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吴国林 《哲学动态》2006,390(10):58-65
一方面,量子信息概念与量子力学有关。自20世纪20年代建立量子力学矩阵力学和波动力学,在近一个世纪的探索中,量子力学取得了巨大成功,但是,对量子力学的理解仍然存在重大分歧。1935年,爱因斯坦、波多尔斯基和罗森(EPR)在《物理评论》发表了《能认为量子力学对物理实在的描述是完备的吗》一文,引发了对量子力学基本问题的论争,特别是EPR佯谬成为令人困惑的重大问题。1964年,贝尔提出了贝尔不等式。20世纪70年代以来,一连串的物理实验开始检验贝尔不等式,并开始检验EPR佯谬本身。另一方面,量子信息概念与计算机技术的发展有关。按照莫尔…  相似文献   

量子非定域性及其哲学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
量子力学自诞生以来已取得了巨大成功,但是,国内外围绕量子力学所展开的哲学争论并没有停下来。20世纪80年代末以来,量子力学的研究,特别是量子隐形传态等相关实验取得成功,以及量子信息理论的兴起,对微观世界的关键概念———非定域性带来了新的哲学启示,本文就此展开相关讨论。一1935年爱因斯坦、波多尔斯基和罗森(以下简称EPR)在《物理评论》发表论文《能认为量子力学对物理实在的描述是完备的吗?》,开创了研究定域性与非定域性的先河。1964年,贝尔(J.S.Bell)基于定域实在论和有隐变量存在,得到了自旋相关度的不等式———贝尔不等式,…  相似文献   

量子干涉、纠缠以及消相干是量子信息理论的三大重要概念,同时也是哲学所要关注的重要物理学前沿概念.不管是从历史的发展脉络、还是从概念之精细分析,这三大概念皆保持了一种关联性.基于这三大概念的意义和关联性分析,本文概括了由它们所触发的典型哲学问题,笔者认为,这些典型问题包括:宏观量子态的制备、非相互作用与相互作用、还原与突现、理论的客观性与主观性、实在论与反实在论.  相似文献   

作为物理学哲学中与量子力学并重的一个领域,时空实在论在西方物理学哲学界一直受到热切的关注,而其以对时空实在性的理解作为直接研究对象的特点,也使其成为当代科学实在论发展中最重要的  相似文献   

量子力学中有一个争议就是EPR佯谬。这一佯谬涉及量子力学是否完备,是否遵循定域性准则等原则问题,或者说量子力学是否存在着隐参数,是否破坏微观因果律。由于这一“佯谬”涉及的问题如此重要和基本,以致爱因斯坦和玻尔都卷入并领导了这一争论。其先后历时达数十年,至今仍然不衰。近年来由于实验有利于量子力学而不利于贝尔不等式,于是量子力学是否不满足微观因果律的问题,就更为尖锐和突出。D-L-P理论有可能用来解释EPR佯谬。在哲学上,爱因斯坦正确些,在物理学上,玻尔较为正确些。怎样理解物理实在问题?这一问题的实质性在于:是否存在着不依赖于观察者的物理实在?自从量子力学出现以后,人们发现  相似文献   

全同粒子是全同的单个基本粒子的聚合, 或者说单粒子系统是粒子数为 1的自我同一粒子的聚合。全同粒子的哲学问题是量子力学的四大哲学问题之一 (另三个问题是量子测量、量子概率和EPR关联)。全同粒子问题在近二十年成为国际物理学哲学界的一个核心问题不是偶然的: 现有实验研究的主要EPR对是全同粒子对, EPR问题是在测量语境中讨论的, 而测量问题是量子力学哲学的核心。不仅如此, 全同粒子问题中涉及的个体性、同一性 (或全同性 )、聚合与整体等问题, 可以看作是二千多年哲学史中的基本问题之一即“一与多”的问题在现代科学背景中的深…  相似文献   

颜鸿 《哲学动态》2012,(4):83-88
量子力学在20世纪初的出现,无疑对物理学以及整个人类认知图景带来了深刻的挑战与影响。它对于人类观察和实验行为的强调,引发了当今许多重要的哲学讨论。其中尤为关键的一个,就是对"人的主动性在描述实在的过程中具有何种地位"这个问题的讨论。正是在这一讨论中,凯伦·巴拉德(Karen Barad)提出了她的"主动实在论"(agential realism)。在本文中,笔者就将对这一理论的形成背景(量子力学的相应讨论)、内涵和存在的问题做出分析与讨论,借此对作为这一讨论主线的关于"人的地位"的问题,做出相应的评论与思考。  相似文献   

一、“难题”和“危机”美国康乃尔大学物理教授大卫·牟民在讨论量子力学的文章中提出了一个尖锐问题,简称“月亮问题”,即“月亮在没人看它时是否存在?”他发表在《现代物理》上的一篇文章就是以这句耸人听闻的话为标题的(见该刊38(1985)NO.4.)他在另一篇文章《量子奇迹浅说》(载美国《哲学杂志》7(1981)397)中还曾经断言:“我们现在知道,月亮在没人看它的时候肯定不存在。”  相似文献   

刘鹏 《学海》2012,(1):143-148
对实在概念的传统本体论界定和本质主义的认识论进路,导致了实在论与社会建构论之间的争论陷入了一个怪圈而无法获得解决.拉图尔在改造“实在”概念的基础上,创造性地将建构主义和实在论结合到一起,提出了建构主义实在论.本体论上,物或事实都是被建构的,同时,被建构的物或事实是实在的,而且物或事实的建构性正是其实在性的保证.认识论上,认识论的问题被本体论化,科学所指称的并不是外在的自然,而是从自然到知识的一条转译链.建构主义实在论在一定程度上弱化了实在论和社会建构论之间的争论,成为当前科学哲学的本体论研究中的一种代表性理论.  相似文献   

内在实在论(internal realism)是由美国哲学家普特南在20世纪80年代提出的,在当时有很大影响。随着普特南在20世纪90年代宣布放弃,似乎内在实在论已经成为明日黄花。但内在实在论一直不缺少支持者,很少有人注意到科学哲学家库恩也是一个内在实在论者。2009年著名科学哲学期刊《历  相似文献   

Langdon Gilkey 《Zygon》1989,24(3):283-298
Abstract. Many scientists now recognize the participation of the knower in the known. Not many admit, however, that scientists rely upon intuitions about reality commonly attributed to philosophy and religion: that sensory experience relates us to an order in nature congruent with our minds and of value congruent with our fulfilled being. Nature has disclosed itself to scientists—albeit fragmentarily—as power, life, order, and unity or meaning. In science these remain limit questions, raised but unanswered. In the unity of these qualities, assumed by science, the sacred begins to appear. Addressing the limit questions, not only of scientific but of human experience, is the province of philosophy and religion.  相似文献   

Two points of contact are explored between contemporary philosophy of science and Dialectical Materialism. The first point deals with the interaction view of metaphor as an exemplification of the law of the unity of opposites. The contradiction is then noted between the strategy and tactics of much analytical philosophy and the lesson to be learnt from this account of metaphor. The concern to change category habits into category disciplines rules out the process of conceptual change of the interaction view. G. A. Paul's dismissal of Lenin's theory of reflection is then criticized in the light of the interaction view.  相似文献   

《周易》蕴涵的自然哲学思想,可谓是一种以生命为隐喻,宇宙论、本体论、价值论统一的生成哲学,它基于道德实践与认识实践统一的生命实践。文章根据《周易》"经"、"传"本身之内涵,按现代哲学表述方法,从源于道德之宇宙论,三才圆通之本体论,知行不二之实践论,生成整体之方法论等方面,阐明中国式自然哲学的特性与意义。指出正是这种独特的自然哲学,不仅开启了中国文化超越的价值之源,为中国古代科学提供了形而上学基础,而且应在21世纪伟大历史转型和中西对话中,共同创造人类不同文化"殊途同归"、"和而不同"的世界生成之序。  相似文献   

Nancy Cartwright 《Synthese》1989,81(3):271-282
Application in science has its own structure, distinct from the structure of theoretical science, and therefore needs its own philosophy. The covering power of a formal scientific theory is no guide to its explanatory power. Explanation is too much to ask of a fundamental scientific theory. This is seen by considering two strands of the Born-Einstein debate: first the explanatory power of quantum mechanics and second, the reality of unobserved properties. The function of theoretical physics is to describe rather than to explain. Some techniques are a standard part of theory; while some aread hoc to the problems at hand. Very few of the derivations in mathematical physics are explanatory. This shows distinctly separate structures for theory and for application.This paper was written while I was at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Bielefeld, West Germany, and I would like to thank the Center, and Lorenz Kruger, and others who made my visit there possible. I would also like to thank Lorenz Kruger and Norton Wise for their philosophical help.  相似文献   


This introductory paper raises, partly as a preparation for the other papers in this issue, questions about how philosophy ought to proceed in the light of knowledge we have in surrounding disciplines, with a focus on the case of addiction. It also raises issues about how addiction research might be enlightened by philosophical work. In the background for the paper are two competing approaches to the evidential grounding of philosophical insight. According to a widespread view, philosophical knowledge rests on a set of intuitions. According to another, philosophy has no special evidential grounding. This paper resists the attractions of the first picture, and argues against the separateness of philosophy that it lends support. I try to make plausible that such a picture is harmful both for philosophy and for empirical science. We should replace it with a mild form of unity of science or unity of inquiry, in the spirit of the founder of this journal.  相似文献   

Lothar Schfer 《Zygon》2006,41(3):505-532
Abstract. I review some characteristic aspects of quantum reality and make the connection to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's vision and a generally new quantum perspective of biological evolution. The quantum phenomena make it possible to conclude that the basis of the material world is nonmaterial; that the nature of reality is that of an indivisible wholeness; and that elementary particles possess aspects of consciousness in a rudimentary way. The quantum perspective of evolution makes it possible to conclude that the emergence of complex order in the biosphere is not from nothing (ex nihilo) but by the actualization of virtual quantum states—that is, by actualizing empty states which are part of the mathematical structure of material systems, representing a logical order that is not real in a material sense but, predetermined by system conditions, has the potential to become real in quantum jumps. I show how the existence of virtual states makes it possible to suggest that a transcendent reality underlies the visible order of the world and is immanent to it; and constantly new forms evolve from it.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to provide a consistent and coherent account of what the world could be like, given the conceptual framework and results of contemporary quantum theory. It is suggested that standard quantum mechanics can, and indeed should, be understood as a realist theory within its domain of application. It is pointed out, however, that a viable realist interpretation of quantum theory requires the abandonment or radical revision of the classical conception of physical reality and its traditional philosophical presuppositions. It is argued, in this direction, that the conceptualization of the nature of reality, as arising out of our most basic physical theory, calls for a kind of contextual realism. Within the domain of quantum mechanics, knowledge of ??reality in itself??, ??the real such as it truly is?? independent of the way it is contextualized, is impossible in principle. In this connection, the meaning of objectivity in quantum mechanics is analyzed, whilst the important question concerning the nature of quantum objects is explored.  相似文献   

盛晓明 《哲学研究》2012,(4):96-102,128
一、科学哲学的岔路半个多世纪前问世的奎因的那本《从逻辑的观点看》(1953),至今还影响着我们:从整体主义的观点出发启迪了诸多后实证主义的灵感。与奎因的本体-逻辑的与认识-逻辑的观点不同,本文想要阐述的是一种本体-历史的观点。这是两类不同性质的理论。我认为,本体-历史的观点同样也适  相似文献   

李存山 《哲学研究》2012,(3):38-48,127
<正>中国古代的气论思想内容非常广泛,我曾将其概括为"一气涵五理",即"气"概念中包含着哲理、物理、生理、心理和伦理等方面的内容。(参见李存山,2006年)从气论在哲理上的意义而言,它是中国哲学自然观的主要形态。因为中国哲学的一个主要特点是"天人合一"或"推天道以明人事",所以气论与儒家的仁学、道家的道论等等共同构成了中国哲学的基本倾向或特质。本文就此而  相似文献   

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