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This issue defines vulnerability as a key interdisciplinary concept for understanding life trajectories. Moreover, it develops a life course framework to study vulnerability along three structuring axes of research: multidimensionality, multilevel, and multidirectionality.  相似文献   

This is the second article of a two part series about utilizing the life course perspective (LCP) in genetic counseling. Secondary data analysis was conducted on a grounded theory, longitudinal study which provided a wide focus on living with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) risk. The aim of this analysis was to explore the longitudinal data for both the temporal and social context of living with BRCA mutation genetic test results. Sixteen women from two previous studies were interviewed on multiple occasions over an 8 year time period. The LCP was used to direct a thematic analysis of the data. Families experience the consequences of knowing they carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation long after the initial diagnosis. These women’s experiences across time reflect the concepts of the LCP and show how life is changed when families know they live with a genetic vulnerability to an adult-onset and potentially life-threatening disease. Different emphases on concepts from the LCP were evident across the different age groups. For example, the group of 40–50 year old women emphasized the concept of linked lives, those in their 30’s focused on human agency and women in their 20’s were more focused on timing of events. This study helps give direction to healthcare providers counseling women living with a BRCA mutation.  相似文献   

This review paper investigates the potentially misleading effect of some social norms on life trajectories. Conformity to some gender norms related to the division of paid and family work becomes counterproductive for individuals who experience turning points in their life along the way. We present various empirical results mainly drawn from the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES where conformity to social norms has detrimental effects on life trajectories. We conclude by stressing that the sensitizing concept of misleading norms contributes to a better understanding of vulnerability across the life course.  相似文献   

Life course studies have ushered in unprecedented scientific interest not only in specific periods of human lives but also in the long-term processes associated with growing older. Theories and conceptual frameworks have emerged to help scholars splice pieces of the life course together, but the need for conceptual clarity remains. Concepts such as vulnerability and disadvantage are important but used in many different ways by researchers. We pose questions to enhance clarity of these and related terms and call for greater attention to temporal referents in studying the life course.  相似文献   

A multi-level, metacommunicational framework to understand couple interactions is presented. Five interactional levels are defined following a mode of abstraction that parallels the theory of logical types; case examples are offered of couples interacting at each of the levels. The clinical implications of the framework, as a metaphor for understanding transactional processes, are discussed with an emphasis on the pragmatics of working with punctuational diffferences, developing therapeutic strategies, measuring progress, and setting goals for therapy with couples.  相似文献   

This work shows the contribution of concept of rites of passage and theory of liminality to the understanding of transformations in the course of a person’s life. The structural–functional analysis of empirical studies of physical changes, changing roles in society, and key changes in the area of mental and physical health conducted from the perspective of these theories has allowed to identify the three fundamental processes that govern the attainment of transformation and transgression into a new phase of life. The aim of this paper is to set out the processes identified in the course of functional–structural analysis of chosen studies and they comprise: (1) preservation of the sequence of the life course; (2) liminality: deconstruction, integration, and transformation; and (3) performativity. These processes provide a structural framework for understanding life crises, thus facilitating their study as phases of dynamic transformations connected with the successive roles and tasks over the life course.  相似文献   

This article presents a framework to guide evaluation activities for school and community programs that attempt to improve career development outcomes for students K‐16. Three essential components to this framework are discussed: (a) a comprehensive career development model for students K‐16, (b) a framework to identify post‐high school outcomes for students, and (c) a program evaluation strategy to address the diverse needs of local communities. The authors hope to engage counselors, career development researchers, and policymakers in a collaborative effort to implement practices and policies that effectively meet the post‐high school transition needs of all students.  相似文献   

As integrated care (IC) has gained more traction within both the psychosocial and medical fields, the need to train medical family therapy students and established professionals in this care typology has increased in tandem. To address this stated need, there is a large body of literature pertaining to models of care, typologies of intervention, clinical and financial effectiveness, and now a burgeoning discussion related to the academic and practice-based competencies necessary for IC practice. While the ability of the medical family therapist as behavioral health provider (MedFT/BHP) to practice in integrated settings may rely on an understanding of population-based medicine, disease etiology, medication and psychopharmacology, as well as augmentations to patient conceptualization and practice, all of the specifics related to that care are ultimately leveraged on the relationships formed by the MedFT/BHP with their healthcare colleagues. What this means is while we have attempted to distill the gestalt of integrated care into its major practice-based parts (e.g., model development and implementation, competencies, financial viability, efficacy/effectiveness, mechanisms of activation, and marketing), we have not adequately described the competencies necessary to set the stage for these types of close working relationships: relationships that make integration, of any kind, a possibility. The following paper was written to discuss three competencies related to the relational process of integration: (a) conceptual flexibility, (b) understanding and acceptance, and (c) acknowledgment and appreciation, as well as how these competencies provide the backdrop against which integrated care, as a practice, can emerge.  相似文献   

CRISPR germline editing therapies (CGETs) hold unprecedented potential to eradicate hereditary disorders. However, the prospect of altering the human germline has sparked a debate over the safety, efficacy, and morality of CGETs, triggering a funding moratorium by the NIH. There is an urgent need for practical paths for the evaluation of these capabilities. We propose a model regulatory framework for CGET research, clinical development, and distribution. Our model takes advantage of existing legal and regulatory institutions but adds elevated scrutiny at each stage of CGET development to accommodate the unique technical and ethical challenges posed by germline editing.  相似文献   

Previous research about religion and childbearing focuses on childbearing behavior, yet is motivated by the idea that behavioral outcomes result from the influence of religion on individuals' childbearing dispositions. This article describes how early life religious exposure may influence young adults' childbearing attitudes and preferences as they transition to adulthood. Analyses of intergenerational panel data suggest that, compared with others, young adults with Catholic mothers, or mothers who frequently attend religious services, are more likely to object to voluntary childlessness, to feel the average American family should have more children, and to desire many children for themselves. The effect of having a Catholic mother appears to operate through the mother's own dispositions and behaviors. The effect of their mothers' religious service attendance operates through the young adults' own religious participation and the importance they place on religion. The consistent effects of early life religious exposure on subsequent child-bearing dispositions outweigh the effects of socioeconomic factors and point to religion as an influential institution in the formation of child-bearing preferences.  相似文献   

Business today is a key player in addressing social and environmental challenges. Every year companies contribute significant resources—cash, in-kind donations and employee volunteers—to non-profit organizations and community support initiatives. This support is critical for community development. Yet many companies have a limited understanding of the value their initiatives add to the community or to their business. In most cases they measure inputs and outputs but not actual impacts. Measuring and communicating the business value of community-focused programs, however, is critical to maintaining funding for such programs in downturns such as the recession of 2007–2009. This article provides critical analysis of existing efforts to measure the business value of corporate community involvement programs and offers guidance for developing indicators of business impact. Building on lessons learned, it identifies key criteria and makes recommendations for the development of an effective measurement framework and indicators. The article concludes with a discussion on how such a framework can lead to social change.  相似文献   

In this article, I outline a general framework for the evolutionary analysis of mental disorders based on the concepts of life history theory. I synthesize and extend a large body of work showing that individual differences in life history strategy set the stage for the development of psychopathology. My analysis centers on the novel distinction between fast spectrum and slow spectrum disorders. I describe four main causal pathways from life history strategies to psychopathology, argue that psychopathology can arise at both ends of the fast–slow continuum of life history variation, and provide heuristic criteria for classifying disorders as fast or slow spectrum pathologies. I then apply the fast–slow distinction to a diverse sample of common mental disorders: externalizing disorders, schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, eating disorders, and depression. The framework integrates previously disconnected models of psychopathology within a common frame of reference and has far-reaching implications for the classification of mental disorders.  相似文献   

Despite the counseling profession’s widespread interest in wellness, little research has been conducted on wellness in older adulthood. The author reviews the literature to identify current trends in research on wellness among older adults. Out of 273 articles, only 40 (14.63%) used a multidimensional, holistic framework. Further analysis revealed a lack of multidimensional models that were normed on older adults or tailored to their needs. The author concludes with an 8‐dimensional wellness framework to guide future research.  相似文献   

This is the first article in a two part series about utilizing the life course perspective (LCP) in genetic counseling. LCP can be a useful tool for genetic counselors when counseling people with a known genetic mutation. Previous theories such as Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and Common Sense Model of Self-Regulation (CSMSR) examine current reactions to a positive genetic test result. LCP extends beyond the current time to explore temporal and contextual elements of the experience. A review of research revealed, LCP has been used to study the perspective of caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease, referral for a family history of breast cancer, Mexican American caregivers of older adult, social class and cancer incidence and cancer and the sense of mastery. Incorporating LCP into a study explaining the experiences of people living with a positive test result for a genetic mutation such as the BRCA mutation provides a comprehensive exploration of this experience.  相似文献   

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