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于泳红 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1157-1158,1127
该研究以多属性职业选项为材料,采用计算机化的信息板技术初步考察了焦虑型个体在多属性决策过程中的信息加工特点,结果表明焦虑型个体与非焦虑个体的决策过程有所不同。主要表现在与非焦虑型的决策者相比,焦虑型的被试在决策过程中对职业属性的加工时间更长,加工的信息也更多;在决策前后他们对完成决策任务的信心水平评估都很低,但是在搜索模式上焦虑型的决策者与非焦虑型的决策者没有差别。在研究的讨论部分对焦虑型个体决策过程中信息加工特点的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

研究选取120名大学生,探讨了具体情绪与人格特质对平均决策时间、决策的信息搜索深度和决策的信息搜索模式的影响。结果发现:(1)在平均决策时间上,具体情绪与人格特质主效应显著,并且交互影响决策的信息加工过程。在悲伤情绪下,内控型比外控型人格的个体平均决策时间要长。内控型个体在悲伤情绪比高兴情绪状态下平均决策时间长。(2)在决策信息搜索深度上,具体情绪与人格特质主效应显著,并且交互影响决策的信息加工过程。在悲伤情绪下,内控型比外控型人格的个体信息搜索深度要深。内控型个体在悲伤情绪比高兴情绪状态下信息搜索深度要深。(3)在决策信息搜索模式上,具体情绪与人格特质主效应显著,但两者交互作用不显著。内控型比外控型人格特质的被试在悲伤状态下更倾向于基于选项加工,内控型个体在悲伤状态比在高兴状态下也倾向于选项加工,而外控型个体在高兴情绪状态比在悲伤情绪状态下更倾向于线索加工。  相似文献   

杨骏 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1435-1440
本研究旨在探讨个体风险偏好如何影响信息加工过程;同时呈现信息的完整性是否影响个体信息加工过程。以31名正在求职的大学生为被试,探讨了他们在信息板上进行职业决策的信息加工过程。结果显示:(1) 低风险偏好者比高风险偏好者更关注与概率相关的线索;(2) 当信息不完整时,个体在决策中增加了对概率相关线索的关注;(3) 信息完整性对个体决策信息加工过程并未产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

以68名20~33岁之间的未婚女性为被试, 探讨了她们在信息板上做出择偶决策时的线索偏好及信息加工方式。结果显示:(1)候选人的性格、健康状况、责任心是女性择偶时优先考虑的线索; (2)被试在完成信息板任务时间接表现出来的线索偏好不完全等同于主观评估给出的线索偏好; (3)择偶决策是一个有限理性的启发式搜索过程, 且时间紧迫性和候选人数量影响被试对择偶线索的信息加工方式; (4)候选人数量与择偶满意度之间不是简单的线性关系, 增加候选人数量并不一定能够提高决策后的满意度。依据有关的理论和发现对这些结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

陈晓惠  石文典 《心理科学》2020,(6):1418-1424
研究以选择决策中决策任务的主观性为关注点,通过现场和实验室两项实验考察决策任务重要性对启发式和分析式策略有效性的影响。结果发现,在感知任务重要的情况下,采用分析式策略的被试决策后满意度高于采用启发式策略的被试;在感知任务不重要情况下,采用启发式策略的被试决策后满意度高于采用分析式策略的被试。研究表明,决策者感知到的任务重要与否会影响启发式和分析式两种决策策略的效果。  相似文献   

情境启动和认知需要对决策中信息加工的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以100名大学生为被试,采用信息板技术,以职业选择作为决策任务,考察由情境启动激活的决策策略和认知需要的个体差异对决策中信息加工的影响.结果表明,通过启动激活的决策策略和认知需要对决策过程都有显著的影响,在加工时间上和点击次数上两者交互作用分别达到了(边缘)显著水平.说明人们在决策中的信息加工是受情境因素和个体差异因素共同影响的.  相似文献   

时间限制和成就动机对职业决策线索加工的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘永芳  陈霞 《应用心理学》2008,14(4):311-317
采用信息板技术探讨了时间限制条件下成就动机对职业决策线索加工的影响.结果表明:(1)时间限制影响了个体职业选择过程的平均决策时间、信息搜索深度和信息搜索模式,但未对决策满意度造成显著影响;(2)追求成功动机影响决策时的信息搜索模式,避免失败动机影响决策时的信息搜索深度.  相似文献   

在消费者行为学领域,以往有关绿色消费的研究多聚焦于促进和阻碍消费决策的客观因素和社会心理因素,并分析绿色营销策略在消费者心理或行为层面的积极效应,却很少对产品绿色属性信息的负面结果效应进行探讨。本研究以企业绿色产品策略为研究切入点,在划分绿色属性信息内容维度的基础上,探讨产品绿色属性信息对消费者决策行为的双刃剑效应。首先,基于风险-收益、认知平衡和积极情感多个研究视角,构建起产品绿色属性信息影响消费者行为决策的多层次整合模型;其次,从个体心理表征因素和外部情境因素出发探讨减弱负面效应的边界机制。  相似文献   

本研究采用实验法探讨了选项框架和认知负载对风险决策的影响。结果发现:(1)不同的认知负载条件下,被试在正向框架下表现出风险回避,负向框架下表现出风险寻求,出现了框架效应现象;(2)相对于认知负载条件下,被试在无认知负载的负向框架下更偏好于风险选项,而正向框架下的风险偏好没有显著变化,即无认知负载条件下框架效应较强。这表明,框架效应不仅仅是启发式系统作用的结果,分析式系统也在其中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

从过程追踪视角出发,运用信息板技术通过3个实验探讨调节模式对延迟选择的影响及信息加工方式(加工时间、加工深度、加工模式)与决策角色在其中的中介和调节作用。结果发现:(1)调节模式影响个体的延迟选择,评估比运动模式者更倾向于延迟选择;(2)加工时间在调节模式与延迟选择间起中介作用;(3)决策角色分别调节了调节模式与加工时间、延迟选择的关系,即为自我决策时,评估模式比运动模式者的加工时间更长、更倾向于延迟选择,而为他人决策时二者的偏好无显著差异;(4)决策角色调节了加工时间在调节模式与延迟选择中的中介作用,表现为有调节的中介,即为自我决策时,评估模式比运动模式者的加工时间更长致使其更倾向延迟选择,而为他人决策时加工时间的中介作用不显著。研究结果对进一步理解不同调节模式个体的延迟选择偏好及机制及如何根据不同调节模式消费者的差异制定有效的营销策略均有一定启示。  相似文献   

Weighted‐additive (WADD) strategies require decision makers to integrate multiple values weighted by their relevance. From what age can children make choices in line with such a WADD‐strategy? We compare multi‐attribute decisions of children (6–7; 8–10; 11–12‐year‐olds) with adults in an open information‐board environment without pre‐decisional information search. In two experiments, we classify decision strategies based on individual choice patterns and find that in all age groups the majority of participants are users of a WADD‐strategy. Simple decision heuristics such as lexicographic strategies were applied rarely by children and not at all by adults. In two additional follow‐up studies, we further investigate the underlying process of WADD‐application by analysing decision latencies in combination with a retrospective think‐aloud study. Results suggest that children did not apply WADD‐strategies in a deliberate fashion in our experiments. Overall, our findings demonstrate that the ability to make good and quick decisions by holistically integrating information is already present in young children. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The processing of attribute information during preference‐based decision making is affected by both the valence of that information and its importance to the decision. Although these two factors have typically been examined separately, we propose that their effects on elaboration and encoding are often codependent. Results of four experiments demonstrate that the traditional negativity effect, whereby negative attribute information is processed more extensively than positive attribute information, obtains only for the subset of attributes perceived to be most important. Among other attributes, the negativity effect is reduced or even reversed (a positivity effect). Our findings suggest important qualifications to prevailing notions of selective information processing. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study manipulated the graphical representation of options by framing the physical characters in figures and found that preferences could be affected even when the words and numbers of the problem were constant. Based on attribute substitution theory and an equate‐to‐differentiate approach, we proposed a two‐process model of graph‐framing effects. In the first mental process, the graph‐editing process, the physical features (e.g., distance, size) represented in the graph are visually edited, and the perceived numerical difference between the options is judged based on its physical features. The second mental process, the preferential choice process, occurs by an equate‐to‐differentiate approach in which people seek to equate the difference between options on the dimension on which the difference is smaller, thus leaving the greater other‐dimensional difference to be the determinant of the final choice. Four experiments were tested for graph‐framing effects. Experiment 1 found a graph‐framing effect in coordinate graphs resting on the (de)compression of the scales employed in the figures. Experiment 2 revealed additional graph‐framing effects in other question scenarios and showed that preference changes were mediated by perceived numerical distances. Experiment 3 further confirmed the presence of graph‐framing effects in sector graphs similar to those found in coordinate ones. Experiment 4 suggested that such graph‐framing effects could be eliminated when logical processing (e.g., introducing a mathematical operation before a choice task) was encouraged. This paper discusses related research and a possible substrate basis for graph‐framing effects. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

决策中的图形框架效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙彦  黄莉  刘扬 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1718-1726
决策框架效应作为一种违背不变性原则的非理性偏差, 已经得到研究的广泛证实。本研究突破了传统研究中主要由语言描述引发框架效应的限制, 从图形表征这一新的视角对图形框架效应做了深入探讨。本研究共包括6个实验, 通过操纵选项在不同图形表征版本中物理属性差异的突出性, 发现在表达信息不变的情况下, 人们判断和决策的偏好会受到图形表征的影响, 即出现了图形框架效应。研究结果表明, 图形框架效应普遍存在于各种决策情境以及各种图形表征方式中。基于属性替代理论和齐当别原则, 我们提出了一种解释图形框架效应内部作用机制的两阶段心理加工模型--图形编辑的齐当别模型(The Graph-edited Equate-to-differentiate Model, GEM)。  相似文献   

本研究用实验室研究方法对 MAU决策辅助对个体和群体决策质量的影响进行了比较研究 ,结果表明 :(1 )使用 MAU决策辅助时 ,群体决策不仅在信息利用上优于个体决策 ,而且在多数心理效标上也占优势 ;(2 )在 MAU方法的利用效率上 ,只在任务较难时 ,群体决策更优于个体决策 ,且群体决策时间明显长于个体决策 ;(3 )不使用 MAU决策辅助时 ,个体决策和群体决策在心理效标上无显著差异 ,但群体决策在信息加工效标上优于个体决策。  相似文献   

当前临床决策的问题及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着传统生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,临床决策也应由目前以经验医学为主导的经验决策向以循证医学为基础的科学决策转变。  相似文献   

This paper investigated decision pattern analysis (DPA) as a general and standard framework for studying individuals' consistent decision making behavior within and between contexts. DPA classifies decisions on the basis of judgement accuracy and the goal orientation of the decided‐upon action. Over repeated decisions, patterns of individuals' decision behavior are described by five variables: competence, optimality, recklessness, hesitancy and decisiveness. A fictitious medical decision making test and three standard cognitive ability tests (extended with confidence ratings and a ‘submit answer for marking’ decision) were used to investigate the psychometric properties of these DPA variables. Internal consistency of the decision patterns ranged from good to excellent. Convergent validity was assessed via cognitive abilities, metacognitive confidence and a control criterion imposed on confidence that determines the decision to be made: the point of sufficient certainty. Personality variables were included to assess discriminant validity. As hypothesised, cognitive abilities showed positive correlations with competence and optimality. High confidence, low points of sufficient certainty and a greater discrepancy between them were associated with higher decisiveness and recklessness, and lower hesitancy. Personality measures showed mixed and generally weak correlations with the DPA variables. These convergent and discriminant results also held after controlling for all variables in regression. The results provide preliminary psychometric support for DPA as a general framework of behavioral decision making. DPA has the potential to be exploited in many contexts for uses that, to date, have been unachievable in a psychometrically valid manner. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Weighted additive evaluation functions are widely used to rank alternatives in decision making under certainty with multiple evaluation attributes. Some researchers have suggested that approximate attribute weights may be adequate to accurately rank alternatives. Use of approximate weights would simplify decision analysis since detailed elicitation of weights can be time consuming and controversial. This article investigates the degree to which partial information about the relative magnitudes of attribute weights is sufficient to rank alternatives as a function of the number of decision alternatives, the number of attributes, and the number of allowed levels for each attribute. A simulation analysis, as well as a reanalysis of an actual application, shows that partial information about weights is often not sufficient to determine the most preferred alternative for realistic decision problems. Hence, approximation procedures for specifying weights may lead to errors. However, our work also shows that a simple analysis procedure can be used to accurately determine whether partial information about weights is adequate to correctly specify the most preferred alternative. This procedure can be useful for identifying situations in which detailed elicitation of weights is not needed.  相似文献   

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