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Through an analytic autoethnography, the authors detail an experience of confrontation within the context of supervision of supervision. In the coconstructed narrative, the authors describe the events taking place before, during, and after the confrontation experience from the perspective of both the faculty supervisor and beginning doctoral‐level supervisor. Finally, the authors provide an analysis of the narrative based in supervisory models and theories of change.  相似文献   

Burns  Mason D.  Granz  Erica L. 《Sex roles》2021,84(9-10):503-521
Sex Roles - Relative to confrontations of other forms of prejudice and stereotyping, confronting gender stereotypes can be challenging, in part, because recipients may be unlikely to accept such...  相似文献   

The authors examine confrontation as a communication skill practiced and described by counselor educator Allen Ivey. Seeing confrontation as a dialogic activity completed interactionally, they use conversation analysis to examine 2 passages where Ivey used confrontation in his teaching tapes. Their microanalyses highlight some important and largely unnoticed aspects of communication used in counseling skills such as confrontation. They conclude by discussing pedagogical implications they see following from their perspective and analyses.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that religious intrinsicness should predict a failure to confront existential problems whereas an interactional orientation should promote the opposite influence. This study, however, demonstrated that intrinsicness is associated only with traditional religious resolutions of such difficulties and that the interactional approach is essentially unrelated to confrontation with existential realities. These data therefore failed to support claims that orthodox, intrinsic individuals are rigid in their approach to the basic existential questions of life; the data also illustrated the importance of differentiating thought content from thought process in analyzing religious influences on psychological functioning.  相似文献   

Confrontation naming impairment in dementia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In tone languages pitch variations (tones) serve to distinguish the lexical meanings of words. This study was conducted to examine the extent and nature of impairment in the perception of tones by aphasic patients who were monolingual speakers of Thai, a tone language which has five contrastive tones (mid, low, falling, high, rising). Six subjects participated in the study: two Broca aphasics, one transcortical motor aphasic, one conduction aphasic, one right brain-damaged nonaphasic, and one normal control. Three sets of stimuli (two real-speech, one synthetic-speech) were presented for identification, each set containing five Thai words minimally distinguished by tone. Results of the perception tests indicated that the performance of all four left brain-damaged aphasics differed significantly from that of the normal control, while the performance of the right brain-damaged nonaphasic did not. The normal performance of the right brain-damaged nonaphasic patient on this tone identification task suggests that deficits in the perception of tone exhibited by left brain-damaged patients can be attributed specifically to pathology in the language dominant hemisphere rather than to a general brain-damage effect. No difference in performance among the left brain-damaged patients could be attributed to a specific type of aphasic syndrome. The pattern of tonal confusions of the aphasics in comparison to that of normals suggests that their deficit is primarily quantitative rather than qualitative. Although two (mid, low) of the five tones accounted for a large percentage of the aphasics' errors, no uniform rank order of tones in terms of identifiability could be established across aphasic subjects, which suggests that their deficit is general to all five tones rather than selective to individual tones.  相似文献   


Hijab as an Islamic value and divine duty is emphasized, and it is necessary in university settings. The misveiling is a social phenomenon, and its social, political and cultural aspects must be studied for understanding its factors and causes. The aim of this study was to understand how the process of confronting students with hijab. A grounded theory design was used. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews from sixteen students who left their veiling, eleven students with veiling, three advisors, two Vice in Student and Cultural Affairs and three family members of students who left their veiling. The participants were selected through conventional and theoretical sampling method, and the data were analyzed simultaneously by continuous comparisons based on Strauss and Corbin (Basics of qualitative research: procedures and techniques for developing grounded theory, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, 1998) method. Sociocultural paradox of hijab was appeared as the main (core) variable affecting the process of confronting students with hijab. The main variable in this study includes six axial codes: sociocultural paradox, transformation of values, values selection, adherence to spiritual, doubt in beliefs and normative conflict. The process of acceptance/rejection of the hijab occurs because of sociocultural paradox after the transformation of values. In the meantime, person thinks about strategy. The person’s strategy to accept/leave the hijab is based on her beliefs. By adherence to spiritual, veiling can be strengthened and weakened by doubts in beliefs. In order to promote hijab, it is necessary to pay attention to its underlying conditions and causes. Individual beliefs and values must be strengthened for promoting hijab.


Students' reactions to the occupation of a university building were surveyed on the first and last day of the occupation as well as several weeks following the end of the occupation. Respondents were either day or evening school students at two different campuses of the same university. Results of the survey indicate that: (1) The majority of students, both day and evening, believe that the university should negotiate with the occupiers. The only exception to this trend is a group of political conservatives who advocate punishment. (2) The conflict tends to polarize attitudes about radicals, but mostly against them rather than in their favor. (3) A striking net increase is found in attitudes favorable to conventional political groups. (4) The closer the physical proximity of the respondent to the scene of the conflict, the more negative are his attitudes toward those who are seen as responsible for the disruption. (5) Evening school students are more negative toward the occupiers than are day school students. (6) The attitudes of young evening students are more similar to those of their older classmates than to those of their day school agemates.  相似文献   

近年来,医患双方的紧张关系不断显现,医疗纠纷已成为当今社会热点问题之一,人民法院受限于专业限制将医疗纠纷鉴定结论作为首要的处理医疗纠纷的基本依据.审核现有医疗纠纷鉴定规则及其程序,存在医疗知识不确定、鉴定规则不完备、鉴定内容难以掌握等因素,导致双方对鉴定结论产生疑惑,造成了当事人对裁判依据的不信任与不认可.对此,完善针对医疗鉴定的质证制度是最重要的程序和手段.目前,主要切入口是完善鉴定人到场制度和建立专家参与审判制度.  相似文献   

Overlap among 8 pupil personnel services, having implications for elementary school guidance, is illustrated by quotations from Scope of Pupil Personnel Services, written by representatives of the 8 disciplines. The overlap is viewed as advantageous in helping children if pupil personnel services are organized to accommodate flexibility. Guidance personnel are urged to borrow extensively from research in all behavioral sciences in developing an elementary school guidance program catering to known and anticipated requirements of young children for succeeding in a technological society. Other disciplines are cited for their potential contributions to elementary school guidance in some areas not usually emphasized in professional literature.  相似文献   

A three-component confrontation model was empirically tested with females. The results were consistently positive on all nine measures used with confronters of either gender.  相似文献   

Studies of Holocaust education in secondary schools have tended to focus on how the subject is taught as part of the history curriculum. Comparatively little work of either a theoretical or an empirical nature has looked at how the subject is handled in other curricular areas. Religious education is a case in point, for the field is marked both by a dearth of literature on appropriate content and by a virtual absence of research on teachers' practices. The need to address these lacunae provides the rationale for the article. In relation to content, two concerns dominate the discussion. The first is that the Holocaust may be portrayed as an act of religious intolerance; the second is that students may be offered a diluted or distorted account of the part played by Christianity. The empirical core of the article surveys the practices of 28 teachers of religious education in connection with both concerns. It also contains a content analysis of how textbooks used by the teachers treat the attempted annihilation of European Jewry. The article concludes with a discussion of the policy implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Interest in the distinction between integrative and confrontational internal dialogues has been growing, as research suggests numerous positive functions of the former compared to the latter. The article proposes a theoretical approach to integration and confrontation in internal dialogue and an empirical method of measuring these processes. Exploratory research is also presented that seeks to identify personality‐related and situational determinants of integration and confrontation in internal dialogue simulating social relationships. Canonical correlation analysis did not establish personality determinants but it did reveal situational determinants (understood as cognitive interpretation of the enacted situation) behind integration and confrontation in internal dialogue. Perceiving the internal interlocutor as similar to the dialogue's author is associated with the author's integrative attitude. An increase in the wishfulness of the dialogue is accompanied by an increase in the author's confrontational attitude and the interlocutor's integrative attitude.  相似文献   

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