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This article presents a discussion of the principle of extracortical organization of higher mental functions and its significance for the development of contemporary neuropsychology. The role of external factors (stimulus-mediator, symbol) in establishing functional connections between various brain systems is, in principle, universal. However, inasmuch as differing mediators and means, or significantly different details within them (direction of writing, orientation by maps or by the behavior of sea birds, etc.) may and in fact do develop in different cultures, neuropsychological analysis must take into account cross-cultural differences. Diagnostic tools must also be adapted to differing cultural contexts. The efficacy of this principle for the analysis of bilingual aphasia and of mental organization of speech, including the effect of acquisition of literacy in native language, is demonstrated. The importance of this principle for the development of new directions in applied neuropsychology is also discussed.  相似文献   

After a brief introduction of a cultural psychological perspective, this paper turns to the concept of self. The paper proposes to conceive of that reality to which the concepts of self refer as a narrative, employing especially autobiographies and other ego-documents in empirical exploration. After discussing some psychological theories about “self,” the paper points out that they may well be applied in research on personal religiosity.  相似文献   

Where Slochower focuses her discussion on the analyst's multiform uses of theory, I focus my response on how the theory we each use informs a quite different way of understanding what is at issue for my patient in the apparent disengagement that marks her quest for help. More broadly, I consider how the theoretical perspective Slochower brings to her rendering of my clinical understanding and position makes for a reading that diverges significantly from my own view of what transpired in the treatment process I present.  相似文献   

To the extent that cultures vary in how they shape individuals' self-construal, it is important to consider a cultural perspective to understand the role of the self in health persuasion. We review recent research that has adopted a cultural perspective on how to frame health communications to be congruent with important, culturally variant, aspects of the self. Matching features of a health message to approach vs. avoidance orientation and independent vs. interdependent self-construal can lead to greater message acceptance and health behavior change. Discussion centers on the theoretical and applied value of the self as an organizing framework for constructing persuasive health communications.  相似文献   

In this study, we address the construction of the first symbolic uses of objects in contexts of triadic interaction (adult–child–object). We assume that symbolic productions are based on public rules of the use of objects previously agreed by the community. The first symbols are not rooted in any literal, evident reality, but in shared rules of uses about the material world. We observed six dyads communicating and interacting together with 10 objects in a semi‐structured situation longitudinally from 9 to 15 months of age. We found that the infants gradually constructed symbolic meanings, and we identified five symbolic levels and sublevels. At 9 months, the infants attended and engaged in the symbolic uses produced by an adult even though they themselves were not yet able to produce them. At 12 months, infants began to use objects symbolically to communicate with adults. The highest percentage of these first symbolic uses was of level 1, that is, with a close relation to the conventional use of the object used to perform the symbol. At 15 months, children increased their symbolic uses and performed symbolic uses at all levels, whereas adults reduced such practices. Adult semiotic mediation and the social meanings of objects can be considered important factors in children's symbolic productions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article introduces phase resampling, an existing but rarely used surrogate data method for making statistical inferences of Granger causality in frequency domain time series analysis. Granger causality testing is essential for establishing causal relations among variables in multivariate dynamic processes. However, testing for Granger causality in the frequency domain is challenging due to the nonlinear relation between frequency domain measures (e.g., partial directed coherence, generalized partial directed coherence) and time domain data. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate that phase resampling is a general and robust method for making statistical inferences even with short time series. With Gaussian data, phase resampling yields satisfactory type I and type II error rates in all but one condition we examine: when a small effect size is combined with an insufficient number of data points. Violations of normality lead to slightly higher error rates but are mostly within acceptable ranges. We illustrate the utility of phase resampling with two empirical examples involving multivariate electroencephalography (EEG) and skin conductance data.  相似文献   

Un survol de l'histoire de la psychologie du counseling au Japon amène à confronter cinq significations différentes du terme «counseling>>. Ces divers points de vue relatifs au counseling et à sa signification ont handicapé le développement de la psychologie du counseling. Une approche spécifiquement nippone du counseling est indispensable au développement de la professionnalisation de la discipline au Japon. On conclut l'article par une proposition de théorisation et d'approfondissement de la discipline en tant que psychologie développementale du counseling couvrant l'ensemble de la vie.
A precis of counseling psychology's history in Japan leads to discussion of five different meanings for the term "counseling". These multiple views about counseling and its meaning have hindered development of counseling psychology. An indigenous conceptualisation of counseling is required to promote the professionalisation of the discipline in Japan. A proposal for conceptualising and advancing the discipline as "lifespan developmental counseling psychology" concludes the article.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for a therapeutic approach to the cultural systems of families. Using anthropologically derived concepts of material and ideational planes of culture, magic, and ritualistic intervention, the inducement of culture change in frozen familial systems is framed in dialectical terms. Four brief case studies are presented describing the systems engaged, the material-ideational rituals employed, and the cultural transformations induced. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of some of the theoretical and practical implications of this cultural approach to the family in therapy.  相似文献   

Counselors must demonstrate ethical standards of the profession and abide by the law. This task is made challenging by the fact that the mental health and legal systems represent 2 different, sometimes conflicting cultures. Using a cross‐cultural perspective, overlapping or common elements of each culture are noted, differing elements of each culture are identified, and recommendations are provided for the 2 cultures to work together as effectively as possible.  相似文献   

As the usage of unproctored Internet testing (UIT) rises, new methods of mitigating challenges associated with UIT have been proposed. We suggest that one of the most promising methods is computer adaptive testing (CAT), and is a major advancement in pre-employment testing. CAT combines science and technology to help deliver a targeted and secure testing experience. In this article, we describe the use of CAT in organizations and highlight examples of how CAT has been applied to the measurement of cognitive ability, knowledge, and personality traits. We also set out a research agenda that will advance the development and implementation of future CATs.  相似文献   

R. Batra (2019) and S. Fournier and C. Alvarez (2019) provide many substantive perspectives related to the questions about creating cultural meaning in products and brands. This commentary organizes their views and thoughts under five broadly categorized questions and identifies additional relevant perspectives and questions for future research.  相似文献   

工作家庭促进关注的是工作-家庭关系中的积极方面,指的是个体由于在某一社会系统(工作或者家庭)中的投入,而对另一系统(如家庭或者工作)的发展产生贡献的程度。文章首先探讨了工作家庭促进的理论源流、概念界定以及三个主要的研究方向;接下来介绍了基于系统论思想的促进发生机制模型;最后指出了今后两个首要的研究方向,即工作家庭促进测量工具的开发及其与相关变量的关系研究  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although a balanced life has always been viewed as desirable, there are problems with extant conceptualizations and measures of this construct. Here we introduce 2 new life‐balance measures, based on time‐use profiles, that address these problems. One defines life balance as objectively equitable time use across multiple life domains, and the other defines life balance as low subjective discrepancy between actual and ideal time‐use profiles. Study 1 finds that both measures predict concurrent well‐being, in both U.S. and Indian samples. Study 2 shows that fluctuations in balance predict fluctuations in well‐being over a 3‐week period. Study 3 replicates the Study 1 findings using a different time assessment technique, based on the Day Reconstruction Method. Study 4 assigns participants the month‐long goal of enhancing their life balance, finding that those who achieve this goal enhance their well‐being. In all 4 studies, the balance effects on well‐being were mediated by psychological need satisfaction associated with balance.  相似文献   

The present research interrogates the greater tendency for Chinese people to somaticize depression relative to Westerners. Drawing from a social identity perspective, three studies were conducted examining the role that cultural norms play in symptom expression. In an initial study, we confirmed greater somatization, minimization of distress and suppression of emotional expression among Chinese participants compared with Australians (Study 1). Asian normative expectations of collectivism moderated these effects such that somatization was higher among those who endorsed collectivism norms, but only among Chinese participants. Studies 2a and 2b found that only when Asian participants identified strongly with Asian culture did collectivism norms predict somatic symptoms. These findings have implications for practitioners working with people from Asian cultures, highlighting that it is not culture per se, but the endorsement of normative expectations in the context of strong identification with cultural groups that predicts which symptoms of depression are emphasized. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Statistical methods for identifying aberrances on psychological and educational tests are pivotal to detect flaws in the design of a test or irregular behavior of test takers. Two approaches have been taken in the past to address the challenge of aberrant behavior detection, which are (1) modeling aberrant behavior via mixture modeling methods, and (2) flagging aberrant behavior via residual based outlier detection methods. In this paper, we propose a two-stage method that is conceived of as a combination of both approaches. In the first stage, a mixture hierarchical model is fitted to the response and response time data to distinguish normal and aberrant behaviors using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. In the second stage, a further distinction between rapid guessing and cheating behavior is made at a person level using a Bayesian residual index. Simulation results show that the two-stage method yields accurate item and person parameter estimates, as well as high true detection rate and low false detection rate, under different manipulated conditions mimicking NAEP parameters. A real data example is given in the end to illustrate the potential application of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The notion of human rights is highly controversial and contested in modern scholarship. However, human rights have been defined as ‘the rational basis… for a justified demand.’ What constitutes demand should be understood as that which is different from favor or privilege but one's due, free from racial, religious, gender, political inclinations. But since rights are basic due to the fact that they are necessary for the enjoyment of something else, we are poised to examine it from the pre-figurative, configurative and post-figurative stages of development in Africa. This enterprise anchors on the belief in cosmotheandrisation of human rights in Africa: cosmos ‘earth’, theos ‘God’ and anthropos ‘human’. These three levels of horizontal and vertical relationship guarantee the respect for human rights in traditional Africa. Through this approach, this enterprise shows that the positive approach to human rights is majorly declarative without corresponding pragmatic manifestation.  相似文献   

赫尔伯特·芬伽莱 (HerbertFingarette)以及他那本有关孔子研究的著作《孔子—以凡俗为神圣》(Confucius:TheSecularasSacred)对于中文学术界的读者也许并不陌生。这本被罗伯特·贝拉 (RobertBellah)誉为“阐发了孔子思想之最深奥层面”① 的著作只有 84页 ,是芬伽莱这位与汉学素来无缘的美国哲学家偶尔“客串”的产物。然而 ,这一借助于英译本《论语》所作的孔子研究 ,却因其独特的问题性(problematique)在西方汉学界尤其是儒学研究领域引发了一场持久的争论 ,由此形成的学术话语覆盖了 2 0世纪的最后 30年。本文拟对这一话语的内涵作…  相似文献   

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