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Twenty adult male golden hamsters were isolated into individual cages for a period of six weeks, at the end of which time they had introduced into their home cages, on three occasions, a castrated male intruder. On each occasion the castrated intruder was daubed on the anogenital region with urine from one of three sources: (1) intact females, (2) other castrated males, and (3) intact males. Urine from a different source was applied to the castrated intruder on each of the three tests. Resident males consistently showed more aggression, sniffing, and following and less defensive behavior than the intruders. However, aggression by the resident males showed a significant variance over the three urine treatments given to the intruder. It is concluded that like male mouse urine, male hamster urine contains attack-provoking cues, but that unlike that of the mouse, female urine does not appear to be attack-inhibiting in this species.  相似文献   

Food-deprived golden hamsters in a large enclosure received food every 30 sec contingent on lever pressing, or free while their behavior was continuously recorded in terms of an exhaustive classification of motor patterns. As with other species in other situations, behavior became organized into two main classes. One (terminal behaviors) increased in probability throughout interfood intervals; the other (interim behaviors) peaked earlier in interfood intervals. Which class an activity belonged to was independent of whether food was contingent on lever pressing. When food was omitted on some of the intervals (thwarting), the terminal activities began sooner in the next interval, and different interim activities changed in different ways. The interim activities did not appear to be schedule-induced in the usual sense. Rather, the hamsters left the area of the feeder when food was not due and engaged in activities they would normally perform in the experimental environment.  相似文献   

Are different responses differentially associable with their consequences? An overshadowing design was used to try to answer this question for three responses previously studied in golden hamsters. In Experiment I, scrabbling was rapidly suppressed by electric shock punishment, and it overshadowed a tone which occurred between scrabbling and shock. In Experiment II, no evidence of response-shock association was obtained when open rearing was the punished response, and open rearing did not overshadow the tone. Punishment had some effect on face washing, but there was no statistically significant overshadowing with this response. These results are consistent with the idea that differences in punishment suppression among these three responses have an associative basis. They also demonstrate the usefulness of a novel paradigm for studying “preparedness” of response-reinforcer associations.  相似文献   

Receptive female Syrian hamsters were significantly attracted to the odors of other hamsters but not to odors obtained from certain foods. Estrous female attraction scores were larger in response to male Syrian flank gland sebum (SMFG) than to estrous hamster vaginal discharge (HVD) obtained from either Syrian (SHVD) or Turkish (THVD) hamsters. On Day 3 of their estrous cycle, nonreceptive Syrian hamsters were significantly attracted to food-related odors but not to the odors of other hamsters (SMFG, SHVD, or THVD).  相似文献   

Golden hamsters are able to detect differences in the height of a platform from which they jump, as measured by their increasing latencies prior to jumping from increased elevations. This ability is very effective when optical information is available, but it is also present when hamsters jump in total darkness. A second experiment shows that, when hamsters are placed on a real physical cliff, they preferentially use tactile information over visual information to guide their choice of the side from which to descend. In a nonvisual setting, tactile stimulation is used in conjunction with other types of cues. Evidence is provided to suggest that these cues are of an acoustical nature.  相似文献   

Neonatally and adult castrated male hamsters as well as neonatally androgenized and nonandrogenized female hamsters were tested for both mounting and lordosis behaviors during treatment with either testosterone or ovarian hormones. Neonatal androgenization facilitated mounting behavior in adult animals administered either testosterone or ovarian hormones and suppressed lordosis behavior in adult ovarian-hormone-treated animals. Early androgen effects on the display of lordosis behavior during adult testosterone treatment were complex and varied with the exact timing of perinatal endogenous or exogenous androgenization. Species differences in hormone-behavior relationships and the possible role of perinatal androgenization in the development of rodents' ability to aromatize androgens were discussed.  相似文献   

Female hamsters were allowed to attack a series of target hamsters until they reached a criterion of attack satiation. Following delays of 0, 24, or 48 hr they were then presented with a novel “probe” target. Attacks on the probe target were reduced to 26% of baseline at 0 delay and had returned to 71% of baseline by 48 hr. The number of attacks necessary to achieve satiation criterion increased then decreased over the three test occasions, suggesting that habituationlike processes may contribute to, but cannot wholly account for, the satiation effect.  相似文献   

The unconditioned reactions of Mongolian gerbils to peanuts rolled in sucrose octa-acetate (SOA) or denatomium benzoate (Bitrex) were studied in Experiment 1. Although SOA evokes as high a bitterness rating among humans as quinine salts, the gerbils' latency to ingest a nut flavoured with the former was similar to that to an unflavoured nut. Their oral latency to a nut that was flavoured with Bitrex was longer than to either an unflavoured one or one flavoured with SOA. However, the fact that they ingested a nut flavoured with the “most bitter substance known to man” within 70 sec after contact is surprising. Experiment 2 dealt with the effects of a peanut that was either unflavoured or flavoured with SOA or quinine and then paired with a LiCl injection. The oral latency of these gerbils to a nut conveying such flavours was assessed for six days after this conditioning. A nut flavoured with quinine acquired aversive properties but not ones that were flavoured with SOA or were unflavoured. Similar results were observed in Experiment 3, when hamsters were tested under comparable conditions. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, golden hamsters were injected with either 0.9% saline or the nausea-inducing agent, lithium chloride (LiCL), immediately after consuming a flavored diet that was either novel or familiar. The LiCl-induced aversion was strong in hamsters for which the flavored diet was novel, but no significant aversion was observed in hamsters that were familiar with the flavored diet. In Experiment 2, the strength of the LiCl-induced aversion was related inversely to the amount of conditioned-stimulus (CS) preexposure and directly to the duration of the preexposure-conditioning interval. Thus, although some previous researchers have suggested that hamsters may not demonstrate the CS-preexposure effect in a conditioned taste-aversion paradigm, they clearly did so under the conditions of the present experiments, and moreover, the characteristics of the CS-preexposure effect in hamsters were generally similar to those observed in rats.  相似文献   

The effect of conspecific sex on maternal aggression in hamsters was determined by comparing the frequency of aggressive responses by dams continuously housed with either a virgin male or female cagemate during pregnancy and lactation. Dams easily established aggressive dominance over male cagemates soon after pairing, and their aggression was low thereafter for the duration of pregnancy and lactation. The aggression of dams with females, on the other hand, tended to fluctuate with highs during mid pregnancy and mid lactation and lows around birth. When dam aggression was low around birth, female cagemates frequently became aggressively dominant, and several dams lost their litters. The higher aggression of dams toward females than males is probably a reflection of greater intrasexual competition for environmental resources that includes pups.  相似文献   

The author presented dwarf hamsters (Phodopus campbelli) and golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) with conspecific and inanimate signals for food. Both species approached a cardboard stimulus that predicted food. The dwarf hamsters engaged in high levels of social contact directed toward a conspecific conditioned stimulus for food, but the golden hamsters did not. The author also presented dwarf hamsters with a conspecific signal that did not indicate food, and the levels of social behaviors that they directed toward it were significantly lower. These results suggest the presence of a social component in the dwarf hamster feeding system and are consistent with previous findings that the social transmission of food preferences occurs more readily in dwarf hamsters than in golden hamsters.  相似文献   

“Priming” a female hamster by allowing it a single attack on an intruder placed into its home cage transiently decreases the latency and increases the probability of attack on a second trial. Although we have previously argued that this priming effect reflects an increase in aggressive arousal, an alternative interpretation is that the fear elicited by placing a foreign object into the subject's home cage is reduced when it happens again on the second trial. Another interpretation is that priming is an effect of intruder novelty, i.e., the subject perceives a difference between the first and second intruders which causes it to attack the second more quickly. Experiment 1 compared the standard two trial paradigm with different intruders to trials in which (1) the first intruder was withdrawn and used again in the second trial, and (2) the intruder remained in the cage following the first attack. All intruders were pretreated with the analgesic-sedative methotrimeprazine to reduce the variability of their behavior. Neither hypothesis tested in Experiment 1 was supported, strengthening the interpretation of attack priming as a manipulation that affects primarily internal motivational mechanisms specific to aggression. Allowing a hamster to carry out a protracted series of attacks produces a “satiation” effect that is the reverse of priming, i.e., the latency of a subsequent attack is increased and its probability reduced. It is possible that the attack satiation observed in our earlier studies was not the result of processes internal to the subject, but could have been due to habituation to a particular intruder or to certain stimuli emitted by it during the protracted interaction. In Experiment 2 subjects were given three sessions of 10 successive trials using either 1 intruder presented repeatedly, 2 intruders presented alternately, or 10 different intruders presented once each. No difference among conditions was found in this study either suggesting that subject's aggressive behavior is insensitive to whatever changes may occur in intruders' behavior or other stimulus characteristics when they have been treated with methotrimeprazine. The lack of differences among test conditions in both experiments is most likely due to the efficacy of the drug in “standardizing” intruder behavior. Experiment 2 also revealed an interesting difference in two measures of attack latency. The time elapsing between intruder presentation and attack, i.e., the standard measure of latency, decreased from the first to the fourth trail; it then increased steadily over the remaining trials. The cumulative time that the subject remained in contact with the intruder prior to attack, a measure more indicative of attention to the intruder, dropped to an asymptotic value by the second trial. This difference suggests that the satiation effect may be accounted for by subjects' increasing avoidance of the intruders over trails, perhaps as a way of regualting their level of aggressive arousal.  相似文献   

Although animals generally prefer to eat foods with familiar rather than unfamiliar flavors, adult golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) were found to do the opposite. After having prolonged exposure to a food with a particular flavor, hamsters were allowed to select between the food with the familiar flavor and the same food with a novel flavor. Hamsters consistently ate more of the food with the novel flavor, and this preference was long-lasting and resistant to extinction. Furthermore, the novelty effect was robust, being manifested in both sexes and under a variety of experimental circumstances. In contrast, rats tested under identical conditions consistently preferred the food with the familiar flavor. The origins of the novelty effect in hamsters remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Golden hamsters received free shock (Experiment 1) or they were partially (Experiments 2 and 3) or continuously (Experiments 4 and 5) punished with mild electric shock for face washing, open rearing, or scrabbling. Punishment immediately and enduringly reduced the time engaged in scrabbling and the number and length of its bouts. Face washing was also clearly associated with shock, since effects specific to the contingency between face washing and shock were retained when shock was discontinued, but under some conditions punishment increased the number of bouts of face washing. Open rearing was the most refractory of the three activities to suppression and showed least evidence of retaining the effects of punishment. This pattern of results differs from that found previously when food reinforcement was given for the same activities. It is discussed in terms of constraints on performance of learned associations by a variety of response-specific and reinforcer-specific motivational factors.  相似文献   

Most of Spinoza’s arguments for God’s existence do not rely on any special feature of God, but instead on merely general features of substance. This raises the following worry: those arguments prove the existence of non-divine substances just as much as they prove God’s existence, and yet there is not enough room in Spinoza’s system for all these substances. I argue that Spinoza attempts to solve this problem by using a principle of plenitude to rule out the existence of other substances and that the principle cannot be derived from the PSR, as many claim.

Abbreviation: PSR: Principle of Sufficient Reason  相似文献   

Male hamsters were tested for their responses to areas that had been scent marked by intact or vaginectomized females to determine the effects of naturally deposited vaginal secretions on male behavior. In the first experiment males produced more ultrasonic courtship calls when investigating areas marked by intact females than areas scented by vaginectomized females, demonstrating that vaginal marks facilitate such calling. In a wind-tunnel preference test situation in which scent-marked alleys and clean alleys served as sources of odor, males approached the scented alley first if it had been freshly marked by intact females but not if it had been scented by vaginectomized females or other males. Thus, the odors of vaginal marks are sufficient to attract males over short distances. After males entered these alleys they showed a preference for odors of both intact and vaginectomized females over no odors, but still spent significantly more time investigating the odors of intact females than those of vaginectomized females. These experiments indicate that vaginal secretions are one of the primary cues that elicit male courtship calling, and the small quantities of vaginal secretions deposited by females in vaginal marks are sufficient to elicit ultrasonic calling and attract males over short distances. Thus it is likely that vaginal scent marking and ultrasonic calling by females interact to facilitate attraction and location of mates during courtship.  相似文献   

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