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模态逻辑的典范性由“局部”典范性拼接而成。本文讨论了“局部”典范性问题,即一个模态逻辑的典范框架的什么样的生成子框架是该逻辑的框架。主要的结果是证明了一个逻辑的典范框架的有界宽的生成子框架都是该逻辑的框架,并且典范框架内嵌了所有该逻辑的有穷宽框架。  相似文献   

陈赟 《学海》2012,(2):116-123
在孔子那里,仁不能仅仅在道德或伦理的范畴内加以理解,而必须作为与帝王时代不同的政教典范而被确立。作为轴心时代中国的政教典范,它将帝王之道,即德的典范与礼的典范在人之为人的地基上再结构化,以文教与神教两个层次完成了面向一切个人的塑造普遍政教主体的要求。  相似文献   

在生命之初,上苍安排给每个人一把椅子,小小的,没有任何装饰与雕琢,恰好可以让每一个初来人世的人坐在那把椅子上。是的,椅子小,人也小,恰恰好。当然,那把椅子可能放在不同的房间里,有的华丽,有的朴素,在不同的房间里可能会让人有不同的感觉,可是,无论房间内的装饰如何,并不能对这把椅子有半点影响。  相似文献   

一、问题集合是一些具有某种共同属性的元素的总称,集合概念是一个重要的数学概念,我国小学数学教材第一册就开始渗透集合论的思想。中学实验教材在初二进行集合论教学,现行统编教材中则在高二进行集合论教学,在研究方面,我国对于类概念,部分与整体关系的认知问题都已进行了较多的研究。本组关于3~7岁儿童数概念的研究中也曾涉及基数问题,群与子群的关系问题。这些都是同集合概念有联系的。可是对于交集概念的  相似文献   

由耶稣、玛利亚、若瑟所组成的圣家,是人类历史上最神圣、最光辉的家庭,是人类所有家庭的典范。慈母圣教会在每年圣诞节后第一个主日过圣家节,让我们共同默想圣家对我们的启示。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了心理学中国化的必要性,及目前发展现状,然后主要地从三个角度分析了心理学中国化研究的取向:心理学史的角度,当今社会环境,以及异文化研究。文章强调,多元典范的研究取向及泛文化的知识互助在本土化研究中的作用。  相似文献   

为探讨装饰图片对多媒体学习效果和认知加工过程的影响,本研究采用眼动仪追踪30名低知识经验大学生在有装饰图片和无装饰图片条件下学习多媒体课件的视觉注意过程.结果发现:(1)有装饰图片组的保持和迁移成绩显著低于无装饰图片组;(2)有装饰图片组被试在认知兴趣图的注视次数、文本与认知兴趣图之间的注意转换次数显著少于无装饰图片组;(3)在装饰图片组内,80% 学习者报告被装饰图片吸引,并回忆出与装饰图片有关的先前知识经验.这些结果表明,装饰图片干扰学习者对主要学习内容的记忆与理解;装饰图片可能主要通过干扰学习者对主要学习内容的一致性理解以及激发不恰当的先前知识经验而阻碍学习.  相似文献   

本文通过引入开放域的概念来拓展文恩-i图系统(带个体的文恩图)。"隐无(absence)"的概念在本论文中被当做独立的范畴加以讨论。"隐无"和开放域的概念共同不相容于集合论中绝对补的概念。  相似文献   

有这样一个问题:用相连的直线(不超过4条)贯穿如图1.1分布的9个点,条件是每个点只能通过一次。  相似文献   

扎戈泽波斯基是活跃在当代德性伦理学界的重要人物。她以道德典范为基础构建典范主义德性理论,对道德理论的相关核心概念作出系统阐释,并提出了两种通向道德典范的实践路径:叙事与模仿。典范主义德性理论作为当代激进主义德性论的重要流派,鲜明地展现了德性论的经验趋向,并试图实现德性论与语言哲学、道德心理学之间的贯通。典范主义德性理论能够对道德教育、德性养成和个体的自我道德提升提供有效指导,或可成为不同文化情境下展开伦理对话的重要范例。其不足之处在于,忽视现实的人的复杂性,对典范在现代社会中的境遇缺少分析等。  相似文献   

A distinction is made between statistical inference and psychometric inference in factor analysis. After reviewing Rao's canonical factor analysis (CFA), a fundamental statistical method of factoring, a new method of factor analysis based upon the psychometric concept of generalizability is described. This new procedure (alpha factor analysis, AFA) determines factors which have maximum generalizability in the Kuder-Richardson, or alpha, sense. The two methods, CFA and AFA, each have the important property of giving the same factors regardless of the units of measurement of the observable variables. In determining factors, the principal distinction between the two methods is that CFA operates in the metric of the unique parts of the observable variables while AFA operates in the metric of the common (communality) parts.On the other hand, the two methods are substantially different as to how they establish the number of factors. CFA answers this crucial question with a statistical test of significance while AFA retains only those alpha factors with positive generalizability. This difference is discussed at some length. A brief outline of a computer program for AFA is described and an example of the application of AFA is given.The first version of this paper was prepared while the senior author was a U. S. Public Health Service Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and while the junior author was Director of Research of the Palo Alto Public Schools.  相似文献   

In the face of multicollinearity, researchers face challenges interpreting canonical correlation analysis (CCA) results. Although standardized function and structure coefficients provide insight into the canonical variates produced, they fall short when researchers want to fully report canonical effects. This article revisits the interpretation of CCA results, providing a tutorial and demonstrating canonical commonalty analysis. Commonality analysis fully explains the canonical effects produced by using the variables in a given canonical set to partition the variance of canonical variates produced from the other canonical set. Conducting canonical commonality analysis without the aid of software is laborious and may be untenable, depending on the number of noteworthy canonical functions and variables in either canonical set. Commonality analysis software is identified for the canonical correlation case and we demonstrate its use in facilitating model interpretation. Data from Holzinger and Swineford (1939) Holzinger, K. J. and Swineford, F. 1939. “A study in factor analysis: The stability of a bi-factor solution.”. In Supplementary Educational Monographs Vol. 48, 8191. Chicago: Department of Education, University of Chicago.  [Google Scholar] are employed to test a hypothetical theory that problem-solving skills are predicted by fundamental math ability.  相似文献   

"循环并不可恶"。本文在此基础上讨论基础公理和反基础公理。首先指出基础公理原本就是一条有争议的公理;第二,说明基础公理的局限性;第三,详细论述反基础公理家族中的三个成员,并给出它们两两不相容的一个证明;第四,分析反基础公理导致集合论域在V=WF上不断扩张的方法,并指出这种扩张的方法与数系扩张的方法相同;最后结论:良基集合理论(ZFC)与非良基集合理论(ZFC~-+AFA(或者ZFC和ZFC~-+FAFA或者ZFC和ZFC~-+SAFA))之间的关系类似于欧几里得几何学与非欧几何学之间的关系。  相似文献   

The mathematical connection between canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and covariance structure analysis was first discussed through the Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) approach. However, the MIMIC approach has several technical and practical challenges. To address these challenges, a comprehensive COSAN modeling approach is proposed. Specifically, we define four COSAN-CCA models to correspond with four possible combinations of the data to be analyzed and the unique parameters to be estimated. In terms of the data, one can analyze either the unstandardized or standardized variables. In terms of the unique parameters, one can estimate either the weights or loadings. Besides the unique parameters of each COSAN-CCA model, all four COSAN-CCA models also estimate the canonical correlations as their common parameters. Taken together, the four COSAN-CCA models provide the correct point estimates and standard error estimates for all commonly used CCA parameters. Two numeric examples are used to compare the standard error estimates obtained from the MIMIC approach and the COSAN modeling approach. Moreover, the standard error estimates from the COSAN modeling approach are validated by a simulation study and the asymptotic theory. Finally, software implementation and future extensions are discussed.  相似文献   

This work is part of a wider investigation into lattice-structured algebras and associated dual representations obtained via the methodology of canonical extensions. To this end, here we study lattices, not necessarily distributive, with negation operations.We consider equational classes of lattices equipped with a negation operation ¬ which is dually self-adjoint (the pair (¬,¬) is a Galois connection) and other axioms are added so as to give classes of lattices in which the negation is De Morgan, orthonegation, antilogism, pseudocomplementation or weak pseudocomplementation. These classes are shown to be canonical and dual relational structures are given in a generalized Kripke-style. The fact that the negation is dually self-adjoint plays an important role here, as it implies that it sends arbitrary joins to meets and that will allow us to define the dual structures in a uniform way.Among these classes, all but one—that of lattices with a negation which is an antilogism—were previously studied by W. Dzik, E. Or?owska and C. van Alten using Urquhart duality.In some cases in which a given axiom does not imply that negation is dually self-adjoint, canonicity is proven with the weaker assumption of antitonicity of the negation.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate Kripke models, used to model knowledge or belief in a static situation, and action models, used to model communicative actions that change this knowledge or belief. The appropriate notion for structural equivalence between modal structures such as Kripke models is bisimulation: Kripke models that are bisimilar are modally equivalent. We would like to find a structural relation that can play the same role for the action models that play a prominent role in information updating. Two action models are equivalent if they yield the same results when updating Kripke models. More precisely, two action models are equivalent if it holds for all Kripke models that the result of updating with one action model is bisimilar to the result of updating with the other action model. We propose a new notion of action emulation that characterizes the structural equivalence of the important class of canonical action models. Since every action model has an equivalent canonical action model, this gives a method to decide the equivalence of any pair of action models. We also give a partial result that holds for the class of all action models. Our results extend the work in van Eijck et al. (Synthese 185(1):131–151, 2012).  相似文献   

Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regularized generalized canonical correlation analysis (RGCCA) is a generalization of regularized canonical correlation analysis to three or more sets of variables. It constitutes a general framework for many multi-block data analysis methods. It combines the power of multi-block data analysis methods (maximization of well identified criteria) and the flexibility of PLS path modeling (the researcher decides which blocks are connected and which are not). Searching for a fixed point of the stationary equations related to RGCCA, a new monotonically convergent algorithm, very similar to the PLS algorithm proposed by Herman Wold, is obtained. Finally, a practical example is discussed.  相似文献   

Robert M. Thorndike (1976) commented on the results of a Monte Carlo study on the stability of canonical correlations, canonical weights, and canonical variate-variable correlations (Barcikowski and Stevens, 1975). In this paper each of his comments are examined by the authors of the Monte Carlo Study. In addition, a possible solution to the large number of subjects necessary for stable weights and variate-variable correlations using ridge regression procedures is suggested.  相似文献   

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