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《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(1):163-253
Goodman , Paul S. Assessing Organizational Change: The Rushton Quality of Work Experiment. Mc Lean , Alan A. Work Stress. Forbes , Rosalind . Corporate Stress: How to Manage Stress on the Job and Make It Work for You. Stephenson , G. M. and Brotherton , C. J. (Eds.) Industrial Relations: A Social Psychological Approach. Davidson , William L. How to Develop and Conduct Successful Employee Attitude Surveys. Ramsay , Roland T. The Testing Manual: A Guide to Test Administration and Use. Kotter , John P. Power in Management: How to Understand, Acquire, and Use It. Yohalem , Alice M. The Careers of Professional Women: Commitment and Conflict. Mahoney , Thomas A. (Editor) Compensation and Reward Perspectives. Burgher , Peter H. (Editor) Changement: Understanding and Managing Business Change. Lawrence , W. Gordon . (Editor) Exploring Individual and Organizational Boundaries: A Tavistock Open Systems Approach. Nadler , David A., Hackman , J. Richard and Lawler , Edward E., III. Managing Organizational Behavior. Gordon , George G. and Cummins , Walter . Managing Management Climate. Sanzotta , Donald . The Manager's Guide to Interpersonal Relations. Cooper , Cary L. Learning from Others in Groups: Experiential Learning Approaches. Johnson , Robert G. The Appraisal Interveiw Guide. O'leary , Lawrence R. The Selection and Promotion of the Successful Police Officer. Smith , B. Babington and Farrell , B. A. (Editors) Training in Small Groups: A Study of Five Methods. Kinzel , Robert K. Retirement: Creating Promise Out of Threat. Kirschenbaum , Howard and Glaser , Barbara . Developing Support Groups: A Manual for Facilitators and Participants. Graham , Ben S., Jr . and Titus , Parvin S. (Editors) The Amazing Oversight: Total Participation for Productivity. Gannon , Martin J. Organizational Behavior: A Managerial and Organizational Perspective. Kanter , Rosabeth Moss and Stein , Barry A. (Editors) Life in Organizations: Workplaces as People Experience Them. Lubin , Bernard , Goodstein , Leonard D. and Lubin , Alice W. (Eds.) Organizational Change Sourcebook I: Cases in Organization Development. Goodstein , Leonard D., Lubin , Bernard and Lubin , Alice W. (Eds.) Organizational Change Sourcebook II: Cases in Conflict Management. Schoen , Sterling H. and Durand , Douglas E. Supervision: The Management of Organizational Resources. Crane , Donald P. Personnel: The Management of Human Resources. (Second Edition) Coleman , Charles J. Personnel: An Open System Approach. Glueck , William F. (Editor) Personnel: A Book of Readings. Patten , Thomas H., Jr . (Editor) Classics of Personnel Management. Cellucci , Anthony J. and Devries , David L. Measuring Managerial Satisfaction: A Manual for the MJSQ. (Technical Report No. 11) Silverstein , Pam and Srb , Jozetta H. Flexitime: Where, When, and How? Erickson , John R. and Mc Govern , Katherine Savers . (Editors) Equal Employment Practice Guide, Volumes I and II. Jackall , Robert . Workers in a Labyrinth: Jobs and Survival in a Bank Bureaucracy. Response to the review by Dr. James H. Reynierse in Personnel Psychology Vol. 32, No. 2.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(1):149-263
Book reviewed in this article: London , Manuel . Developing Managers. Sorcher , Melvin . Predicting Executive Success: What it Takes to Make it into Senior Management. Friedman , Paul G. AND Yarbrough , Elaine A. Training Strategies from Start to Finish. Neff , Walter S. Work and Human Behavior (3rd Ed.). Czepiel , John A., Solomon , Michael R., AND Surprenant , Carol F. The Service Encounter: Managing Employee/Customer Interactions in Service Businesses. Schein , Edgar H. Organization Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. Farmer , Richard N. AND Hogue , W. Dickerson . Corporate Social Responsibility (2nd Ed.). Berk , Ronald A. (Ed.). A Guide to Criterion-Referenced Test Construction. Wlodkowski , Raymond J. Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn. Cummings , L. L. AND Frost , Peter J. (Eds.). Publishing in the Organizational Sciences. Bell , Chip R. AND Nadler , Leonard (Eds.). Clients and Consultants: Meeting and Exceeding Expectations (2nd Ed.). Connor , Richard A., Jr . AND Davidson , Jeffrey P. Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services. Lawler , Edward E., Ill, Mohrman , Allan M, Jr ., Mohrman , Susan A., Ledford , Gerald E., Jr ., Cummings , Thomas G. AND Associates . Doing Research That is Useful for Theory and Practice. Elliston , Frederick , Keenan , John , Lockhart , Paula , AND Van Schaick , Jane . Whistleblowing: Managing Professional Dissent in the Workplace. Pennings , Johannes M. AND Associates . Organizational Strategy and Change: New Views on Formulating and Implementing Strategic Decisions. Brakel , Aat (Ed.). People and Organizations Interacting. Vaughn , Bobby C, Hoy , Frank , AND Buchanan , W. Wray . Employee Development Programs: An Organizational Approach. Rosenblat , Paul C, De Mik , Leni , Anderson , Roxanne , Marie , AND Johnson , Patricia . The Family in Business. Weihrich , Heinz . Management Excellence: Productivity Through MBO. Hanlon , Martin D., Nadler , David A. and Gladstein , Deborah . Attempting Work Reform: The Case of “Parkside” Hospital. Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior (7th Ed.). Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. Organizational Behavior: Readings and Exercises (7th Ed.). Megginson , Leon C. Personnel Management: A Human Resources Approach (5th Ed.). Davidson , Marilyn J. AND Cooper , Cary L. (Eds.) Working Women: An International Survey. Hartmann , Heidi I. (Ed.) Comparable Worth: New Directions for Research. Dennis Doverspike Assistant Professor of Psychology University of Akron Akron, Ohio Rosenbach , William E. and Taylor , Robert L. (Eds.). Contemporary Issues in Leadership. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane S. The Managerial Grid HI: The Key to Leadership Excellence (3rd Ed.). Federico , Pat -Anthony with the assistance of Kim E. Brun and Douglas B. Mc Calla . Management Information Systems and Organizational Behavior (2nd Ed.). Ronen , Simcha , Alternative Work Schedules: Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating. George , Claude S. Supervision in Action: The Art of Managing Others (4th Ed.). Beehr , Terry A. AND Bhagat , Rabi S. (Eds.). Human Stress and Cognition in Organizations: An Integrated Perspective. Globerson , Schlomo . Performance Criteria and Incentive Systems (Advances in Industrial Engineering, 1). Kravetz , Dennis J. Getting Noticed: A Manager's Success Kit.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(3):515-577
Book Reviewed in this article: RONCO, WILLIAM AND PEATTIE, LISA. Making Work: Sev- Created Jobs in Participatory Organizations. HENDERSON, RICHARD I. Performance Appraisal. ROCK, MILTON L. (Ed.) Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration. LEVINE, EDWARD L. Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Job Analysis (and More!…A Job Analysis Primer). DREHER, GEORGE F. AND SACKETT, PAUL R. Perspectives on Employee Stafing and Selection: Readings and Commentary. NEILSEN, ERIC H. Becoming an OD Practitioner. SCHRANK, ROBERT (Ed.) Industry Democracy at Sea: Authority and Democracy on a Norwegian Freighter. HOPKINS, ANNE H. Work and Job Satisfaction in the Public Sector. RUCH, RICHARD S. AND GOODMAN, RONALD. Image at the Top: Crisis and Renaissance in Corporate Leadership. MITROFF, IAN I. Stakeholders of the Organizational Mind: Toward a New View of Organizational Policy Making. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM. (Ed.) A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training Vol IX. HUCZYNSKI, ANDRZEJ Encyclopedia development Methods. MUNSON, LAWRENCE S. How to Conduct Training Semi CARROLL, STEPHEN J. AND SCHULER, RANDALL S. (Eds.) Human Resources Managment in the 1980s: Supplement to the ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations. DESATNICK, ROBERT L. The Business of Human Resource Management: A Guide for the Results Oriented Executive. WEXLEY, KENNETH N. AND YUKL, GARY A. Organizational Behavior and Personnel Psychology. (Rev. Ed.) KOLB, DAVID A., RUBIN, IRWIN M. AND McINTYRE, JAMES M . Organizational Psychology: An Experiential Approach to Organizational Behavior, (Fourth Ed.) and KOLB, DAVID A., RUBIN, IRWIN M. AND McINTYRE, JAMES M. Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings. LAU, JAMES B. AND JELINEK, MARIANN. Behavior in Organizations: An Experiential Approach. WALSH, W. BRUCE AND OSIPOW, SAMUEL H. (Eds.) Handbook of Vocational Psychology. Vol. I: Foundations. and WALSH, W. BRUCE AND OSIPOW, SAMUEL H. (Eds.) Handbood of Vocational Psychology. Vol. 2: Applications. PAGE, TERRY. (Ed.) Computers in Personnel: Papers for the First National Confence and Exhibition of Computers in Personnel (22-24 June 1982). and PAGE, TERRY, (Ed.) Computers in Personnel: Toward the Personnel Ofice of the Future. TAYLOR, A ROBERT. How to Select and Use an Executive Search Firm.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1981,34(2):365-449
Argyris , Chris . Inner Contradictions of Rigorous Research. Naylor , James C, Pritchard , Robert D., and Ilgen , Daniel R. A Theory of Behavior in Organizations. Neugarten , Dail Ann and Shafritz , Jay M. (Editors) Sexuality in Organizations: Romantic and Coercive Behaviors at Work. Szilagyi , Andrew D., Jr . and Wallace , Marc J., Jr . Organizational Behavior and Performance. (Second Ed.) Miner , John B. Theories of Organizational Behavior. Leviatan , Uri and Rosner , Menachem . (Editors) Work and Organization in Kibbutz Industry. Lansbury , Russell D. (Editor) Democracy in the Work Place. Appleyard , John . (Editor) Humanization of Work in Western Europe. Huber , George P. Managerial Decision Making. Day , Janis . A Working Approach to Human Relations in Organizations. Jacobson , Beverly . Young Programs for Older Workers: Case Studies in Progressive Personnel Policies. Klein , Stuart M. and Ritti , R. Richard . Understanding Organizational Behavior. Machlowitz , Marilyn . Workaholics: Living with Them, Working with Them. Groves , Robert M. and Kahn , Robert L. Surveys by Telephone: A National Comparison with Personal Interviews. Shain , Martin and Groeneveld , Judith . Employee-Assistance Programs. Erickson , John R., Mc Govern , Katherine Savers and Sampson , Richard T. (Editors) Equal Employment Practice Guide: Vols. I and II. Washington, D. C: Federal Bar Association, Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity of the Council on Labor Law and Labor Relations. Mc Connell , John H. Complying with EEO: An Action Guide for Managers and Personnel Staff. Jain , Harish C. and Carroll , Diane . (Editors) Race and Sex Equality in the Workplace: A Challenge and an Opportunity. Cannon , James . Cost Effective Personnel Decisions. Francis , G. James and Milbourn , Gene , Jr . Human Behavior in the Work Environment: A Managerial Perspective. Gruneberg , Michael M. Understanding Job Satisfaction. Bedeian , Arthur G. Organizations: Theory and Analysis. Evan , William M. (Editor) Frontiers in Organization and Management. Kirkpatrick , Donald L., Coverdale , David S. and Olsen -Tjensvold , Reynolds . HOW to Select and Train New First-Line Supervisors. Highman , Arthur and De Limur , Charles . The Highman-de Limur Hypotheses. Higham , Martin . The ABC of Interviewing. Mill , Cyril R. Activities for Trainers: 50 Useful Designs. Renton , Michael . Getting Better Results from the Meetings You Run. Jardillier , Pierre . Les Conditions du Travail. Hamner , W. Clay . (Editor) Organizational Shock. Wasserman , Paul and Mc Lean , Janice . (Eds.) Training and Development Organizations Directory: A Reference Work Describing Firms, Institutes.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1982,35(3):687-776
Book reviewed in this article: Wieland , George F. (Editor) Improving Health Care Management: Organization Development and Organization Change. Bass , Bernard M. Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of Theory and Research. (Revised and Expanded Ed.) Maccoby , Michael . The Leader: A New Face for American Management. Lippitt , Gordon L. Organization Renewal: A Holistic Approach to Organization Development. (Second Edition) Fleenor , C. Patrick and Scontrino , M. PETER. Performance Appraisal: A Manager's Guide. Christie , Bruce . Face to File Communication: A Psychological Approach to Information Systems. Nollen , Stanley D. New Work Schedules in Practice: Managing Time in a Changing Society. Johnson , Laverne C, Tepas , Donald I., Colquhoun , W. P. and Colligan , Michael J. (Editors) Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Shift Work. Ellig , Bruce R. Executive Compensation–A Total Pay Perspective. Hunt , James G., Sekaran , Uma and Schriesheim , CHESTER A. (Editors) Leadership: Beyond Establishment Views. Meister , David . Behavioral Research and Government Policy: Civilian and Military R &D. Van De Ven , Andrew H. and Joyce , William F. (Editors) Perspectives on Organization Design and Behavior. Buehler , Vernon M. and Shetty , Y. Krishna . (Editors) Productivity Improvement: Case Studies of Proven Practice. Katz , Ralph . (Editor) Career Issues in Human Resource Management. Williams , Richard . Career Management and Career Planning: A Study of North American Practice. Kahn , Robert L. Work and Health. Veninga , Robert L. and Spradley , James P. The Work Stress Connection: How to Cope with Job Burnout. Appelbaum , Steven H. Stress Management for Health Care Professionals. Marshall , Judi and Cooper , Cary L. (Editors) Coping with Stress at Work: Case Studies from Industry. Belbin , R. Meredith . Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail. Nixon , Bruce . (Editor) New Approaches to Management Development. Cummings , Thomas G. (Editor) Systems Theory for Organization Development. Boydell , Tom and Pedler , Mike . (Editors) Management Self-Development: Concepts and Practices. Pati , Gopal C. and Adkins , John I., Jr . with Glenn Morrison. Managing and Employing the Handicapped: The Untapped Potential. Barton , Paul E. Worklife Transitions: The Adult Learning Connection. Hackett , Penny . Interview Skills Training: Practice Packs for Trainers. Hersey , Paul and Blanchard , Ken . Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources. (Fourth Edition) Carby , Keith and Robinson , Shelagh . (Editors) Personnel File. Siegel , Laurence and Lane , Irving M. Personnel and Organizational Psychology. Foulkes , Fred K. and Livernash , E. Robert . Human Resources Management: Text and Cases. Heneman , Robert G., Ill and Schwab , Donald P. (Editors) Perspectives on Personnel/Human Resource Management. (Revised Edition) Thomason , George . A Textbook of Personnel Management. (Fourth Edition) London, England: Institute of Personnel Management, 1981. Kaumeyer , Richard A., Jr . Planning and Using a Total Personnel System. Blasingame , Margaret C. A Selected Bibliography on Employee Attitude Surveys. Blasingame , Margaret C, Schneider , Katie R. and Hawk , Donald L. Performance Appraisal Bibliography of Recent Publications (1981 Edition). Schneider , Katie R. Human Resource Accounting: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Rosenzweig , Mark R. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 33 (1982).  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1981,34(4):835-918
Book reviews in this article: Walker , James W. Human Resource Planning. Morse , Dean W. and Gray , Susan H. Early Retirement–Boon or Bane? A Study of Three Large Corporations. Levinson , Harry . Executive: The Guide to Responsive Managment. Yukl , Gary A. Leadership in Organizations. Karlins , Marvin . The Human Use of Human Resources. Marchington , Mick . Responses to Participation at Work: A Study of the Attitudes and Behaviour of Employees, Shop Stewards and Managers in a Manufacturing Industry. Assistant Professor, Business Administration The Pennsylvania State University, Capitol Campus Middletown, PA Patten , Thomas H., Jr . Organizational Development through Teambuilding. Roseman , Edward . Managing Employee Turnover: A Positive Approach. Devries , David L., Morrison , Ann M., Shullman , Sandra L. and Gerlach , Michael L. Performance Appraisal on the Line. Staw , Barry M. and Cummings , Larry L. (Editors) Research in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews. Kilgour , John G. Preventive Labor Relations. Cole , Donald W. Professional Suicide: A Survival Kit for You and Your Job. Backhouse , Constance and Cohen , Leah . Sexual Harrassment on the Job: How to Avoid the Working Woman's Nightmare. Ray , Maurice . Recruitment Advertising: A Means of Communication. Doeringer , Peter B. (Editor) Workplace Perspectives on Education and Training. Klingner , Donald E. (Editor) Public Personnel Management: Readings in Contexts and Strategies. Bradshaw , Pete . The Management of Self-Esteem: How People Can Feel Good About Themselves and Better About Their Organizations. Pines , Ayala M. and Aronson , Elliot with Ditsa Kafry . Burnout: From Tedium to Personal Growth. Myers , M. Scott . Every Employee a Manager. Evered , James F. Shirt-Sleeves Management. Pigors , Paul and Myers , Charles A. Personnel Administration: A Point of View and a Method. Cummings , Paul W. Open Management: Guides to Successful Practice. Biddle , Derek and Evenden , Robin . Human Aspects of Management. Schuler , Randall S. Personnel and Human Resource Management. Schuler , Randall S., Mcfillen , James M. and Dalton , Dan R. (Eds.) Applied Readings in Personnel and Human Resource Management. Watman , Margaret M., Schuler , Randall S. and Dalton , Dan R. Instructor's Manual to Accompany Schuler's Personnel and Human Resource Management. Herbert , Theodore T. Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Aldag , Ramon J. and Brief , Arthur P. Managing Organizational Behavior. Darrow , Arthur L. Instructor's Manual to Accompany Aldag and Briefs Managing Organizational Behavior. Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. (Editors) Organizational Behavior: Readings and Exercises. White , Stephen L. Managing Health and Human Service Programs: A Guide for Managers. …BRIEFLY MENTIONED BOOKS AND MATERIALS RECEIVED  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1989,42(4):851-933
Book Reviewed in this article: HEELER, WILLIAM J., JONES, W. DAVID and BENHAM, PHILIP O., JR. Managing Human Resources Issues: Conjkonting Challenges and Choosing Options ARVEY, RICHARD D. and FALEY, ROBERT H. Fairness in Selecting Employees (2nd ed.) BUONO, ANTHONY E and BOWDITCH, JAMES L. The Human Side of Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Collisions Between People, Cultures, and Organizations SCHAFFER, ROBERT H. The Breakthrough Strategy: Using ShortTerm Successes to BuiM the High Performance Organization CASNER-LOTTO, JILL and Associates. Successful Paining Strategies: Twenty-Sir Innovative Cowrate Models ROSOW, JEROME M. and ZAGER, ROBERT Tmining-The Competitive Edge COOPER, CARY L. and PAYNE, ROY (Eds.). Causes, Coping, and Consequences of Stress at Work CONGER, JAY A., KANUNGO, RABINDRA N. and Associates. Charismatic Leadership: The Elusive Factor in Organizatioml Effectiveness WALLACE, MARC J. and FAY, CHARLES H. Compensation Theory and Practice (2nd ed.) PATTEN, THOMAS H., JR. Fair Pay: The Managerial Challenge of Comparable Job Worth and Job Evaluation PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.). The 1989Annual: Developing Human Resources SCHULTHEISS, EMILY E. Optimizing the Organization: How to Link People and Technology GOLEMBIEWSKI, ROBERT T and MUNZENRIDER, ROBERT R. Phases of Burnout: Developments in Concepts and Applications WISE, PAULA SACHS. The Use ofAssessment Techniques by Applied Psychologists McCABE, DOUGLAS M. Corporate Nonunion Complaint Procedures and Systems: A Strategic Human Resources Management Analysis WOLFER, KAREN S. and WONG, RICHARD G. The Outplacement Solution: Getting the Right Job After Mergers, Takeovers, Layoffs, and Other Corporate Chaos ROSE, SUZANNA and LARWOOD, LAURIE (Eds.). Women's Careers: Pathways and Pigalls HARVEY, JERRY B. The Abilene Paradox and Other Meditations on Management IJIRI, YUJI and KUHN, ROBERT LAWRENCE (Eds.). New Directions in Cmative and Innovative Management: Bridging Theory and Practice MANESE, WILFRED0 R. Occupational Job Evaluation: A Research-Based Approach to Job ClassiJication BRADY, GENE F. Management by Involvement: An Action Guide KRAM, KATHY E. Mentoring at Work Developmental Relationships in Organizational Life SYLVIA, RONALD D. Critical Issues in Public Personnel Policy  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1981,34(1):123-210
Lawler , Edward E., III, Nadler , David A. and Cammann , Cortlandt . Organizational Assessment: Perspectives on the Measurement of Organizational Behavior and The Quality of Work Life. De Board , Robert . The Psychoanalysis of Organizations: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Behaviour in Groups and Organizations. Hage , Jerald . Theories of Organizations: Form, Process, and Transformation. Summer , Charles E. Strategic Behavior in Business and Government. Van de Ven , Andrew and Ferry , Diane L. Measuring and Assessing Organizations. Pinder , Craig C. and Moore , Larry F. (Eds.) Middle Range Theory and the Study of Organizations. Huse , Edgar F. Organization Development and Change. (Second Ed.) Heneman , Herbert G., III, Schwab , Donald P., Fossum , John A. and Dyer , Lee D. Personnel/Human Resource Management. Du Brin Andrew . Effective Business Psychology. Ivancevich , John M. and Matteson , Michael T. Stress and Work. A Managerial Perspective. Cooper , C. L. and Payne , R. (Editors). Current Concerns in Occupational Stress. Wanous , John P. Organization Entry: Recruitment, Selection, and Socialization of Newcomers. Singleton , W. T., Spurgeon , P. and Stammers , R. B. (Eds.) The Analysis of Social Skill. Hackman , J. Richard . Job Design. Hinrichs , John R. Productivity Through Morale Management. Sorcher , Melvin . Supervisory Training Through Behavior Modeling. Burack , Elmer H., Albrecht , Maryann and Seitler , Helene . Growing: A Woman's Guide to Career Satisfaction. Morgan , Marilyn A. (Ed.). Managing Career Development. Chruden , H. J. AND Sherman , A. W., Jr . Personnel Management: The Utilization of Human Resources. (Sixth Edition) Chruden , H. J. and Sherman , A. W., Jr . (Editors) Readings in Personnel Management: The Utilization of Human Resources. (Fifth Edition) Eddy , William B. and Burke , W. Warner . (Eds.) Behavioral Science and the Manager's Role. (Second Edition) Imundo , Louis V. The Effective Supervisor's Handbook. Heyel , Carl , (Ed.) The VNR Concise Guide to Human Resources Development. Shaw , Malcolm E., Corsini , Raymond J., Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane S. Role Playing: A Practical Manual for Group Facilitators. Ritchie , J. B. and Thompson , Paul . Organization and People: Readings, Cases, and Exercises in Organizational Behavior. (Second Edition) Mc Lane , Helen J. Selecting, Developing and Retaining Women Executives: A Corporate Strategy for the Eighties. Bales , Robert F. and Cohen , Stephen P. with the assistance of Stephen A. Williamson . Symlog: A System for the Multiple Level Observation of Groups. Bales , Robert F. Symlog Case Study Kit with Instructions for a Group Self Study. Jones , William M. and Jones , Ruth A. Two Careers–One Marriage. Jain , Harish , C. Disadvantaged Groups on the Labour Market and Measure. to Assist Them.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(2):421-494
Book reviewed in this article:
N ational R esearch C ouncil . Office Workstations in the Home.
F rank , R obert H. Choosing the Right Pond: Human Behavior and the Quest for Status.
Readings in Professional Personnel Assessment.
J acoby , J acob and O lson , J erry C. (Eds). Perceived Quality: How Consumers View Stores and Merchandise.
R ajan , A min . Training and Recruitment Effects of Technical Change.
B aird , L loyd . Managing Performance.
N urick , A aron J. Participation in Organizational Change: The TV A Experiment.
K nights , D avid , W illmott , H ugh , and C ollinson , D avid (Eds).
B ittel , L ester R. and R amsey , J ackson E. (Eds.). Handbook for Professional Managers.
T racey , W illiam R. (Ed.). Human Resources Management and Development Handbook.
T aylor , B ernard and L ippitt , G ordon (Eds.). Management Development and Training Handbook (2nd ed).
P feiffer , J. W illiam (Ed.). A Handbook of Structured Experiences: Vol. X.
F olkard , S imon and M onk , T imothy H (Eds). Hours of Work: Temporal Factors in Work Scheduling.
M c C ormick , E rnest J. and I lgen , D aniel . Industrial and Organizational Psychology (8th ed.).
L ansbury , R ussell D. and D avis , E dward M (Eds.). Technology, Work and Industrial Relations.
G ilmour , P eter and L ansbury , R ussell D. Marginal Manager: The Changing Role of Supervisors in Australia.
W alsh , W. B ruce and B etz , N ancy E. Tests and Assessment.
H unt , J ames G. and B lair , J ohn D. (Eds.). Leadership on the Future Battlefield.
C omer , J ames M. and D ubinsky , A lan J. Managing the Successful Sales Force.
K haleque , A. (Ed.). Job Satisfaction and Work in Industry: Three Case Studies in Bangladesh.
B roadwell , M artin M. (Ed.) Supervisory Handbook: A Management Guide to Principles and Applications.
F arley , J ennie (Ed.). Women Workers in Fifteen Countries: Essays in Honor of Alice Hanson Cook.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(1):147-217
Book reviewed in this article: Gold , Michael Evan . A Dialogue on Comparable Worth. Smart , Bradford D. Selection Interviewing: A Management Psychologist's Recommended Approach. Helms , Janet E. A Practitioner's Guide to The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. Edwards , John , Leek , Chris , Loveridge , Ray , Lumley , Roger , Mangan , John and Silver , Mick . Seashore , Stanley E., Lawler , Edward E., III, Mirvis , Philip H. and Cammann , Cortlandt . (Editors) Assessing Organizational Change: A Guide to Methods, Measures, and Practices. Williams , Allan P. O. (Editor) Using Personnel Research. Tichy , Noel M. Managing Strategic Change: Technical, Political and Cultural Dynamics. Dessler , Gary . Improving Productivity at Work: Motivating Today's Employees. Barra , Ralph . Putting Quality Circles to Work: A Practical Strategy for Boosting Productivity and Profits. Perkins , Dennis N. T., Nieva , Veronica F. and Lawler , Edward E., III. Managing Creation: The Challenge of Building a New Organization. Doering , Mildred , Rhodes , Susan R. and Schuster , Michael . The Aging Worker: Research and Recommendations. Copperman , Lois Farrer and Keast , Frederick D. Adjusting to an Older Work Force. Baron , Robert A. Behavior in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work. Fulmer , Robert M. Practical Human Relations. (Revised Edition) Robertson , Ivan T. and Cooper , Cary L. Human Behavior in Organisations. Hellriegel , Don , Slocum , John W., Jr . and Woodman , Richard W. Organizational Behavior. (Third Edition) West , Jonathan P. Career Planning, Development, and Management: An Annotated Bibliography. De Board , Robert . Counselling People at Work. Staines , Graham L. and Pleck , Joseph H. The Impact of Work Schedules on the Family. Jacobson , Sharol F. and Mc Grath , H. Marie . (Editors) Nurses under Stress. Stuart -Kotze , Robin and Roskin , Rick . Success Guide to Managerial Achievement. Broussine , Michael and Guerrier , Yvonne . Surviving as a Middle Manager. Burley -Allen , Madelyn . Managing Assertively: How to Improve Your People Skills. Rowland , Kendrith M., Ferris , Gerald R. and Sherman , Jay L. (Eds.) Current Issues in Personnel Management. (Second Edition) Middlemist , R. Dennis , Hitt , Michael A. and Greer , Charles R. Personnel Management: Jobs, People and Logic. Steil , Lyman K., Summerfield , Joanne and de Mare , George . Listening: It Can Change Your Life.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1975,28(4):577-653

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: Coping with Job Stress: A Guide for all Employers and Employees Herbert M. Greenberg Modern Perspectives in the Psychiatry of Middle Age: John G. Howells, Ed. Management of Human Resources: Edwin L. Miller, Elmer H. Burack, and Maryann Albrecht Englewood Cliffs Enrichment: Skills Training for Family Life: Luciano L'Abate and Gary Rupp Counseling Across Cultures: Paul P. Pedersen, Juris G. Draguns, Walter J. Lonner, and Joseph E. Trimble, Eds. Career Information: Ronald H. Fredrickson The School/Work Nexus: Transition of Youth from School to Work: Eli Ginzberg Bloomington Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession: Ursula Delworth and Gary R. Hanson, Eds. The Trainer's Resource: A Comprehensive Guide to Packaged Training Programs: Jocelyn W. Franklin and Leonard Nadler, Eds. Who is the Client? The Ethics of Psychological Intervention in the Criminal Justice System: John Monahan, Ed. Your Baby's First 30 Months: Lucie W. Barber and Herman Williams Tucson Your Hidden Skills: Clues to Careers and Future Pursuits: Henry G. Pearson Mowry  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1990,43(1):135-226

《Personnel Psychology》1978,31(1):131-201
Slote , Alfred . Termination: The Closing at Baker Plant. Jain , Harrish C. and Kanungo , Rabindra N. Behavioral Issues in Management: The Canadian Context. Wall , T. D. and Lischeron , J. A. Worker Participation: A Critique of the Literature and Some Fresh Evidence. Hackman , J. Richard and Suttle , J. Lloyd . (Eds.). Improving Life at Work: Behavioral Science Approaches to Organizational Change. Yoder , Dale and Heneman , Herbert G., Jr . (Eds.) Training and Development: Volume V, AS PA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations. Staw , Barry M. and Salancik , Gerald R. (Eds .) New Directions in Organizational Behavior. Burke , W. Warner . (Editor) Current Issues and Strategies in Organization Development. Golembiewski , Robert T. and Blumberg , Arthur . (Eds.) Sensitivity Training and the Laboratory Approach: Readings about Concepts and Applications. (Third Edition) Stogdill , Ralph M. Leadership Abstracts and Bibliography 1904 to 1974. (Monograph AA-10) Miller , Donald B. Personal Vitality. Stewart , Rosemary , Contrasts in Management. Smith , Howard P. and Brouwer , Paul J. Performance Appraisal and Human Development: A Practical Guide To Effective Managing. Merry , Uri and Allerhand , Melvin E. Developing Teams and Organizations: A Practical Handbook for Managers and Consultants. Hennig , Margaret and Jardim , Anne . The Managerial Woman. Du Brin , Andrew J. Survival in the Office: How to Move Ahead or Hang On. Beatty , Richard W. and Schneier , Craig Eric . Personnel Administration: An Experiential Skill-Building Approach. Beatty , Richard W. and Schneier , Craig Eric . Implementor's Manual for Personnel Administration: An Experiential Skill-Building Approach. Sisk , Henry L. Management and Organization. (Third Edition) Korman , Abraham K. Organizational Behavior. Du Brin , Andrew J. Casebook of Organizational Behavior. Morrison , James H. and O'Hearne , John J. Practical Transactional Analysis in Management. Louden , J. Keith . Managing at the Top: Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer. Frew , David R. Management of Stress: Using TM at Work. Benge , Eugene J. Elements of Modem Management. Sperry , Len , Mickelson , Douglas J. and Hunsaker , Phillip L. You Can Make It Happen: A Guide to Self-actualization and Organizational Change.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1976,29(3):448-518

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(1):167-167
Book review in This Article: Katz , Daniel and Kahn , Robert L. The Social Psychology of Organizations. Dowling , William . (Editor) Effective Management and the Behavioral Sciences: Conversations from Organizational Dynamics. Peres , Richard . Dealing with Employment Discrimination. Cooper , Cary L. and Payne , Roy . (Editors) Stress at Work. Prien , Erich P., Jones , Mark A., Miller , Louise M., Gulkin , Robert and Sutherland , Margaret . Mental Health in Organizations: Personal Adjustment and Constructive Intervention. Figler , Homer R. Overcoming Executive Mid-Life Crisis. Schramm , Carl J., Mandell , Wallace and Archer , Janet . Workers Who Drink. Armstrong , J. Scott . Long-Range Forecasting: From Crystal Ball to Computer. Clark , Harry L. and Thurston , Dona R. Planning Your Staffing Needs: A Handbook for Personnel Workers. Mc Call , Morgan W., Jr . and Lombardo , Michael M. (Editors) Leadership: Where Else Can We Go? Roethlisberger , F. J. The Elusive Phenomena: An Autobiographical Account of my Work in the Field of Organizational Behavior at the Harvard Business School. Schein , Edgar H. Career Dynamics: Matching Individual and Organizational Needs. Hultarker , Örjan E. Models of Job Satisfaction. Sargent , Howard . Fishbowl Management: A Participative Approach to Systematic Management. Anthony , William P. Participative Management. Glaser , Rollin . Retail Personnel Management. Ramsay , Roland T. Management's Guide to Effective Employment Interviewing: Fair, Valid Methods for Hiring Qualified Personnel. Heneman , Herbert G., III and Schwab , Donald P. (Editors) Perspectives on Personnel/Human Resource Management. Keil , E. C. Performance Appraisal and the Manager. Bradford , J. Allyn and Guberman , Reuben . Transactional Awareness: Now I've Got You … In Business. Glueck , William F. Personnel: A Diagnostic Approach. Glueck , William F. Cases and Exercises in Personnel. Robbins , Stephen P. Personnel: The Management of Human Resources. French , Wendell L. The Personnel Management Process. Du Brin , Andrew J. Human Relations: A Job Oriented Approach. Duncan , W. Jack . Organizational Behavior. Richards , Max D. (Editor) Readings in Management. Organ , Dennis W. (Editor) The Applied Psychology of Work Behavior: A Book of Readings. Harrison , Jared F. Improving Performance and Productivity (Why Won't They Do What I Want Them to Do?). Behavior… And What You Can Do About It. Miner , John B. Motivation to Manage: A Ten Year Update on the “Studies in Management Education” Research.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1989,42(1):155-155
Book Review in this Article: GAEL, SIDNEY (Ed.)- The Job Analysis Handbook for Business, Industry, and Government. Vol. I and Vol. II. MAJCHRZAK, ANN. The Human Side of Factory Automation: Managerial and Human Resource Strategies for Making Automation Succeed. SHETTY, Y. K. and BEUHLER, VERNON M. (Eds.). Productivity and Quality Through Science and Technology. FINCHAM, ROBIN and RHODES, PETER S. The Individual, Work and Organization: Behavioural Studies for Business and Management Students. CONNOR, PATRICK E. and LAKE, LINDA K. Managing Organizational Change. WESTIN, ALAN F. AND ARAM, JOHN D. Managerial Dilemmas: Cases in Social, Legal, and Technological Change. HIRSCHHORN, LARRY. The Workplace Within: Psychodynamics of Organizational Life. SMITHER, ROBERT D. The Psychology of Work and Human Performance. WOODWARD, HARRY and BUCHHOLZ, STEVE. Aftershock: Helping People Through Corporate Change. PAREEK, UDAI. Motivating Organisational Roles. VANCIL, RICHARD F. Passing the Baton: Managing the Process of CEO Succession. FRIEDMAN, STEWART D. (Ed.). Leadership Succession. GINZBERG, ELI (Ed.)- Executive Talent: Developing and Keeping the Best People. QUICK, JAMES C, BHAGAT, RABI S., DALTON, JAMES E., and QUICK, JONATHAN D. (Eds.). Work Stress: Health Care Systems in the Workplace. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.)- The 1988 Annual: Developing Human Resources. KRAVETZ, DENNIS J. The Human Resources Revolution: Implementing Progressive Management Practices for Bottom-Line Success. GOLDFIELD, RANDY J. Training in the Automated Office: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Systems Planning and Implementation. STEWART, DOROTHY M. (Ed.). Handbook of Management Skills. CARUTH, DONALD L., NOE, ROBERT M. III, AND MONDY, R. WAYNE. Staffing the Contemporary Organization: A Guide to Planning, Recruiting, and Selecting for Human Resource Professionals. BRODY, E. W. Communicating f or Survival: Coping with Diminishing Human Resources. HOWARD, ANN and BRAY, DOUGLAS W. Managerial Lives in Transition: Advancing Age and Changing Times. MITCHELL, GARRY W. The Trainer's Handbook: The AM A Guide to Effective Training.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(3):629-727
Book Review in this Article: Famularo , Joseph J. (Editor-in-Chief). Handbook of Human Resources Administration (2nd ed.). Armstrong , J. Scott . Long-Range Forecasting: From Crystal Ball to Computer (2nd ed.). Flamholtz , Eric G. Human Resource Accounting: Advances in Concepts, Methods, and Applications (2nd ed.). Walton , Richard E. and Lawrence , Paul R. (Eds.). HRM: Trends and Challenges. Kilmann , Ralph H., Saxton , Mary J., Serpa , Roy and Associates . Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture. Bennis , Warren and Nanus , Burt . Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge. Harris , Philip R. Management in Transition: Transforming Managerial Practices and Organizational Strategies for a New Work Culture. Roberson , Cliff . Staying Out of Court: A Manager's Guide to Employment Law. Phillips , Jack J. Improving Supervisory Effectiveness: How Organizations Can Raise the Performance of Their First-Level Managers. Brunsson , Nils . The Irrational Organization: Irrationality as a Basis for Organizational Action and Change. Chusmir , Leonard H. Matching Individuals to Jobs: A Motivational Answer for Personnel and Counseling Professionals. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane S. Executive Achievement: Making It at the Top. Deci , Edward L. and Ryan , Richard M. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. Lecturer in Psychology California State University, San Bernardino San Bernardino, California Misumi , Jyuji . The Behavioral Science of Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Japanese Research Program (Translated from the Japanese; General Editor, Mark F. Peterson). Greenbaum , Howard H., Hellweg , Susan A., Walters , Joseph W. and Associates . Organizational Communications, Vol. 10: Abstracts, Analysis and Overview. Oborne , David J. Computers at Work: A Behavioural Approach. Hershey , Robert . Organizational Morale. Kaplan , Robert E., Drath , Wilfred H. and Kofodimos , Joan R. High Hurdles: The Challenge of Executive Self-Development (Technical Report No. 25). Dilts , David A., Deitsch , Clarence R. and Paul , Robert J. Getting Absent Workers Back on the Job: An Analytical Approach. Kirkpatrick , Donald L. HOW to Manage Change Effectively: Approaches, Methods, and Case Examples. Collins , Eliza G. C. (Ed.). The Executive Dilemma: Handling People Problems at Work. Dalton , Gene W. and Thompson , Paul H. Novations: Strategies for Career Management. Schultz , Duane P. and Schultz , Sydney Ellen . Psychology and Industry Today: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (4th ed.). Beatty , Richard , Montagno , Ray and Montgomery , Daniel (Eds.). Human Resource Information Systems Sourcebook. Bernstein , Paula . Family Ties, Corporate Bonds. Slevin , Dennis P. Executive Survival Manual: A Program for Managerial Effectiveness. Manager, Organization and Human Resource Development Farm Credit Banks St. Louis, Missouri Buchholz , Steve (Ed.)- The Positive Manager. Assistant Professor of Psychology Auburn University Auburn, Alabama Bowman , Sarah Y. and Shafritz , Jay M. (Eds.)- Public Personnel Administration: An Annotated Bibliography. Associate Professor Queens College of the City University of New York Flushing, New York Wright , George (Ed.). Behavioral Decision Making. Psychologist Federal Aviation Administration Washington, DC Zander , Alvin . The Purposes of Groups and Organizations. Professor and Chair, Psychology Beaver College Glenside, Pennsylvania Rosenzweig , Mark P. and Porter , Lyman W. (Eds.)- Annual Review of Psychology: Volume 37, 1986.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1992,45(2):407-782
Book review in This Article: GILLESPIE, RICHARD. Manufacturing Knowledge: A History of the Hawthorne Experiments. SASHKIN, MARSHALL and KISER, KENNETH J. Total Quality Management. WEST, MICHAEL A. and FARR, JAMES L. (Eds.). Innovation and Creativity at Work: Psychological and Organizational Strategies. REDMON, WILLIAM K. and DICKENSON, ALYCE M. (Eds.). Promoting Excellence Through Performance Management. MILKOVICH, GEORGE T. and WIGDOR, ALEXANDRA K. (Eds.), with Renae F. Broderick and Anne S. Mavor. WEISS, DONALD H. Fair, Square, and Legal: Safe Hiring and Firing Practices to Keep You and Your Company Out of Court. WELLINS, RICHARD S., BYHAM, WILLIAM C, and WILSON, JEANNE M. Empowered Teams: Creating Self-Directed Work Groups That Improve Quality, Productivity, and Participation. HOLLWAY, WENDY. Work Psychology and Organizational Behaviour: Managing the Individual at Work. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.). The 1991 Annual: Developing Human Resources. QUICK, THOMAS L. Training Managers So They Can Really Manage: Confessions of a Frustrated Trainer. FERMAN, LOUIS A., HOYMAN, MICHELE, CUTCHER-GER-SHENFELD, JOEL, and SAVOIE, ERNEST J. (Eds.). SWAN, WILLIAM S. How to Do a Superior Performance Appraisal. CONNOLLY, KATHLEEN GROLL and CONNOLLY, PAUL M. Competing for Employees: Proven Marketing Strategies for Hiring and Keeping Exceptional People. KAYDOS, WILL. Measuring, Managing and Maximizing Performance: What Every Manager Needs to Know About Quality and Productivity to Make Real Improvement in Performance. STERN, GERRY and STERN, YVETTE BORCIA. Stem's Source-Finder: Human Resource Management Value-Added Periodical Index. WASKEL, SHIRLEY A. Mid-Life Issues and the Workplace of the 90s: A Guide for Human Resource Specialists. CRAWFORD, LOUELLEN. Dependent Care and the Employee Benefits Package: Human Resource Strategies for the 1990s. HANKS, ROMA S. and SUSSMAN, MARVIN B. (Eds.). Corporations, Businesses, and Families. HEENAN, DAVID A. The New Corporate Frontier: The Big Move to Small Town, USA. COOK, MARK. Personnel Selection and Productivity. SCHWARTZ, HOWARD S. Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organization Ideal. BELOHLAV, JAMES A. Championship Management: An Action Model for High Performance. SURI, G. K. and SINGH, AJIT (Eds.). Role of Trade Unions in Productivity Improvement: Papers, Proceedings and Conclusions of the National Conference.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1983,36(4):899-1032
Book Reviewed in this article: Juch , Bert . Personal Development: Theory and Practice in Management Training. Rychlak , Joseph F. Personality and Life-Style of Young Male Managers: A Logical Learning Theory Analysis. Osipow , Samuel H. Theories of Career Development. Toch , Hans and Grant , J. Douglas . Reforming Human Services: Change Through Participation. Goodman , Paul S. and Associates . Change in Organizations: New Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Schön , Donald A. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. Gallessich , June . The Profession and Practice of Consultation. Fineman , Stephen . White Collar Unemployment: Impact and Stress. Sudman , Seymour and Bradburn , Norman M. Asking Questions: A Practical Guide to Questionnaire Design. Bailey , Robert W. Human Performance Engineering: A Guide for System Designers. Guzzo , Richard A. and Bondy , Jeffrey S. A Guide to Worker Productivity Experiments in the United States 1976-81. Hollinger , Richard C. and Clark , John P. Theft by Employees. Steers , Richard M. and Porter , Lyman W. Motivation and Work Behavior. Manuso , James S. J. (Editor) Occupational Clinical Psychology. Cooper , Cary L. (Editor) Stress Research: Issues for the Eighties. Paine , Whiton Stewart . (Editor) Job Stress and Burnout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives. French , John R. P., Jr ., Caplan , Robert D. and Harrison , R. Van . The Mechanisms of Job Stress and Strain. Allen , Robert W. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Organizational Influence Processes. Schlesinger , Leonard A., Eccles , Robert G. and Garbarro , John J. Managing Behavior in Organizations: Text, Cases, and Readings. Szilagyi , Andrew D., Jr . and Wallace , Marc J., Jr . Organizational Behavior and Performance. Hackman J. Richard , Lawler , Edward E., III, and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Perspectives on Behavior in Organizations. Lewis , Phillip V. Managing Human Relations. Johns , Gary . Organizational Behavior: Understanding Life at Work. Feldman , Daniel C. and Arnold , Hugh J. Managing Individual and Group Behavior in Organizations. Scanlan , Burt and Keys , Bernard . Management and Organizational Behavior. Halloran , Jack . Applied Human Relations: An Organizational Approach. Pearlman , Kenneth , Schmidt , Frank L. and Hamner , W. Clay . (Editors) Contemporary Problems in Personnel. Heneman , Herbert G., III, Schwab , Donald P., Fossum , John A. and Dyer , Lee D. Personnel/Human Resource Management. Holley , William H. and Jennings , Kenneth M. Personnel Management: Functions and Issues. Schlesinger , Leonard A. Quality of Work Life and the Supervisor. Eckles , Robert W., Carmichael , Ronald and Sarchet , Bernard R. Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision. Phillips , Keri and Fraser , Tony . The Management of Inierpersonal Skills Training. Sherwood , John J., Faux , Susan N. and King , Donald C. Management Development Strategies: Highlights of the Literature. Ewing , David W. Do It My Way or You're Fired: Employee Rights and the Changing Role of Management Prerogatives. Wallace , Marc J., Jr. and Fay , Charles H. Compensation Theory and Practice. Kaufman , Roger and Stone , Bruce . Planning for Organizational Success: A Practical Guide. Bernardin , H. John . (Editor) Women in the Work Force. Rogers , Rolf E. and Mc Intire , Robert H. Organization and Management Theory. Crawford , C. C. and Demidovich , John W., et al . Crawford Slip Method: How to Mobilize Brainpower by Think Tank Technology. Prince , Melvin . Consumer Research for Management Decisions. Daftuar , Chittranjan N. Job Attitudes in Indian Management: A Study in Need Deficiencies and Need Importance.  相似文献   

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