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互联网成瘾问题的研究现状与展望   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
过度使用互联网将影响使用者的身心健康 ,从而导致互联网成瘾。作者根据现有文献对互联网成瘾的概念、诊断以及影响因素作了简要总结 ,介绍了互联网成瘾的现有治疗技术 ,并提出了该领域未来的研究方向和重点问题  相似文献   

Neuropsychological methods and techniques have much to offer in the evaluation of the individual suspected as having Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). After a review of the historical evolution of the ADHD concept, incidence and prevalence, and DSM-IV criteria for diagnosis, especially as regards omission related to gender differences, and other associated cultural, familial, socioenvironmental, and subject influences, this paper describes a number of dilemmas and obstacles encountered in clinical practice. Included are the confounds associated with the wide range of possible comorbidities, the insufficiency of current DSM-IV criteria, the emergence of subtype differentiation and its impact on diagnosis and treatment. The complex relationship between neuropsychological constructs and ADHD, and obstacles to valid assessment are also addressed. The complexities associated with a thorough ADHD evaluation are viewed within an impressive and expansive existing scientific framework and recommendations are made for future directions.  相似文献   

There is a ‘theory of mind’ theory of autism. Meltzoff has recently developed a procedure that gives a nonverbal assessment of ‘theory of mind’. A group of children with autism and a matched control group of normally developing infants were given three of Meltzoff’s tasks and three conventional, gestural imitation tasks. The children with autism showed the expected deficits on gestural imitation, but were significantly better than the normally developing infants on the Meltzoff tasks. The implications of these results for a number of theoretical issues are discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical experience with older adults shows that many will experience PTSD symptoms in older adulthood because of trauma exposure early in life. Some of these patients struggled with PTSD in the distant past and remained symptomfree for decades only to have a recurrence of PTSD in late life. This paper outlines a cognitive aging explanation for the recurrence of PTSD. It is proposed that the age-related decreases in attention make the intrusion of trauma-related memories more likely. The increase in intrusive memories, combined with age-related decreases in working memory, explicit memory, and prospective memory, increases the subjective distress associated with the memories and results in a recurrence of PTSD.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize the brain system that monitors speech in people who stutter and matched controls. We measured two electrophysiological peaks associated with action-monitoring: the error-related negativity (ERN) and the error positivity (Pe). Both the ERN and Pe were reliably observed after errors in a rhyming task and a nonverbal flanker task, replicating previous reports of a language-monitoring ERN and demonstrating that the Pe can also be elicited by phonological errors. In the rhyming task, stutterers showed a heightened ERN peak regardless of whether they actually committed an error. Similar results, though only marginally significant, were obtained from the flanker task. These results support the vicious cycle hypothesis, which posits that stuttering results from over-monitoring the speech plan. The elevation of the ERN in stutterers and the similarity of the results between the flanker and rhyming tasks implies that speech-monitoring may rely on the same neural substrate as action-monitoring.  相似文献   

Preverbal and verbal counting and computation.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
C R Gallistel  R Gelman 《Cognition》1992,44(1-2):43-74
We describe the preverbal system of counting and arithmetic reasoning revealed by experiments on numerical representations in animals. In this system, numerosities are represented by magnitudes, which are rapidly but inaccurately generated by the Meck and Church (1983) preverbal counting mechanism. We suggest the following. (1) The preverbal counting mechanism is the source of the implicit principles that guide the acquisition of verbal counting. (2) The preverbal system of arithmetic computation provides the framework for the assimilation of the verbal system. (3) Learning to count involves, in part, learning a mapping from the preverbal numerical magnitudes to the verbal and written number symbols and the inverse mappings from these symbols to the preverbal magnitudes. (4) Subitizing is the use of the preverbal counting process and the mapping from the resulting magnitudes to number words in order to generate rapidly the number words for small numerosities. (5) The retrieval of the number facts, which plays a central role in verbal computation, is mediated via the inverse mappings from verbal and written numbers to the preverbal magnitudes and the use of these magnitudes to find the appropriate cells in tabular arrangements of the answers. (6) This model of the fact retrieval process accounts for the salient features of the reaction time differences and error patterns revealed by experiments on mental arithmetic. (7) The application of verbal and written computational algorithms goes on in parallel with, and is to some extent guided by, preverbal computations, both in the child and in the adult.  相似文献   


The links between Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and temperament received relatively little research attention, in spite of their clinical and social relevance. Children with RAD sustain disproportionate burdens of early adversity related to their caregiving environment. However, there seem to be important individual differences in susceptibility to adversity, since only a small number of children show signs of RAD. Based on the work of Zeanah and Fox, this review aims to bring new insights to this relevant clinical issue in light of recent research. A differential susceptibility hypothesis will be considered as a promising and innovative approach toward a further understanding of the links between temperament and RAD.  相似文献   

This study sought to develop methodology for assessing whether children aged 16-21 months could learn to match stimuli on the basis of physical identity in conditional discrimination procedures of the type routinely used in stimulus equivalence research with older participants. The study was conducted in a private room at a daycare center for children and toddlers. The child and the research sat together on the floor facing an apparatus with two windows. Stimuli to be discriminated were toys especially designed to attract the child's attention and maintain continued interest. On simple discrimination and discrimination reversal trials that were programmed in initial training, S+ and S- toys were displayed within the two windows. When the child touched the window containing the toy defined as S+ on a given trial, s/he was allowed to manipulate/play with that toy. Selections of the S- toy ended the trial without a play opportunity. On subsequent identity matching-to-sample trials, the child was first allowed to manipulate a sample toy. Then, S+ (matching) and S- (nonmatching) comparison toys were displayed within the windows, and the selection consequences were the same as on simple discrimination trials. The study provides evidence that preverbal children can master simple and conditional discrimination performances via such procedures, perhaps setting the stage for subsequent studies aimed at establishing procedural control of the discrimination baselines needed to assess the stimulus equivalence potential of children in this age range.  相似文献   

The psychological profile of 17 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type I (CRPS) and 20 Conversion Disorder (CD) patients were compared, using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and standardized, semistructured psychological interviews. Both groups presented abnormally high somatization scores. Low anxiety scores in both groups indicate that somatization may have served as a defense mechanism to bind anxiety. Depression was apparent in both groups, indicating that psychological distress accompany these syndromes. About one third of the participants in both groups presented comorbid Axis I disorders, mostly depression and PTSD. CRPS patients have traditionally been looked upon as suffering from mainly organic symptoms, whereas CD patients have been labeled as psychiatric patients. These results may indicate the need to reexamine the traditional classifications in respect to disorders that involve body and mind.  相似文献   

Within the triple vulnerabilities model of anxiety disorders, a genetic contribution to the development of anxiety and negative affect (i.e., generalized biological vulnerability), a diminished sense of perceived control over aversive events and emotional experiences (i.e., generalized psychological vulnerability), and elevated levels of anxiety sensitivity (i.e., specific psychological vulnerability) are posited to increase the risk of developing and maintaining panic disorder (Barlow American Psychologist 55(11):1247–1263, 2000). The purpose of the present study was to investigate the direct and interactive effects of perceived control and anxiety sensitivity on panic disorder symptom severity. Structural equation models (SEM) were conducted in data derived from a sample of 379 adults with panic disorder participating in a multi-site randomized controlled trial. Findings indicated that both perceived control and anxiety sensitivity uniquely predicted panic disorder symptoms. A moderation model examining the interactive effects of perceived control and anxiety sensitivity on panic symptoms indicated that the effect of anxiety sensitivity on panic symptoms increased with greater deficits in perceived control. The present findings suggest that deficits in perceived control and elevated levels of anxiety sensitivity exert unique and shared effects on panic disorder symptoms, thereby illustrating the relationship between putative vulnerability factors and panic disorder symptoms as predicted by the triple vulnerabilities model.  相似文献   


Ritual has played an integral role in human development and socialization throughout history. This paper seeks to highlight that role so that the importance of perpetuating ritual becomes obvious and necessary. The purpose of this paper is to re-iterate the significance of ritual in human development, education, and social improvement; discuss the origin and evolution of the term ritual; suggest the elements of an effective ritual and provide a hypothetical pyramid of evolving ritualistic behavior as often experienced in learning environments.  相似文献   

大学生因特网成瘾障碍的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
江楠楠  顾海根 《心理科学》2006,29(3):695-697
本研究根据目前广泛认可的因特网成瘾障碍(Internet Addiction Disorder,IAD)诊断标准自编问卷,调查了上海市6所高校370名大学生的上网情况。结果表明:(1)自编问卷质量的各指标皆良好,问卷具有较好的稳定性和准确性。(2)上海市大学生IAD的发生率大约为8.1%。(3)男生比女生、理科比文科、大二年级比其它年级的学生陷入网络的程度深。(4)上网者每周的上网时间、使用网络工具的数量、上网动机的数量与使用网络的程度相关。(5)IAD者在网络使用的特点上明显不同于非IAD者(N-IAD者)。  相似文献   

急性应激障碍(ASD)研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
急性应激障碍是个体在亲历、目击或面临一个对自己或他人具有死亡威胁、严重伤害的创伤事件后的2天至4周内所表现的应激反应。急性应激障碍的症状主要表现为分离、再历、回避和过度警觉。文章回顾了以往的相关研究,从急性应激障碍的测评方法、发生率、与创伤后应激障碍和创伤记忆的关系、心理治疗和干预等方面进行了综述。最后对未来可能的研究方向提出了展望  相似文献   

A moral/religious subtype of obsessive compulsive disorder has been termed as scrupulosity by mental health professionals. Since ultimate feared consequence in scrupulous individuals is religious or moral in nature, it also presents interesting and difficult issue for religious authorities. This article focuses on various aspects of scrupulosity that have until now been poorly conceptualized in Islamic world and provides a conceptual cognitive framework and analysis of scrupulosity according to Islamic sources.  相似文献   

This study explored empathy and social perspective taking in 8 to 12 year old children with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The sample comprised 92 children, 50 with a diagnosis of ADHD and 42 typically developing comparison children. Although children with ADHD were rated by their parents as less empathic than children without ADHD, this difference was accounted for by co-occurring oppositional and conduct problems among children in the ADHD sample. Children with ADHD used lower levels of social perspective taking coordination in their definition of problems, identification of feelings, and evaluation of outcomes than children without ADHD, and these differences persisted after the role of language abilities, intelligence and oppositional and conduct problems were taken into account. Girls were more empathic and had higher overall social perspective taking scores than boys. Implications for research and practice are discussed. This research was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).  相似文献   

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