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The feedback of performance appraisal information is a critical communication activity in organizations. Research on the topic, however, has generally been limited to (1) treating feedback as an undifferentiated construct, and (2) not examining the important moderating impact of trust of the receiver in the sender. Using a sample of 100 managers, this study explores the dimensionality of the feedback construct, the relationships of feedback to individual performance and satisfaction, and the moderating effects of trust on these associations. Results indicate that various aspects of feedback are differentially related to performance and satisfaction under conditions of high and low trut. Importantly, the communication of performance appraisal information is found to be a more important correlate of satisfaction and performance for subordinates who express low trust in their superiors.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a behaviorally based performance appraisal system. Blanz and Ghiselli's Mixed Standard Scale was used as the basis for developing the performance appraisal system for assessing the performance of highway patrol personnel. However, the particular developmental procedures described here differ in some respects from those reported in the literature. Rather than developing rating items describing general traits such as "diligence,""initiative," or "enthusiasm" in behavioral terms, the items in the present scale were developed to describe proficiency levels of specific job tasks. This characteristic is expected to enhance the objectivity of the evaluation system for both appraisal and job counseling purposes. The appraisal instrument was subjected to a series of reliability and validity tests that demonstrated its high reliability and validity. Although the content of the appraisal sytem desribed here included highway patrol tasks, a similar system could be developed using the procedures described for a wide variety and level of jobs.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to analyze how hope, resilience, optimism, and efficacy individually and as a composite higher-order factor predicted work performance and satisfaction. Results from Study 1 provided psychometric support for a new survey measure designed to assess each of these 4 facets, as well as a composite factor. Study 2 results indicated a significant positive relationship regarding the composite of these 4 facets with performance and satisfaction. Results from Study 2 also indicated that the composite factor may be a better predictor of performance and satisfaction than the 4 individual facets. Limitations and practical implications conclude the article.  相似文献   

Person-environment congruence, as defined in this series of studies, is the fit between the subordinate's perceptions of the requirements of the job, and the requirements of the supervisor or of the organization. Person-environment congruence is measured in this research by the Performance Priority Survey (PPS), a Q-sort procedure in which respondents rate the relative importance of work behaviors. The priorities of the organization (reported by supervisors) and the priorities of the subordinates (or applicants) are correlated to produce an agreement score. The agreement score for each supervisor-subordinate pair measures the degree of similarity between the perceptions of the relative importance of work behaviors for the job in question, as reported by both members of the pair. The agreement score is calculated in two ways: (a) between the report of the subordinate (or applicant) and the report of the immediate supervisor, and (b) between the report of the subordinate (or applicant) and the organizational culture (aggregated reports of supervisors). The agreement scores correlate significantly with performance ratings. The PPS has a lower adverse impact on African-Americans than a typical multiple-choice test. The PPS is proposed as a means for improving the validity of selection and for reducing adverse impact.  相似文献   

Although a common theme in the service quality literature is that organizations must create and maintain a climate for service in order for employees to effectively deliver service, few studies exist that evaluate climate for service components against a criterion of customer satisfaction. The effectiveness of different aspects of a climate for service is evaluated by determining the relationships between service climate components and facets of customer satisfaction, as rated by 538 employees and 7,944 customers across 57 branches of a large bank. All service climate components were significantly related to at least one facet of customer satisfaction (e.g., teller service). Seeking and sharing information about customers' needs and expectations, training in delivering quality service, and rewarding and recognizing excellent service were the practices that were most highly related to satisfaction with service quality.  相似文献   

Previous research has established links between employee attitudes and customer satisfaction. Little theory has been used to help explain and build on the results of these studies. A theoretical model of the employee attitude-customer satisfaction process is proposed based on Bagozzi's (1992) model of attitudes, intentions and behavior. Employee attitudes and intentions, and customer satisfaction data from a service-oriented organization with 160 offices is used to provide an initial test of the usefulness of the model. Cross-validations of the model with and without common method variance were conducted. The results provide strong support for the model. Suggestions are offered on extensions of the model in future research.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of studies containing both objective and subjective ratings of employee performance resulted in a corrected mean correlation of .389. This value, although significantly greater than zero, indicates that objective and subjective performance measures should not be used interchangeably. Moreover, in no moderator subgroup examined did the correlation suggest convergent validity. After discussing issues related to resolving the previous anomalies of primary and meta-analytic results, a secondary analysis suggested that objective and subjective measures of the same construct at the same level may be used inter-changeably. The secondary analysis, however, was based on a very limited sample. Future research should address the appropriate dimensionality of employee performance.  相似文献   

This field study of 327 hospital nurses investigated the relationship between perceived satisfaction with organizational communication and job satisfaction and job performance. The researcher developed a research model incorporating nine dimensions of communication satisfaction and hypothesized their varying relationships with job satisfaction and job performance. Correlation, multiple regression, and canonical correlation analyses revealed significant positive relationships between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction, and communication satisfaction and job performance. The communication satisfaction-job satisfaction link was stronger. The same facets of communication—supervisor communication, communication climate, and personal feedback—were found to be most strongly related to both job satisfaction and performance. Although the importance of the superior-subordinate communication relationship was confirmed, top management communication also was substantially related to job satisfaction and, to a lesser degree, job performance. Rank-order correlation results of this study were compared to several other studies and some congruent patterns were found.  相似文献   

This study examines the attitudes of 110 employees of a financial service organization before and after the introduction of a flexible benefit plan. A large, statistically significant increase in benefit satisfaction was observed following implementation, as was a smaller significant increase in overall satisfaction. Employee understanding of the benefit package also increased significantly. No significant relationships were found between demographic characteristics and responses to the flexible plan. Potential confounds due to the complexity of the intervention are discussed. Future research is called for to examine the processes through which flexible benefits impact worker reactions and to examine the impact of flexible benefits on behavioral responses such as attraction and retention.  相似文献   

A new performance appraisal system, developed for promotions in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police non-commissioned officer ranks, fairly differentiated among candidates. Members ( N = 6,571) illustrated their performance on core competencies with behavioral examples. Supervisors and then review boards used a BARS procedure to reliably rate performance. Both candidates and supervisors supported the system. The performance appraisal scores predicted career advancement in the organization.  相似文献   

Using a quasi-experimental posttest design, this study compared supervisor perceptions of performance and absenteeism and employee attitudes of 155 child care center users and waiting list employees. Although child care was not related to supervisor views of performance or absenteeism, employees were more likely to receive favorable appraisals if absenteeism was low. Child care had greatest impact on females and employees without a family buffer. Child care positively influenced users' attitudes toward managing work and child care responsibilities, and views on the attractiveness and administration of benefits. The greater the use of care across all dependents, the more favorable the attitudes. A "frustration effect" occurred involving the lowering of waiting list employees' perceptions of the attractiveness and fairness of child care. The study suggests that child care benefits are more likely to significantly effect employee attitudes and membership behaviors such as recruitment and retention than performance or absenteeism.  相似文献   

This study examined how personnel managers ( n = 19) and line managers ( n = 28) make disciplinary decisions. Using a policy-capturing approach, subjects were asked to respond to disciplinary incidents that varied in terms of three factors likely to affect managerial attributions about the cause of the disciplinary problem (managerial provocation, personal problems, or tenure). The incidents also varied in terms of factors made relevant by the economic, institutional/legal, and hierarchical contexts. Of the six variables manipulated, the factor relating to the institutional/legal context had the largest impact on the decisions made by the personnel managers, and the factor relating to the hierarchical context had the largest impact on the decisions made by the line managers. While provocation was relatively important for both line and personnel managers, personal problems, tenure, and the economic implications of the decision had more modest impacts on managerial decisions. The results also suggest that there is substantial variation across managers in terms of the decision rules employed when responding to disciplinary cases.  相似文献   

何心展  尤建新 《心理科学》2003,26(1):102-106
理论界认为、在人际相互作用很重要的那些工作中,印象管理测量应该能预测管理者的工作绩效,但实证研究并没有支持这一假设。文章在综述已有的研究背景基础上,着重介绍了C.Viswesvarav.D.S.Ones等关于印象管理测量与经理的工作绩效之关系的系列实证研究.认为似乎没有证据表明“印象管理量表得分能够预测工作绩效(虽然在这些工作中人际相互作用很重要),并讨论了在今后的研究中需要进一步探讨的问题以及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

Computer-aided monitoring is a phenomenon that is likely to become more prevalent in the workplace and, thus, central to understanding contemporary employee responses to work. This study develops a model for examining the impact of monitoring on employee-level job satisfaction and turnover propensity. The results show that for some employees the negative effects of monitoring are inherent, but for others its negative impact can be mitigated by attention to feedback/performance appraisal processes. While organizational-level rules pertaining to monitoring are important, managerial efforts aimed at minimizing negative consequences for the organization and individuals need to pay close attention to the feedback/performance appraisal processes.  相似文献   

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