models inspired by visual systems of life creatures (e.g., human, mammals, etc.) have been very successful in addressing object recognition tasks. For example, Hierarchical Model And X (HMAX) effectively recognizes different objects by modeling the V1, V4, and IT regions of the human visual system. Although HMAX is one of the superior models in the field of object recognition, its implementation has been limited due to some disadvantages such as the unrepeatability of the process under constant conditions, extreme redundancy, high computational load, and time-consuming. In this paper, we aim at revising the HMAX approach by adding the model of the secondary region (V2) in the human visual system which leads to removing the mentioned drawbacks of standard HMAX. The added layer selects repeatable and more informative features that increase the accuracy of the proposed method by avoiding the redundancy existing in the conventional approaches. Furthermore, this feature selection strategy considerably reduces the huge computational load. Another contribution of our model is highlighted when a small number of training images is available where our model can efficiently cope with this issue. We evaluate our proposed approach using Caltech5 and GRAZ-02 database as two famous benchmarks for object recognition tasks. Additionally, the results are compared with standard HMAX that validate and highlight the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Participants often respond more quickly and more accurately to a repeated stimulus compared to a non-repeated one, a phenomenon known as repetition priming. In semantic classification tasks priming appears to be largely attributable to the learning of stimulus-decision and stimulus-response associations, which allow participants to bypass many of the processes engaged during initial stimulus analysis. The current study tested whether stimulus-response learning plays a similarly dominant role in priming that occurs in perceptual classification tasks. Unfamiliar objects were used as stimuli to reduce the influence of semantic processes on priming and the task switched for all test trials to eliminate stimulus-decision learning. The results showed across-task priming as measured by reaction time facilitation and improved accuracy when the response remained the same during the encoding and test phases. When the response switched, similar levels of reaction time facilitation were observed, but priming as measured by accuracy was significantly reduced and no longer significant. These findings indicate that stimulus-response learning contributes to priming in perceptual classification tasks, but does not play a dominant role. Significant stimulus-level learning that is independent of the task and response also occurs and likely indexes facilitated perceptual processing of the objects.  相似文献   

Repetitive presentation of a stimulus brings not only advantage but also disadvantage when performing perceptual identification tasks. In this study, the conflicting phenomena of the effect of repetition were examined using two Kana character sets (Hiragana and Katakana) as stimuli. Two identical or different stimuli were presented in rapid succession and participants were asked to identify and report them. The stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between the two stimuli was varied from 200 ms to 1200 ms, according to which the suitable temporal conditions for the two distinct effects of repetition were explored. The results indicated that two distinct effects of repetition occurred depending on the informational code shared by the two stimuli. An interference effect of repetition was observed with SOA values of up to 500 ms when the two stimuli were identical in terms of their visual pattern code (Hiragana), whereas a superior effect of repetition was observed with an SOA value of 200 ms when they were identical only in terms of their phonological code (Hiragana and Katakana). From these findings, the author proposes that when two identical stimuli are presented in rapid succession, inhibition and activation mechanisms may function at different levels of processing.  相似文献   

The 5-hydroxytryptamine6 (5-HT6) receptor has been suggested to play an important role in the regulation of memory and cognition. In the present study, our aim was to investigate whether the novel, selective 5-HT6 antagonists compound (CMP) X and CMP Y and the reference 5-HT6 antagonist GSK-742457 could ameliorate impairments in episodic memory in 3-months-old male Wistar rats. The acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (AChEI) donepezil (Aricept®, approved for symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, AD) was used as a positive reference compound. First, effects of the 5-HT6 antagonists CMP X, CMP Y and GSK-742457 were investigated on object recognition task (ORT) performance in rats treated with the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine (0.1 mg/kg, administered intraperitoneally, i.p., 30 min before trial 1). Second, effects of the combination of suboptimal doses of 5-HT6 antagonists CMP X and CMP Y with the AChEI donepezil were studied, to determine whether the 5-HT6 antagonists show additive synergism with donepezil in the ORT. Finally, effects of CMP Y, GSK-742457 and donepezil were investigated on object location task (OLT) performance in rats treated with scopolamine.Donepezil (1 mg/kg, oral administration, p.o.), GSK-742457 (3 mg/kg, i.p.), CMP X (3 mg/kg, i.p.) and CMP Y (30 mg/kg, p.o.), all ameliorated the scopolamine-induced deficits in object recognition. In the ORT, we have found that combined administration of subthreshold doses of CMP X (1 mg/kg, i.p.) and CMP Y (10 mg/kg, p.o.) with the AChEI donepezil (0.1 mg/kg, p.o.), enhanced memory performance in Wistar rats with deficits induced by scopolamine. Donepezil (0.1 mg/kg, p.o.) alone had no discernable effects on performance. This suggests additive synergistic effects of the 5-HT6 antagonists (CMP X and CMP Y) with donepezil on cognitive impairment. Finally, donepezil (1 mg/kg, p.o.), GSK-742457 (10 mg/kg, p.o.) and CMP Y (30 mg/kg, p.o.) also reduced scopolamine-induced deficits in the OLT.In conclusion, the 5-HT6 antagonists were found to clearly improve episodic memory deficits induced by scopolamine. In addition, co-administration of the 5-HT6 receptor antagonists CMP X and CMP Y with the AChEI donepezil to cognitively impaired rats also resulted in potentially additive enhancing effects on cognition. This suggests that these compounds could have potential as monotherapy, but also as adjunctive therapy in patients with AD treated with common treatments such as donepezil.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of processing relevant spatial information on learning a probabilistic sequence of irrelevant locations. Using the SRT design of Remillard (2003), we found that spatial perceptual learning occurs with paired but not with single targets. The pairs of targets consisted of the same stimuli, but in a different order, so that responses could have been based on the left-right location of an element, relative to the other element of the pair. The prerequisite of spatial pairs of targets suggests that spatial processing of relevant information plays a crucial role in perceptual location learning. In addition, spatial perceptual learning only took place when the target pair was presented together with other stimuli, but was absent when the target pair was presented in a blank field. Since in the latter case attention is automatically captured, this suggests that sequence learning requires endogenous attention.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we reported apparently paradoxical facilitation of object recognition memory following infusions of the cholinergic muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine into the perirhinal cortex (PRh) of rats. We attributed these effects to the blockade by scopolamine of the acquisition of interfering information. The present study tested this possibility directly by modifying the spontaneous object recognition memory task to allow the presentation of a potentially interfering object either before the sample phase or in the retention delay between the sample and choice phases. Presentation of an object between the sample and choice phases disrupted subsequent recognition of the sample object (retroactive interference), and intra-PRh infusions of scopolamine prior to the presentation of the irrelevant object prevented this retroactive interference effect. Moreover, presentation of an irrelevant object prior to the sample phase interfered proactively with sample object recognition, and intra-PRh infusions of scopolamine prior to the presentation of the pre-sample object prevented this proactive interference effect. These results suggest that blocking muscarinic cholinergic receptors in PRh can disrupt the acquisition of potentially interfering object information, thereby facilitating object recognition memory. This finding provides further, strong evidence that acetylcholine is important for the acquisition of object information in PRh.  相似文献   

A procedure, based on the method of adjustment, for estimating perceptual noise is presented. The resulting estimates can be used to obtain a better understanding of categorization behavior, to answer questions about the distributional form of perceptual noise, and to test for perceptual independence. All three applications are demonstrated in a categorization task involving two categories.  相似文献   

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