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The present study's objective was to track long term (three years intervention and six months “detraining”) the influence of an exercise program with or without diet on the motivation of sedentary obese children. The participants were 27 children (8-11 years), divided into two groups according to the program they followed. The G1 group followed a physical exercise program (three 90-minute sessions per week), and the G2 group this physical exercise program plus a low calorie diet. The participants’ motivation to engage in exercise was measured using the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2. Both groups showed improvements in amotivation in the 3rd year and in the detraining period (in the G1 and G2, respectively) and in intrinsic regulation of exercise behaviour (in the G1 and G2, respectively). There were also differences between the two groups in external regulation in the intervention and detraining periods. This appears to be indicative of the appropriateness of long-term physical exercise to generate greater autonomous motivation, and hence changes towards healthy living habits that are stable in time.  相似文献   

Sandoval M  Lemos S  Vallejo G 《Psicothema》2006,18(4):804-809
The aim of the study was to provide a standardization of self-reported competences and emotional/behavioural problems in Spanish adolescents, using the Achenbach's Youth Self-Report (YSR), and to compare our results to those from other countries. The YSR was completed by 2822 adolescents aged 11-18 years, recruited from secondary schools in two regions of Spain. There were significant differences in Total behaviour problems and in most problem scales in boys and girls, scoring boys higher on externalizing syndromes, whereas girls score higher on internalizing syndromes . Males' mean scores were higher than females' scores for social competence. Age effects also showed significant differences with respect to internalizing problems, thought problems, social problems and depression. Cut-off points based on the 90th and 98th percentile developed from this sample are presented for the competences and the problem scales. To test the overall range of variations across cultures, comparisons were made between broad band and narrow band measures of the YSR in Spanish adolescents and those from other countries. Gender differences in the YSR were similar to those found across different cultures; there is a consistent trend to increase behavioural problems with age; and social competence seem to be a relevant protective factor against behavioural problems.  相似文献   

Stability and interactions between children's behavioural styles (i.e. the temperament dimensions sociability, negative emotionality, and activity) and maternal child-rearing attitudes were studied in a random sample of 507 three-year-old children over a three-year interval. Structural equation modelling indicated low to moderate stability for children's temperament dimensions and mothers’ child-rearing attitudes. In addition, gender-specific interactions were found. In boys, negative emotionality and low sociability potentiated a strict disciplinary style of the mother, whereas activity was more likely to be stimulated by a mother's low tolerance towards the child. By contrast, in girls a mother's strict disciplinary style predicted negative emotionality and low sociability, whereas the girl's activity predicted a strict disciplinary style of the mother. These findings underline the close interaction between temperament and mothering during childhood. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Separation anxiety and social phobia are intertwined to a considerable degree, and high comorbidity rates have been reported. The present study used latent class analysis (LCA) to investigate if classes of children and adolescents with-simultaneously-high rates of separation anxiety and low rates of social anxiety symptoms, or vice versa, could be identified. Eight- to 18-year-olds from a large general population (n=1000) and referred sample (n=735) were assessed with the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC). With LCA, a separate class of referred 8-11-year-old children with high separation anxiety scores, and simultaneously lower social anxiety scores was identified, next to a class of children with high scores on separation anxiety and social anxiety. In the other groups (referred 12-18-year-olds and children and adolescents from the general population), a class with individuals who specifically scored high on separation anxiety could not be revealed. The results indicated that separation anxiety represents a different construct than social anxiety in referred children (but not in referred adolescents or in the general population). It can be concluded that, in referred children, research regarding etiology and treatment outcome of anxiety symptoms should be aimed specifically at separation anxiety and social anxiety, instead of just investigating a broader anxiety dimension.  相似文献   

The relationship between anxiety and depression was examined in a sample of 106 children and adolescents referred to an outpatient anxiety disorder clinic for children. Twenty-eight percent of patients with DSM-III diagnoses of anxiety disorders displayed a concurrent major depression. Children with anxiety disorders plus major depression were found (1) to be older, (2) to demonstrate more severe anxiety symptomatology, and (3) to be diagnosed with different rates of certain anxiety-disorder subtypes, when compared to anxious patients without major depression. Nondepressed anxious children and adolescents did not differ from a psychopathological control group in severity of either anxiety or depression symptoms.  相似文献   

The present cross-cultural study compared self-reported assertiveness in 652 Swedish and 654 Turkish high school students by using a multi-dimensional measure called the Scale for Interpersonal Behavior (SIB). Four hypotheses were tested in the study. First, the hypothesis that Swedish adolescents would be more assertive than their Turkish counterparts was supported by the data. Second, the expectation that Turkish boys would be more assertive than Turkish girls, while there would be no differences between Swedish girls and boys, was not confirmed. In general, girls were found to be more skilled than boys in expressing and dealing with personal limitations. Third, as expected, more assertive adolescents in both Sweden and Turkey reported having more friends and receiving more social support than their less assertive peers. Finally, the data supported the expectation that older adolescents would be more assertive than younger ones. The results are discussed in terms of cultural and gender differences.  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite numerous studies on the association between headache and psychological difficulties in children, the results remain inconclusive.ObjectiveThis cross-sectional study was conducted to clarify the links between anxiety-depression and headache in children. We evaluated the levels of anxious and depressive symptoms and the influence of risk factors: age, sex, headache diagnosis, frequency and history to identify and treat headache sufferers most at risk.MethodData were collected from a clinical sample of 368 children aged 8 to 17 years. First, a structured interview using the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-II) was used to diagnose 88 patients with migraine (M), 32 with tension-type headache (TTH), and 248 with a combination syndrome (M + TTH). Second, levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms were assessed with the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (R-CMAS) and the Multiscore Depression Inventory for Children (MDI-C).ResultsAn ANOVA analysis showed that the mean scores for anxiety and depressive symptom levels were significantly higher among older patients and that only the M + TTH diagnosis was significantly associated with anxiety. Children with clinically significant levels of anxiety symptoms were more prevalent in our sample than in the general population (13% versus 5%). Anxiety and depression were not associated with child sex, headache frequency and history.ConclusionWe propose systematic screening for anxiety in children presenting with headache, particularly adolescents and patients with a combination diagnosis.  相似文献   

The relationship between self-reported fear and anxiety was examined in a large sample of normal Australian children and adolescents. Participants completed the Fear Survey Schedule for Children--Revised (Ollendick, 1983) and the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (Reynolds & Richmond, 1978). Following an examination of the internal consistency of these instruments, correlational analyses were conducted on anxiety and fear scores. Fear scores were shown to be sensitive to anxiety, sex, and age groups. Furthermore, discriminant analysis showed that high-anxiety children indicated a greater fear of items related to failure and criticism than did low-anxiety children. Other issues, including the content overlap between the two scales used in the investigation, are discussed.  相似文献   

Familial correlates of social anxiety in children and adolescents   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Retrospective studies suggest a relationship between parental rearing practices and social phobia. The present study investigated whether socially anxious children perceive their current parental rearing as rejecting, overprotective, and lacking emotional warmth, and as emphasizing the importance of other's opinion, and de-emphasizing social initiatives and family sociability. Furthermore, we examined whether parents of socially anxious children report to rely on such rearing practices, and suffer themselves from social fears. A regression analysis as well as extreme group comparisons were applied. Little support was found for the presumed role of the assessed family rearing aspects in the development of social anxiety in children. Solely family sociability (children's and mothers' report) and children's perception of overprotection of the mother predicted social anxiety in the regression analysis. Given the influence of the mentioned rearing practices, social anxiety of the mother still significantly predicted social anxiety of the child. In the extreme group comparisons, differences in the expected direction were found between socially anxious and normal children on parental rejection, emotional warmth, and family sociability. However, the lack of differences between socially anxious and clinical control children suggests that these variables do not form a specific pathway to social fears.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents are reviewed, including differential diagnosis, assessment of symptoms, family history data, developmental features, and clinical correlates. Findings indicate that 15.9% to 61.9% of children identified as anxious or depressed have comorbid anxiety and depressive disorders and that measures of anxiety and depression are highly correlated. Family history data are inconclusive. Differences emerged among children with anxiety, depression, or both disorders. Anxious children were distinguishable from the other 2 groups in that they showed less depressive symptomatology and tended to be younger. The concurrently depressed and anxious group tended to be older and more symptomatic. In this group, the anxiety symptoms tended to predate the depressive symptoms. Findings are discussed in the context of a proposed developmental sequence.  相似文献   

Examination of the prospective relation between anxiety sensitivity (AS) and behavioral avoidance is largely absent from the literature. In a longitudinal study of a community sample of 2246 adolescents, participants completed the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI; Reiss, Peterson, Gursky, & McNally (1986). Behaviour Research & Therapy, 24, 1-8), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger (1983). STAI: Manual for the Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Palo Alto: Consulting Psychologists Press), and the Fear Questionnaire (Marks & Matthews (1979). Behaviour Research & Therapy, 17, 263-267) on an annual basis. To stringently test AS's ability to prospectively predict behavioral avoidance, linear regression was used to test whether AS factors predicted variance in follow-up behavioral avoidance scores after controlling for gender, trait anxiety, panic attacks, and baseline avoidance. Results indicted that the mental and physical subscales of the ASI predicted change in behavioral avoidance. The findings of the study are consistent with the view that AS may serve as a precursor to avoidant behavior and that, regardless of whether or not acute panic has been experienced, those who fear autonomic arousal may be more likely to avoid situations in which those sensations may be present.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to gather prospective longitudinal data on the long-term course and outcome of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The target population for this study was 74 injured traffic accident victims who had been previously followed-up for one year after the trauma. Nineteen of the original 24 PTSD subjects (79%) and 39 of the original 50 Non-PTSD subjects (78%) were available for this study, which took place during the fourth year after the accident. Our results show that 10 (53%) of the 19 patients with PTSD at one-year still suffered from PTSD after another two-year follow-up interval, while 9 recovered from PTSD during this follow-up period. Only 2 of the 39 without PTSD at one year developed delayed onset PTSD. The best predictor of recovery from chronic PTSD was the initial level of posttraumatic reaction immediately after the accident. These results demonstrate that spontaneous recovery from PTSD can occur even among patients who are currently considered chronic. Severity of initial reaction to the trauma appears to be a major risk factor for non-remitting chronic PTSD.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported examining the reliability and validity of Levenson's Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP; Levenson, Kiehl, & Fitzpatrick, 1995) in a noninstitutionalized population. The first study used 1,958 undergraduates to examine the factor structure of the LSRP and its relation to serious antisocial behavior and common dimensions of personality. The second study (n = 70) included performance tasks known to discriminate psychopathic from nonpsychopathic prisoners. Results of the studies support the reliability and validity of the LSRP. The 2-factor structure of the inventory was strongly replicated in a series of confirmatory factor analyses. Predicted relations were observed between the LSRP and other self-report instruments of delinquency. In addition, the factors of the LSRP demonstrated the predicted divergent relations to traditional personality traits. Finally, psychopathic undergraduates showed deficits in response modulation similar to those observed in incarcerated psychopaths. Implications for psychopathy in general are also discussed.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that academic intrinsic motivation and anxiety are negatively related when both are differentiated into academic subject areas, two self-report inventories measuring academic intrinsic motivation and anxiety were administered to fourth and seventh graders. Each inventory was differentiated into the subject areas of reading, math, social studies, and science to determine whether the relationship between academic intrinsic motivation and anxiety would vary according to subject area. The results supported the hypothesis and showed that the relationship is differentiated according to subject area. Fourth and seventh graders differed in the pattern of relationships. For seventh graders, negative correlations between academic intrinsic motivation and anxiety occurred only within corresponding subject areas, while for fourth graders the negative correlations occurred both within corresponding and between noncorresponding subject areas. Implications for assessment and school intervention are advanced.  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the effects of milieu treatment on 169 teenagers admitted to a midwestern state psychiatric facility. Pre- and post-hospitalization data for both males and females indicate improved functioning in all the areas studied.  相似文献   

The present study investigated computer anxiety within a sample of Turkish twins aged 10-18. A total of 185 twin-pairs participated in the study. Of the twins, 64 pairs (34.6 percent) were monozygotic (MZ) and 121 pairs (65.4 percent) were dizygotic (DZ). Of the 121 DZ twins, 54 pairs (44.63 percent) were same-sex twins and 67 pairs (55.37 percent) were opposite-sex twins. Computer anxiety was assessed using Computer Anxiety Rating Scale-Turkish Version (CARS-TV), one of the three main scales of "Measuring Technophobia Instruments" developed by Rosen and Weil. The results of paired t test comparisons showed no significant differences in MZ and same-sex DZ twin-pairs' levels of computer anxiety. On the other hand, a significant difference was found in opposite-sex DZ twin-pairs' level of computer anxiety. Interesting enough, males appeared to be more computer anxious than their female co-twins. In the present study, using Falconer's formula, heritability estimate for computer anxiety was derived from correlations based on MZ and DZ twins' mean scores on CARS-TV. The results showed that 57 percent of the variance in computer anxiety was from genetics and 41.5 percent was from nonshared environmental factors. Shared environmental influence, on the other hand, was very small and negligible. Interpretations of results and potential directions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Younger (14- to 17-year-old) inner-city adolescent mothers have been reported by Colletta (1983) as being more depressed than older (18- to 19-year-old) inner-city adolescent mothers. To determine whether this finding applies to pregnant adolescents, the revised Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979; Beck & Steer, 1987) was administered to 175 (65.1%) Black, 64 (23.8%) Hispanic, and 30 (11.1%) White inner-city adolescents during their 28th week of pregnancy. The sample was divided into 129 (48.0%) younger (13- to 15-year-old) adolescents and 140 (52.0%) older (16- to 18-year-old) adolescents. The mean profiles of the 21 BDI symptoms were comparable for both age groups, and it was concluded that younger and older pregnant inner-city adolescents describe similar levels of self-reported depression.  相似文献   

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