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《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(2):421-494
Book reviewed in this article:
N ational R esearch C ouncil . Office Workstations in the Home.
F rank , R obert H. Choosing the Right Pond: Human Behavior and the Quest for Status.
Readings in Professional Personnel Assessment.
J acoby , J acob and O lson , J erry C. (Eds). Perceived Quality: How Consumers View Stores and Merchandise.
R ajan , A min . Training and Recruitment Effects of Technical Change.
B aird , L loyd . Managing Performance.
N urick , A aron J. Participation in Organizational Change: The TV A Experiment.
K nights , D avid , W illmott , H ugh , and C ollinson , D avid (Eds).
B ittel , L ester R. and R amsey , J ackson E. (Eds.). Handbook for Professional Managers.
T racey , W illiam R. (Ed.). Human Resources Management and Development Handbook.
T aylor , B ernard and L ippitt , G ordon (Eds.). Management Development and Training Handbook (2nd ed).
P feiffer , J. W illiam (Ed.). A Handbook of Structured Experiences: Vol. X.
F olkard , S imon and M onk , T imothy H (Eds). Hours of Work: Temporal Factors in Work Scheduling.
M c C ormick , E rnest J. and I lgen , D aniel . Industrial and Organizational Psychology (8th ed.).
L ansbury , R ussell D. and D avis , E dward M (Eds.). Technology, Work and Industrial Relations.
G ilmour , P eter and L ansbury , R ussell D. Marginal Manager: The Changing Role of Supervisors in Australia.
W alsh , W. B ruce and B etz , N ancy E. Tests and Assessment.
H unt , J ames G. and B lair , J ohn D. (Eds.). Leadership on the Future Battlefield.
C omer , J ames M. and D ubinsky , A lan J. Managing the Successful Sales Force.
K haleque , A. (Ed.). Job Satisfaction and Work in Industry: Three Case Studies in Bangladesh.
B roadwell , M artin M. (Ed.) Supervisory Handbook: A Management Guide to Principles and Applications.
F arley , J ennie (Ed.). Women Workers in Fifteen Countries: Essays in Honor of Alice Hanson Cook.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1975,28(2):251-298
Book reviews in this article:
D ubrin , A ndrew J. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: An Applied Perspective .
Z impel , L loyd . (Editor) Man Against Work .
F rost , C arl F., W akeley , J ohn H. and R uh , R obert A. The Scanlon Plan for Organizational Development: Identity, Participation, and Equity .
H inrichs , J ohn R. The Motivation Crisis: Winding Down and Turning Off .
G rossman , L ee . The Change Agent .
K ay , E manuel . The Crisis in Middle Management .
M c C onkey , D ale D. No-Nonsense Delegation .
M angum , G arth L. and W alsh , J ohn . A Decade of Manpower Development and Training .
J ohnson , M iriam . Counter Point: The Changing Employment Service .
D ubrin , A ndrew J. Survival in the Sexist Jungle: A Psychologist's Program for Combating Job Discrimination Against Women .
Proceedings: Fourteenth Human Relations Conference .
Proceedings: Thirteenth Human Relations Conference .
C ooper , R obert . Job Motivation and Job Design .
C hristopher , W illiam F. The Achieving Enterprise .
G raves , D esmond . (Editor) Management Research: A Cross-Cultural Perspective .
R ichards , M ax D. and N ielander , W illiam A. (Eds.) Readings in Management .
K olb , D avid A., R ubin , I rwin M. and M cintyre , J ames M. (Eds.) Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings .
…Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(3):361-376
Book reviews in this article:
G odfrey , E leanor P owell , F iedler , F red E., and H all , D. M. Boards, Management, and Company Success.
M ac D onald , L ois , and A ssociates . Leadership Dynamics and the Trade-Union Leader.
N unnally , J um C, J r . Tests and Measurements: Assessment and Prediction.
W orthy , J ames C. Big Business and Free Men.
C artwright , D orwin (Ed.) Studies in Social Power.
G ray , R obert D. A Guide to Systematic Wage and Salary Administration.
W iksell , W esley . DO They Understand You? A Guide to Effective Communication.
H eyel , C arl . (Ed.) Handbook of Industrial Research Management.
M onroe , J ohn , and F inkner , A. L. Handbook of Area Sampling.
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

P erry , J ohn W. The Self in Psychotic Process: its Symbolization in Schizophrenia
C aggia , D ario V. (Ed.). L'Immaginale
M eier , C. A. Soul and Body: Essays on the Theories of C. G. Jung
H inshaw , R. (Ed.) A Testament to the Wilderness
K oltuv , B arbara B lack . The Book of Lilith
M onick , E ugene . Phallos: Sacred Image of the Masculine
L eonard , L inda S chierse . On the Way to the Wedding: Transforming the Love Relationship
F ield , J oanna (M arion M ilner ). A Life of One's Own
C lancier , A nne and K almanovitch J eannine . Winnicott and Paradox from Birth to Creation
G oldberg , C arl . On Being a Psychotherapist: The Journey of the Healer
R idgway , R oy . The Unborn Child: How to Recognize and Overcome Prenatal Trauma
H ofstadter , D ouglas . Metatnagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(4):767-767

Book Reviews     
S amuels , A. (Ed.) Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives.
S idoli , M ara . The Unfolding Self.
F abricius , J ohannes . Alchemy: The Medieval Alchemists and their Royal Art.
A ziz , R obert . C. G. Jung' Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1955,8(2):275-289
Book Reviewed in This Article:
S heldon , W illiam H. Atlas of Men: A Guide for Somatotyping the Adult Male at all Ages.
B rown , J. A. C. The Social Psychology of Industry.
R oethlisberger , F. J., L ombard , G eorge F., and R ankin , H arriet O. Training for Human Relations.
O tis , J ay L. and L eukart , R ichard H. Job Evaluation
A dams , W alter (Ed.) The Structure of American Industry: Some Case Studies.
R iley , M atilda W hite , R iley , J ohn W., J r ., and T oby , J ackson . Sociological Studies in Scale Analysis.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(3):573-573
Book review in This Article:
A rgyris , C hris . Management and Organizational Development: The Path from xa to yb.
L evinson , H arry , M olinari , J anice and S pohn , A ndrew G. Organizational Diagnosis.
W einberg , G erald M. The Psychology of Computer Programming.
K lein , S tuart M. Workers Under Stress: The Impact of Work Pressure on Group Cohesion
D rake , J ohn D. Interviewing for Managers.
M ace , M yles . Directors: Myth and Reality.
P eskin , D ean B. Human Behavior and Employment Interviewing.
D ichter , E rnest . Motivating Human Behavior.
K rause , E lliott A. The Sociology of Occupations.
P ugh , D. S. (Ed.) Organization Theory.
H ornstein , H arvey A., B unker , B arbara B enedict , B urke , W. W arner , G indes , M arion and L ewicki , R oy J. (Editors) Social Intervention: A Behavioral Science Approach.
C olbert , J ohn and H ohn , M arcia . Guide to Manpower Training.
K irkpatrick , D onald L. A Practical Guide for Supervisory Training and Development.
M yers , C harles A. The Role of the Private Sector in Manpower Development.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(2):283-336
Book Reviewed in This Article:
C rooks , L ois A. (Editor) An Investigation of Sources of Bias in the Prediction of Job Performance: A Six-Year Study.
F amularo , J oseph J. (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Modern Personnel Administration.
W ard , L ewis B. and A thos , A nthony G. Student Expectations of Corporate Life: Implications for Management Recruiting.
L awless , D. J. Effective Management: A Social Psychological Approach.
W haley , D onald L. Psychological Testing and the Philosophy of Measurement.
F rench , W endell L. and B ell , C ecil H. J r .
F rederiksen , N orman , J ensen , O llie and B eaton , A lbert E. With a contribution by Bruce Bloxom. Prediction of Organizational Behavior. Elmsford
U llrich , R obert A. A Theoretical Model of Human Behavior in Organizations: An Eclectic Approach.
B rethower , D ale M. Behavioral Analysis in Business and Industry: A Total Performance System.
B eynon , H. and B lackburn , R. M. Perceptions of Work: Variations within a Factory.
L oring , R osalind and W ells , T heodora . Breakthrough: Women into Management.
L evinson , H arry . The Great Jackass Fallacy.
B uck , V ernon E. Working Under Pressure.
W ilson , A ubrey . The Marketing of Professional Services.
B auby , C athrina . OK, Let's Talk About It: Dynamics of Dialogue.
M orris , J ohn O. Make Yourself Clear: Morris on Business Communication.
W edderburn , D orothy and C rompton , R osemary . Workers' Attitudes and Technology.
T aylor , L ynda K ing . Not for Bread Alone: An Appreciation of Job Enrichment.
Top Executive Compensation (1972 Edition).
P aturi , F elix R. The Escalator Effect: How to Get to the Top Without Effort.
M old , H oward P. The Mechanics of Management by Objectives—Preparing and Writing Objectives. (Bulletin No. 37)
M ussen , P aul H. and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 24.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1954,7(4):576-596
Books reviewed in this article:
F ruchter , B enjamin . Introduction to Factor Analysis.
A rbous , A. G. Tables for Aptitude Testers.
A ckoff , R ussell L. The Design of Social Research.
C ox , D avid . Women's Attitudes Toward Repetitive Work.
L ivingstone , E lizabeth and H andyside , J ohn D. two Studies in Supervision
S cott , W alter D ill , C lothier , R obert C, and S priegel , W illiam R. Personnel Management
T ufts C ollege I nstitute F or A pplied E xperimental P sychology . Handbook of Human Engineering Data
W eschler , I rving R., and B rown , P aula (E ds .) Evaluating Research and Development.
J ennings , E ugene E. Improving Supervisory Behavior.
T aylor , W. S. Notehand for Psychologists.  相似文献   

C. G. Jung Letters. (Volume 1.) Selected and edited by G. Adler in collaboration with A. Jaffe. Translated by R. F. C. Hull
M ax S chur : Freud: living and dying
C. A. M eier : Die Bedeutung des Träumes (The significance of the dream)
H ans D ieckmann : Träume als Sprache der Seele (Dreams as language of the soul)
F. P erls , R. F. H efferline , P. G oodman . Gestalt therapy
M ario M oreno : La Dimensione Simbolica
The psychoanalytic study of the child. Vol. 27. Ed. A nna F reud , H. H artman , and E. K ris
Annual survey of psychoanalysis (A comprehensive survey of current psychoanalytic thought and practice). Vol. 10, 1959. Ed. F rosch J. and R oss N.
M aurice M erleau -P onty . Vorlesungen I. Phenomenologisch-psychologische Forschungen, Vol. 9. Translated from the French by Alexandre Métraux
H enry V. D icks . Licensed mass murder; a socio-psychological study of some S. S. killers
Analytical psychology: a modern science. (Ed. M. F ordham , R. G ordon , J. H ubback , K. L ambert , M. W illiams .)  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(2):351-406
Book reviews in htis article:
R obson , M ike . Quality Circles: A Practical Guide .
C arkhuff , R obert R. Sources of Human Productivity .
L idstone , J ohn . How to Recruit and Select Successful Salesmen .
G oodstein , L eonard D., P feiffer , J. W illiam and B yrum -G aw , B everly . (Eds.) The 1983 Annual for Facilitators, Trainers, and Consultants .
L andy , F rank J. and F arr , J ames L. The Measurement of Work Performance: Methods, Theory and Applications .
G ordon , J udith R. A Diagnostic Approach to Organizational Behavior .
J ames , R oger G. and E lkins , A aron J. How to Train and Lead a Quality, Circle .
N ash , M ichael . Managing Organizational Peformance .
S tech , E rnest L. Leadership Communication .
B rown , F rederick G. Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing .
S mith , B arry J. and D elahaye , B rian L. How to Be an Effective Trainer: Skills for Managers and New Trainers .
F innigan , J ohn . The Right People in the Right Jobs .
L assey , W illiam R. and S ashkin , M arshall . (Editors) Leadership and Social Change .
B urgess , L eonard R. Wage and Salary Administration: Pay and Benefits .
S pencer , A nne . On the Edge of the Organization: The Role of the Outside Director .
L ynn , R obert J. The Pension Crisis .
How To Improve Your Listening Skills .
S weetland , R ichard C., K eyser , D aniel J. and O'C onnor , W illiam A. (Eds.) with Sam Pimazar, Contributing Consultant. Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education and Business .  相似文献   

D ieckmann , H ans . Individuation im Märchen aus 1001 Nacht.
F erguson , S arah . A guard within.
C ohn , N orman . Europe's inner demons: an enquiry inspired by the great witchhunt.
R osenbaum , C. P eter , and B eebe , J ohn E., III. Psychiatric treatment. Crisis/clinic/consultation .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1956,9(3):407-430
Books reviewed in this article:
D arley , J ohn G., and H agenah , T heda . Vocational Interest Measurement: Theory and Practice.
S trong , E dward K., J r . Vocational Interests 18 Years After College.
G hiselli , E dwin E. The Measurement of Occupational Aptitude.
R ainio , K ullervo . Leadership Qualities: A Theoretical Inquiry and an Experimental Study on Foremen.
C raig , H arold F arlow . Administering a Conversion to Electronic Accounting: A Case Study.
S ampson , R obert C. The Staff Role in Management.
B lum , M ilton L. Industrial Psychology and Its Social Foundations.
S mith , H enry C lay . Psychology of Industrial Behavior.
H odnett , E dward . The Art of Problem Solving.
L anham , E. Job Evaluation.
D reyfuss , H enky . Designing for People.
P hillips , D avid C. Oral Communication in Business.
J uran , J. M., A nd B abish , N orman N. Case Studies in Industrial Management.
F arnsworth , P aul R., A nd M cnemar , Q uinn . (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 7, 1956.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(2):247-273
Books reviewed in this article:
W hyte , W illiam H., JR. The Organization Man
S hartle , C arroll L. Executive Performance and Leadership
S togdill , R alph M., S hartle , C arroll L., S cott , E llis L., C oons , A lvin E., AND J aynes , W illiam E. A Predictive Study of Administrative Work Patterns
F leishman , E dwin A., H arris , E dwin F., AND B urtt , H arold E. Leadership and Supervision in Industry: An Evaluation of a Supervisory Training Program
F rancis , R oy G., AND S tone , R obert C. Service and Procedure in Bureaucracy: A Case Study
B endix , R einhard . Work and Authority in Industry (Ideologies of Management in the Course of Industrialization)
B ursk , E dward C. (Ed.) Human Relations for Management .
McCL oskey , J oseph F., AND C oppinger , J ohn M. (Eds.) Operations Research for Management, Volume II (Case Histories, Methods, and Information Handling)
H ickman , C. A ddison , AND K uhn , M anford H. Individuals, Groups, and Economic Behavior
D etroit F ree P ress . Motivation Research Looks at Detroit Newspaper Readers
G ilman , G lenn . Human Relations in the Industrial Southeast (A Study of the Textile Industry)
G uilford , J. P. Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education
F arnsworth , P. R., AND McN emar , Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 8, 1967  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(3):641-690
Book Reviewed in this article:
S chein , E dgar H. Organizational Psychology.
O ttaway , R ichard N. (Editor) Change Agents at Work.
H unt , J ames G. and L arson , L ars L. (Editors) Crosscurrents in Leadership.
M oore , L arry F. and C harach , L arry . (Editors) Manpower Planning for Canadians: An Anthology.
P otter , B everly A. Turning Around: The Behavioral Approach to Managing People.
B ass , B ernard M. and B urger , P hilip C. In collaboration with Robert Doktor and Gerald V. Barrett. Assessment of Managers: An International Comparison.
S ingleton , W. T. (Editor) Compliance and Excellence. The Study of Real Skills, Volume 2.
L andy , F rank J. and T rumbo , D on A. Psychology of Work Behavior.
P eterson , R ichard B., T racy , L ane and C abelly , A lan . (Editors) Readings in Systematic Management of Human Resources.
C hampion , J ohn M. and J ames , J ohn H. (Editors). Critical Incidents in Management.
M assey , M orris . The People Puzzle: Understanding Yourself and Others.
A dair , J ohn . Action-Centered Leadership.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. The Practice of Supervision: Achieving Results through People.
B udde , J ames F. Measuring Performance in Human Service Systems: Planning, Organization, and Control.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Leadership.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Decisions.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Communication.
Y ates , J ere E. Managing Stress: A Businessperson's Guide.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(3):691-691
Book Reviewed in this article:
S chein , E dgar H. Organizational Psychology.
O ttaway , R ichard N. (Editor) Change Agents at Work.
H unt , J ames G. and L arson , L ars L. (Editors) Crosscurrents in Leadership.
M oore , L arry F. and C harach , L arry . (Editors) Manpower Planning for Canadians: An Anthology.
P otter , B everly A. Turning Around: The Behavioral Approach to Managing People.
B ass , B ernard M. and B urger , P hilip C. In collaboration with Robert Doktor and Gerald V. Barrett. Assessment of Managers: An International Comparison.
S ingleton , W. T. (Editor) Compliance and Excellence. The Study of Real Skills, Volume 2.
L andy , F rank J. and T rumbo , D on A. Psychology of Work Behavior.
P eterson , R ichard B., T racy , L ane and C abelly , A lan . (Editors) Readings in Systematic Management of Human Resources.
C hampion , J ohn M. and J ames , J ohn H. (Editors). Critical Incidents in Management.
M assey , M orris . The People Puzzle: Understanding Yourself and Others.
A dair , J ohn . Action-Centered Leadership.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. The Practice of Supervision: Achieving Results through People.
B udde , J ames F. Measuring Performance in Human Service Systems: Planning, Organization, and Control.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Leadership.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Decisions.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Communication.
Y ates , J ere E. Managing Stress: A Businessperson's Guide.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(1):111-134
Books reviewed in this article:
F ord , R obert N. Motivation through the Work Itself.
D ale , E rnest . Management: Theory and Practice.
A llison , D avid (Editor). The R & D Game: Technical Men, Technical Managers, and Research Productivity.
K elly , J oe . Organizational Behaviour.
Q uinn , R obert P., T abor , J oyce M., and G ordon , L aurak . The Decision to Discriminate: A Study of Executive Selection.
M aurer , J ohn G. Work Role Involvement of Industrial Supervisors.
R obinson , J ohn P., A thanasiou , R obert , and H ead , K endra B. Measures of Occupational Attitudes and Occupational Characteristics. (Appendix A to Measures of Political Attitudes)
B lackwell , R oger D., E ngel , J ames F., and K ollat , D avid T. Cases in Consumer Behavior.
B elasco , J ames A., and T rice , H arrison M. The Assessment of Change in Training and Therapy.
K azmier , L eonard J. Principles of Management: A Program for Self-Instruction.
R itzer , G eorge , and T rice , H arrison M. An Occupation in Conflict: A Study of the Personnel Manager.
B auer , R aymond A., G reyser , S tephen A., et al . Advertising in America: The Consumer View.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(4):609-651
Book reviews in this article:
B urns , T homas J. (Editor) The Behavioral Aspects of Accounting Data for Performance Evaluation.
C ampbell , J ohn P., D unnette , M arvin D., L awler , E dward E., III, and W eick , K arl E., J r . Managerial Behavior, Performance, and Effectiveness.
K ast , F remont E. and R osenzweig , J ames E. Organization and Management: A Systems Approach.
P owell , R eed M. Race, Religion, and the Promotion of the American Executive.
W asmuth , W illiam J., S imonds , R ollin H., H ilgert , R aymond L., and L ee , H ak C hong . Human Resources Administration: Problems of Growth and Change.
M ueller , E va (with others). Technological Advance in an Expanding Economy: Its Impact on a Cross-section of the Labor Force.
B lake , R obert R. and M outon , J ane S rygley . The Grid for Sales Excellence: Benchmarks for Effective Salesmanship.
F rench , W endell . The Personnel Management Process: Human Resources Administration.
R eddin , W. J. Managerial Effectiveness.
B lack , J ames M. HOW to Get Results from Interviewing: A Practical Guide for Operating Management.
C ohen , J acob . Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavorial Sciences.
L ucas , R ex A. Men In Crisis:. A Study of a Mine Disaster.
G roff , G ene K. and M uth , J ohn F. (Editors) Operations Management: Selected Readings.
N i B hroin , N oirin . the motivation and Productivity of Young Women Workers.
E rdos , P aul L. Professional Mai Surveys.
A dams , S exton and F yffe , D on . The Corporate Promotables.
…Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

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