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Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - Critical discourse analysis aims to explore the dialectical relationship between discourse and ideology. Based on psycholinguistic research, this paper...  相似文献   

铁是机体微量元素中含量最多的一种,是血红蛋白、肌红蛋白、细胞色素系统、呼吸链的主要复合物、过氧物酶和过氧化氢酶等的重要组成部分,广泛参与机体生理功能和生化反应,缺铁可导致贫血等疾病.体内铁过多,称为铁过度负荷.随着医疗条件改善、生活水平提高,源于生理性因素、病理性因素和外源性铁剂应用(治疗性应用、预防性应用),铁过度负荷相关疾病日益增多.铁过度负荷可对内分泌代谢、心血管、神经系统、肾脏、肝脏等系统器官产生损害,导致多种疾病或使疾病加重.目前铁过度负荷相关疾病的治疗措施主要有放血疗法和药物治疗.放血疗法,只可作于短期治疗.去铁胺作为目前较为有效的去铁剂,由于价格昂贵,不能广泛应用于临床.铁过度负荷对人体的影响和相关疾病尚未外起医学界的重视.深入研究以铁过度负荷为主要和次要病因相关疾病,探索正确补铁措施,是预防铁过度负荷相关疾病、增进人体健康的重要措施,也是临床面临床的新课题.  相似文献   

从语言哲学的角度探讨中医话语作为一种生活方式所包含的"真理性",认为不能通过寻求词与物或科学论证的事实之间的对应关系发现语言的意义,而是要思考这种语言所构建的特定生活方式.采用诠释性社会调查和批判话语分析手段,对中医现代化过程中的实际活动文本进行分析,发现中医现代化表现为技术话语通过合理性论证,对中医语言进行中性化处理,使之脱离生活世界并逐渐被西化乃至沉默.  相似文献   

Despite the shift from traditional to progressive discourse among disability activists and social science academics, the former remains the dominant discourse of disability. In the present study, we examine how Greek teacher candidates, although being considerably exposed to a progressive discourse during their lectures, represent disability in the context of their disability simulations, which favor traditional discourse. The critical discourse analysis of their written accounts reveals that, in quantitative terms, teacher candidates represent disability by drawing upon both traditional and progressive discourses. Seen qualitatively, however, it appears that progressive discourse is a subjugated discourse, compared with the dominant traditional one.  相似文献   

Functional assessment strategies are used to guide the treatment of problem behavior with individuals who have severe disabilities. Also, researchers have extended functional assessment applications to individuals with emotional and behavioral disabilities. One such extension is the use of students as informants in the functional assessment process. The present study assessed an interview tool designed to elicit information directly from students regarding their problem behaviors. We examined agreement between students and their teachers. Results showed high agreement on the causes and functions of problem behavior with mixed agreement on support plan recommendations.  相似文献   

Discourse (DA) and conversation (CA) analysis, two qualitative research methods, have been recently suggested as potentially promising for the study of family therapy due to common epistemological adherences and their potential for an in situ study of therapeutic dialog. However, to date, there is no systematic methodological review of the few existing DA and CA studies of family therapy. This study aims at addressing this lack by critically reviewing published DA and CA studies of family therapy on methodological grounds. Twenty‐eight articles in total are reviewed in relation to certain methodological axes identified in the relevant literature. These include choice of method, framing of research question(s), data/sampling, type of analysis, epistemological perspective, content/type of knowledge claims, and attendance to criteria for good quality practice. It is argued that the reviewed studies show “glimpses” of the methods’ potential for family therapy research despite the identification of certain “shortcomings” regarding their methodological rigor. These include unclearly framed research questions and the predominance of case study designs. They also include inconsistencies between choice of method, stated or unstated epistemological orientations and knowledge claims, and limited attendance to criteria for good quality practice. In conclusion, it is argued that DA and CA can add to the existing quantitative and qualitative methods for family therapy research. They can both offer unique ways for a detailed study of the actual therapeutic dialog, provided that future attempts strive for a methodologically rigorous practice and against their uncritical deployment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Both entrepreneurs and senior-level college business students were surveyed to determine similarities and differences in their values, under the premise that students who share similar values with those held by entrepreneurs may have promise of entrepreneurial potential. All respondents were administered the Rokeach Value Survey which, through a process of rank-ordering, is used to determine two hierarchies of value importance for individuals. The first hierarchy reflects an individual's terminal value system, or those values associated with end-states of existence. The second hierarchy reflects an individual's instrumental value system, or those values associated with modes of conduct. The resulting data provided a tabulation of medians, rank order composites and levels of significance for the terminal and instrumental values, respectively, of both samples. Rank order composites were used as general indices in comparing the position of a particular value in the total hierarchy of values and for comparing the position of a particular value across the two groups. Emphasis was placed on those values which were ranked very low or very high by the entrepreneurs. Comparisons of student value rankings relative to those values the entrepreneurs held highest and lowest were then conducted. The findings indicated that there were value differences between the total sample of entrepreneurs and students, as well as between female entrepreneurs and female student values, but there were few differences between male entrepreneur and male student values. In addition to the above comparisons, median analysis between entrepreneur and student terminal and instrumental values were conducted. An examination of the general population of entrepreneurs and students revealed that twelve of the eighteen terminal values of the entrepreneurs and students were significantly different at the (.05) level Only four of the eighteen instrumental values were significantly different (.05) level between the entrepreneurs and students. The median analysis between male entrepreneurs and male student values showed no significant differences. However, the median analysis between female entrepreneur and female student values showed that seven of the eighteen instrumental and eleven of the eighteen terminal values were significantly different at the (.05) level. Although not examined, it is likely that individual students in the sample do share the value profiles of the entrepreneurs. If so, and if generally accepted value profiles are established for entrepreneurs, such students might be counseled to consider the entrepreneurial life.  相似文献   

Current theories of how elementary school children solve addition and subtraction word problems have emphasized semantic characteristics of the problems as the major factor influencing ease of solution. The present study assesses the potential impact the instructional environment (textbooks, in particular) might have on the relative difficulty of different types of addition and subtraction word problems by comparing the presentation of word problems in four American textbook series with the corresponding presentation in one Soviet textbook series. In general, the four American text series were found to resemble each other but to differ markedly from the Soviet text series. Several important findings emerged: (a) Distribution of word problems across the various problem types was extremely uneven in the American texts, with two thirds of all problems being of only three simple one-step problem types. The Soviet problems were distributed over many types, including more complex two-step problems; (b) most of the problems in the American texts are those that American children find easiest to solve; (c) Soviet textbooks also provide a more variable and a more distributed method of presentation than do the American textbooks. The implications of this study are discussed in terms of theoretical models of word problem solving and in terms of practical ideas about textbook construction.  相似文献   

This study reports findings from comparative samples of sixth-grade Chinese and U.S. students' interpretations of the equal sign. Ninety-eight percent of the Chinese sample correctly answered 4 items indicating conceptions of equality and provided conceptually accurate explanations. In contrast, only 28% of the U.S. sample performed at this level. We examine how teacher preparation materials, students' textbooks and teachers' guidebooks treat equality in each country. U.S. teacher preparation textbooks rarely interpreted the equal sign as equivalence. On the contrary, Chinese textbooks typically introduced the equal sign in a context of relationships and interpreted the sign as “balance,” “sameness,” or “equivalence” and only then embedded the sign with operations on numbers.  相似文献   

The Teacher versus Students Game is a variation of the Good Behavior Game (Barrish et al. in J Appl Behav Anal 2:119–124, 1969.  https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.1969.2-119) in which students compete against the teacher to earn points and win the game. Students earn points when they follow rules, whereas the teacher earns points when they do not. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the game decreased students’ off-task behaviors while increasing teachers’ use of behavior-specific praise. Participants were five teachers and fifteen students (some with disabilities and some without) across five fourth and fifth grade elementary school general education classrooms, who were identified by their teachers as engaging in frequent off-task behavior. Results indicated that the game decreased off-task behavior for all students. The game also increased teachers’ use of behavior-specific praise statements, minimally increased general praise statements, and decreased corrective statements for all but one of the teachers.  相似文献   

This article presents a comparison of the first 2 years of an experienced middle school mathematics teacher's efforts to change her classroom practice as a result of an intervening professional development program. The teacher's intention was for her teaching to better reflect her vision of reform-based mathematics instruction. We compared events from the 1st and 2nd year's whole class discussions within a multilevel framework that considered the flow of information and the nature of peer- and teacher-directed scaffolding. Discourse analyses of classroom videos served both as an analytic tool for our study of whole classroom interactions, as well as a resource for promoting discussion and reflection during professional development meetings. The results show that there was little change in the teacher's specific goals and beliefs in light of a self-evaluation of her Year 1 practices, but substantial changes in how she set out to enact those goals. In Year 2, the teacher maintained a central, social scaffolding role, but removed herself as the analytic center to invite greater student participation. Consequently, student-led discussion increased manifold, but lacked the mathematical precision offered previously by the teacher. The analyses lead to insights about how classroom interactions can be shaped by a teacher's beliefs and interpretations of educational reform recommendations.  相似文献   

Although high-quality early educational environments are thought to be related to the growth of children’s skills in mathematics, relatively little is known about specific aspects of classroom instruction that may promote these abilities. Data from a longitudinal investigation were used to investigate associations between teachers’ language while teaching mathematics and their students’ growth in mathematical skill during the 2nd grade. Specifically, the extent to which mathematics lessons included cognitive-processing language (CPL)—instruction that is rich in references to cognitive processes, metacognition, and requests for remembering—was related to changes in students’ math achievement. Demonstrating the role of the language of instruction, the findings indicated that children whose 2nd-grade teachers included greater amounts of CPL during instruction evidenced greater growth in math fluency and calculation than did their peers whose teachers employed lower levels of CPL.  相似文献   

In a lifelog, data from various sources are combined to form a record from which one can retrieve information about oneself and the environment in which one is situated. It could be considered similar to an automated biography. Lifelog technology is still at an early stage of development. However, the history of lifelogs so far shows a clear academic, corporate and governmental interest. Therefore, a thorough inquiry into the ethical aspects of lifelogs could prove beneficial to the responsible development of this field. This article maps the main ethically relevant challenges and opportunities associated with the further development of lifelog technologies as discussed in the scholarly literature. By identifying challenges and opportunities in the current debate, we were able to identify other challenges and opportunities left unmentioned. Some of these challenges are partly explained by a blind spot in the current debate. Whilst the current debate focuses mainly on lifelogs held by individuals, lifelogs held by governmental institutions and corporations pose idiosyncratic ethical concerns as well. We have provided a brief taxonomy of lifelog technology to show the variety in uses for lifelogs. In addition, we provided a general approach to alleviate the ethical challenges identified in the critical analysis.  相似文献   

I present a brief historical narrative of the legacy of Christian ethics in comparative religious ethics (CRE) that attempts to make sense of the tensions within the field from the perspective of the politics of identity with reference to its changing content and practices—its internal history—and what might be called the background conditions—its external history—that shaped not only the content and methods of CRE but also its self‐understanding. Given the politics of Christian identity and the historical development of religious ethics within the American academy, I recommend that scholars of CRE adopt a more confessional mode of inquiry that makes explicit their ultimate commitments.  相似文献   

A sample of 160 beginning freshmen, half males and half females, received six and one-half hours of academic adjustment guidance from same-sex professional counselors. Upperclassman student counselors gave equivalent guidance to all other beginning freshmen at Southwest Texas State College. A matching sample of 80 men and 80 women was subsequently drawn from the 316 freshmen receiving student-to-student counseling. Age, sex, measured scholastic ability, measured study orientation, and high school academic achievement were employed as matching variables. The four professional and eight student counselors completed 50 clock hours of identical pre-counseling training, used identical guidance materials, and followed identical counseling activity sequences. Equivalent counseling facilities were provided for all counselors. Test, questionnaire, and scholarship data were employed to evaluate the comparative effectiveness and acceptability of counseling given the professional counseled and the student counseled groups. Student counselors were found to be as effective as professional counselors on all criteria of counseling effectiveness. Furthermore, freshmen counseled by student counselors made significantly greater use of the information received during counseling, as reflected by first-semester grades and residual study problems. It was concluded that carefully selected, trained, and supervised student counselors provide a practical and productive addition to the college's guidance program.  相似文献   

This study examines presentations of the distributive property (DP) in two widely used U.S. elementary text series and one main Chinese text series along three dimensions: problem contexts, typical problem types within each problem context, and variability in using the DP. In general, the two U.S. texts were found to resemble each other but to differ considerably from the Chinese text series. Both U.S. texts are computation-dominated, presenting various strategies centering on “breaking apart a factor to perform multiplication.” These strategies limit the use of the DP mainly with whole numbers and in a regular direction. The underlying principle of these strategies is seldom made explicit. In contrast, the Chinese text approaches focus on the underlying principle and are well aligned with cognitive research suggestions. Multiple-step word problems with particular structures are used in a systematic and hierarchic manner across grades to help students learn and transfer the DP. The Chinese texts also tend to ask students to “compute in convenient ways” involving various numbers (e.g., whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and percents) and using the DP in both regular and opposite directions. The introduction of repeated variables is a timely application of the DP, which provides an entry to algebra (e.g., expressions and equations with repeated variables). The Chinese approaches (e.g., contextual interferences, spaced practice, and encoding variability) suggest alternative insights into developing U.S. students’ understanding of the DP and readying them for algebra.  相似文献   

The influence of teachers’ efficacy beliefs on student achievement is well documented in educational literature. Efficacy beliefs are derived from sources of information teachers obtain from professional experiences. This article provides student support services personnel with an overview of efficacy beliefs and their impact on teachers’ thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. A cognitive behavioral framework, rational emotive behavior therapy, is used to conceptualize ways efficacy beliefs may hinder teacher performance and student success. Implications for student support services and research are provided.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine the effects of differing levels of treatment integrity resulting from implementation of varying numbers of intervention components. The self-monitoring program was conducted over 4 weeks and targeted positive and negative classroom behaviors. The independent variable included three levels: 100% integrity, that included reward and graphing of behavior; 83.3% integrity, that included the reward component; and 66.7% integrity, that employed self-monitoring with recording only. Participants included 49 elementary school students, mean age of 10.4 years, 36.7% female, 93.9% Anglo. Results of treatment on teacher and student ratings from the Social Skills Rating System, teacher ratings from the Abbreviated Symptom Questionnaire, ratings of the child-specific target behaviors, and student frequency counts of target behaviors were analyzed using Multivariate Analyses of Variance. The changes in rating measures from pre-test to post-test did not significantly differ between groups. Students in the two more inclusive treatment programs recorded more positive behaviors.  相似文献   

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