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This article makes the case that Christian school counselors should be more directly engaged in student spiritual formation. To accomplish this aim, the historical context for the discussion is first explored, followed by a review of contemporary medical and psychological research associating a positive spirituality with healthy functioning across a variety of developmental domains. The argument is then situated within developmental theory and systems thinking as well as the Christian theological—philosophical writings of John Macmurray. Recommendations for improving Christian school counseling practice as they relate to student spiritual formation are included.  相似文献   

后现代心理治疗及其伦理问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过论述后现代对现代认识论和思维模式的质疑与超越,分析了后现代语境下心理治疗与现代心理治疗的差异,并关注在后现代这一新的思维模式下,心理治疗领域可能产生的伦理问题。作者指出,后现代心理治疗的不确定性、价值干预和文化介入,使心理治疗的伦理挑战被进一步复杂化,对治疗师也提出了更高要求。  相似文献   

王凤才 《哲学动态》2005,1(2):45-50
话语伦理学作为交往行为理论向话语政治学过渡的中介,在哈贝马斯现代性理论中占有重要地位;它是当代西方规范伦理学复兴过程中,继罗尔斯<正义论>之后道德普遍主义的又一次强力张扬.但话语伦理学在赢得赞誉的同时,也引发了诸多不满.在这里,且不谈维尔默的善意批评、伯恩斯坦、麦卡锡的谨慎怀疑和麦金泰尔、泰勒的正面交锋;只想揭示在福柯、利奥塔等人的挑战下,话语伦理学在后现代语境中的困境及其意义.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2012,35(1-2):106-119
We present findings on the (1) acceptability of Spiritual Self-Schema (3-S) therapy with Puerto Rican women and (2) fit with women's cultural, gender, literacy, clinical, and religious backgrounds. 3-S is a well-documented efficacious intervention for substance use and HIV risk behaviors. Participants were 13 urban, low-income Puerto Rican women in a residential treatment program in a large Northeastern city.

Findings from therapy session videotapes, focus groups, and clinician memos indicate high acceptability and fit of 3-S therapy for Puerto Rican women. However, lack of fit in several areas indicates the need for modification of specific aspects of 3-S for Latinas.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
John E. Colwell, Living the Christian Story: The Distinctiveness of Christian Ethics  相似文献   

Argumentation is a form of communication, rather than an application of(formal) logic, and is used in communicative activity as a means forinquiry, although it is more typically thought of as bringing inquiry toclosure. Thus interpretation is an intrinsic and crucial aspect ofconversational (interactive) argumentation. In order to further thisunderstanding of argumentative activity, I propose a procedure forinterpretation that draws upon hermeneutic phenomenology. In response tocriticisms by argumentation theorists (and others) who understand thistradition as oriented to psychological, perceptual, or textual objects, Iargue that hermeneutic phenomenology supports methods for analysis ofpublic communicative activity. The resulting conception of thick argumentation responds to contemporary (postmodern) claims that argumentation valorizes univocity, stasis, and certainty at the expense ofthe pluralism, fluctuation, and range of epistemic results thatcharacterize discourse in the public sphere.  相似文献   

I argue that even if the influence of Christian ethics on comparative religious ethics (CRE) is inevitable, it need not be problematic. The legacy would only be worrisome if it stacked the deck in favor of Christian ethics or predisposed comparative ethicists to conform to the methods or thematic concerns of Christian ethics. Following Gadamer, I suggest that the ideal of presuppositionless objectivity is an illusion that applies to not only those who emerge from a Christian cultural context but in every global context. Given the specific historical and cultural contexts of the emergence of CRE, the residue of Christian ethics in CRE is understandable and expected. Thus, the legacy of Christian ethics in CRE will only be problematic to the extent that the potential dangers of Christian hegemony remain hidden, which does not seem to be the case in the contemporary academic context.  相似文献   

本文从检讨道德与宗教的关系出发,具体分析基督宗教伦理学的各种重要定义以及由此引出的基本问题。在此基础上,作者又逐一检讨了基督宗教伦理学独特的思想本质。最后,作者对基督宗教伦理学的展开历史以及每一历史时期的特点作了简明而清晰的梳理。  相似文献   

This study examines how parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) was adapted for Puerto Rican parents of children aged 4-6 with hyperactivity and other significant behavior problems. Four steps were followed: (1) translation and preliminary adaptation of the treatment manual, (2) application of the treatment to 9 families as part of an exploratory study using repeated measures, (3) treatment revision and refinement, and (4) in-depth interviews with parents (n=15) and clinical psychologists (n=5) from Puerto Rico who provided feedback on treatment process and components. Throughout this process, cultural elements and modifications were recommended to be incorporated into the treatment protocol. Both quantitative and qualitative results suggest that PCIT seems to be an acceptable intervention for this population, with some minor changes. Parents reported a high level of satisfaction, a significant reduction in children's externalizing behavior problems, and reduction of parenting stress and improvement in their parenting practices. Psychologists also evaluated positively the treatment protocol and recommended its use. Results from this study may inform clinicians and researchers who work with Latino families about relevant issues to be considered to promote their participation in behavioral family interventions and to enhance their acceptability and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Community psychology and the psychology of liberation provide a framework to analyze colonization. Puerto Rico has always been a colony. This experience has direct negative effects on Puerto Ricans' national identities and their emotions. The purpose of this study was to explore emotions associated with Puerto Rican national identities in a sample of 35 high school students. While participating in 4 focus groups, the youths discussed negative and positive emotions associated to their national identities. The most frequent ones were shame and pride. They also identified situations which promoted negative and positive emotions. The role of a community psychology of liberation in understanding these phenomena as well as in embracing resistance to colonization is discussed.  相似文献   

常若松 《心理科学》2002,25(4):476-476,478
20世纪90年代以来,在西方后现代文化的语境下,心理学也呈现出纷纭的多元话语系统。由于后现代心理学文本的广泛介绍,进而影响了我国心理学的叙述方式,加之东方文化传统对西方科学文明的诠释的误读,很容易使人们对“心理学”一词理解产生歧义。心理学工作者必须正确解读“心理学”一词意义。如果让“心理学”一词的歧义泛滥,必将会有损于心理学的健康发展,甚至伤害正常的社会生活,危及人的生命。因此,有必要在后现代心理学的语境下重新明确心理学(Psychology),严格地说是心理科学(Psychologicalscience)的基本规则,以划清科学与非科学的界域,明确心理科学的运作规则,坚持实验科学的基本精神和理念,有效地促进社会实践,造福于人类生活。  相似文献   

This article reflects on an effort to incorporate constructivist pedagogies (learner‐centered, inquiry‐guided, problem‐based models of teaching) into an introductory class on Christian Ethics in an M.Div. curriculum. Although some students preferred more traditional pedagogies, the majority found that constructivist pedagogies better accommodated different life experiences, diverse learning styles, and other features of the M.Div. curriculum. Further, a qualitative assessment of one student exercise indicates that constructivist pedagogies have benefits over traditional pedagogies. Specifically, students' work on a learning‐group research project displayed creativity, depth, and breadth not found in individual research papers. Nonetheless, lukewarm student feedback also demonstrated the need to consider wider factors when attempting such innovations.  相似文献   

The authors examined a cross-sectional interrelationship of psychosocial domains as they relate to aggression in a group of African American and English-speaking Puerto Rican children living in New York City. The population included 80 biological children of African American and Puerto Rican young adults who had been participating in the authors' ongoing longitudinal study, and 77 mothers or mother substitutes (rearing mothers) of those children. The authors performed hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that (a) the child's personality and maternal attributes were significantly related to the child's aggression, despite control on all of the other domains and (b) the ethnic identification and discrimination domain was no longer related to the child's aggression with control on the mother-child relationship domain or on the child's personality domain. The findings have implications for clinical practice and public policy.  相似文献   

医学的现代性遗产和后现代世界的冲突在不断加剧,导致了对医学语言理解的困境和伦理意义的丧失。后现代主义极力寻求人类理解的解释性基础,使后现代医学语言的伦理选择成为可能。在后现代语境下,医学语言的伦理应该是摆脱现代性“文化霸权”的一种诠释学的谈话,是一种境遇伦理。  相似文献   


Each human being, independent of culture, time, and age has three fundamental needs. A need for biophysical exchanges, a need for psychosocial exchanges, and a need for spiritual-integrated exchanges. Spiritual needs are not separated from biological, social, psychological, and material aspects of life. Christian spirituality today is oriented toward responding to life, to its beauty and injustices, to the universe, and is responsive and responsible to the poor. Some specific tasks for older people today are commitment to the great causes of justice, peace, and environmental protection, and a deeper bond of love for God and fellow man.  相似文献   


Paul Roazen, How Freud worked. First-hand accounts of patients Northvale, NJ: Aronson, 1995.  相似文献   

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