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Our psychoanalytic understanding of human nature is that humans are self-interested. However, this view differs with those of evolution, ethology, and neuroscience, which show evidence of a natural altruistic capacity. A theoretical foundation for this capacity can be found in psychoanalytic works, particularly those of Melanie Klein. An emerging understanding is that of an altruistic capacity that is induced and shaped by early experience and either fortified or corrupted by social pressures and mental processes. In individuals and in collective society, superego dictates can conflict with natural altruistic impulses. Recognition within psychoanalytic theory of a primary altruistic capacity is important, because we as psychoanalysts have an impact on individual and cultural self-perceptions through our treatment of patients and through our writings and therefore contribute to the shaping of values in our society.  相似文献   

This article argues for a shift in evolutionary metaphor-from fitness and the elimination of the less fit to fragility and passage through fragile periods of change. Childhood, for example, can be viewed as state of protected weakness, allowing time for more neural development, learning, and play. Similarly, evolutionary change can be released precisely when competitive pressure is relaxed. The fragility of evolution in time extends to several biological domains. The genetic system exhibits a surprising fluidity, whether from mobile genetic elements or hypermutation due to stress. Through gene duplication, organisms build up redundancy, which can more readily diverge into novelty. With endo-symbiosis one organism becomes incorporated into another, merging genomes, membranes, and metabolisms. As a result novel structures and genetic restructuring occur, making for profound evolutionary change. In a sexual life cycle, gametes within a species group fuse and amplify subtle variation. Hybridization, or unions between atypical sexual partners, can cause instant speciation and an instability that leads to more evolution. With development organisms go through rapid morphological change and sensitive transition phases. Importantly, dissociation of developmental modules in both temporal and spatial ways allow for evolutionary novelty to emerge. Several lines of evidence lead to the hypothesis that the organism's inner matrix can respond to stresses and help shape a fluid genome. In a second article, three more biological domains will be examined, in which organisms and environment more obviously interpenetrate: the remarkably plastic neural/behavioral system, novel synergisms between organisms, and the multiple, complex dynamics of ecosystems-all of which help to generate life's outstanding diversity. Last, the protection of fragile human populations will be discussed.  相似文献   


This essay argues for a shift in evolutionary metaphor-away from natural selection and the elimination of the less fit, to a focus on the fragility of biological change. Three biological arenas, in which the organism and environment more obviously interpenetrate, will be examined. The vulnerable and exceptionally plastic neural system of organisms makes possible subtle capacities such as learning and memory. Behavior, as it often precedes morphological change, emerges as an evolutionary axis. Synergisms between organisms lead to novelty on a macroevolutionary scale-multicellularity, coloniality, sociality, and eusociality. Although fragile due to competitive tensions, novel cohesions have repeatedly emerged throughout evolution. Ecology involves the flow of energy between organisms and the biophysical realm, which life has increasingly shaped. Radical spatial heterogeneity and varying levels of temporal disturbances serve to enhance biodiversity, and restrict the dominance of any single species. The atypical event of evolution can occur relatively suddenly and on varied scales. Paradoxically, evolution can be prompted by novel stresses and spaces protected from harsh competitive stress. As life moves to a greater total complexity, fragility increases. In conclusion, this essay discusses the protection of "less fit" human populations.  相似文献   

Explaining cooperative tendencies through an evolutionary lens has been problematic for theorists. Traditional explanations derive from theories of reciprocity, biological markets, and more recently via partner choice and sexual selection. The sexual selection hypothesis has been tested within game-theoretic frameworks gaining empirical support in explaining the evolution of altruism. Males have been found to be more altruistic towards attractive females. However, previous research has predominantly adopted a design where participants are not engaging with ‘real people’. Instead, participants make decisions when viewing images or hypothetical scenarios without visual cues. The present study aimed to investigate the sexual selection hypothesis using a face-to-face game theoretic framework. One hundred and thirty-eight participants played a 2-round ultimatum game with chocolate coins as the monetary incentive. We find, that physical attractiveness had no influence on generosity and cooperation when participants play a face-to-face ultimatum game. Instead, proposers were fair when allocating stakes, offering an average of half the endowment to responders. This study refutes the link between the sexual selection hypothesis and generosity when playing economic games with real people. Fairness appeared to drive generosity and cooperation.  相似文献   


Part II offers an understanding of how unusual, creative, and meaningful the course taught at the Chicago Institute is. Chapter 1 explains how the course came into existence and outlines its structure, along with giving a syllabus for the course. Chapter 2 is probably the essence of this issue of the journal, as it gives detailed student responses to the analysts’ presentations. Chapter 3 details the student responses to one class in particular, a special class on Allen Siegel’s book, Heinz Kohut and the Psychology of the Self, at Allen’s house in which he addresses questions raised by the students about the book in particular and self psychology in general.  相似文献   

当代中国多党合作制度的历史嬗变和未来走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度是一种崭新的、具有中国特色的社会主义政党制度.建国以来,中国多党合作制度经历了产生与探索、恢复与发展、制度化发展和新世纪不断完善的四个时期,取得了令人瞩目的宝贵经验,那就是必须明确中国多党合作制度健康发展的基本前提,认清制度稳步发展的重要保障,充分发挥多党合作的制度优势,积极支持与帮助民主党派搞好自身建设.然而,随着世界政治格局和社会结构的巨大变化,中国特色政党制度面临着世界政党政治发展新形势、国内经济政治体制改革新要求以及社会结构变迁的新挑战.坚持走中国特色政党制度发展道路,积极拓展多党合作和政治协商的制度发展空间,进一步优化多党合作中的政党关系,造就一种新的政党制度模式,是中国多党合作制度发展的良好趋势和美好未来.  相似文献   

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