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马克思创立的哲学世界观是实践的唯物主义。在马克思主义哲学发展史中,恩格斯公开发表了第一个表述马克思实践唯物主义思想的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》(以下简称《提纲》);和马克思合著了在其中正式提出“实践的唯物主义”世界观的《德意志意识形态》;在《自然辩证法》中,也表述了  相似文献   

马克思的社会人类学思想之发展可分为(1)哲学阶段,它稍早以《黑格尔法哲学批判》和“巴黎手稿”为代表,肯定了人是一切社会形式的本质,把人与自然界的统一视作人的实现了的自然主义和自然界实现了的人本主义,稍晚则以《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》和《德意志意识形态》为代表,摆脱了  相似文献   

《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中标志马克思实现了对费尔巴哈的超越的那些思想,在此之前,主要是在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,已经出现。马克思超越费尔巴哈是一个过程,在一个时期,曾经存在对费尔巴哈的误解。马克思的实践概念不仅批判了旧唯物主义,也批判了唯心主义。它强调人的能动性与受动性的结合,是对唯物主义唯心主义斗争的扬弃。只强调马克思的实践概念弘扬人的主体性是片面的。  相似文献   

马克思的实践概念——纪念《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》写作150周年孙伯钅癸1845年4月,马克思在布鲁塞尔草拟了一个批判费尔巴哈的计划,1888年经恩格斯整理后以《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》为题(第一次)发表。这个短短不到1500字的文稿,在现代思想史上所产生的...  相似文献   

雷勇 《世界哲学》2012,(5):79-87
马克思1845年在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中批判费尔巴哈无视人的现实本质,即社会关系,但是,在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中却对费尔巴哈人的社会性问题给予了高度的肯定和赞扬。马克思前后的评价为何有如此之大的差别呢?本文认为,马克思在《手稿》中肯定费尔巴哈,主要是基于费尔巴哈对人的社会性的明确肯定。但是,随着对现实社会问题研究的逐步深入,马克思发现人的社会性在费尔巴哈那里还只是一个抽象的原则。马克思和恩格斯从"作为感性对象的人"转向了"作为感性活动的人",把"实践"作为其世界观的核心,科学地揭示了人的社会性的内涵。  相似文献   

马克思走向哲学新视界的三次非常性思想探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马克思走向哲学新视界的三次非常性思想探索张一兵1845年4月间,马克思在自己的记事笔记本(1844—1847年)第51—55页中写下了著名的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》。本来,《提纲》作为马克思主义的第一个哲学文本,其理论逻辑定位是清楚的,因为它经过了马克思主义创始人的直接指证。可是在本世纪30年代以后,具体地说,也就是马克思的一些早期论著(包括《黑格尔法哲学批判》和《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》等)问世后,以西方“马克思学”和西方马克思主义人本学家的某种特定理论解读意向为开端,《提纲》的地位发生了一…  相似文献   

德国的新马克思主义哲学家恩斯特·布洛赫在其代表作《希望原理》第19章中,对马克思《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》(以下简称《提纲》)进行了仔细的解读。这种文本研究法在西方马克思主义者那里颇为罕见。布洛赫紧紧扣住劳动、异化和实践概念,把马克思与费尔巴哈人本主义的“决裂”演绎为从“抽象的人本主义”走向“具体的人本主义”的过程。这样一来,整个马克思主义哲学革命都只不过成了人本主义逻辑的内部演进,而不是一种格式塔式的根本变革。布洛赫所做的工作直接关涉对马克思哲学革命本质的理解问题。本文将对《希望原理》的这一文本段落进行“…  相似文献   

尽管马克思思想由于它的当今种种弊病并不是无可责难的,但是它仍然可以寻找到内在的补救办法或解毒的药剂。照我看来,在马克思的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中就能找到一种灵丹妙药或改弦易辙的指南(《提纲》是他同唯心主义决裂之后、开始转向政治经济学的时候撰写的)。“从前的一切唯物主义——包括费尔巴哈的唯物主义——的主要缺点,”《提纲》劈头就这样断言,“是对事物、现实、感性,只是从客体的或者直观的形式去理解,而不是把它们当  相似文献   

目前关于人的问题的研究中,国内学界很多研究者都认同马克思“现实的人”思想所开辟的思路。但这并不意味着我们已经穷尽了马克思关于人的问题的理论思考,马克思的思想仍有极其重要的具有导向性意义,这一点还没有被充分认识。在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》第一条中,马克思指出,旧唯物主义的缺点在于“只是”从客体的或者直观的形式来理解现实,放弃了对“能动的方面”的认识;唯心主义虽说发展了“能动的方面”,但却执迷于思维的绝对性,把能动性抽象化,能动性脱离了现实。在这种情形下,马克思的“新世界观”强调从“感性的人的活动”出发理解现实…  相似文献   

《哲学研究》1982年第10期上登载的《关于恩格斯对〈费尔巴哈论细〉的若干修改》(以下简称《若干修改》)一文,提出了一个问题,这就是恩格斯和马克思的思想是否一致的问题。按照《若干修改》,恩格斯对《提纲》作了两种类型的修改。一类是按照恩格斯自己的思想,对马克思的《提纲》原稿,有的作了文字更动,有的删略了原文,有的增添  相似文献   

Social groups—like teams, committees, gender groups, and racial groups—play a central role in our lives and in philosophical inquiry. Here I develop and motivate a structuralist ontology of social groups centered on social structures (i.e., networks of relations that are constitutively dependent on social factors). The view delivers a picture that encompasses a diverse range of social groups, while maintaining important metaphysical and normative distinctions between groups of different kinds. It also meets the constraint that not every arbitrary collection of people is a social group. In addition, the framework provides resources for developing a broader structuralist view in social ontology.  相似文献   

社会认同理论视野下的社会认同威胁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王沛  刘峰 《心理科学进展》2007,15(5):822-827
社会认同威胁是指,在社会比较的情况下,由于群体地位的差异,某一群体的个体在认知、情感上,对自我、所属群体身份的不承认,而产生的一种心理上的疏离感和剥夺感、自卑感。社会认同威胁的结果包括3类:脱离群体、改变群体的状态、接受消极的社会认同结果。外显“社会威胁”的测量方法以问卷调查为主。测量“社会威胁”的内隐方法则以心脏血压和平均动脉血压作为测量指标。社会认同威胁的实验研究将群体分化为内群体和外群体,操纵群体地位的差异,通过模拟社会游戏来了解群体的社会认同威胁及其生理反应。未来的研究将重点关注下述问题:对社会认同威胁概念的建构、跨文化研究及其内隐过程的分析  相似文献   

Social cognition provides a metatheoretical approach to understanding the mental underpinnings of human social behavior. This paper reviews some of the major themes in social cognition research, tracing its progression from a methodological hybrid between cognitive and social psychology to a major foundation of social psychology. We stress the most recent trend in social cognition research – the motivated tactician theme – which focuses on the roles of motives and goals in people's mental processes and social behavior; examples from our laboratory illustrate this theme. Our brief historical overview emphasizes diversity within the social cognition approach; its applicability to multiple psychological and social issues; and directions for collaboration with other notable research traditions, particularly cross-cultural perspectives.  相似文献   

内隐社会认知:社会性决策的个人背景效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樊晓红  周爱保 《心理科学》2002,25(6):694-696,690
通过两个实验研究了个人背景对其社会性决策的影响。实验一采用 2× 2混合设计 ,其中被试性别为组间因素 ,策略类型为组内因素 ;结果发现不同性别的被试在选择决策策略时表现出了差异 ,其中男性更倾向于选择“综合比较”的策略 ,但女性却没有表现出对策略的偏向。实验二则选择 14项个人背景资料作为自变量 ,以“才—情”决策倾向为因变量 ,进行多元逐步回归分析 ,结果发现被试的家庭所在地、性别差异以及对自己容貌的评价等变量显著地影响了决策倾向。  相似文献   

Much of politics is involved with the distribution of resources and the regulation of intergroup relations. Social dominance theory posits that social ideologies provide social justification for policies that have unequal effects on different social groups. In the present studies, we examine the mediating role that ideologies have in transforming people's general orientation toward group inequality into policy support. Using data from 5 samples, we offer evidence that social dominance orientation orients people to support discriminatory ideologies, which in turn influence support for policies. Support for the theoretical model was shown in studies of both long-standing social policy attitudes, such as toward social welfare and military programs, and of unfolding political events, including Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court, the Persian Gulf War, and reinstitution of the death penalty in California.  相似文献   

Psychological life is subject to the influence of a constructed and potentially reconstituted past, as well as to future anticipated outcomes and expectations. Human behaviour occurs along a temporal trajectory that marks the projects individuals adopt in their quests of human action. Explanations of social behaviour are limited insofar as they exclude a historical concern with human purpose. In this paper, we draw on Bartlett??s notion of collective remembering to argue that manifest social relations are rooted in past events that give present behaviours meaning and justification. We further propose an epidemiological time-series framework for social representations, that are conceptualised as evolving over time and that are subject to a ??ratchet effect?? that perpetuates meaning in a collective. We argue that understanding forms of social behaviour that draw on lay explanations of social relations requires a deconstructive effort that maps the evolutionary trajectory of a representational project in terms of its adaptation over time. We go on to illustrate our proposal visiting data that emerged in an inquiry investigating Maltese immigrants?? perspectives towards their countries of settlement and origin. This data reveals an assimilationist acculturation preference amongst the Maltese in Britain that seems incongruous with the current climate of European integration and Maltese communities in other countries around the world. We demonstrate that a historical concern with regard to this apparent behaviour helps explain how Maltese immigrants to Britain opt for certain forms of intercultural relations than others that are normally preferable. We demonstrate that these preferences rely on an evolved justification of the Maltese getting by with foreign rulers that other scholars have traced back to the medieval practice of chivalry.  相似文献   

Mattick and Clarke's (1998) Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) and Social Phobia Scale (SPS) are commonly used self-report measures that assess 2 dimensions of social anxiety. Given the need for short, readable measures, this research proposes short forms of both scales. Item-level analyses of readability characteristics of the SIAS and SPS items led to the selection of 6 items from each scale for use in the short forms. The SIAS and SPS short forms had reading levels at approximately the 6th and 5th grade level, respectively. Results using nonclinical (Study 1: N = 469) and clinical (Study 2: N = 145) samples identified these short forms as being factorially sound, possessing adequate internal consistency, and having strong convergence with their full-length counterparts. Moreover, these short forms showed convergence with other measures of social anxiety, showed divergence from measures assessing related constructs, and predicted concurrent interpersonal functioning. Recommendations for the use of these short forms are discussed.  相似文献   

Mattick and Clarke's (1998) Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) and Social Phobia Scale (SPS) are commonly used self-report measures that assess 2 dimensions of social anxiety. Given the need for short, readable measures, this research proposes short forms of both scales. Item-level analyses of readability characteristics of the SIAS and SPS items led to the selection of 6 items from each scale for use in the short forms. The SIAS and SPS short forms had reading levels at approximately the 6th and 5th grade level, respectively. Results using nonclinical (Study 1: N = 469) and clinical (Study 2: N = 145) samples identified these short forms as being factorially sound, possessing adequate internal consistency, and having strong convergence with their full-length counterparts. Moreover, these short forms showed convergence with other measures of social anxiety, showed divergence from measures assessing related constructs, and predicted concurrent interpersonal functioning. Recommendations for the use of these short forms are discussed.  相似文献   

精神救助与物质救助一样.是社会性突发事件处置中一个当然的组成部分.在我国现实国情下,专业社会工作介入社会性突发事件精神救助在其理论研究与实践过程中都会暂时存在较难逾越的屏障.面对社会接受和专业自身发展所表现出来的诸多限制,专业社会工作要成功地介入社会性突发事件精神救助,发挥其优势作用,政府重视是前提,社会工作服务的本土化是根本,专业队伍建设是关键,积极行动是途径.  相似文献   

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