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结合建构水平理论,基于多项式加工树构建算法,通过3个实验验证道德外语效应,并尝试探究道德外语效应的可能机制及其边界。实验1的结果表明中文为母语、英文为外语的个体的道德判断受语言的影响。与母语条件相比,外语条件下个体的道义论道德判断更少。实验2的结果进一步表明心理距离可以完全中介语言对道德判断的影响。实验3发现外语熟练度可以调节语言对心理距离的影响。研究结果再次验证了道德外语效应,并表明心理距离的中介作用和外语熟练度的调节作用,拓展了道德外语效应发生机制的可能解释。  相似文献   

道德外语效应(Moral Foreign Language effect)是指人们的道德判断在外语条件下发生改变的现象,自该效应提出以来,其背后的机制一直都是研究的热点。道德外语效应的解释机制主要有审慎加工增强、情绪反应减少和道德规范联结的减弱等。本文对三种影响机制进行了探讨,发现情绪、道德规范和外语水平对道德判断可能会产生影响。同时,本文指出未来可以从自我控制、认知启动效应、消极情绪启动效应及道德规范与外语水平之间的关系进行研究和探讨。  相似文献   

陈海贤  何贵兵 《心理学报》2014,46(5):677-690
通过考察时间距离、社会距离和概率距离对跨期选择和风险选择的影响, 探究跨期选择和风险选择心理过程的相似性, 并检验不同心理距离影响决策的相似性。结果发现, 无论是时间距离(实验1)、社会距离(实验2)、还是概率距离(实验3), 心理距离越远, 被试在跨期选择中越倾向于延迟选项, 在风险选择中越倾向于风险选项。研究认为, 在跨期选择和风险选择中, 选项的表征结构和选项整体评价时不同选项特征的相对权重具有相似性。随着心理距离增加, 与高识解相联系的金额特征的相对权重增加, 与低识解相联系的时间和概率特征的相对权重降低, 这使得被试更倾向于选择金额较大的延迟和风险选项。同时, 研究发现三类心理距离对两类决策有相似影响, 进一步验证了不同心理距离的本质相似性。  相似文献   

解释水平理论是一种解释心理距离怎样影响个体的思维决策的社会认知理论。研究基于解释水平理论,探查了心理距离对风险决策框架效应的影响。实验从心理距离的四个维度入手,每个维度均采用2(解释水平高、低)×2(正框架、负框架)的被试间设计,用于检验解释水平是否调节框架对被试决策任务的选择。结果表明,当心理距离越远,解释水平越高时,被试产生明显的框架效应;而当心理距离越近,解释水平越低时,框架效应明显减弱。除了大概率情况下的框架效应削弱至不显著,其余维度的高、低解释水平下的框架效应均显著。  相似文献   

解释水平理论:从时间距离到心理距离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人们对事物的心理表征具有不同的抽象水平即解释水平,解释水平取决于人们所感知的与认知客体的心理距离,进而影响了人们的判断与决策。大量研究表明,人们倾向于更多地使用反映事物内涵的一般的、核心的、去背景化的特征来解释心理距离遥远的事物,更多使用偶然的、外围的、背景化的特征来解释心理距离较近的事物。未来的研究应明确区分解释水平本身、解释水平的表现形式和解释水平的前导变量;应更关注其他心理变量在心理距离、解释水平、判断与决策因果链条中的调节或中介作用。  相似文献   

吴真  孙影 《心理科学》2021,(3):682-690
职业决策对大学生职业生涯发展具有重要意义。心理距离作为个体决策的重要影响因素之一,是否也影响着大学生的职业决策偏好?研究通过4个实验,采用2(心理距离:远、近)*2(性别:男、女)混合实验设计,以大学生为研究对象,探讨了心理距离(空间距离、时间距离、社会距离、假设性)和性别对职业决策偏好的影响。研究发现:(1)大学生在心理距离远的情境下更偏好选择稳定、职业声望高的职业;在心理距离近的情境下更偏好选择薪资高、专业对口的职业。(2)空间距离、时间距离、社会距离近的情境下,男大学生比女大学生更偏好选择薪资高、专业对口的职业。  相似文献   

罗洪兰 《心理科学》2002,25(2):214-215
远程教学作为一种新型的教学形式.与普通面授教学相比,无论是在教学内容传输模式上,还是在教学组织形式、学习支持等方面都有着显著的不同。虽然在中国国内从事远程教育的机构有许多,但就目前情况来看.开展现代远程教育相对较为完善的仍然是以广播电视大学系统为主。本文仅就中国广播电视大学系统开展远程教学中的一些心理学问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Seventy-two five- to seven-year-old boys were exposed to televised adult models and were then administered tests of resistance to deviation (moral behavior), moral choice, and moral judgment level. Boys exposed to a model who said he would resist deviating from a prohibition and who supported his statement with a morally realistic justification were subsequently more likely to use that model's statements to guide their own moral behavior and moral choice than were boys exposed to a model advocating resistance to deviation with a morally autonomous justification. Realistic models expressing a deviating moral choice led to more deviating moral choices in observers than did autonomous deviating models. The moral judgment levels of the boys were not significantly affected by the models. The boys' moral behavior was predictive of their moral choice while moral judgment level was not significantly related to the other two indices of morality.  相似文献   

Action hypocrisy is the tendency to recommend behavior for others that one would personally be unwilling to undertake. Six studies examine the relationship between action hypocrisy and psychological distance. Studies 1a and 1b and 2 demonstrate action hypocrisy in three populations and in 2 different contexts. Studies 3 to 5 support a psychological distance explanation for action hypocrisy: people are more likely to choose action for themselves in the future versus the present (Study 3), for someone at a distant location versus a nearby location (Study 4), and for someone who appears to be distant versus close in a photograph (Study 5).  相似文献   

最近研究者发现,人们对决策任务的加工随表述的语言形式(母语/外语)的不同而发生改变,即出现外语效应,并基于双加工模型提出了直觉(即情绪)加工被弱化和审慎(即认知)加工被增强两种理论解释,且均获得部分研究结果的支持。本文概述了外语效应及其心理机制的主要研究文献,并指出由于既往研究范式无法分离情绪与认知加工两个子过程的效力,未来研究应利用加工分离程序以及负性情绪与认知加工阻断技术,深入考察外语对直觉加工和审慎加工的影响,以阐明外语效应的形成机制。  相似文献   

基于解释水平理论,考察了心理距离的不同维度对后悔程度的影响。本研究从心理距离的四个维度展开,时间距离采用组内设计,空间距离、社会距离和概率维度采用单因素完全随机设计,312名被试随机分配至各个维度参与实验处理,检验不同心理距离是否调节着后悔程度,其中有效数据275份。结果表明:在时间距离、空间距离、社会距离、概率和假设性条件下,均出现决策时心理距离越近,对决策事件或客体的解释水平越低,随后在获得负性结果反馈时体验到的后悔就越强烈。由此可见,决策事件的心理距离越近,后悔程度越大。  相似文献   

This study investigated the tendency of overpassivization of unaccusative verbs by Korean learners of English as a foreign language (FL). Sixty Korean native college students participated in the study, along with 17 English-speaking counterparts serving as a comparison group. Consistent with the findings of previous research, this study found Korean students’ tendency to incorrectly accept passive-voice with inanimate subjects. The results of this study highlighted the role of lexical animacy, the hierarchy of agentivity, and language-specific effects on FL judgment. The findings of this study suggest a robust language-specific L1 effect on L2 acquisition and a greater involvement of cognition in FL use than language input.  相似文献   

Communicators have at their disposal an ever‐increasing variety of modalities by which to transmit messages. Do the prominent norms attached to different communication modalities contain information in and of themselves? The present investigation considers this question through the lens of text messages and emails, hypothesized to confer different normative information about urgency. Text messages (vs. emails)—or any communication inferred by receivers to have been sent with greater urgency—cause the content of those messages to seem, in the eyes of receivers, closer in time (Study 1), closer in space (Study 2), and more likely to occur (Study 3). Moderation and mediation analyses confirm the role of urgency underlying the relationship between modality and distance. We provide evidence for these effects in a series of laboratory studies together with a field study in which real text messages and emails impact not only inferred distance but also a behavior deriving therefrom. Theoretical and practical implications highlight the importance, for both researchers and practitioners, of understanding how the medium of communication can shape interpretation of the message.  相似文献   

We examined how level of construal and psychological distance affected performance in a task in which value of alternatives depended on frequency of choice. Melioration, a sub‐optimal choice strategy that fails to take into account such value changes, has been found to be prevalent and difficult to change. Participants repeatedly chose between two buttons to earn as many coins as possible. Button A earned N coins, button B earned N + 3 coins, and N was the number of A presses in the last five trials. In this situation, B has a higher immediate payoff, but because choosing A increases the return from both buttons for the next five trials, maximizing A choices is the optimal strategy. We predicted that because a global perspective is needed to appreciate the dependency of value on frequency of choice, frequency of choosing the globally maximizing alternative (A) would increase when participants apply a higher level of construal and assume a more psychologically distal perspective. Study 1 manipulated construal level through segmenting the sequence of trials into segments of different size, with bigger segments representing higher level of construal. In Study 2, participants played a practice game, and we manipulated the probability of playing the actual game. Both a higher level of construal and a lower probability of playing the actual game (higher distance) increased the number of A choices. These results suggest that a broad perspective that is induced by high level of construal or by psychological distancing may reduce sub‐optimal, meliorating choice. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigated links between short-term memory skills and children's abilities to learn the vocabulary of a foreign language taught in school. Forty-five Greek children who were learning English as a foreign language were assessed on their short-term memory in both languages, and on their knowledge of both native and foreign vocabulary. Knowledge of native and foreign vocabulary shared highly significant associations with the phonological short-term memory measures. However, vocabulary scores in the two languages shared a close relationship that could not be explained exclusively in terms of phonological loop capacity. Implications of these findings for theoretical accounts of how words are learned in the native and foreign language are considered.  相似文献   

Considering our experiences in everyday life, the result of research based on sample assumed to be derived from a “population” cannot afford individual predictions. That is because the variabilities within individuals which play an important role in actual psychological processes are erased from the data in samples-based studies. In this article, we begin the discussion with how the intra-individual variance contributes to individual prediction. As case study works on the basis of variability within each individual, it explores the intrinsic mechanism of development and emphasize the connection between person and environment. The question of how to generalize from case studies requires that the researcher to selectively consider some of the variance and construction of a hypothetical model that shows how different features of oppositions (Yin and Yang) are integrated into an abstract whole that is applicable to all individual cases.
Xiaowen LiEmail:

Based on the formulation that psychological distance, future time perspective, and internal-external expectancy represent outcomes of the socialization process, it was hypothesized that desired psychological intimacy would be positively related to an extended future time perspective and to an internal orientation. Using a newly constructed Psychological Distance Scale, the Future Events Test, and Rotter's Internal-External Scale, administered to college students, closeness to the concepts Sister and Father was found to be associated with internal expectancy for female Ss. There was also some support for the predicted relationship between psychological closeness and an extended future time perspective. The marked sex differences on the Future Events Test suggest that psychological distance has different meanings for the sexes.  相似文献   

钟毅平  黄柏兰 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1031-1036
采用错误再认范式,考察了心理距离是否影响个体对他人行为的自发特质推理。实验1采用2(配对类型:图片-可推测的特质词、图片-不可推测的特质词)× 2(空间距离:近、远)的混合设计,要求被试判断特质词是否在前面的行为句中出现过,以探讨自发特质推理形成情况。结果表明,与近空间距离相比,被试对远空间心理距离的行为主体产生了更多的自发特质推理。实验2采用2(配对类型:图片-可推测的特质词、图片-不可推测的特质词)× 2(时间距离:近、远)的混合设计,被试反应与实验1相同。结果发现,与近时间心理距离相比,被试对远时间心理距离的行为主体产生了更多的自发特质推理。实验结果提示远心理距离比近心理距离更利于自发特质推理,并在解释水平理论的框架内对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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