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Rumination is a response to distress in which individuals focus repetitively on their feelings and the causes and consequences of those feelings. When induced to ruminate, dysphorics exhibit more negative mood and recall more negative memories, but these effects are not seen in nondysphorics. This pattern of results could be due to trait-like differences between dysphoric and nondysphoric individuals, or to the high levels of negative affect that dysphorics are experiencing at the time of rumination. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of pre-rumination mood on post-rumination mood and subsequent memory. Participants scoring high or low in depressive symptoms were assigned to either a positive or negative emotion induction prior to ruminating and completing an autobiographical memory task. Analysis of self-reported mood indicates that both emotion inductions were effective. Surprisingly, all participants returned to baseline mood levels following the rumination induction, and emotion induction had no effect on the negativity of the memories recalled. Dysphorics recalled significantly more negative memories than nondysphorics, regardless of whether positive, neutral, or negative memories were specifically prompted. Our results indicated that the prolonged experience of dysphoria may have greater effects on post-rumination mood and memory than the transitory experience of sadness.  相似文献   

Collaborative retrieval was investigated in two experiments. The experiments were explicitly designed to investigate how different types of memory tasks were affected by two individuals working together compared to individuals working on their own. A nominal group score was treated as the predicted potential a dyad could attain. In Experiment 1, semantic and episodic retrieval were employed. The episodic task was to encode and retrieve a story and the semantic task was to answer, without any encoding, 20 questions from the same history domain as the episodic task. In Experiment 2, explicit recognition and implicit retrieval of dot patterns were employed. The explicit recognition task was forced-choice, and in the implicit task, subjects were instructed to complete a pattern they saw from an incomplete pattern. The results suggest that: (1) dyads suffer from collaboration relative to the predicted potential, (2) the reduction of productivity for dyads was limited to explicit and episodic memory tasks, and (3) friends as opposed to non-friends reduced the negative effect of collaboration. The results replicate and extend the results from a previous study.  相似文献   

为了探讨内隐记忆提取干扰效应是否敏于注意资源的变化,该实验沿用前期经典的“学习-测验”范式,通过在提取阶段同时设置两种不同刺激类型的干扰任务:箭头干扰和汉字干扰,以此来探讨内隐记忆提取干扰效应的本质所在。结果发现,不同提取干扰条件对内隐记忆产生不同程度的影响,汉字干扰对内隐记忆的影响比箭头产生的干扰更大。结果表明,干扰刺激类型会调节内隐记忆提取干扰效应的大小,证实内隐记忆提取干扰敏于注意资源的变化。  相似文献   

Marshall D. Willman 《Dao》2009,8(4):439-455
It is sometimes argued that the study of grammar is irrelevant or unimportant in the business of comparative philosophy, or that it ought to be avoided in favor of methods that presuppose a strongly pragmatic point of view. In this regard, some philosophers have expressed skepticism about whether facts about grammar have anything to offer in the adjudication of competing theories of interpretation or translation. This essay argues that a strongly pragmatic orientation in comparative philosophy invariably overlooks an important role that the study of grammar can play in shedding light on the nature of intention and communicative practice, and that an essential part of the methodology of comparative philosophy should involve a grammatical approach to interpretation and translation. These points are supported by a semantical analysis of passages from Confucius’ Analects that clarifies the relationship between illocutionary force and grammatical mood.  相似文献   

Two experiments which require subjects to hold a digit span while solving an equation and then recall the digit span are performed. The size of the memory span and the complexity of the equation are manipulated as well as whether the subject is required to substitute items from the digit span for constants in the equation. As either task (digit span recall or equation solving) gets more complex there are performance decrements (accuracy or latency) not only in that task but also in the other task. It is also shown that the majority of the errors are misretrievals. These results are consistent with the proposal that working memory load has its impact on retrieval from memory. These results are fit by the ACT-R theory (Anderson, 1993) which assumes that there is a limit on source activation and that this activation has to be divided between the two tasks. As either task increases in complexity there is less activation for retrieval of information from declarative memory. Subjects’ misretrievals of associatively related information could be predicted by assuming a partial matching process in ACT-R.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that noise interferes with social cues from a person in need of help and reduces helping behavior. The research reported here investigates the role of other variables, such as nonverbal cues and sex of the participants involved, that may naturally accompany noise in influencing prosocial behavior. Two experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that noise alone may not reduce helping behavior, among other hypotheses. The results of the laboratory study were inconclusive because of the possible interference of demand characteristics. The results of a field study on the streets of a major city supported the major hypothesis and revealed that sex of the participants involved was the major predictor of helping behavior. The results were discussed in terms of adaptation to arousing stimuli and environmental load theories.  相似文献   

该研究探讨提取抑制能否减少错误记忆的发生.以自编的DRM词表为实验材料,实验1采用有意遗忘范式(有意抑制),实验2采用部分线索效应范式(无意抑制).实验1结果发现:关键诱饵在“记住”条件下的错误回忆成绩显著高于“遗忘”条件下的错误回忆成绩;学过项目在“记住”条件下的正确回忆成绩显著高于“遗忘”条件下的正确回忆成绩.实验2结果发现:关键诱饵在“无部分线索”条件下的错误回忆成绩显著高于“部分线索”条件下的错误回忆成绩;学过项目在“无部分线索”条件下的正确回忆成绩显著高于“部分线索”条件下的正确回忆成绩.研究结果提示:有意和无意两种提取抑制都可以降低错误记忆,结果支持基于激活与监测的双加工理论的观点.  相似文献   

焦虑情绪和年龄因素对前瞻记忆成绩影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘伟  王丽娟 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1304-1306
本研究使用了嵌入焦虑量表和前瞻记忆自评问卷的前瞻记忆测验材料.对85名初中学生和152名大学生分别进行测试。结果发现,不同水平的焦虑情绪对前瞻记忆没有显着影响.但对前瞻记忆自我评价影响显着。从年龄因素上看,大学生的前瞻记忆成绩高于初中学生。  相似文献   

Recently, several studies have addressed the question of whether depression affects priming in implicit memory tasks. The main aim of this experiment was to assess the presence of a bias for negative information in explicit memory (free recall) and implicit memory (word-stem completion) tasks among subclinically depressed subjects compared to nondepressed subjects, using the typical levels of processing manipulation. The results of this study show the existence of a mood-congruent memory bias for both implicit and explicit memory in depressed subjects. The theoretical implications of these findings for implicit and explicit memory biases associated with depressed mood are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of friendship and collaboration on memory retrieval were investigated in two experiments. The net negative effect of collaboration in memory retrieval and the effect of friendship were studied within a cueing framework. The aim of the study was to investigate the reduced cue effectiveness hypothesis. In Experiment 1, dyadic retrieval was compared to that of a nominal group (a pooled score from two individuals working individually). The task was to encode and retrieve 90 words individually or dyadically. The retrieval phase was supported by cues produced by others or produced by the participants themselves (individually or dyadically). In Experiment 2, friends were compared to non-friends in a memory retrieval phase. All participants retrieved alone in Experiment 2. The results of Experiment 1 revealed that dyadic retrieval suffered compared to nominal group retrieval and that no such discrepancies were found for retrieval with cues produced by others. In Experiment 2, friends could help each other towards successful retrieval to a greater extent than non-friends, and “for others” instructions increased retrieval performance as well. These findings replicate previous studies by Andersson and Ronnberg (1995, 1996), and advance the understanding of collaborative memory; that is, net negative effects of collaboration can be explained in terms of the reduced cue effectiveness hypothesis.  相似文献   

空间知识记忆和提取的理论模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对物理空间知识记忆和提取规律的探讨一直是空间认知领域研究中的一个重点和热点。对其进行深入研究,不仅有助于了解人类的空间行为,而且为相关的诸如界面设计、虚拟环境等空间认知应用领域(研究)提供支持。该文从空间记忆的内在参照系理论、坐标系统模型、空间情境模型和位置记忆的空间类属模型4个方面对当前有关物理环境中空间知识记忆和提取的理论或模型进行了回顾并作了初步评价。  相似文献   

探索当存在多维来源信息时,对一个维度的来源信息的再现是否会促进对另一个维度的来源记忆的提取,即出现情境线索效应。以汉字词语作为项目刺激,以背景颜色作为情境线索,通过两个实验分别考察对呈现位置和背景形状的提取是否会出现情境线索效应。结果发现:只在对背景形状的提取中出现了情境线索效应,并且线索负载越高,效应越小。该结果表明对来源记忆提取时,来源信息间的高可结合性是引发情境线索效应的重要因素。  相似文献   

本研究主要考察自传体记忆本身的情绪是否影响该记忆相关信息的内隐提取过程。取大学生15人完成实验, 实验分为两部分:记忆提取和词汇判断。首先在记忆提取阶段, 要求被试根据词对(形容词-中性名词)提取积极、消极和中性情绪色彩的自传体记忆事件。接着在词汇判断任务中, 要求被试对包含提取过记忆的中性名词的词语进行词和非词的判断, 并且记录相应的脑电波。结果发现:(1)被试按要求成功提取了积极、消极和中性三类自传体记忆事件。词汇判断任务中, 内隐提取三类自传体记忆信息的反应时和正确率均无显著差异。(2)相比于积极、中性自传体记忆信息, 消极自传体记忆信息提取的过程中的ERP波幅更大, 更偏向于正向。这表明自传体记忆信息的内隐提取受到记忆本身情绪的影响, 消极自传体记忆信息提取需要付出更多资源。  相似文献   

A music mood induction was used to induce either elated, depressed, or neutral mood in 71 college undergraduates. The elated group scored significantly higher than the depressed group on mood ratings. Creativity measures administered to each group revealed that subjects in the elated and depressed groups showed significantly greater creativity than subjects in the neutral group. Findings were interpreted in light of existing research on the relationship between mood and creativity.  相似文献   

本研究选取43名小学四年级学生(18名男生和25名女生)为实验被试,探究了工作记忆负荷和自动化提取对复杂加法心算策略效果的影响.结果显示:(1)工作记忆负荷对复杂加法心算策略的影响显著,即一项加法心算策略所需的工作记忆负荷越小,该策略的执行效果越好;(2)自动化提取对加法心算策略的影响显著,即一项加法心算策略所需自动化提取的程度越高,该策略的执行效果越好;(3)工作记忆负荷和自动化提取对加法心算策略效果的交互作用显著,表现为在自动化提取水平较高的情况下,工作记忆负荷的大小对心算策略执行效果的影响差异不显著;而在自动化提取水平较低的情况下,工作记忆负荷小的心算策略的执行效果显著优于工作记忆负荷大的心算策略的执行效果.  相似文献   

记忆系统中图形不同特征的提取   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
丁锦红  林仲贤 《心理科学》2001,24(3):273-275
在长时记忆中,图形的颜色、形状和质地等三个特征可以分开表征。那么,图形的不同特征以何种方式提取?在提取过程中,图形的这些特征被激活的程度是否存在着差异?本研究通过对不同提取线索再认成绩的比较,试图对上述问题进行了探讨。结果表明,长时记忆中,图形的形状、颜色和质地的相对痕迹问无差异,而绝对痕迹不同,形状最强,颜色最弱,质地居中。当然,当图形特征数量增加时,它们之问的相互作用是不可避免的,所以,进一步的研究还应考虑到不同特征组合的提取特点,图形的其他特征(如大小、位置等)的提取特点。  相似文献   

Studies often posit the processing dichotomy of positive vs. negative affect. People in a negative mood tend to process information in a more systematic manner while those in a positive mood tend to adopt a more heuristic, schema-directed processing style. A 3 (mood: negative vs. neutral vs. positive) × 2 (exposure duration: one vs. five minutes) × 2 (schema-consistent vs. schema-inconsistent items) experimental design was employed in a real-life setting and, using the incidental learning paradigm, to test recognition memory for objects in a typical office. Following the affect-as-information approach, we hypothesized that induced positive mood would lead participants to engage in a more schema-directed processing leading to less accurate memory, while induced negative mood will lead to a more analytic and detailed processing, leading to higher memory accuracy and fewer memory errors. Results revealed a significant effect of duration, indicating that participants made more schema-consistent errors when their stay in the office was shorter. The significant interaction of mood and exposure duration suggests that effect of the exposure on memory accuracy applies to people in negative and neutral mood, while people in positive mood tend to maintain schema-directed processing style for longer period of time.  相似文献   

Traditional labeling theory usually contends that pathological labels contribute to pathology and benign labels help alleviate it. However, it is likely that the role of pathological labels as the cause of pathology has been overstated and over-generalized. Family therapists have probably overused the practice of substituting a benign label for a pathological label—relabeling. In fact, there are many families in which a pathological label applied to one family member may have beneficial impact on the family system, including that member. Five such cases are presented, and labeling theory is reviewed. Definitions of the terms reframing and relabeling are suggested, and the differing implications of diagnosis and labeling theory are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of feedback (grades) on two primary mood dimensions - Pleasantness and Arousal. We hypothesized that (a) cognitive comparisons of feedback to multiple standards yield cognitive appraisals of feedback sign, and that (b) feedback sign has a linear effect on harm/benefit appraisal, which influences mood Pleasantness, and a curvilinear effect on need for action appraisal, which influences Arousal. In Study 1 (N = 281), grades (a proxy for the sign of feedback-norm discrepancy) had a linear relationship with Pleasantness and a U-shaped relationship with Arousal. In addition, subjects who received grades had higher Arousal than control subjects. Study 2 (N = 226) replicated the results of Study 1 and showed that after controlling for the relationship of grades with Pleasantness and Arousal, the sign of feedback-expectation discrepancy (a second standard) also had a linear relationship with Pleasantness and a U-shaped relationship with Arousal.  相似文献   

分配注意对短时记忆编码和提取的影响研究概况   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
包燕 《心理科学》2000,23(4):462-465
0 引言  注意与记忆一直是认知心理学中非常活跃的两个研究领域 ,然而 ,将注意与记忆结合起来进行研究 ,则是近年来才颇受重视的一种研究方法和趋势。早在一百多年前 ,WilliamJames就曾指出 ,一个客体一旦被注意便会保持在记忆中 ,而一个未被注意的客体则不会在记忆中留下任何痕迹。受James观点影响 ,早期的研究者曾对非注意刺激有无记忆进行了考察 ,后来的大多数研究者则关注着注意水平的下降或分配注意 (DA ,dividedattention)对记忆编码和提取过程的影响。他们采用的典型实验方法是双作业范式 ,即…  相似文献   

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