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Museums today are faced with a number of challenges and are currently searching for ways to attract and retain audiences and engage with the public. In order to address these issues, researchers have called for studies to help construct a more complete understanding of the visitor experience. Few studies employ methodological approaches that provide in-depth accounts of the museum experience. Narrative methodology is one means by which researchers may access rich accounts of the multi-faceted nature of audience relationships with museums. This article reports preliminary findings from a narrative research study that aimed to explore sustained visitor/museum relationships. The narrative methodology adopted for this study provides novel insights into the nature of these relationships and extends our understanding of those museum experiences that build and strengthen relationships with visitors.  相似文献   

肖崇好 《心理科学》2004,27(3):726-728
该文介绍了网络环境,论述了网络环境的特点及其对网络用户心理的影响。指出对网络的不同理解,可能导致心理学家采用不同的思路和研究方法。把网络作为现实环境中的新元素,可能导致研究者使用传统的研究思路,把网络看成是自变量;把网络当作一个新环境,研究者最初应该使用定性的研究方法。但在国外,在研究初期就使用的定性与定量相结合的研究方法:互补探索性数据分析方法。本文最后对这一方法做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

There is an animated debate in popular media about whether or not photography should be allowed in art museums. However, there is limited research that examines how visitors themselves feel about visitor photography and the reasons why they choose to take (or not take) photographs in museums. This research, conducted at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC, uses semistructured, in-depth interviews and photo elicitation with 40 adults to examine visitors' attitudes to using photography inside art museums and their motivations for doing so. The research results suggest that visitors with positive attitudes towards visitor photography see photographic devices as tools that enhance certain aspects of the museum experience, promote further education, and provide entry points to exhibitions and a more interactive, personal experience. Those with negative attitudes see photographic devices as mediating and distracting lenses that have a detrimental effect on intimate experiences with artworks. Many of the participants with negative attitudes still use photographic devices because they believe that the risk of diminishing art experiences in the museum is worth taking, considering the potential uses of photography. The six main motivations for taking photographs in museums are (a) to aid memory, (b) to share, (c) for further research, (d) to inspire, (e) as building material for self-identity, and (f) as an art form in its own right.  相似文献   

话语分析(Discourse Analysis)是一种探讨不同场景下话语的组织方式及话语互动的过程和结果的研究立场。它与心理学的对话,在应用上促进了社会心理学、心理咨询与治疗的发展;在理论上补充了心理学的研究方法、加速了"独白"心理学向"对话"心理学的过渡、推动了心理学本土化的进程。话语分析为心理学提供了新的研究视角,但其反身性和缺乏客观性的特点受到了反对者的质疑。  相似文献   

David R. Mason, A Christology of Universal Redemptive Love , p.149
Carol Jacobson, Universality and Uniqueness: A Response to David Mason , p.160
Lois Malcolm, Generative Christology: A Response to David Mason , p.162
Paul Sponheim, Probing and Protesting: A Response to David Mason , p.164
David R. Mason, Response to Jacobson, Malcolm, and Sponheim , p.166  相似文献   


In his recent article ‘Speech and Sensibility: Levinas and Habermas on the Constitution of the Moral Point of View’, Steven Hendley argues that Levinas’s preoccupation with language as ‘exposure’ to the ‘other’ provides an important corrective to Habermas’s focus on the ‘procedural’ aspects of communication. Specifically, what concerns Hendley is the question of moral motivation, and how Levinas, unlike Habermas, responds to this question by stressing the dialogical relation as one of coming ‘into proximity to the face of the other’ who possesses ‘the authority to command my consideration’. Hendley’s thesis is bold and provocative. However, it relies on too partial a reading of Levinas’s work. In this paper I argue that the sense in which Levinas thinks of ‘justifying oneself’ cannot be adequately understood in terms of an ‘outstretched field of questions and answers’. Rather, Levinas’s primary concern is to show how, prior to dialogue, the ‘I’ is constituted in existential guilt: the violence of simply being‐there.  相似文献   

Hans Georg Gadamer's (1982) hermeneutic is the dominant model for practice in North American practical and pastoral theology, as is evident in the work of three leading theorists in this field, Don Browning (1991), Thomas Groome (1991), and Charles Gerkin (1991). They use Gadamer's hermeneutic dialogue between interpreter and text to understand the dialogue between pastor and parishioner, congregation, or community. In this usage, “dialogue” undergoes shifts in meaning away from its usual denotation and connotation. Critical analysis of these changes reveals the dynamics of power in ecclesial and theological structures.  相似文献   

Different approaches to expertise and argumentation are discussed. After introducing the problem of expertise and its present day significance in a historical context, various connections with the study of arguments are highlighted. The need for and potential of argumentation analysis to contribute to existing research in social epistemology, science studies, and cognitive science, is discussed, touching on the problems of reasoning and argumentation, embodiment, tacit knowledge, expert context versus public context, expert disagreement, persuasion versus justification, and argument analysis as meta-expertise. As the arguments used by experts constitute a boundary object, we presume that a dialogue format is suitable to address central problems of the special issue “Rethinking Arguments from Experts”.  相似文献   

Thomas Bouchard is a leading researcher of identical twins reared apart. In this interview he describes the major themes in the Minnesota twin research. Although the genetic influence is central, he also pleads for the impact of environmental factors in optimal human development. Included in the interview are the surprises he has experienced, his current focus, and his plans for the future research.  相似文献   

上世纪80年代末期,中国开启了民族伦理学的研究。经过20余年的发展,民族伦理学取得了令人瞩目的成果,不仅有多部民族伦理学专著出版、大量的研究论文问世,而且在一些民族高等院校设立了民族伦理学研究所,招收民族伦理学方向的研究生。但是,在民族伦理学研究一派繁荣的表象  相似文献   

质化研究:心理学研究方法的范式革命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主流心理学一直坚持量化研究的传统.但是近些年来,质化研究开始复兴.成为心理学研究方法的一个新"范式".实证主义的衰落和社会科学家对现象学、释义学科学观的重视是质化研究复兴的理论基础.量化方法的困境与多元方法论的思潮、应用实践的需要都促进了心理学家重新接纳质化方法.质化方法的特征是:(1)追寻意义;(2)情境敏感性;(3)主位研究策略;(4)整体描述策略.在怎样看待质化研究方面,心理学内部存在着广泛的争论.  相似文献   

消费者研究:存在主义现象学方法论与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实证主义占主导地位的消费者研究领域,存在主义现象学具有其独特优势,它提供了对消费现象的一种基于经验的、方法论上的准确理解。如果不考虑哲学假设和方法论约束上的差异,存在主义现象学方法也能符合逻辑实证主义主要评价标准的要求。文章在消费者研究范式的大框架中对之进行了阐述,试图说明并强调,非实证主义方法也有自身的哲学基础和具体规范,但只有准确地运用,才能发挥出对学术研究的独特价值  相似文献   

Karen Lebacqz, Stem Cells and Justice , p.231
Margaret Mclean, Stem Cells: Justice at the Gate , p.236
Paul Lauritzen, Expanding the Debate Over Stem Cell Research , p.238
Karen Lebacqz, Response to Lauritzen and McLean , p.240
Ted Peters and Gaymon Bennett, Cloning in the White House , p.241  相似文献   

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