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The Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), in Australia's island state of Tasmania, bears all the hallmarks of the new museology and a flagship museum. Located in a largely working class area, there are expectations of visitors from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, particularly local residents. However most visitors are tourists, middle-class, and highly educated. In this article, the authors ask, “What are the issues affecting accessibility to MONA for local residents?” In asking this, they aim to better understand local engagement with MONA and shed light on potential socio-cultural transformation. Using a survey, interviews, and focus groups with local residents, the authors found that accessibility at MONA is defined along familiar socioeconomic lines, though there are indications of change that warrant further investigation. The expense of food and beverage, concern about children's behavior, and the explicit nature of some art all impact on accessibility, particularly for those with less cultural capital.  相似文献   


The uses and functions of music within the museum environment are of both practical and theoretical interest. This article investigates the impact of background music on the museum visitor experience using information collected from 20 in-depth interviews with visitors to the Laiho Memorial Museum in Taiwan. Each participant heard either a piece of light music or a historical recording of a 1930s song while visiting Laiho's personal study exhibited in the museum. These two types of background music have comparable information loads, although they fit the exhibit to different degrees. Qualitative analysis of interview data indicates that background music played in museums has both emotional and cognitive influences on the visitor experience. This study showed that light music evoked warm and relaxed feelings in participants, whereas a 1930s song evoked feelings of nostalgia and curiosity to learn more about the song. The results are discussed in terms of the diverse needs, behaviors, and attitudes of museum visitors.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - This paper examines the joint effects of the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and individual income on farmers’...  相似文献   

The term 1.5 generation has broadly been used to refer to individuals who migrate in childhood or adolescence. It has served as a distinction from the first generation, who voluntarily migrated in adulthood, and from the second generation, born in the host society. The experiences and cultural identities of 1.5-generation children have generally been described as located in between two worlds. However, the present qualitative study conducted among 1.5-generation Chinese living in Spain does not support these views. It shows that some children feel unequivocally Chinese, while the experiences of others reflect much more nuance and complexity that resists categorization. A dialogical perspective is proposed as a multilayered and intersectional approach from which to explore these identities.  相似文献   

On March 11, 2004, Al-Qaeda set off 10 bombs on several train routes in Madrid. 192 people were killed and 2,000 wounded. In this study, 1,179 questionnaires were administered Week 2 after the attacks to residents 18 years and over from the affected geographical areas. The questionnaire included items about sociodemographic variables and exposure to the attacks. Psychological effects were assessed as presence of acute stress and depressive symptomatology and functional impairment. 46.7% of the sample presented symptomatology of acute stress and 49.6% depressive symptoms. Among the symptoms of acute stress, the most frequent were re-experiencing (72.5%) and dissociative symptoms (71.8%). The chief predicting variables in symptomatology were being female, over 65 yr. old, and a habitual train user. The large number of affected people was refined with an item analysis and the consideration of severity of interference in psychosocial functioning.  相似文献   


Museums today are faced with a number of challenges and are currently searching for ways to attract and retain audiences and engage with the public. In order to address these issues, researchers have called for studies to help construct a more complete understanding of the visitor experience. Few studies employ methodological approaches that provide in-depth accounts of the museum experience. Narrative methodology is one means by which researchers may access rich accounts of the multi-faceted nature of audience relationships with museums. This article reports preliminary findings from a narrative research study that aimed to explore sustained visitor/museum relationships. The narrative methodology adopted for this study provides novel insights into the nature of these relationships and extends our understanding of those museum experiences that build and strengthen relationships with visitors.  相似文献   

在以往的许多研究中,运用效用分析方法评价和预测人力资源活动的效能一直受到人们的关注。该文对效用分析的研究和应用做了简要回顾,主要结论有(1)效用分析作为多特征效用理论在人力资源管理领域中的应用,对人力资源活动评价具有重要意义(2)效用模型参数SD的估计方法研究仍然是现在研究的焦点,三种常用参数估计方法特别受到研究的关注(3)人力资源决策情景的效用研究已经引起人们的广泛重视,效用概念、效用信息表示方法、决策情景因素和效用评价方法等都对人们的决策行为产生影响(4)在传统效用模型基础上,对一般的人力资源活动进行效用分析是应用研究的发展趋势。该文最后对效用分析研究做了总结和展望。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Spanish mobile phone industry to determine how mobile phone companies and certain institutions can improve protection for children who use mobile phones. We carried out a multivariate statistical analysis using anonymous primary data from mobile phone companies, and institutions and associations that protect children, to compare these stakeholders’ opinions and to put forward solutions. We proved that, even though some European countries have made an effort to provide safer ICT services, all stakeholders still need to cooperate and agree on solutions to the commercial problems associated with children using mobile phones. This can be done by signing codes of conduct. We found that even though some companies implement measures to protect children from accessing harmful content via their mobile phones, they do so for reasons of legal and not social responsibility.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to assess the psychometric properties of the Spanish-language version of the abbreviated Day Reconstruction Method (DRM), and to investigate differences in affective experience in Mexico and Spain. A total of 2,629 adults from Mexico and 4,583 from Spain were interviewed. Information was obtained using an abbreviated version of the DRM, which had been translated into Spanish. Reliability, validity, and the structure of affect were assessed and compared between countries. The diurnal variation of affect, the changes in affect along the life span, time use, and the relationship between affect and socio-demographic characteristics were also analysed. Adequate psychometric properties for the Spanish-language version of the abbreviated DRM were found in both the Mexican and the Spanish samples, and affect tended to improve along the life span in both countries. However, net affect did not have the same distribution function (Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic = 0.25, p < 0.001) in both countries, being higher in Spain. Moreover, both samples showed opposite patterns in the diurnal variation of affect. The results showed that the Spanish-language version of the DRM is a feasible and valid method to measure affect, its diurnal rhythms, and time use in large-scale surveys.  相似文献   

Studies in Philosophy and Education -  相似文献   


The Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, attempts to demonstrate the flaws in contemporary science and to offer an alternative explanation of human origins and biological complexity rooted in a specific reading of the biblical narrative. This effort, however, is paradoxically rooted in the worldview of modern science and the Enlightenment. This article will examine the Creation Museum's definitions of faith, truth, and religious language and will compare these definitions to those of mainline Protestant Christianity to uncover the historical and theological presuppositions of Creationist and mainline Protestant engagements with contemporary science.  相似文献   

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