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In this study, we examined the moderating effect of locus of control on the relationship between Machiavellianism and job performance of store managers in a retail setting. Our results indicated a significant moderating effect for managers who perceive that they have an external control orientation but not for managers with an internal control orientation.  相似文献   

In this study, we addressed the effect of the perceived work environment structure, as initiated by the managerial superior, on the relationship between Machiavellianism and job performance of store managers in a retail setting. The results showed a significant effect for managers who perceived that their supervisors initiated a loose work environment structure. No effect was found for managers working in a highly structured environment.  相似文献   

The present study examined job function and sex differences in perceptions of the physical and social work environment and the relationship of the work environment to work perceptions and attitudes when function and sex are controlled. Research indicated that job function, but not sex, was related to environment perceptions for 426 employees in a state government agency. The social environment also emerged as a significant predictor of work involvement, trust, and satisfaction. Significant interactions between job function and environment indicated that the social environment was negatively related and the physical environment positively related to work perceptions for managerial employees. The reverse was found for employees in other job functions.  相似文献   

Drawing on a sample of 438 working professionals from various organizations across the central United States, the authors investigated the relationship between Holland's (1959, 1997) RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional) model and employee perceptions of work-family conflict. Results revealed that the RIASEC model contributed unique variance in predicting work-family conflict beyond demographic characteristics and the Big Five personality constructs. The RIASEC interests were found to be associated with different dimensions of work-family conflict. These results signal that vocational interests may influence not only work-related attitudes and behaviors (e.g., job satisfaction, performance), but also one's ability to balance work and family demands.  相似文献   

The relation between social factors at work and job satisfaction was studied by measuring two components of a social environment: a common social environment, the social climate shared by employees in the same work setting: and an individual social environment, the individual's unique social space within that setting. An analysis of questionnaire data from 299, mostly female, bank workers indicated that there is a moderate relation between the quality of the social environment at work and individual job satisfaction. This finding held even when independent judges' (i.e., coworkers') ratings were used as the measure of the common social environment. The results were also consistent with the hypothesis that job satisfaction is more strongly linked to the quality of supervisor relations than to relationships with coworkers. Contrary to expectations, the common social environment at work was a better predictor of job satisfaction than was the individual social environment, and supervisors and coworkers appeared to contribute equally to perceptions of the common environment.  相似文献   

管理胜任特征与工作绩效关系研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
金杨华  陈卫旗  王重鸣 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1349-1351
本研究以情景评价为基础,对管理胜任特征与工作绩效间的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:管理胜任特征在职位层次和性别上存在显著差异;管理胜任特征指标对工作绩效维度的预测效应不同,关系胜任特征是人际促进和工作奉献的有效预测指标,问题解决特征主要对任务绩效和人际促进有预测力.而诚信责任特征则更多的影响管理者的工作奉献。研究为理解管理胜任特征与绩效间的关系提供了实证支持。  相似文献   

Using a sample of engineers (N=80), the correlation between job experience and the personality dimensions was estimated. The results showed very small correlations. Based on these results, we suggest that composites created with job experience and personality measures can be useful for personnel selection.  相似文献   

The importance of the work environment in influencing occupational behaviour and attitudes is widely acknowledged but, in contrast to job content and measures of intrinsic interest, receives scant attention in contemporary careers education. Two methods of classifying the work environment are reviewed, and an enquiry is reported into the suitability of Holland's widely-publicised environment typology as a basic structure for use in careers education. The findings suggest that pupils order their work environment preferences in a manner similar though not identical to that proposed by Holland, and that such preferences may be interpreted as expressions of personality.  相似文献   

In order to test the adequacy of Holland's theory of vocational choice with reference to a broad segment of entering college students, a sample of the freshman class entering the Pennsylvania State University evaluated themselves in terms of the six personality styles of Holland's theory. Relationships between the personality styles and vocational choices were studied for groups of Decided, Tentative, and Undecided students. While several inversions in the data are evident, the data possess sufficient consistency to indicate that the personality identifications these students made in Holland's frame of reference were related to their initial vocational choices.  相似文献   

It is 40 years since Holland first proposed his theory of vocational choice. In that period it is probably true to say that it has attracted more research than any other vocational guidance measure. This paper looks at the central concept in his theory (congruence) and other areas of vocational guidance, namely "fit". It also looks at current research issues relating to Holland's theory. Particular attention is paid to the research papers that examine the overlap between the six (RAISEC) personality types of Holland and the consensually accepted "Big Five" factor view of personality theorists. Finally a summary of the major theoretical, empirical, and methodological problems in the area is discussed.  相似文献   

王婷  高博  刘君  孙鉴  甘怡群 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):148-154
目的:探讨在中国文化背景下公司内技术部门人员核心自我评价是否包括集体自尊的维度及其与工作投入、工作倦怠的关系。方法:在人力资源部门人员的指导下,301名公司技术部门人员填写了工作倦怠量表(MBI—GS)、工作投入量表(UWES)、经典核心自我评价4个分量表、集体自尊量表以及核心自我评价集成量表(CSES),并以密封信封方式提交。结果:(1)集体自尊对核心自我评价的载荷为0.68,是核心自我评价的重要因素。(2)加入集体自尊维度的核心自我评价对工作投入和工作倦怠路径系数分别达到了0.79和-0.54。(3)采用集成核心自我评价量表测量也支持了这一结果,对工作投入和工作倦怠各维度的回归系数均达到了显著水平。结论:集体自尊是中国文化背景下技术部人员的核心自我评价重要成分,且加入集体自尊维度的核心自我评价对工作投入和工作倦怠均有较好的预测作用。  相似文献   



Given that competence at continuous learning is increasingly a key part of successful work, we investigated which aspects of managerial work are associated with a need for competence at continuous learning. Also, given the aging work force, we investigated whether age or experience is associated with reported need for continuous learning competence for effective performance.  相似文献   

赵简  孙健敏  张西超 《心理科学》2013,36(1):170-174
本研究选取253名已婚全职员工为研究对象,采用自陈式问卷调查的方法,考察了工作要求、工作资源、心理资本对工作家庭关系的影响。结果发现:(1)工作要求与工作家庭双向冲突均呈显著正相关;(2)工作资源与工作家庭双向冲突均呈显著负相关,与工作家庭双向促进均呈显著正相关;(3)心理资本在工作资源与工作家庭关系间起中介作用。  相似文献   

The Conducted two surveys of personnel executives to demonstrate the relationships between their job activities and job satisfaction and their vocational interests and personalities.  相似文献   

The present investigation had two purposes. The first was to investigate the generalizability of the theorized personality characteristics of men within Holland's occupational types to groups of men typed by their actual vocations instead of their vocational interests. The second purpose was to investigate the extent to which the wives of men in each of the occupational groups were similar to their husbands in terms of personality characteristics. Multiple discriminant analysis of the groups' 16PF scores resulted in significant overall groups differentiation and in two significant discriminant functions labeled tender-mindedness and self-confidence. The second finding was that Social and Enterprising men were significantly similar to their wives on personality dimensions consistent with the defining characteristics of the respective Holland groups. Implications of the present results and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the additive, mediating, and moderating effects of personality traits and job characteristics on work behaviors. Job applicants (N=161) completed personality questionnaires measuring extraversion, neuroticism, achievement motivation, and experience seeking. One and a half years later, supervisors rated the applicants' job performance, and the job incumbents completed questionnaires about skill variety, autonomy, and feedback, work stress, job satisfaction, work self‐efficacy, and propensity to leave. LISREL was used to test 15 hypotheses. Perceived feedback mediated the relationship between achievement motivation and job performance. Extraversion predicted work self‐efficacy and job satisfaction. Work stress mediated the relationship between neuroticism and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction and experience seeking were related to propensity to leave. Autonomy, skill variety, and feedback were related to job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Managers from 120 organizations (183 men and 27 women) from four major Canadian urban centers were surveyed about their job satisfaction. Seven aspects of job satisfaction were evaluated: satisfaction with the firm, pay, promotional opportunities, the job itself, other managers at the same level, immediate supervisor, and subordinates. Overall, managers at the highest level reported the most job satisfaction. For presidents, satisfaction was related to the organization's structure and context, as well as to its climate, whereas for middle managers and vice presidents, job satisfaction was related more frequently to the organization's climate and less frequently to its structure and context.  相似文献   

This study investigated managerial stress in Taiwan and UK using the Occupational Stress Indicator-2 (OSI-2) and the Work Locus of Control (WLCS) scale. Results showed that the reliability and validity of the measures used were acceptable and comparable in the two samples. There were similarities as well as differences in managerial stress in the two countries. Recognition and Managerial role were important predictors of strain for the Chinese managers, whereas Relationships, Organizational climate, and Personal responsibility were important predictors of strain for UK managers. There were consistent moderating (vulnerability) effects of internal control for the Taiwanese managers. Results corroborated some previous studies conducted in the West. However, caution was also suggested for generalizing Western-originated concepts and theories across cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

Research generally supports Holland's postulated relation between congruence and job satisfaction, but the magnitude of the relation seldom surpasses .30. Sample size and breadth and measurement of congruence and job satisfaction, however, are often limited. This research surveyed the job satisfaction of 395 diversely employed adults to determine whether personality dimensions recognized in the five-factor model of personality contributed to prediction of job satisfaction beyond the contribution of congruence. Personality also was examined as a primary predictor. Congruence, as measured by each of two indices, did not predict job satisfaction, but the block of Big-Five personality dimensions did contribute significantly to the prediction of job satisfaction; extraversion and low neuroticism were unique predictors. Results also failed to support the hypothesis that personality moderates the congruence–satisfaction relation.  相似文献   

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