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The effects of retention interval and level of processing on false recall and false recognition of associates were examined. False recall and false recognition were induced by presenting subjects with words closely associated with a non-studied word. Both level of processing and retention interval affected false recall (Experiment 1) and false recognition (Experiment 2) in the same direction with which they affected accurate recall and accurate recognition. That is, semantically processed lists exhibited higher levels of later false recall and false recognition than did superficially processed lists. Furthermore, a decline in false recall and false recognition occurred across retention intervals of 0, 2, and 7 days. However, the decline in false recall and false recognition was less pronounced than the decline in accurate recall and accurate recognition. Results are consistent with source monitoring and fuzzy trace explanations of false recall and false recognition.  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated the effects of task processing, historical knowledge of the subject matter, and retention interval on normalization rates, intrusions, and recall of thematic prose. Learners were given 16 sentences about the life and times of either Adolf Hitler or a fictitious character. Half the sentences were historically incorrect for Hitler but were not verifiable in terms of the fictitious character. Learners either paraphrased or copied the sentences verbatim and attempted to recall the sentences at either a zero retention interval or after 48 hours. Normalization and intrusion rates were strongly related to story type and retention interval, while overall sentence recall was influenced by processing task and retention interval. The results are discussed in terms of both the reconstructive schema model and the depth of processing hypothesis.  相似文献   

Although the benefits of spaced retrieval for long-term retention are well established, the majority of this work has involved spacing over relatively short intervals (on the order of seconds or minutes). In the present experiments, we evaluated the effectiveness of spaced retrieval across relatively short intervals (within a single session), as compared to longer intervals (between sessions spaced a day apart), for long-term retention (i.e., one day or one week). Across a series of seven experiments, participants (N = 536) learned paired associates to a criterion of 70 % accuracy and then received one test–feedback trial for each item. The test–feedback trial occurred within 10 min of reaching criterion (short lag) or one day later (long lag). Then, a final test occurred one day (Exps. 13) or one week (Exps. 4 and 5) after the test–feedback trial. Across the different materials and methods in Experiments 13, we found little benefit for the long-lag relative to the short-lag schedule in final recall performance—that is, no lag effect—but large effects on the retention of information from the test–feedback to the final test phase. The results from the experiments with the one-week retention interval (Exps. 4 and 5) indicated a benefit of the long-lag schedule on final recall performance (a lag effect), as well as on retention. This research shows that even when the benefits of lag are eliminated at a (relatively long) one-day retention interval, the lag effect reemerges after a one-week retention interval. The results are interpreted within an extension of the bifurcation model to the spacing effect.  相似文献   

People can evaluate the quality of their memories by giving a confidence judgement concerning the perceived accuracy of what is recalled or recognised. Even when people strive for accuracy and claim great confidence they may, however, not remember what actually happened. Both accuracy and confidence can be affected by various factors. In this study, we investigated the effects of retention interval (either 1, 3 or 5 weeks delay before first testing) and of repeated questioning (initial recall after 1 week, repeated after 3 and 5 weeks) on accuracy and confidence of recall of a naturalistic videotaped event. Longer retention intervals before initial testing resulted in lower accuracy and lower confidence scores. Repeated recall, however, had little effect on accuracy and confidence. Relatively high accuracy–confidence correlations were found in all delay and repetition conditions. Practical implications of these findings for questioning eyewitnesses are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

How and what very young children remember is a central question for understanding the course of memory development. In this research, we examined the effects of two factors on 2-year-old children's ability to recall novel events: repetition of the experience and time since experience. Twenty 24-month-old and twenty 28-month-old children participated in unusual laboratory play events. Half of the children returned after a 2-week delay and again after a 3-month delay (repeated experience condition); the remaining children returned only after 3 months (single experience condition). Memory was assessed by asking children to reenact the events. Recall was generally accurate, and there were no significant effects of age. All children recalled more information about the activities associated with the event than about the objects. Surprisingly, children in the repeated experience condition recalled as much about the events at the 3-month retention interval as at the 2-week retention interval. Further, children in this condition recalled more information at the 3-month retention interval than children in the single experience condition, suggesting that reexperiencing an event may guard against long-term forgetting.  相似文献   

Leading theories of false memory predict that veridical and false recall of lists of semantically associated words can be dissociated by varying the presentation speed during study. Specifically, as presentation rate increases from milliseconds to seconds, veridical recall is predicted to increase monotonically while false recall is predicted to show a rapid rise and then a slow decrease-a pattern shown by McDermott and Watson (2001) in a study using immediate recall tests. In three experiments we tested the generality of the effects of rapid presentation rates on veridical and false memory. In Experiments 1 and 2 participants exhibited high levels of false recall on a delayed recall test, even for very fast stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA)-contrary to predictions from leading theories of false memory. When we switched to an immediate recall test in Experiment 3 we replicated the pattern predicted by the theories and observed by McDermott and Watson. Follow-up analyses further showed that the relative output position of false recalls is not affected by presentation rate, contrary to predictions from fuzzy trace theory. Implications for theories of false memory, including activation monitoring theory and fuzzy trace theory, are discussed.  相似文献   

Leading theories of false memory predict that veridical and false recall of lists of semantically associated words can be dissociated by varying the presentation speed during study. Specifically, as presentation rate increases from milliseconds to seconds, veridical recall is predicted to increase monotonically while false recall is predicted to show a rapid rise and then a slow decrease—a pattern shown by McDermott and Watson (2001) in a study using immediate recall tests. In three experiments we tested the generality of the effects of rapid presentation rates on veridical and false memory. In Experiments 1 and 2 participants exhibited high levels of false recall on a delayed recall test, even for very fast stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA)—contrary to predictions from leading theories of false memory. When we switched to an immediate recall test in Experiment 3 we replicated the pattern predicted by the theories and observed by McDermott and Watson. Follow-up analyses further showed that the relative output position of false recalls is not affected by presentation rate, contrary to predictions from fuzzy trace theory. Implications for theories of false memory, including activation monitoring theory and fuzzy trace theory, are discussed.  相似文献   

Salient auditory stimuli (e.g., music or sound effects) are commonly used in advertising to elicit attention. However, issues related to the effectiveness of such stimuli are not well understood. This research examines the ability of a salient auditory stimulus, in the form of a contrast interval (CI), to enhance recall of message-related information. Researchers have argued that the effectiveness of the CI is a function of the temporal duration between the onset and offset of the change in the background stimulus and the nature of this stimulus. Three experiments investigate these propositions and indicate that recall is enhanced, providing the CI is 3 s or less. Information highlighted with silence is recalled better than information highlighted with music.  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to clarify the effect that rhyme has on young children's short-term retention of story narratives. Sixty-four preschool children were read rhymed or nonrhyming versions of a short story where the semantic content differed only in the arrangement of lines across test stanzas. For each type of narrative, one half of the subjects attempted rote recitation of exact stody language. The remaining subjects were asked to paraphrase semantic content. Analyses revealed that rhyme enhanced word-for-word recitation in correct sequential order, whereas nonrhyming presentations evoked initial faciliotation of semantic paraphrase. The findings are discussed in terms of transfer-appropriate and levels-of-processing memory models.  相似文献   

Learning and retention were examined under varying amounts of intratask interference during learning. All subjects were required to learn the same list of auditorily presented words while concurrently processing a visually presented interfering list. Differential amounts of interference were produced by varying the relatedness of the interfering list to the learning list. The common learning list consisted of four general categories that also contained members of more restricted subcategories. Some subjects were instructed about the existence and names of the subcategories. The results showed that interference lengthened learning but, in some cases, facilitated retention relative to control groups. Restricted category knowledge facilitated learning but had no effect on retention. There were no significant retention differences after I week, but after 5 weeks retention performance was significantly better for groups that learned under related interference conditions. The results were interpreted in terms of more elaborate encoding of the items in the high intratask interference conditions.  相似文献   

The present study investigated context effects of incidental odors in free recall after a short retention interval (5 min). With a short retention interval, the results are not confounded by extraneous odors or encounters with the experimental odor and possible rehearsal during a long retention interval. A short study time condition (4 s per item), predicted not to be affected by adaptation to the odor, and a long study time condition (8 s per item) were used. Additionally, we introduced a new method for recovery from adaptation, where a dissimilar odor was briefly presented at the beginning of the retention interval, and we demonstrated the effectiveness of this technique. An incidental learning paradigm was used to prevent overshadowing from confounding the results. In three experiments, undergraduates (N = 200) incidentally studied words presented one-by-one and received a free recall test. Two pairs of odors and a third odor having different semantic-differential characteristics were selected from 14 familiar odors. One of the odors was presented during encoding, and during the test, the same odor (same-context condition) or the other odor within the pair (different-context condition) was presented. Without using a recovery-from-adaptation method, a significant odor-context effect appeared in the 4-s/item condition, but not in the 8-s/item condition. Using the recovery-from-adaptation method, context effects were found for both the 8- and the 4-s/item conditions. The size of the recovered odor-context effect did not change with study time. There were no serial position effects. Implications of the present findings are discussed.  相似文献   


Two experiments examined the effects of survival processing and delay on true and related false recognition. Experiment 1 used the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm and found survival processing to increase true and related false recognition. Extending the delay from 5-mins to 1-day reduced true, but not false memory. Measures of the characteristics of true and false memories showed survival processing increased “remember” and “know” responses for related false memory, “know” responses for true memory and gist processing. Experiment 2 made use of the category repetition procedure and found a broadly similar pattern of results for true memory. However, related false memory was decreased by survival processing. Except for one result, no interactions were found between encoding task and delay. Overall, survival processing produced similar or different effects on true/false memory depending on the nature of the list. The mechanisms that might underpin these are evaluated and considered in relation to future work.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the effects of emotional valence and arousal on associative binding. Participants studied negative, positive, and neutral word pairs, followed by an associative recognition test. In Experiment 1, with a short-delayed test, accuracy for intact pairs was equivalent across valences, whereas accuracy for rearranged pairs was lower for negative than for positive and neutral pairs. In Experiment 2, we tested participants after a one-week delay and found that accuracy was greater for intact negative than for intact neutral pairs, whereas rearranged pair accuracy was equivalent across valences. These results suggest that, although negative emotional valence impairs associative binding after a short delay, it may improve binding after a longer delay. The results also suggest that valence, as well as arousal, needs to be considered when examining the effects of emotion on associative memory.  相似文献   

Black English and Standard English grammatical sentences were presented to 122 Black and White second graders in a modified cloze task. Both race and social class differences were sampled from within a single primary school, and both Black and White experimenters were utilized. No effects due to social class were found. Black subjects did better on Black English sentences than White subjects and showed fewer errors in the direction of Standard English syntax. An analysis of hit rates and false alarm rates suggested that Black subjects were more likely to emit Black English responses than White subjects but that both groups possessed equivalent sensitivity to grammatical differences. The results are not consistent with a deficit account of Black subjects' performance or with an explanation based on different dialect systems. Rather, it appears that Black and White children may differ only in their willingness to utilize specific response systems and may possess equal comprehension abilities in both dialect systems.This research was supported in part by funds made available to Bowling Green State University by NSF Institutional Grant No. GU-3619. Some of the findings were reported at the 83rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, 1975.  相似文献   

Subjects in Experiment i studied a list of words under varying presentation conditions (visual or auditory) and in two typographies within the visual condition (typed or hand printed) and then received a word-fragment completion test (e.g., —YS—E—Y formystery) in which the test cues also varied in typography. The main findings were that (1) priming occurred for all study items, relative to nonstudied items, but greater priming occurred for visual than for auditory presentation, and (2) performance in the visual conditions was better when typographies matched between study and test than when the typographies mismatched, but only for words studied in hand-printed form. These findings were generally replicated when the test was delayed 1 week, although priming declined across this retention interval (Experiment 2). In Experiment 3 subjects studied words that were either in focus or blurred and showed greater priming when test fragments were presented in the same manner as at study. Priming in the word-fragment completion task depends on matching surface characteristics of items between study and test and exemplifies the requirement of performing similar mental operations at study and test for maximizing performance (transfer-appropriate processing).  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether processing of syntactic word information (lemma) is subserved by the same neural substrate as processing of conceptual or word form information (lexeme). We measured BOLD responses in 14 native speakers of German in three different decision tasks, each focussing specifically on one level of lexical processing (conceptual, syntactic, and morpho-phonological). The test parameters were natural gender, grammatical gender, and word form derivation, respectively. Discrimination between words played backwards and complex sounds served as control task. Complex contrasts revealed a functional fractionation of the left inferior frontal gyrus for each level of lexical processing.  相似文献   

Garvill, J. & Molander, B. Effects of standard modality, comparison modality and retention interval on matching of form. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 203–206.MdashIntra-modal and cross-modal matching of nonsense forms was studied in a 2 (standard modalities: visual vs. tactual) by 2 (comparison modalities: visual vs. tactual) by 3 (intervals between standard and comparison: 1, 10 and 30 sec) factorial experiment. The errors were divided into false negatives and false positives. Significant effects of standard modality and of comparison modality were found for false negatives. For false positives the most prominent effect was an interaction between the standard modality and the comparison modality. Retention interval had no effect in any of the modality conditions. The effects are discussed in terms of differential information processing capacity for the visual and the tactual modalities.  相似文献   

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