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A national survey of practicing school counselors was conducted to obtain information regarding (a) their accountability practices, (b) barriers to the collection of accountability data, (c) the relationship between involvement in accountability efforts and demographic variables, and (d) strategies for increasing activity in the area of accountability. Results indicated that 55% of the 239 respondents were collecting accountability data, often for the purpose of enhancing their professional growth and development. The 108 school counselors not involved in the collection of such data identified lack of familiarity with procedures and time constraints as major barriers. Respondents indicated a need for additional preservice and in-service training, as well as for dissemination of exemplary procedures.  相似文献   

The accountability and reform movements in education and the human services professions have pressured counselors to demonstrate outcomes of counseling programs and services. Evaluation models developed for large‐scale evaluations are generally impractical for counselors to implement. Counselors require practical models to guide them in planning and conducting counseling program evaluations. The authors present the Accountability Bridge Counseling Program Evaluation Model and discuss its use in evaluating counseling services and programs  相似文献   

The number, school location, academic preparation and experience, and functions and duties of “elementary school counselors” in California were studied. Questionnaires were answered by 175 counselors, 118 elementary school principals, and 312 teachers in schools employing counselors. The number of children in the participating schools was 133,125, or five per cent of all pupils in grades K-8 in the State. Counselors reported that they spent 50 per cent of their time working with pupils, 17 per cent with teachers, 10 per cent with administrators, 12 per cent with parents, and 11 per cent with probation, welfare, and other officials. The counselors and the principals generally agreed on the rank order of importance of the functions of elementary school counselors and on the most important skills and personality characteristics counselors should have. The teachers reported that counselors gave them most help by testing individual pupils, counseling with pupils, helping them with classroom problems, and participating in parent conferences. Elements of an ideal counseling program at the district and school level as well as deficiencies in present programs were described by the respondents.  相似文献   

Researchers examined the importance of similar ethnicity and the preference for a counselor of the same sex among American Indian secondary school students.  相似文献   

School counselors typically receive little or no supervision of their counseling. Results of an evaluation of the Structured Peer Consultation Model for School Counselors indicate that the model may help meet the needs of school counselors for ongoing feedback on their counseling with student-clients.  相似文献   

The author describes important considerations when assessing students' threats made at schools. In a recent article, M. Reddy et al. (2001) presented 4 approaches to assessing the risk of school violence. They submitted important issues and problems with 3 commonly used approaches and suggested a 4th approach as an alternative. Implications for school counselors are explored.  相似文献   

As more and more people are using unregulated herbaceuticals worldwide, counselors need to be alert to the types of herbs clients may be taking; the effects, side effects, and drug interactions associated with different herbaceuticals; and the ethical implications of treating a client who is taking herbaceuticals. This article provides an overview of the psychological, physiological, cultural, and legal issues associated with herbaceuticals and introduces some of the emerging ethical issues.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of culture, as it affects attitudes and behavior, can be extremely useful in the social service fields for enabling more effective communication across social barriers. However, in connection with the “culture of poverty,” or “cultural disadvantage,” the culture concept has often been distorted, and transformed into a stereotype behind which the individual is not revealed, but hidden. Specific examples of productive and unproductive uses of the concept in school guidance work are discussed. Another aspect of the cultural dimension, understanding of which is useful to the school counselor, is the nature of the counselor's role in relation to the institutional structure of the school.  相似文献   

A professional school counselor key was developed on the Strong Vocational Interest Blank using Campbell's revised procedures. Of the 403 counselors initially contacted, 340 responded. Of this number, 203 were identified as professional counselors and were included in the professional school counselor scale. Each of these individuals was fully certified, possessed three or more years' experience as a counselor, was a member of a professional guidance association, and was thoroughly satisfied with his job as a counselor. Differences between professional counselors and non-professional counselors seemed to indicate a greater people-orientation in the professional counselor group. This was further supported by relationships of the professional counselor key with other scales on the SVIB.  相似文献   

Counselors in the Santa Barbara (California) High School District recently faced the threat of abolishment of all counseling positions. This article describes how a guidance task force, consisting of counselors and teachers, sought and obtained community and professional support needed to defeat the proposed staff realignment plan.  相似文献   

Qualitative assessment offers the counselor methods of helping clients to know and understand themselves better—methods that are flexible, open-ended, holistic, and nonstatistical. The methods are diverse and include card sorts, simulations, exercises and games, worksamples, and others. Many of the methods may be considered projective in nature and thereby tap values, interests, and needs in ways that standardized tests do not. Because these activities involve the client actively, they can flow directly out of and back into the counseling relationship rather than being a discrete element.  相似文献   

Conflict resolution is a rapidly expanding field, one in which counselors need to be more knowledgeable. An overview of conflict resolution and mediation concepts is presented with a comparison to therapeutic counseling interventions. Applications are provided for various areas such as family mediation, community disputes, and mediation in public education. Implications for counseling and the role of the counselor are discussed.  相似文献   

Practicum ratings of 50 school counselors were examined in relation to administrators' subsequent on-the-job ratings of their performance. The relationship proved negligible. The practicum ratings did relate, however, to retention of cognitive material in guidance and counseling (scores on a comprehensive examination). Such a relationship did not exist between scores on the same comprehensive examination and the administrators' ratings. It was suggested that cognitive standards for counselors are probably best established and maintained by training institutions. Administrators seeking assurance of at least minimum cognitive competency in counselors ought to seek endorsement of candidates from those who observe their practicum performance.  相似文献   

This study was designed to ascertain the perceptions of school counselors and school administrators of the school counselor's activities and the attributes necessary for him to be effective in his role. The findings were interpreted to suggest that differences that exist between the perceptions of counselors and administrators tend to be in the degree to which they view certain activities or attributes as important. Ranking of activities and the attributes by both groups tended to be similar but differences were found to exist between the mean scores of counselors and administrators in various areas. Sources of discrepancy were discussed as possibly relating to the need for counselors to establish clearer priorities for their activities and the administrators' perception of the counselor as fundamentally a quasi-administrator of guidance services.  相似文献   

In an urban sample of 5,595 students in Grades 7–12, the authors found that (a) personalized counseling services that were responsive to student needs enhanced school connectedness, (b) risk factors (e.g., poverty, mobility rates, limited English proficiency) were associated with lower school connectedness scores, and (c) responsive counseling services acted as a protective factor that reduced some of the negative effects of risk factors on school connectedness, and consequently, student success in academic and nonacademic areas.  相似文献   

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