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消费的自由与消费的社会责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在社会主义市场经济条件下,消费者有自由选择的权利,但这并不意味着人们在消费过程中就可以忽视甚至否认应当承担的社会责任.这些社会责任包括:第一,对生态环境的社会责任;第二,对预防疾病,搞好公共卫生安全的责任;第三,对社会风气的道德责任.  相似文献   

This study evaluated Skinner's (1971) contention that the function relating the degree to which a person's behavior is ascribed to voluntary choice and the level of dignity ascribed to that person originates at zero dignity for zero choice. In Study 1, 91 American college students answered questions about themselves, their beliefs about voluntary versus environmental control of behavior, and their bases for judging dignity. Then they attempted to describe their views of the functional relationship between perceived human dignity and perceived voluntary control of both prosocial and antisocial behaviors. Most indicated belief in voluntary choice, and some in intrinsic (unearned) dignity, but few could relate them quantitatively. A second study used 27 students in an advanced class, for whom the theoretical implications of various functional relationships were discussed before the functions were drawn. Both studies refuted Skinner's pragmatic argument against the concepts of freedom and intrinsic dignity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Conflicts between the good of each and the good of all are often presented in terms of freedom versus equality, with liberals pulled one way by libertarians and the other by social democrats. When we distinguish between negative and positive notions not only of freedom but also of equality, the liberal freedom 'to pursue our own good in our own way'is a positive freedom involving a negative idea of equality (or 'equity'). Yet 'equity'is not strong enough to deal with the problem of public goods. Trust is a public good, essential if markets are to work and dependable only where there is a moral commitment to a positive basic equality among citizens.  相似文献   

“批判正义”与人的自由和解放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思恩格斯的正义观是一种"批判正义".这种"批判正义"大致包括以下三个主要方面的内容:一,批判蒲鲁东(主义)、杜林等人"永恒正义"理念,确立正义理解的生产方式基础;二,批判资产阶级抽象人权理念,确立人权范畴的"过渡正义"性质;三,批判资本主义现实私有制度结构的非正义制度安排,确立未来正义社会的根本实现原则--每个人的全面而自由的发展.他们的目的是要摒弃资本主义财产关系下的狭隘的、片面的正义观念,确立一个每个人得以自由发展和全面解放自身与个性发展的正义社会.对于中国和谐社会的构建而言,马克思恩格斯的"批判正义"理念具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

论社会公正与自由的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
顾肃 《学海》2004,(2):15-20
自由的本义是不受限制和阻碍 ,政治哲学中的自由概念具有明确的含义 ,它并不离开常识很远 ,主要指社会制度所加于个人的限制的范围应尽可能小 ,并且以合理性为条件并向选择性开放。罗尔斯等政治哲学家对自由都作过详细的论述 ,包括自由与平等、自由与法律的关系 ,以及只能以更大的自由为理由来限制当下的自由。一方面 ,服从良法可以捍卫公民的自由 ,但另一方面 ,正如洛克所说 ,法律的目的不是否弃或限制自由 ,而是保护并扩大自由。法律与自由在此原则基础上一致了起来 ,不应片面地只强调一个方面。自由与社会整合关系密切 ,不尊重公民个人自由选择权的整合是表面的、难以持久的 ,真正的社会团结是以负责任的个人的充分自由选择为基础的。中国改革开放的实践是扩大公民自由选择权、加强社会整合的一个实例。自由与公正关系密切 ,公正分为实质公正和程序公正 ,实质公正强调的是分配结果的平等 ,而程序公正则要求分配标准的普适性 ,同等情况同等对待。程序公正看起来比实质公正具有更大的可行性 ,强调的是竞争起点的平等。就可行性而言 ,以程序公正为主、实质公正为辅 ,看起来是更现实合理的分配方式。  相似文献   

郭象哲学的核心范畴是"独化","独化"的主体是"性"."性"意味着一种必然性,与此必然性相联系,郭象哲学十分重视"无心"."无心"即顺应个体固有的必然性,这也是郭象所讲的自然的根本含义.顺应必然性意味着自由.郭象哲学有两个基本命题:"安守己分"和"与时俱化".前者为内,后者为外,二者统一就是"内外相冥",这就是郭象所讲的自由.对个体自由的绝对肯定是郭象哲学的最终归宿.  相似文献   

Freedom to conform or not to conform to peer choices is one of the traits of a child with high creative potential. The Starkweather Social Conformity Test-Revised is described and compared to the original test. The Starkweather Social Conformity Test-Revised is useful for determining conformity, nonconformity, and freedom of young children when they are given the opportunity to make a book based on their personal preferences or on the preferences of pictures chosen for their friends. The test is individually administered; it may be given to a child who is involved in a group or to a child in a therapeutic setting.  相似文献   

In this article, Brison extends the analysis of freedom developed in Nancy J Hirschmann's book, The Subject of Liberty: Toward a Feminist Theory of Freedom, to an area of controversy among feminist theorists: that of sex work, including prostitution and participation in the production of pornography. This topic raises some of the same issues concerning choice and consent as the three topics Hirschmann discusses in her book—domestic violence, the current welfare system in the United States, and Islamic veiling—but it also raises some distinct ones concerning the social construction of sexuality and possible conflicts between the freedom of some women (who may choose to engage in sex work) and the freedom of others (who may be harmed by the contribution of such work to the social construction of categories such as “women” and “sex”).  相似文献   

The topic of this essay is the literary style of the words of Jesus in the gospels. My concern is the relevance of this issue for our conception of the teaching of the historical Jesus.  相似文献   

Human dignity names a two‐tier political ecology: one moral‐political community whose members bear a special status of inviolability, and another larger community where violence and degradation are routine. Because ecological relations are never uni‐directional, the routinized violence that “belongs” in interactions with nonhuman animals returns, normalizing violence across gendered, racialized, and politicized lines of human difference. An account of dignity that begins from creaturely vulnerability rather than anthropological exceptionalism not only better expresses key theological insights of the Christian tradition, it also resists the repressed and disavowed violence generated by prevalent accounts of dignity.  相似文献   

Porro  Costanza 《Res Publica》2022,28(2):407-412

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