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Fluency with skills that operate below the word level (i.e., sublexical), such as phonemic awareness and alphabetic knowledge, may ease the acquisition of decoding skills (Ritchey & Speece, 2006). Measures of sublexical fluency such as phoneme segmentation fluency (PSF), letter naming fluency (LNF), and letter sound fluency (LSF) are widely available for monitoring kindergarten reading progress, but less is known about the relative importance of growth in each skill across the early months of formal reading instruction and their relation to subsequent decoding acquisition. With a sample of kindergarten students at risk for reading difficulties, this study investigated the extent to which initial status and growth in PSF, LNF, and LSF, administered on a progress-monitoring basis during the fall of kindergarten, were differentially predictive of word reading fluency skills at mid-year and growth across the second half the school year. We used two different fluency-based progress monitoring measures of word reading across the spring, one consisting entirely of phonetically regular consonant-vowel-consonant words, and the other that included phonetically regular and irregular words that varied in length. Results indicated that although initial status and fall growth in all sublexical fluency measures were positively associated with subsequent word reading, LSF across the fall of kindergarten was the strongest overall predictor of mid-year level and growth on both word reading measures, and unique in its prediction over the effects of LNF and PSF. Results underscore the importance of letter-sound knowledge for word reading development, and provide additional evidence for LSF as a key index of progress for at-risk learners across the early months of formal reading instruction.  相似文献   

The practice-based evidence movement has become increasingly influential in the practice of counselling. One element of this approach is the recommendation that therapists regularly administer standardised or nomothetic measures to track the progress made by their clients. When this feedback indicates that therapy is off course (i.e. out of kilter with the projected course of effective treatment) therapists are alerted to the risks of potential dropout and encouraged to take some form of corrective action. Despite an expanding evidence base supporting this strategy for improving psychotherapeutic outcomes, there are also concerns that the generic measures adopted do not always possess the specificity and sensitivity required to capture the unique experiences of individual clients. The paper argues that personalised or idiographic assessments can be designed to match the language and priorities of individual clients and so provide a more nuanced measure with which to track the course of therapy and promote informed reflective conversations between client and clinician on when and whether a change in direction is needed. However the idiographic alternative is not an easy option and practical as well as theoretical challenges in adopting this approach to monitoring treatment outcomes are acknowledged and discussed. Finally the virtue of using a strategy that combines nomothetic and idiographic measures is considered.  相似文献   

Several personality dimensions (mastery, extraversion, and neuroticism) and a new General Appraisal Measure were used to predict stress appraisals made by college students in specific situations. Using multiple-regression techniques, mastery and general appraisal tendencies predicted appraisals for an intellectual task. Path analysis supported a structural model with general appraisal tendencies as a mediator between mastery and specific appraisal. In the second study mastery, extraversion, neuroticism, and general appraisal tendencies predicted appraisals for an academic stressor. Path analysis again supported the mediational nature of general appraisal tendencies from personality variables to specific appraisal. We discuss a potential causal mechanism between personality dimensions and appraisal patterns.  相似文献   

Cued recall indicated that memory was better for sentences containing specific verbs (e.g., scratched) than for sentences containing general verbs (e.g., injured). When synonymic verb responses were included, however, the general-specific difference was eliminated. Also, for complete sentence recall, subject nouns were better retrieval cues than verbs or object nouns. nt]mis|This research was supported by National Science Foundation Research Grant GB-22664 to L. Starling Reid and by a grant to the author from the Denison University Faculty Development Activities Program. Thanks are due Bill Stehle and Larry Giordano, who assisted in data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

This experimental study examined the efficacy of the vocal function exercise program in improving voice production in individuals with normal voices. 20 young women (M age = 22 yr.) with normal voices, 10 in the Monitored compliance group and 10 in the Unmonitored compliance group, received training in performing vocal function exercises followed by daily practice of the exercises for 28 consecutive days. Participants in the Monitored compliance group were required to submit audio or video recordings of their daily practice of vocal function exercises, and those in the Unmonitored compliance group were not required to record their daily practice sessions. Results indicated that while the participants in both groups significantly increased maximum phonation times and maximum phonational frequency ranges, those in the Monitored group improved significantly more than the participants in the Unmonitored group on these outcome measures.  相似文献   

Speech samples from 92 first-grade children were quantified on the basis of disfluency types and judges' ratings of language level. Intelligence and reading scores were also obtained for each subject. Correlational analysis indicated that the measures of language performance, intelligence, and reading ability used in this study were not highly and significantly associated with frequency of disfluency whether considered by individual type, type combinations, or total disfluency.  相似文献   

Using a visual search methodology we investigated the effect of feared animal stimuli on attention. Our results confirmed the important role of emotion on attention. All participants detected fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders) faster than neutral (mushrooms) ones against a background of fruits. In addition, spider fearful participants were sensitized specifically to detect their feared stimulus (spiders), compared to their fear-relevant but non-feared (snakes) and neutral stimuli. However, for participants fearful of snakes there was no significant difference in detection latencies between the feared (snakes) and the fear-relevant but non-feared animal stimuli (spiders). The results from the attention task were mirrored in the emotional ratings, which showed that spider fear was highly specific, whereas snake fear was associated with a more generalized enhanced evaluation of all negative stimuli.  相似文献   

The τb and y statistics are interpreted as rank-monotonic coefficients of partial agreement. Using a method of transposition employed by Pearson's ri intraclass correlation coefficient, the τbi and yi intraclass coefficients of total monotonic agreement are created. Transpositional measures of agreement like τbi and τi measure the combined effects of cell and marginal disagreement which make them particularly suitable for reliability studies. The coefficients are also made applicable to K > 2 sets of ranks.  相似文献   

Samuel DB  Widiger TA 《Assessment》2008,15(3):364-374
The construct of narcissism has a lengthy history and has been operationalized and measured by a variety of instruments. In this study, five narcissism scales were compared in terms of alternative conceptualizations of narcissism offered by C. C. Morf and F. Rhodewalt (2001), D. L. Paulhus (2001), and S. Vazire and D. C. Funder (2006), using the domains and facets of the five-factor model as a common point of comparison. The findings provided little support for the conceptualizations of Morf and Rhodewalt or Vazire and Funder. Support was obtained for the conceptualization of Paulhus, particularly as assessed by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and, secondarily, the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III. Implications for the assessment and conceptualization of narcissism are discussed.  相似文献   

Adults often learn to spell words during the course of reading for meaning, without intending to do so. We used an incidental learning task in order to study this process. Spellings that contained double n, r and t which are common doublets in French, were learned more readily by French university students than spellings that contained less common but still legal doublets. When recalling or recognizing the latter, the students sometimes made transposition errors, doubling a consonant that often doubles in French rather than the consonant that was originally doubled (e.g., tiddunar recalled as tidunnar). The results, found in three experiments using different nonwords and different types of instructions, show that people use general knowledge about the graphotactic patterns of their writing system together with word-specific knowledge to reconstruct spellings that they learn from reading. These processes contribute to failures and successes in memory for spellings, as in other domains.  相似文献   

In empirical studies of human eye movement behavior during reading, it is common to compute various summary measures from the data, but these measures are typically not evaluated with respect to corresponding measures of baseline performance. The authors present a method for deriving an appropriate baseline by mapping the actual behavior to a random perturbation of the text being read, and they find surprising similarities between the baseline and the empirical data. The practical message from these findings is that the importance of a particular factor in explaining either empirical or simulated eye movement patterns should be evaluated using an appropriate baseline. In addition to this methodological point, the authors suggest that eye movement behavior in reading may be constrained by the properties of an eye-guidance system that has adapted to the coarse-grained statistical properties of written language.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the relationships for scores on the Stroop Color and Word Test with measures of reading and language achievement within an adult population. The Stroop Color and Word Test, Nelson-Denny Reading Test, Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised, and Wide Range Achievement Test-3 were administered to 99 men ranging in age from 18 to 27 years. Pearson product-moment correlations indicated that the Stroop Word task was positively associated with scores on the WRAT-3 Spelling task, the Woodcock-Johnson Basic and Broad Reading tasks, and the Nelson-Denny Rcading Rate and Comprehension tasks. These and other significant relationships were discussed in terms of possible implications regarding the assessment of reading achievement.  相似文献   

We will discuss localized measures related to the concepts of dimension, Lyapunove exponents (entropy), and recurrence diagrams. We stress the relevance of localized events and coincidences in physiological time series that often are lost when statistical averaging methods are applied. We suggest event-based statistics as an alternative to spectral or averaged-based statistics. The use of wavelets bases for characterizing localized structures is discussed as a potential alternative to Fourier-based analysis. Finally we mention how local domains in state space could be applied as triggers for external stimuli and thereby improve the statistics of ERP recordings.  相似文献   

This study compared four common methods for scoring a popular working memory span task, Daneman and Carpenter’s (1980) reading span test. More continuous measures, such as the total number of words recalled or the proportion of words per set averaged across all sets, were more normally distributed, had higher reliability, and had higher correlations with criterion measures (reading comprehension and Verbal SAT) than did traditional span scores that quantified the highest set size completed or the number of words in correct sets. Furthermore, creation of arbitrary groups (e.g., high-span and low-span groups) led to poor reliability and greatly reduced predictive power. It is recommended that researchers score span tasks with continuous measures and avoid post hoc dichotomization of working memory span groups.  相似文献   

Children with specific reading retardation were matched with controls on the basis of age, sex, intelligence, and (less successfully) parental education. All subjects were tested on a variety of automated performance tests including the Matching Familiar Figures (MFF) Task, Auditory-Visual Integration, Short-Term Memory, the Continuous Performance Task (CPT), and Motor Performance. All children were assessed socially using the Conners Teacher Questionnaire, and reading-retarded children were rated on the Behavior Problem Checklist. Finally, all children were screened with the Finger Twitch Test and were assessed for left-right awareness. Statistical analysis suggested that the following performance tests discriminated between the groups in this respective order of importance: MFF (Accuracy), Auditory-Visual Integration, and the CPT. The Short-Term Memory Task, MFF Decision Time, and Motor Performance did not distinguish between the groups. Multiple regression equations suggested that scores on the performance tests could account for about 40% of the variance in reading attainment. Several factors from the rating scales (notably those pertaining to attention and anxiety) and left-right awareness also discriminated between the groups.This study was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of New Zealand to Prof. J. S. Werry (Grant MRC 151). The author would especially like to thank John Werry, M. D., Malcolm Gill, Ph.D., and the staffs of the official Remedial Reading Clinics and Psychological Services as well as those of Epsom Normal, Mount Eden Normal, Newmarket, and Parnell primary schools for the willing support they all rendered this project.  相似文献   

A general model is developed for the analysis of multivariate multilevel data structures. Special cases of the model include repeated measures designs, multiple matrix samples, multilevel latent variable models, multiple time series, and variance and covariance component models.We would like to acknowledge the helpful comments of Ruth Silver. We also wish to thank the referees for helping to clarify the paper. This work was partly carried out with research funds provided by the Economic and Social Research Council (U.K.).  相似文献   

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