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Women are underrepresented as writers, especially as senior authors, and on editorial boards of professional journals, including those of the AACD.  相似文献   

Although previous research has found religion to have a significant effect on commune survival, these conclusions were typically based on bivariate analyses. Drawing on data collected by the Fellowship for Intentional Community, we present a multivariate analysis of communal survival using a comparatively large sample (N = 454) of modern American communes. Controlling for key factors suggested by the literature, we find that religion does not have a significant, direct effect on commune survival. Rather, the total population of the commune, whether the commune owned the land, and its longevity significantly influenced survival of a commune between 1995 and 2000. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on the role of religion in communes.  相似文献   


I develop my argument concerning the question of where have all the patients gone in a sequence of three parts. First, I indicate, very briefly, the nature of the issue and the array of confluent socioeconomic causes—as they are usually outlined—that are held responsible for it. Then I take up the remedy for this problem posed by Arnold Rothstein in his book (1998). which is the trigger to this series of invited commentaries, and I indicate how I both appreciate the merits of his proposal to recast the issue as much as possible within a psychological framework, amenable to psychoanalytic influence, and nonetheless feel his approach to be based on a one-sided, and to that extent, a limited and flawed assessment of the problem, and therefore an only partially useful remedial perspective. And lastly, 1 offer an alternative view of the internal historical developments in psychoanalysis that have played their complementary role in the evolution of this perceived “crisis” and the alteration of perspectives, based on my account of our contending current viewpoints on the nature of the relationship between psychoanalysis and its derivative psychoanalytic psychotherapies, that can perhaps promise a more effective counter to the crisis, despite the multiple external socioeconomic developments that are usually accorded causative primacy and that no doubt are indeed formidable.  相似文献   

Reflecting on the principle that every effective counseling intervention works to the extent that it incorporates sound learning principles, this article emphasizes intentional selection of intervention strategies with reference to 4 learning models: association, reinforcement, cognition‐perceptual, and cognition‐rational/linguistic. Three contexts—developmental, social, and spiritual—are described that require modification of intervention strategy, and a case example is given.  相似文献   

The mental health histories of the 448 children 15 and 16 years of age who were admitted to state-operated children's psychiatric inpatient services in New York during 1982 were reviewed for the 11 year period through April 1993, Thirty-three percent were served as adults (after age 18) in the state-operated adult civil mental health system; 42% of these individuals were still receiving services at the end of the period. 113 of the 146 individuals served as adults were served only in the civil system. Thirteen percent of the cohort received some of their mental health services as adults in the state-operated adult forensic mental health system due to criminal law involvement. This includes nine percent who received mental health services while they were inmates in state prisons. Twenty four of the 57 forensic clients received services as adults only in the forensic system. Diagnostic, demographic, and service history characteristics of the groups were compared to foster an early understanding of policy and programmatic issues related to movement from the child mental health system to the adult system. Baseline (1982) information was used to identify predictors of later service utilization.  相似文献   

C Lynn Carr 《Sex roles》2007,56(7-8):439-448
This study was designed to investigate accounts of tomboyism cessation and continuation in adolescence in the narratives of a small sample of adult, working and lower-middle class, New Jersey-area lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual women who identified as childhood tomboys. Study participants discussed several reasons for ceasing and continuing tomboyism in adolescence, including maturation, heterosexual interests, parental and peer pressures, athletic participation, and sexual desires for girls or women. Several participants questioned the tomboy label by highlighting discrepancies between behavior and identification. Women’s relationships to the varied gendered meanings referenced in the “tomboy” label, the salience of women’s adult sexualities in their narratives of gender in adolescence, and the dangers for scholars of presuming conformity and heterosexuality are discussed.  相似文献   

Unlike our counterparts in Europe who have rewritten their specific cultural philosophical heritage, American feminists have not yet critically reappropriated our own philosophical tradition of classical American pragmatism. The neglect is especially puzzling, given that both feminism and pragmatism explicitly acknowledge the material or cultural specificity of supposedly abstract theorizing. In this article I suggest some reasons for the neglect, call for the rediscovery of women pragmatists, reflect on a feminine side of pragmatism, and point out some common features. The aim is to encourage the further development of a feminist revisioning of pragmatism and a pragmatist version of feminism.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Barrett et al. (2007) claim that their approach to emotions covers more of the available evidence than does my affective neuroscience approach ( Panksepp, 2007b ). In fact, the weight of neurological evidence indicates that raw affect, as monitored by many behavioral tasks, is an aspect of the arousal of instinctual-emotional networks. This provides an empirical approach to understanding how primary-process emotional feelings are constituted by neural activities ( Panksepp, 2008 ). There is abundant evidence for the existence of a variety of primal emotions shared across mammalian species that are biologically ingrained tools for living and learning and that may allow higher brain regions to conceptualize what is really important in the world. Barrett et al., misrepresent my views; an accurate depiction of them can be found in this article and in Gallagher (2008) . Abundant cross-species evidence of basic affective systems exists to enrich cognitive-conceptual and attributional theories of human emotions.  相似文献   

Gladys Levy 《Group》2001,25(1-2):75-85
The author uses humor and fosters empathy in order to establish a fragile group cohesion for five isolated patients at a group analytic training institute. Self-psychological concepts, in particular the alter ego or twinship transference, help explain the profound and painful yearnings of these unlikely group members, whose great need for relatedness was generally trumped by the terror of it. The group's poignant wish for affiliation (somewhat paralleled in the therapist's joining a training program) was similarly impeded by a fear of an aversive affiliation, a fear which for these group members remained understandably powerful after a lifetime of false and failed affiliative starts. The author concludes that it is these lonely people who should be (and can be) served by analytic group work.  相似文献   

Bernhard and Young (Journal of Academic Ethics, 7, 175-191, 2009) allege that a “myth of confidentiality” plagues research in North America because of the absence of statute-based legal protections and the requirements of some REBs to limit confidentiality “to the extent permitted by law.” In this commentary we describe statute-based protections for research confidentiality available in the United States, clarify the legal situation regarding research confidentiality in Canada, and explain that REBs that “require” confidentiality to be limited by law are imposing a doctrine that is not required by the TCPS and may violate researchers’ academic freedom. The paper laments how excessive REB risk aversion and inaction by the granting agency Presidents has created a situation where some REBs are encouraging researchers to download research risks to research participants and forcing researchers to choose between exposing themselves to the prospect of going to jail to protect confidentiality, watering down their research objectives, or conducting “vanilla” research rather than engaging in controversial and/or sensitive areas of study. The paper urges the granting agency Presidents to seek legislative change to protect research participants who provide information that could cause them harm if their identity were to be revealed.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have provided supportive evidence for the efficacy of exposure-based treatments for many psychological disorders. However, surprisingly few therapists use exposure therapy in the clinical setting. Although the limited use of exposure-based treatments may be partially attributable to a shortage of suitably trained therapists, exposure therapy also suffers from a “public relations problem” predicated upon concerns that it is cruel and at odds with some ethical considerations (e.g., first do no harm). This article provides an overview of ethical issues and considerations relevant to the use of exposure therapy. It is argued that the degree to which ethical issues become problematic in implementing exposure-based treatments is largely dependent upon the therapist's ability to create an adequately safe and professional context. Specific strategies that may be employed for avoiding potential ethical conflicts in the use of exposure-based treatments are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the question of the purpose of education within the context of Lyotardȁ9s framing of the postmodern condition. It points to some of the continuities and discontinuities in the framing of the current condition as postmodern and the recurrent problematics of truth-telling which is the mark of this condition. It suggests that educationally the postmodern condition is marked by lifelong learning, a constant apprenticeship rather than mastery, where in language stutters.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(1):53-56
Two questions have priority for a perception psychologist: What is perceived, and what is the information for it? What we perceive are the affordances of the world. Because perception is prospective and goes on over time, the information for affordances is in events, both external and within the perceiver. Hence, we must study perception of events if we would understand how affordances are perceived.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue against the later Wittgenstein's conventionalist account of necessity. I first show that necessary propositions and grammatical rules differ in ways that make an explanation of the former in terms of the latter inadequate. I then argue that even if Wittgenstein's account were adequate, the explanation of necessity it offers would still fail to be genuinely reductive of the modal notion.  相似文献   

Psychologists traditionally have employed both statistical and process assumptions in models of human learning and performance. The corresponding tradition in the field of artificial intelligence is to minimize or eliminate the use of statistical assumptions. This article reviews some stochastic and nonntochastic models of human memory, probability learning, medical diagnosis, and concept identification. Some stochastic models are found to have a larger deterministic component than was previously realized; deterministic models applicable with random selection of stimuli can be represented in stochastic form. A policy of methodological determinism is recommended in which the model builder originally assumes that no random processes take place within the organism. If necessary, and as a last resort, such processes can be appended to an otherwise deterministic model for predictive convenience.  相似文献   

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