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In this contribution, authors try to give an interlocutory analysis of a particular verbal and work situation: a face to face activity of acquired knowledge validation panel. The analysis is made in order to verify the hypothesis that conversational activity, that realises an evaluative activity, is both the place and the instrument of the construction of a potential concept. Vygotski (1934/1997) calls “potential concept” the meeting between a concrete meaning, developed in action, with a “scientific concept”.  相似文献   

More than thirty years after his introduction and despite many criticisms, the alexithymia concept is giving rise to a growing body of research and interest. Today, it is thought to reflect a deficit in the cognitive processing and regulation of emotion. After a brief historical introduction, this paper proposes an exploration of the links between the alexithymia construct, the multicomponent emotion theories and the five-factor model of personality. Specifically, the potential associations between alexithymia and emotion regulation are examined, referring to recent studies in psychology of emotions, neurobiology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology and psychology of personality.  相似文献   

Children aged 5–6 years performed a problem-solving task designed to investigate the source of cognitive gain observed after peer social interaction. In a joint problem-solving context, pairs of subjects had to work by using a tool whose function was to facilitate and regulate their solving activity. The role of each partner in the dyads was established by the experimenter in the “socio-regulated interaction” group but not in the “free interaction” group. A control group of single children was also included in the present study. The assumption was that role allocation would facilitate semiotic mediation and lead to differentiation in the solving activities. The “free interaction group” obtained the highest performance in the joint problem solving context, whereas a delayed post-test revealed that “socio-regulated interaction” leads to the highest improvements in individual performance. These findings are discussed with reference to the activity-regulation systems and the appropriation mechanisms of regulation.  相似文献   

We show how the notion of implication between properties and the relevance principle shed new light on the results of Rosch and her colleagues (1975, 1976). To uncover our hypotheses, concerning relationships between properties, participants were asked to respond to propositions linking properties A and B, relative to birds, of the type “If A, can it generally be said that B?” Results show that some properties are linked one to the other (quasi-equivalence, quasi-implication, or quasi-independence) and that these implicative links can be summarized by an implicative graph. The resulting property structure has a predictive character for participant response times.  相似文献   

Integration of capacity (Just and Carpenter, 1992) and componentiel (Baddeley, 1986) conceptions of working memory in models of text composition (Hayes, 1996 ; Kellogg, 1996 ; McCutchen, 1996) has allowed studying several facets of the role of working memory in writing acquisition and in expert management of the writing processes. This article presents these two conceptions and examines their respective contribution in the field of writing research from two perspectives: The demands of the writing processes (in terms of processing and transient storage) and the influence of working memory capacity on the control of production. The conclusion underlines the importance of investigating the on-line management of text production, the role of the visuo-spatial sketchpad, and to link strategies for allocating the working memory resources with text quality.  相似文献   

这是法国《智慧》杂志对德国法兰克福社会研究所主任霍耐特的一次访谈,话题涉及承认原则同自由主义的关系、承认作为现代规范和道德原则之可能、承认规范在法兰克福学派史中的方法论突破、承认道德的心理学要素、从承认原则看新自由主义的不足等几个方面。  相似文献   

Depuis trente ans, la majorité des recherches concluent que la qualité de la relation conjugale est affectée négativement par la naissance et par la présence de l'enfant. Un portrait détaillé des couples, qui permettrait de comprendre les processus impliqués dans une baisse de la qualité de la vie conjugale, fait encore défaut. La présente étude introduit un nouvel instrument afin de réévaluer cette question sur plusieurs aspects. Premièrement, est-ce que les couples avec enfant (N = 39) perçoivent une moins bonne qualité de la relation conjugale que les couples sans enfant (N = 45)? Deuxièmement, est-ce que les femmes sont davantage affectées que les hommes, notamment à l'égard du partage des rôles et des tâches? Troisièmement, quelles sont les caractéristiques des processus conjugaux selon les deux types de couples? Les résultats confirment l'impact négatif de la présence de l'enfant sur la relation conjugale. Les hommes et les femmes sont également touchés par la présence de l'enfant et cela dans la plupart des dimensions de la vie de couple telles que l'intimité, la cohésion et la satisfaction conjugale. Chez les femmes, un partage égalitaire des rôles est associé à leur perception de la qualité de la relation conjugale. L'analyse détaillée montre que les aspects positifs de la vie sexuelle, de l'implication et de la négociation sont plus typiques chez les couples sans enfant. En contrepartie, les conjoints avec enfant rapportent des processus de négociation plus difficiles, caractérisés par l'évitement des conflits ou par l'affrontement menant à des échanges négatifs.  相似文献   

Results from contemporary research have demonstrated the importance of fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed in cognitive functioning. The developers of the WAIS-IV have introduced new subtests to strengthen the assessment of these cognitive dimensions. The interpretation of the WAIS-IV is currently based on four factorial indexes (VCI, PRI, WMI, and PSI), as well as on the FSIQ. The developers of the WAIS-IV indicated that one of the objectives of the revision was to update the theoretical foundations of this intelligence scale. However, the overall structure of the WAIS-IV is not aligned with the consensual Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities. For instance, the technical manual of the WAIS-IV does not provide an index of fluid reasoning, although the authors emphasized the importance of this dimension in cognitive functioning. In this paper, we provide the French normative tables for five CHC composite scores of the WAIS-IV, namely, fluid reasoning (Gf), comprehension-knowledge (Gc), visual processing (Gv), short-term memory (Gsm), and processing speed (Gs). These norms were created using a statistical approximation procedure. Like the CHC norms that we have proposed for the WISC-IV, theses tables allow clinicians to switch towards the dominant interpretative framework and to use the CHC composite scores as complementary measures to the four standard index scores, in order to conduct normative and ipsative analyses.  相似文献   

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