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Four categories of paintings (N = 200), done by schizophrenic patients, art students, and education students were rated by judges (N = 13) as to whether the painter was schizophrenic or normal. There was significant agreement in correctly identifying paintings, but the percent correct, greater than chance, was only 9.99%. Judges did best on paintings with “human content.” Intelligence scores were related to correct identification of two paintings, while art experience related to proportion was judged schizophrenic for all four paintings. Stepwise regression analysis suggested that intelligence scores were artifactually related to painting scores but art experience was not.  相似文献   

Response monitoring in schizophrenic patients and healthy controls was assessed by measuring performance and event-related brain potentials in the flanker priming task. Three visual-context conditions were construed: Flankers and targets pointed either into the same direction or into different directions. Stimuli without any response assignment were used as flankers in the neutral context condition. The schizophrenic patients were further subdivided into paranoid (n = 19) and nonparanoid (n = 10) patients and compared with healthy controls (n = 18). Performance scores revealed that the flankers induced a similar degree of distraction by visual context in all 3 groups. Although the schizophrenic patients showed normal error correction performance, the error negativity (NE) was significantly reduced in paranoid schizophrenic patients. The attenuation of the NE possibly reflects disturbed response monitoring in these patients.  相似文献   

Childhood traumas are associated with suicidal behavior but this aspect has not been examined in relation to schizophrenia. In this study, 50 chronic schizophrenic patients who had attempted suicide were compared with 50 chronic schizophrenic patients who had never attempted suicide for their scores on the 34-item Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). It was found that schizophrenics who had attempted suicide reported significantly higher CTQ scores for emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional neglect, and physical neglect than schizophrenics who had never attempted suicide. Therefore, childhood trauma may be a risk factor predisposing schizophrenic patients to attempt suicide.  相似文献   

Ten schizophrenic patients and ten healthy control subjects matched with respect to sex, age and education were tested by a psychological test battery including WAIS, WCST, FAS and a modified version of the tachistoscopic Defence Mechanism Test (DMTm). In a Q-factor analysis two factors were derived in the analysis of DMTm test scores. The distribution of cases among these factors was wholly at random. On the other hand, when analysing WAIS scores, five factors were derived and schizophrenic cases as well as control subjects were almost unequivocally clustered by different factors. It is argued that also if an unequivocal categorisation of cases had been achieved in the analysis of DMTm data, such a finding might well have been interpreted as an effect of anomalies in cerebral structures assumed to be of critical importance in the filtering of signals in the stream of visual perception. The existence of such anomalies in schizophrenics is now well established by neuroimaging as well as postmortem studies, and findings are also well in accordance with phenomenological and physiological data. The failure of DMTm to separate schizophrenic and control subjects does thus make the second and important step in a discussion on validity entirely superfluous, namely whether signs recorded really measure what they are assumed to measure, in this case defence mechanisms in a psychoanalytic sense.  相似文献   

P. Green and other investigators have reported that schizophrenic Ss have poorer recall of stories presented to both ears than to the single best ear (binaural deficit) and poorer recall of stories presented to the left ear than to the right ear (monaural asymmetry) than do normal control Ss. These studies are plagued by potential methodological problems, including differences in overall accuracy, which artifactually affect the difference scores, and scoring methods that are vulnerable to systematic bias. In this study, scores of schizophrenic, bipolar, and normal control Ss on the Auditory Comprehension Test were compared. Scoring bias was avoided by the use of blind scoring and a revised scoring manual, and artifactual effects of accuracy were considered in interpreting the results. Contrary to previous findings, the groups did not differ on either monaural asymmetry or binaural deficit.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to test information extraction capacity from briefly shown photographs depicting simple familiar objects and facial/affective stimuli. Photographs were presented tachistoscopically at six exposure times, 1 sec, 200 msec, 40 msec, 20 msec, 4 msec, 2 msec, to chronic schizophrenic patients, general medical patients, and nonpatient control subjects. Experiment 1 was conducted using the number of correct responses (true scores) and experiment 2 using the number of trials taken (error scores) to identify the target stimuli, as the dependent measures. In experiment 1, schizophrenics did not differ from general medical patients but both were inferior to nonpatient controls in identifying brief visual stimuli. However, in experiment 2, schizophrenics required significantly more trials than general medical patients, who in turn required significantly more trials than nonpatient controls in identifying brief visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Using a modified version of procedures outlined by Shapiro and Wild (9), this study evaluates the use of a Family Rorschach technique as a means of distinguishing families of schizophrenic patients from those of psychiatrically hospitalized, nonschizophrenic individuals. The patients were diagnosed using Research Diagnostic Criteria, and families were matched for age, intelligence, and socioeconomic characteristics. Results showed that the families with schizophrenic offspring scored significantly lower (that is, they had more communication and attentional difficulties) than those with nonschizophrenic offspring; offspring gender and family constellation had little effect on scores. Subsequent analyses indicated that lower scores were not simply a reflection of the psychoticism of the patient. These findings suggest that families of schizophrenics have interpersonal communication difficulties that compromise their ability to maintain a shared focus of attention. The findings are consistent with the suggestion that deviant patterns of family communication in interaction with genetic vulnerability in an offspring may result in the development of a schizophrenic disorder.  相似文献   

This study compared the manifest dream content of 20 schizophrenic adolescent inpatients whose medications were stable for at least four weeks, 21 adolescent inpatients with other mental disorders (nonschizophrenic group) matched for age and gender, and 31 matched community controls. All participants were administered the standardized Formal Dream Content Rating Scale (FDCRS), which evaluates dream-related anxiety, cognitive disturbance, implausibility, involvement, primitivity, and recall, as well as two additional scales measuring emotional expression and duration of dream report. The Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS) was administered to the two inpatient groups. The community controls demonstrated more involvement and emotional expression than the schizophrenic patients; furthermore, they demonstrated more implausibility and had a greater duration of dream report compared with the nonschizophrenic group. In the schizophrenic patients only, elevated scores on the negative subscale of the PANSS were significantly correlated with lower scores on involvement, emotional expression, and dream recall. No relationship was found between the positive subscale of the PANSS and any of the FDCRS subscales. These results suggest that psychopathology per se, rather than the specific psychiatric disturbance, may be associated with impoverishment of dream content, and that negative, rather than positive, schizophrenic symptomatology may be influential in the dream content of schizophrenic youngsters.  相似文献   

A consensus Rorschach was given to the families of 36 male schizophrenics, 13 psychiatrically hospitalized nonschizophrenic controls, and 38 normal controls with the goal of discriminating the families of schizophrenics from the other two groups of families. After the family agreed on a response, each member was asked to write the response on a separate sheet of paper. This study focused on these written responses, the product of the interaction, rather than on the process of reaching agreement. A system was developed to score the responses based on the degree of shared meaning achieved by the family. Adequate interscorer reliability was obtained. The scores significantly differentiated the three groups. More families of schizophrenics had low scores indicating lack of shared meaning than families of hospitalized and normal controls. In the normal control group, more upper-class families had high scores than lower-class families, wheras in the schizophrenic group there was a trend in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

A group of 38 severe anxiety patients and a group of 36 acute schizophrenic patients produced series of afterimages (AIs) of a simple, red stimulus. It was predicted that projective tendencies in these patients would be revealed by lack of stable congruence between AI color and stimulus. Symptoms of sensitivity together with results from the MCT (Meta-Contrast Technique) served as criteria in the anxiety group and symptoms of paranoia in the schizophrenic group. The hypothesis was affirmed: despite the unicolored stimulation, sensitive and paranoid subjects tended to report variegated A1s or A1s shifting from one color to another. It was concluded that, in case this plastic type of perception remains more or less permanent, it would serve as a fruitful breeding-ground for projective defenses.  相似文献   

Analyses of responses from a clinical sample of 120 patients (primarily schizophrenics) and from 158 college students to the Cognitive Slippage Scale, a scale designed by Miers and Raulin to identify speech deficits and confused thinking in schizophrenic and schizotypal personality disorders showed high internal reliability; Cronbach's coefficients alpha were .89 and .86 in the clinical and college student samples, respectively. The mean scale scores significantly differentiated the two samples. Also, change scores over 4 wk. showed adequate stability for both samples. Item analysis indicated Items 11, 20, 21, and 28 may not reliably discriminate between schizophrenic and college student samples. Over-all, these preliminary results are consistent with the reliability and validity of the scale.  相似文献   

This study assessed the personalities of 13 murderer schizophrenics using Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory, controlling different factors such as institution, treatment, detention or loss of liberty, and can discriminate between schizophrenic patients involved in homicide, schizophrenics with no past violent behavior, paranoiac murderers, and imprisoned murderers with no psychiatric history. Results show significantly that murderer schizophrenics had significantly higher scores on the subscale, Self-transcendence, than other groups, which suggests that Self-transcendence as measured may be an aggravating factor for schizophrenia and may be found in the personality of schizophrenic subjects who performed homicidal acts. This dimension constitutes a way and an additional element for diagnosis not available with the DSM-IV criteria. It may help understanding and predicting violent behavior among schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

Forty-five psychiatric inpatients with DSM-III diagnoses of schizophrenia and 31 inpatients with DSM-III diagnoses of bipolar disorder (and currently manic) were compared on the MMPI. Results indicated that although the schizophrenic patients achieved significantly higher scores on several of the MMPI scales (F, Pt, Sc, Si), these findings were of questionable clinical significance. On the other hand, the schizophrenic group did produce a significantly greater percentage of MMPI high-point pairs containing Scale 8(Sc): that is, 64.4% versus 35.5%.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Bannister and Fransella's Grid Test of Schizophrenic Thought Disorder based on Personal Construct Theory and the concept of "loosened construing", as measurable in the scores of Intensity and Consistency between intercorrelations, has been applied to a Scandinavian sample of psychiatric patients. The validity of the test was illustrated, and a significant difference was found between a group of schizophrenics and schizophrenic borderline states and a group without schizophrenic thought disorders. The Grid Test scores were found to agree with thought disorder manifestations as evaluated in qualitative terms on the basis of cognitive and projective tests, but they did not differentiate between developmental levels of thinking corresponding to con-creteness in organic impairment versus diffuseness in schizophrenia. Thus, the concept of "loosened construing" as applied in this thought disorder test seems too unspecific.  相似文献   

The Developmental Level (DL) score was assessed from Rorschach inkblot tests of 305 children. Children were either the offspring of one schizophrenic, one manic-depressive, one physically ill, or of two normal parents. Socioeconomic status, age, and intelligence were treated as covariates. Children of one schizophrenic parent had lower DL scores than children in the other three groups.  相似文献   

Twenty schizophrenic patients, 10 depressed control patients, and 20 normal control subjects were compared in a forced-choice, target-detection method for assessing the span of apprehension. The detection task required the subject to report which of 2 target letters was presented among 7 other (distractor) letters. Performance accuracy was examined as a function of target location and whether the distractor letters were masked after their presentation. The backward masking of the distractors improved target-detection accuracy of both control groups but reduced accuracy of the schizophrenic group. In addition, schizophrenics performed particularly poorly on targets located in the left half or lower half of the display. These results suggest that response to the masking of distractors may be a new index of attentional shortcoming in schizophrenia. Various theoretical explanations for the target location findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Performance of 28 schizophrenic patients and 28 matched controls was compared in an auditory priming task. A large auditory negative priming effect was obtained for the patients as well as for the control group, and the size of the negative priming effect was approximately the same for both groups. Under the same conditions, positive or repetition priming for the patients was enhanced compared to that of the control group. The present findings from an auditory priming task are consistent with a growing body of evidence from the visual domain showing normal rather than reduced or eliminated negative priming in schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

Performance of 28 schizophrenic patients and 28 matched controls was compared in an auditory priming task. A large auditory negative priming effect was obtained for the patients as well as for the control group, and the size of the negative priming effect was approximately the same for both groups. Under the same conditions, positive or repetition priming for the patients was enhanced compared to that of the control group. The present findings from an auditory priming task are consistent with a growing body of evidence from the visual domain showing normal rather than reduced or eliminated negative priming in schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

According to ICD-9 and DSM-III-R-criteria 14 subchronic schizophrenic male patients (duration of illness less than 2 years) and 17 chronically ill male schizophrenics (duration of illness between 5 to 12 years) matched for sex, age, education, type of illness, and medication were with the aid of 4 tests investigated with respect to time characteristics of performance parameters. Whereas subchronic patients revealed performance scores within the normal range of reference scores, chronically ill patients showed dissociative variations in performance (high scores in reasoning, low scores in speed factor). This can be interpreted as instability of brain functioning which characterizes schizophrenics suffering from a long duration of illness. Correlations between prolonged reactions to "crossmodal" choices and subjective basic symptoms in subchronic patients are hints at well established introspection ability of self regarded complaints.  相似文献   

The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, standardized in Bangladesh, was administered to a group of 358 psychiatric patients—109 male and 108 female neurotics and 78 male and 63 female psychotics. The neurotic Ss were analysed separately according to sex, and were also divided into groups according to psychiatric nosology. The major findings that clearly emerged from the study of neurotic individuals were that they returned very elevated N scores and depressed E scores as against the norms, while the depressive patients of both sexes gave the lowest E scores. Most of the psychotic Ss of both sexes were diagnosed schizophrenic. The major finding of the investigation of psychotic individuals was that they returned much elevated scores on the psychoticism scale as compared with norms, and they also gave low E and high N scores. It is suggested that the EPQ be used to promote a better understanding and more efficacious therapeutic intervention of the psychiatrically ill person in this culture.  相似文献   

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