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This article represents a companion to an article critiquing Falk's identity-related visitor motivations model. Provided here are a summary of the theory and assumptions that underlie the identity-related visitor motivations model and the empirical approaches that were used to develop the model. Particular attention is directed to clarifying the ways in which the identity-related visitor motivations model has and can be used as a segmentation tool, and the growing body of data from a wide range of institutions that support the basic validity and reliability of using the model for this purpose. The paradigmatic foundation of the model, pragmatism, is described. Pragmatism is an approach that emphasizes that knowledge is best gained through, and directed toward action; an approach that gives preference to practicality over theoretical discourses. Finally, thoughts on both the strengths and limitations of the identity-related visitor motivations model as a mechanism for better understanding museum visitors are presented.  相似文献   

There is an animated debate in popular media about whether or not photography should be allowed in art museums. However, there is limited research that examines how visitors themselves feel about visitor photography and the reasons why they choose to take (or not take) photographs in museums. This research, conducted at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC, uses semistructured, in-depth interviews and photo elicitation with 40 adults to examine visitors' attitudes to using photography inside art museums and their motivations for doing so. The research results suggest that visitors with positive attitudes towards visitor photography see photographic devices as tools that enhance certain aspects of the museum experience, promote further education, and provide entry points to exhibitions and a more interactive, personal experience. Those with negative attitudes see photographic devices as mediating and distracting lenses that have a detrimental effect on intimate experiences with artworks. Many of the participants with negative attitudes still use photographic devices because they believe that the risk of diminishing art experiences in the museum is worth taking, considering the potential uses of photography. The six main motivations for taking photographs in museums are (a) to aid memory, (b) to share, (c) for further research, (d) to inspire, (e) as building material for self-identity, and (f) as an art form in its own right.  相似文献   

An Integrated Model for the Study of Teacher Motivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Des recherches récentes ont montré que les enseignants souffraient plus que d’autres groupes professionnels d’un manque de motivation au travail. Une compréhension globale de la motivation des enseignants exige un modèle adéquat. L’objectif principal de cette recherche était de proposer et de mettre à l’épreuve un modèle de la motivation des enseignants qui intégre des concepts de plusieurs théories cognitivo‐motivationelles. Le modèle intégré s’appuie sur la schéma expectation‐valence et celui de l’incapacité acquise, mais surmonte quelques‐unes de leurs imperfections. L’échantillon était composé de 272 enseignants des écoles élémentaires et secondaires du Portugal. Ils ont répondu à une série d’inventaires destinés à mesurer leurs expectations de contrôle, de succès et d’efficacité, leurs attributions, leur motivation intrinsèque, la valence de leurs buts perçus et comment tout ceci interagit pout agir sur l’engagement professionnel (la variable exogène du modèle). Les analyses des coefficients de pistes et de la variance des variables endogènes valident le modèle intégré proposé ici et suggèrent des stratégies de formation pour accroître la motivation des enseignants. Recent studies show that teachers suffer more than other professional groups from the occupational lack of motivation. A global understanding of teacher motivation requires an adequate framework for its study. The main goal of the current research was to propose and test a model of teacher motivation that integrates constructs from several cognitive‐motivational theories. This integrative model starts from the perspectives of Expectancy‐Value and Learned Helplessness but overcomes some of the limitations of each. The participants were 272 elementary and secondary teachers in Portugal. They responded to a series of inventories designed to measure their expectancies of control, success and efficacy, attributions, intrinsic motivation and perceived goal value levels, and how these interact to influence professional engagement (the model's exogenous variable). Analyses of path coefficients and the variance of endogenous variables support the proposed integrated model and suggest strategies for teacher education that may increase teacher motivation.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to examine the differences across three generational cohorts (Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers) on dimensions of the work ethic construct using the multidimensional work ethic profile (MWEP).  相似文献   


This article examines the interaction between visitor motivation and in-museum visitor behavior. The authors postulate that, in order to understand this aspect of the dynamics of museum visiting, we need to view the motivations to visit the museum as lists compiled by individual visitors but also as part of wider lists of reasons for visiting that exist in society—which they refer to as cultural itineraries. Self-report methods have been used to capture patterns of motivation that emerge across the data, which in this case were used to examine their relation to visit strategies as manifested by visitor pathways through the London Zoo. Visitor pathways were captured through the novel use of mobile location-sensing technology which offers distinct opportunities in this context that have been unexplored in audience research. The combination of standard research methodology and automated location tracking used in this study allowed us to indentify two distinct visit strategies that directly relate to social groupings with different motivations: (a) groups with an education/participation motivation, who visit exhibits only, and (b) groups with a social event motivation, who spend a considerable amount of time on nonexhibit related activities and socializing with other family members and friends.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for viewing assessment from nine vantage points simultaneously. Each of these dimensions or 'parameters' is divided into sublevels. The power and usefulness of the resultant model stems from the variety of possible unique interactions among these dimensions and their sublevels. The model has the following useful properties: (a) it provides a multidimensional definition of several aspects of psychological assessment, (b) it serves as a checklist and guide for the criticism of existing psychological tests and measures, (c) it has potential heuristic value in the generation of new measures and tests, (d) it is flexible, in that new parameters may be added and sublevels changed to suit specific needs, and (e) it is presented visually as a spatial model, thus allowing the Viewer a more "concrete" appreciation of what are really theoretical interactions.  相似文献   

Saul Kripke’s theory of truth suffers from expressive limitations – in particular, there are no extensional operators within that framework that allow one to characterize those sentences that fail to receive a truth value within the framework. Especially worrisome is the fact that there is no operator that outputs true on exactly the paradoxical sentences. In this paper I extend Kripke’s approach via the addition of extensional operators, which allows us to characterize many (but not all) such sentences, including the paradoxical ones.  相似文献   

This research investigated the creativity capacity across the levels of education in Ireland, involving 702 participants. Creative capacity was investigated through a comparative analysis of creativity quotient (CQ). A divergent thinking task comprising the how many uses activity was assessed using the criteria for determining CQ; fluency, flexibility, and product. Convergent thinking tasks comprised of graphic problems. A comparative analysis occurred between the divergent and convergent thinking activities. It is necessary that creativity is promoted throughout education systems to ensure that students maintain and develop their creative capacities into adulthood. Education systems need to foster independent thinking, creativity, and innovation. This article investigates students’ creative capacity spanning 3 levels of education. The interdisciplinary and progressive graduate attributes from the levels of education were identified and synthesized toward developing collaborative progressive creativity across the levels of education for future success. Finally, this articles outlines, in the Irish context, the uniqueness with regard to the ability to sustain creative capacity (divergent and convergent thinking) at each level of education, and the degree to which this effort is supported by administration, teachers, and a common cultural interpretation of the nature of education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the motivations of Islamic martyrs through the Collective Effort Model (CEM). The CEM postulates that individuals work hard in a group only if they believe their work, input, or efforts will help attain their individually valued outcomes. In addition, people will work even harder as a group if they have close affinities with that group or if they are persuaded that their effort will be recognized (Karau & Williams, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65(4):681–706, 1993). In the context of this analysis, it seems appropriate to apply the CEM to the motivations of Islamic martyrs to engage in suicide bombing as one can easily see the effects of their own efforts on their group’s organizational goals. Determining the motivations of Islamic martyrs may also help us identify the specific recruiting strategies used by terrorist organizations looking to acquire followers for their cause.  相似文献   

A point-of-view (POV) camera is a video recording device attached to the person of a research participant. The cameras collect observational data from the individual wearing them and those in close proximity. The cameras can be used to collect data that provide researchers with an immersive view of visitor experience by documenting visits from the perspective of the individual. The purpose of this article is to outline the benefits and weaknesses of using POV cameras for answering broad visitor studies research questions, compare their use to other common methods for visitor studies research, and examine their use within four informal educational settings—a zoo, a museum exhibit, a bus tour, and an afterschool program. In particular, the POV cameras are useful for capturing data beyond a single exhibit, recording the dialogue and gestures of individual visitors, and documenting interactions among group members. POV cameras may be especially useful for answering questions about hands-on activities such as building or tinkering. Limitations that should be considered when attempting to use POV cameras include participants tampering with the recording, the inability to see facial expressions, and the limited angle of captured video. Care should also be taken to minimize the discomfort of visitors in studies utilizing POV cameras.  相似文献   


Museum professionals have long held the view that their institutions can play a central role in supporting learning and inclusion but evidence seems to be in sort supply in the case of visitors with disabilities. Until recently, most of the work conducted in museums relating to learning and access for this particular visitor group has been about developing products and services rather than assessing their impact. The lack of research in this area reflects the slow development of disability studies as a distinct field and the fact that anti-discrimination and human rights legislation only extended to those with disabilities in the mid to late 1990s. The author introduces one approach to negotiating a balanced design of visitor research and the principles of the emancipatory research framework. She argues that this framework has the capacity to delve into the experiences of people with disabilities and provide a deeper analysis that would not otherwise be possible. The Heritage Education For All project will be used as an example to demonstrate how this approach can be developed in practice, and to show that informal learning programs designed using an emancipatory insight have the capacity to enable people with disabilities to gain new insights into their lives and identities.  相似文献   


Sustainability will be the great challenge for many cultural institutions in the first quarter of the 21st Century. Changing patterns of government, corporate, and individual support, new demographics, and new ways of creating, preserving, and sharing information are all challenging the sustainability of museums and other cultural institutions. In 2001 a meeting of science museum leaders in Bristol identified 3 distinct but interacting dimensions to sustainability: financial, intellectual, and social. Financial crises are the most obvious threats to the survival of institutions, but intellectual and social weaknesses can be equally dangerous and can make a temporary financial problem fatal. Visitor studies have the potential to provide crucial understandings that cultural institutions will need to build new, more sustainable models than the ones which served the previous century.  相似文献   

Prior research on moral motivation has primarily emphasized moral reasoning and moral emotion; however, identity may also play an important role. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine the relative importance of prosocial identity, prosocial moral reasoning, and empathy in predicting prosocial behavior. The sample included 91 university students, ages 19–35 years (M=21.89; SD=3.01; 80% European American; 65% female). Prosocial identity and empathy, but not prosocial moral reasoning, were positively associated with overall prosocial behavior. Exploratory analyses examined how these three sources of prosocial motivation differentially related to six forms of prosocial behavior. Results suggest the importance of considering the roles of all three sources of moral motivation.  相似文献   

High-school students (N = 690) provided their cognitive appraisals of protection motivation theory (PMT; Prentice-Dunn & Rogers, 1986) factors in the context of cigarette smoking. A logistic regression analysis revealed that PMT predicted adolescents' current smoking behavior. Cognitions, including greater personal vulnerability to smoking-related diseases, minimizing the severity of the consequences of smoking, perceiving adolescent male smokers to be popular and mature, and perceiving limited health benefits for not smoking were found to be significant predictors of current smoking behavior. Intending to quit smoking in the near future was related to smoking occasionally, as opposed to regularly, and to perceiving the long-term risks of smoking to be severe. Possible applications for intervention programs are discussed.  相似文献   


Although commonly considered the core product offered by visitor attractions such as museums, zoos, and heritage sites, the visitor experience has proved a difficult construct to both define and measure. This article reviews the concept of visitor experience, drawing from literature in tourism and leisure research as well as museum and visitor studies, and identifies a number of issues on which the literature presents multiple perspectives. By clarifying these issues, this article takes a first step toward building a shared vocabulary to describe and measure visitor experiences. The article presents a conceptual scheme that describes relationships among key factors, and a multifaceted model of the visitor experience that offers a way of characterizing both its content and intensity. The article thus provides a basis for future research designed to capture this elusive phenomenon.  相似文献   

A comprehensive theoretical model of work attitudes, motivation, and performance is presented that integrates key constructs prevalent in more limited theories. The constructs were selected on the basis of their importance as shown by past research and because of their seeming complementarity rather than redundance with one another. The framework connects the constructs causally on the basis of both logic and empirical evidence. It is expressed in the form of a path diagram amenable to empirical test, in the hope that it will have heuristic value. It is expected that such an integration will provide a better basis for understanding and improving work attitudes, motivation, and performance than do the more limited approaches.  相似文献   

In addition to large, rural, pristine natural areas, urban open space is increasingly viewed as harboring small pockets of indigenous flora and fauna that need to be protected. We examined the consistency of attitudes toward protecting the natural environment among tropical rainforests, regional natural areas of the midwestern United States, and local open space within the Chicago metropolitan region. We also examined the moderating effects of issue importance, environmental ideology, and objective knowledge on attitude consistency. When environmental protection was rated as important, attitudes toward protecting tropical rainforests, regional forests, and local open space were more consistent with each other than when the issue was unimportant. Persons with distinct environmental ideologies differed in the extent to which their attitudes toward environmental protection at the three geographic levels were consistent.  相似文献   

Our review is concerned with the relationship of the five-factor model of personality to psychopathology, focusing in particular on Axis II personality disorders and depression. The five factors provide a particularly compelling model for interpreting the Axis II personality disorders as maladaptive variants of normal personality traits. However, we also discuss methodological and conceptual limitations of this application. There has been little research on the relationship of Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness to Axis I mental disorders, but considerable attention has been given to Neuroticism and Extraversion. We focus in particular on the difficulty in distinguishing between the various ways in which personality can relate to depression, either as a predisposition to, a complication of, a pathoplastic effect upon, or a spectrum variant of the mental disorder. We conclude with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Commonly used literacy motivation assessments do not specifically explore literacy motivation in school. These context-general assessments may be problematic for struggling adolescent readers, as qualitative research documents that these adolescents exhibit different levels of cross-context motivation. The present study explores whether an in-school measure predicts additional variance in reading performance beyond a non-context-specific measure. One hundred and fifteen fifth graders were administered the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire, an in-school reading motivation daily log, a demographic survey, and standardized reading assessments. Findings indicate that the in-school reading motivation measure predicted performance for struggling readers and the non-context-specific measure did not.  相似文献   

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