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The authors explored barriers and motivations associated with high school and middle school classes’ participation in National Park educational programming through interviews with school administrators and surveys with teachers within the immediate vicinity of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Although teachers commonly cited financial barriers to participation, administrators suggested that these were rarely insurmountable. Moreover, perceptions of such constraints did not help to predict teachers’ intentions to participate. Rather, teachers’ intentions to participate were most strongly predicted by their degree of comfort with relating park programs to the subject matter of their courses, their perceptions regarding whether or not the programs will enhance students’ academic achievement, and their expectations of whether the programs will expose students to environmental themes in an enjoyable manner. Results suggest the importance of classroom visits and direct communications with teachers emphasizing that programs are fun, relevant learning experiences that address academic requirements for multiple subjects and are relatively easy to incorporate into pre-existing curricula.  相似文献   


Recent studies suggest that visitors’ situated museum identities may be examined through the motivations expressed during visits to zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, and other museums. This article examines a tool published by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and J. Falk, Heimlich, and Bronnenkant (2008) for documenting visitors’ motivations at zoos, aquariums, and other informal education settings and compares motivations for visiting across three informal education sites. Surveys were administered to 370 adult visitors to an aquarium, science center, and boat-based eco-tour operator. Findings revealed both different motivations of visitors to these informal education institutions and seasonal changes to those motivations. Moreover, the motivations tool, which was created specifically to document visitor motivations in zoos and aquariums, was able to successfully document visitor motivations in such places as a science center and boat excursion company. It is not clear, however, that it sheds direct light on visitor identity. Modifications to the instrument and underlying taxonomy are suggested and theoretical issues are discussed and used to suggest further areas of research. Findings from the empirical work contribute to discussions of how informal education institutions may use visitor motivations data along with a theory of identity to better understand current audiences and reach new audiences.  相似文献   

A multidimensional and hierarchical model of self‐perceptions in the physical domain was evaluated in samples from 3 nations: Great Britain, Sweden, and Turkey. The Physical Self‐Perception Profile (PSPP; Fox & Corbin, 1989), was translated and tested for factorial and construct validity in each national sample. A first‐order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) hypothesizing 4 latent factors representing the subdomains of sports competence, body attractiveness, physical condition, and physical strength was found to describe the PSPP data adequately for each national sample. A second‐order CFA model that hypothesized a general latent factor of physical self‐worth also exhibited good fit with the data from each sample, supporting the validity of the instrument in the national groups. Multi‐sample analyses provided support for both models across samples, although selected items exhibited disparate meanings. The subdomain mean scores were significantly higher in the British sample compared with the Swedish and Turkish samples, with the exception of the physical condition subscale, which was higher in the Swedish and Turkish samples. Overall, these findings support the factor structure of the hierarchical, multidimensional model of physical self‐perceptions across the national samples.  相似文献   

Human Resource (HR) executives were surveyed with regard to their perceptions of academic HR research information. In general, the results suggest that HR practitioners' attitudes related to relevance, skepticism, and accessibility are not as negative as was commonly assumed. Still, some specific areas of practitioner concern were identified in the study. The executives' attitudes were also found to be significantly related to specific demographic and organizational variables. Interestingly, HR executives with Ph.D.s had significantly more negative attitudes toward academic research than those without Ph.D.s. Male HR executives also viewed academic research as more irrelevant than their female counterparts. Attitudes also differed significantly as a function of organizational size and type of industry.  相似文献   

This study adopted a person–organization (P–O fit) framework to investigate job seeker attraction to organizations in the context of e‐recruitment. Recruitment information posted on real corporate web sites was presented to active job seekers (N=120) in order to better understand reactions to online recruiting. Participants examined one of three corporate web sites and completed questionnaires about their perceptions of web site usability, subjective P–O fit, and organizational attraction. In addition, occupational preference, internet experience, organization size and location were used as control variables. For female participants, perceptions of web site usability and subjective P–O fit were both positively related to attraction, with subjective P–O fit mediating the relationship between web site usability and organizational attraction. These relations were not found for male participants. Implications for future empirical research and recruitment practice were discussed.  相似文献   

Five hundred and seventy-eight African American, Asian American, Latino/a, and White undergraduates responded to a questionnaire assessing perceptions and experiences of the campus cultural climate. Results revealed significant differences between racial and ethnic groups on multiple dimensions of the campus cultural climate. African American students consistently reported significantly more racial—ethnic conflict on campus; pressure to conform to stereotypes; and less equitable treatment by faculty, staff, and teaching assistants. White students' responses reflected limited perceptions of racial—ethnic tensions and a university climate characterized by respect for diversity. Counseling implications are presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how microaggressions affect counseling outcomes. Participants were 128 racial/ethnic minority individuals who had been in counseling within the past year. Results indicated that identity attributions were associated with counseling outcomes (i.e., working alliance and perceived improvement in counseling). Furthermore, perceptions of cultural humility mediated the relationship between negative emotion due to rupture and counseling outcomes (i.e., working alliance and perceived improvement in counseling).  相似文献   

遗址博物馆是为保护已发掘遗址或为展示发掘成果而在遗址上修建的博物馆。与博物馆的广博性相对应,遗址博物馆具有单一性。它的研究、陈列和社会教育是围绕遗址这个单一主题进行的,它的藏品、研究对象、展示内容都是遗址。宗教遗址博物馆,顾名思义,是指在宗教活动遗址上修建的博物馆。  相似文献   

The present study is a cross-sectional survey that investigates ethical practices among Chinese psychotherapists from the perspective of a large representative sample of Chinese clients (N?=?1,100). In reports from clients, we found that psychotherapists did poorly in providing informed consent and had other ethical difficulties in the therapeutic setting and with dual relationships. We conclude that Chinese culture, especially Confucianism, had significant impact on the attitudes toward the psychotherapists' ethical practices, which complicated ethical dilemmas. It is important for cross-cultural psychotherapists to become sensitive to the influences of traditional Chinese culture when counseling Chinese clients.  相似文献   

论文化研究的三大渊源与三条路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本组文章为"文化哲学视野下的符号--从卡西尔出发"研讨会会议论文.在本组文章中,各位作者就符号文化哲学以及卡西尔哲学的特征及贡献进行了探讨.邴正讨论了现代文化研究的三大渊源和三条路径,陆杰荣讨论了文化哲学的现实功能,石福祁讨论了卡西尔符号哲学的得失,霍桂桓讨论了卡西尔在文化哲学研究中的地位,邹广文对卡西尔<语言与神话>在文化哲学中的影响,李鹏程对卡西尔符号哲学的哲学史意义进行了分析.  相似文献   

余日昌 《学海》2002,(4):119-123
如何对当代海外新儒学进行恰如其分的定性 ,应当根据他们自己的如是说。海外新儒学力图融合中西方精神并实现传统与现代的对话 ,其观点、方法和目的都很有特色 ,突出地表现为所谓“文化资源论”的深刻理念 ,而且与“新传统主义”有所区别。  相似文献   

This article outlines the historical context that led to an employee counselling service in an NHS Trust in the North East of England being established. It describes the process of implementation and development of the Service. It evaluates the Service using data collated from those using the Service and also client evaluation reports. It critically analyses the data collated from use of the Service after two years. The paper concludes that one of the key issues of the 'Health at Work in the NHS' Initiative--that of staff support--is continuing to be appropriately addressed through the presence of the Service. Although the future of the service is uncertain due to mergers within the Health Trust, indicators still show that staff value and benefit from the Service.  相似文献   

The acculturation of immigrants does not take place in a social vacuum; it occurs and unfolds itself within the context of intragroup and intergroup relations that provide at times the support and at times the challenge for the reconstruction of selves and identities. In his comprehensive and integrative review, John Berry points to the importance of contextual "societal" factors (subsumed under the "group-level" category in his acculturation framework) and their effects on individual adaptation. It is on an important component of this category of factors, namely the attitudes of the host (or majority) society towards immigrants and immigration, that I would like to elaborate in the first part of this commentary.  相似文献   

L'impact relatif de la motivation, des facteurs de personnalité et de la perception de l'ambiance du groupe dans la prédiction de l'innovation individuelle au travail a été mesure dans un échantillon de 435 personnes au cours des trois phases d'une étude longitudinale de 17 mois. L'échantillon comprenait un large éventail de spécialités relevant du service public de santé britannique. Les facteurs de personalité se sont révélés les plus prédictifs alors que le vecu de l'ambiance règnant dans le groupe n'a pas pu rendre compte d'une part significative de la variance. Les résultats laissent supposer que l'innovation dans la conduite professionnelle relève davantage des facteurs de personnalité ou de la créativité personnelle que de la perception des encouragements reçus ou du vécu de l'environnement social.
The relative power of personality, motivational, and perceived group climate factors in predicting individual innovation at work was tested in a sample of 435 people, in a three stage longitudinal study (17 months). The research sample included people from a wide range of occupations within the UK National Health Service. Personality factors were most consistent in predicting change in innovation, while perceptions of group climate did not significantly predict any additional variance in individual innovation. The results suggest that individual workrole innovation may be due more to individual personality factors or creativity than to people's perceptions of the supportiveness or otherwise of their social environment.  相似文献   

Nous présentons un modèle complétant les conceptions existantes de la relation entre employés et clients dans la domaine des services qui propose que la perception de l’efficacité du service par l’agent comme prédictive de l’efficacité du service perçue par le client. L’efficacité du service se réfère à la perception qu’ont les agents de répondre ou même d’aller au‐delà des attentes relatives au service de la part de l’organisation et des clients exteriors. Nous avons enquêté la relation entre l’efficacité du service, la maturité de l’équipe, et la qualité du service dans la filiale indienne d’une organisation internationale de produits de bureaux. Les agents de service appartenant à 18 équipes autonomes ont classé leur propre efficacitéà répondre aux attentes de la direction et des clients extérieurs. Les donées préexistantes sur la maturité de ces équipes étaient recueillies auprès l’organisation. 114 clients de la même société, choisi au hazard, évaluaient la qualité du service fourni, leur satisfaction de ce service et les effets attendus par le client. Nous avons trouvé des liaisons positives entre l’efficacité du service, la maturité du groupe et la qualité de service. Ces resultants servent à enrichir la littérature reliant les comportements des employés aux effets sur les clients pour les sociétés operant dans les economies émergeantes. We proposed a model complementing existing conceptions of the relationship between service employees and their customers, that proposes service effectiveness as an employee‐level predictor of customer‐perceived service quality. Service effectiveness refers to employees’ perceptions of meeting or even exceeding the service‐related expectations of the organisation and external customers. We investigated the relationship between service effectiveness, team maturity, and service quality in an Indian branch of an international office products organisation. Service employees belonging to 18 self‐managed teams rated their own effectiveness in meeting the expectations of management and external customers. Pre‐existing team maturity data for these teams were obtained from the organisation. Simultaneously, 114 randomly selected customers of the same company evaluated the quality of service provided, their satisfaction with the service, and intended customer outcomes. We found positive links between service effectiveness, group maturity, and service quality. These results also help extend the literature linking employee behaviors with customer outcomes to companies operating in emerging economies.  相似文献   

Global competition has forced corporations to invest overseas in order to gain or maintain competitive advantage. International investment entails not only the movement of capital, machinery, and products but also the spread of corporate cultures to host countries. This is so because, to maintain managerial consistency among its branches, a multinational corporation (MNC) will attempt to transplant its management system to any country in which it invests.However, it is also recognized that cultural contexts differ markedly among nations, and that multinational firms must adjust their management practices to accommodate specific conditions in host-country environments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of a breast cancer risk assessment (BCRA) at the time of screening mammogram. Women whose BCRA indicated a high risk for cancer received a letter with instructions for breast health care and genetic counseling if appropriate. After 6 months this group received surveys to evaluate their risk perception and their recall of, and compliance with, recommendations. We also explored the impact of other variables such as a recommendation for genetic counseling and physician communication with the women. After the BCRA, the majority of high risk women reported no change in their perceived risk of cancer. A woman’s perceived risk of cancer after a BCRA was significantly associated with her recall of recommendations for breast health care, but not with compliance. A recommendation for genetic counseling was not significantly related to women’s perceived risk of cancer after the BCRA. Ten percent of women who should have obtained genetic counseling actually completed an appointment. Women who discussed their BCRA results with their physicians were more compliant with a six month breast exam with a doctor (53% vs 17%, p = 0.018). Overall, women felt that the BCRA was helpful and did not cause undue stress or anxiety. Although the cohort’s compliance with recommendations was suboptimal, physicians’ interactions with their patients may have a positive influence on their compliance.  相似文献   

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