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Concern has been expressed in the literature over inaccuracies both in reference listings and direct quotes. This study examined one volume year of each of four journals in the social sciences to compare 1,278 quotes against the original sources. Of this total, 89 could not be found and 519 (43.7% of the remaining quotes) had one or more inaccuracies, ranging from trivial punctuation differences to errors that significantly changed the content meaning. Implications as well as suggestions for editors and writers for reducing errors are discussed.  相似文献   

Using boundary theory and conservation of resources theory, we examined how job incumbents’ perceptions of supervisor instrumental support and organizational segmentation support influence outcomes for both the incumbent and the spouse. First, we examined how supervisor instrumental support and organizational segmentation support shape incumbents’ perceived ability to flex work boundaries and thus affect their experience of family functioning and their organizational commitment. Second, we examine the effects of supervisor instrumental support and organizational segmentation support on spousal martial satisfaction and the spouse's commitment to the incumbent's employing organization as mediated through boundary flexibility and the spouse's perception of successful boundary management by the incumbent. Using a matched set of 503 subordinates and their spouses, this study found that both supervisor instrumental support and organizational segmentation support contribute to work boundary flexibility. Further, for the incumbent, family functioning and organizational commitment were enhanced through work boundary flexibility, whereas for the spouse, marital satisfaction and commitment to the incumbent's organization were enhanced through both incumbent work boundary flexibility and the spouse's perception of successful boundary management by the incumbent. We discuss the study's implications for theory, research, and practice while suggesting new research directions.  相似文献   

In this paper I analyze representations of scholarly output for the purpose of identifying corrupt practices. Accordingly, the components of output—price, quantity, and time—are examined. A key part of the analysis is recognizing the unique role that the scholarly community plays in scholarship and the implications this has for the roles of groups other than the scholarly community. Finally, a survey of students indicates that particular representations of scholarly output are viewed by students as unethical.  相似文献   

Books reviewed: Henry, Douglas V. and Agee, Bob R., eds., Faithful Learning and the Christian Scholarly Vocation
Reviewed by Laura K. Simmons
George Fox Evangelical Seminary  相似文献   

Reconciling the Zen‐like paradox on the back of every red penny—“out of many, one”—is not for the faint of heart. It is a diversity motto, and a lofty desire that the United States claims to covet. But can its citizens, undocumented or otherwise, even agree on what it is? Is not the desire to maintain a strong sense of community in conflict with a Noah's Ark conception of diversity? Using my personal experience in an intentional community determined to foster racial integration, I explore the complicated possibility of having it both ways. To do so, however, we must construct a notion of community, diversity, and The Good Life that will make us believe and work for this synthesis. Our reactions to the word “utopia” offer a glimpse of the challenges ahead.  相似文献   

That the issue of racism is a pressing social concern which requires serious and detailed attention is, for ethnomethodology, not a first principle from which its own inquiry is launched but rather a matter to be considered in light of how mundane actors (both professional and lay) treat that very topic. This paper explores how the assumption of an ontological distinction between social structure and individual agency is integral to the intelligibility of racism as formulated in scholarly accounts. In particular, I explore how recent scholarly treatments of racism pose as problematic the diverse formulations of racial identity assembled through the deployment of various measures, and then seek to adjudicate upon the resulting inconsistency with an analytic heuristic that assumes an underlying or foundational source for the various expressions it seeks to resolve. Further, I explore examples of analytic work that makes use of first-person accounts of racially significant episodes and experiences as a means to document the formulation of the events and actions those accounts describe in terms that warrant a reading informed by the assumption of the structure-agency distinction. I relate the corroborative work that takes place in the research relationships between students and teachers with ethnomethodology’s own project to explore how the efficaciousness of analytic readings of racism entail the pervasive assumption of the structure-agency distinction in order to be rendered them with the sense they have for the various participants involved.  相似文献   

黄宗羲的学术成就及其现代价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从政治思想、哲学思想以及著作成果、讲学成就四个方面论述了黄宗羲的学术成就,并在此基础上探讨了黄宗羲思想的现代价值。作者认为,黄宗羲的“新民本”思想,已经超越了君主专制制度下传统儒家重民、爱民、为民请命的旧民本范式,而开始走向民有、民主、民治、民主监督的新范式。黄宗羲在哲学上建立了以“力行”为根本宗旨的实践哲学和“一本万殊,会众合一”的学术史观,可以启迪我们的开放性思维和兼容性思维,其批判求实精神及疾呼改革的理论勇气,也激励着我们今天坚持改革的决心和理论创新的勇气。  相似文献   

<正>历史上,与委羽山相关联的知名人物很多,如果罗列出来,那一定是一份很长的名单。这些人物都有其闪光之处,若论与委羽山渊源之深、受后人钦崇之甚,大概要首推司马季主。他身上似乎具有一种很特殊的魅力,以至精神上向来以高标自持的司马迁、诸葛亮、道教上清派宗师杨羲、许穆等,都对他推崇备至。司马迁在《史记》中专门为司马季主立了一部传记,诸葛亮为  相似文献   

This paper surveys the field of Judaism and health. The authors trace the history of discourse on health and healing within Judaism, from the biblical and rabbinic eras to contemporary research and writing on Jewish bioethics, pastoral care, communal services, and aging, including congregational and community programming related to health and illness and the emergence of the Jewish healing movement. The work of the Kalsman Institute on Judaism and Health is described, focusing on efforts to unite these various threads into a scholarly field emphasizing basic and applied research on the instrumental functions of Jewish religious life for health and well-being.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to determine the sociodemographic and psychological characteristics (e.g., sex, marital status, work status, age, age of losing the father, seeking psychological help, consumption of medications, degree of anxiety and depression, temperament prone to anger) through which one can predict anger as a personality trait in adulthood, as well as establish an overall anger expression index. The study comprised 155 persons of both sexes whose fathers had passed away due to civil causes (e.g., sudden death caused by illness, traffic accidents, and other accidents) or war activities. The results confirmed that psychological characteristics and developmental age are significant predictors of the development of anger as a personality trait.  相似文献   

高山杉 《世界哲学》2006,17(5):61-75
俞大维生于官宦世家,是晚清名臣曾国藩的曾外孙,民国时期先后担任驻德商务调查部主任、军政部兵工署署长、交通部长诸要职,对中国国防建设贡献极多,被尊为“兵工之父”。1949年后,他出任台湾当局“国防部长”,退职后任“总统府资政”,一生为官清廉,生活俭朴,深受世人尊敬。他去世前皈依佛门,振动一时。本文根据中外文新旧材料,对俞大维早年在美国哈佛大学和德国柏林大学学习哲学、数理逻辑、梵文、印度学和佛学的经历,做了一个比较可信的叙述,又对俞大维入学之前哈佛大学哲学系师生热心研究数理逻辑和梵文的学术传统做了一番考辨,以纪念我国近代史上这位不忮不求的国士和智者。  相似文献   

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