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Taylor TL 《Acta psychologica》2007,124(3):257-273
Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to slower reaction times (RTs) to targets that occur in the same, rather than in a different, location as a preceding onset cue. The present study examined IOR for expected (likely) and unexpected (unlikely) targets under conditions in which stimulus-response (S-R) expectancies were generated on a trial-by-trial basis or maintained across a block of trials. Three boxes were aligned along the vertical midline. In Experiments 1 and 2, the appearance of a cue in the upper or lower box was a signal to generate an expectancy about the most likely color of an impending discrimination target. In Experiment 3, one target color was more likely than another across a block of trials. In all cases, cue location did not predict target location. When S-R expectancies were generated on a trial-by-trial basis, IOR occurred for Unlikely targets but not for Likely targets; this was true across a range of cue-target stimulus onset asynchronies. In contrast, when S-R expectancies were maintained over a block of trials, IOR was larger for Likely than for Unlikely targets. These findings reveal a critical interaction of S-R expectancies with IOR. This interaction not only demonstrates the modulation of IOR by cognitive expectancies, but in doing so also provides evidence that is consistent with the view that IOR reflects a conservative response bias.  相似文献   

Three experiments assessed whether perceived stimulus duration depends on whether participants process an expected or an unexpected visual stimulus. Participants compared the duration of a constant standard stimulus with a variable comparison stimulus. Changes in expectancy were induced by presenting one type of comparison more frequently than another type. Experiment 1 used standard durations of 100 and 400 ms, and Experiments 2 and 3 durations of 400 and 800 ms. Stimulus frequency did not affect perceived duration in Experiment 1. In Experiments 2 and 3, however, frequent comparisons were perceived as shorter than infrequent ones, and discrimination performance was better for infrequent comparisons. Overall, this study supports the notion that infrequent stimuli increase the speed of an internal pacemaker.  相似文献   

The affective consequences of expected and unexpected outcomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How do people feel about unexpected positive and negative outcomes? Decision affect theory (DAT) proposes that people feel displeasure when their outcomes fall short of the counterfactual alternative and elated when their outcomes exceed the counterfactual alternative. Because disconfirmed expectations provide a counterfactual alternative, DAT predicts that bad outcomes feel worse when unexpected than when expected, yet good outcomes feel better when unexpected than when expected. Consistency theories propose that people experience displeasure when their expectations are disconfirmed because the disconfirmation suggests an inability to predict. According to consistency theories, both good and bad outcomes feel worse when unexpected than when expected. These two theoretical approaches were tested in three studies. The results consistently support DAT  相似文献   

Adult age differences in the consistency effect were examined in 3 experiments. The consistency effect refers to items inconsistent with expectations being better remembered than items consistent with expectations. Younger and older adults walked into an office room and viewed objects that varied in their consistency with expectation. Immediate and delayed recognition tests on item information (i.e., distractors were defined by their semantic identity) revealed that both age groups recognized unexpected items better than expected items. However, when recognition of token information was requested (i.e., distractors were defined by their physical appearance), younger adults, in contrast to older adults, exhibited consistency effects. Also, under divided attention, young adults revealed the same pattern of data as did elderly adults under full attention. The results are discussed in terms of capacity-related differences in distinctive encoding.  相似文献   

Previous research on route directions largely considers the case when a knowledgeable route-giver conveys accurate information. In the real world, however, route information is sometimes inaccurate, and directions can lead navigators astray. We explored how participants respond to route directions containing ambiguities between landmarks and turn directions, forcing reliance on one or the other. In three experiments, participants read route directions (e.g., To get to the metro station, take a right at the pharmacy) and then selected from destinations on a map. Critically, in half of the trials the landmark (pharmacy) and turn (right) directions were conflicting, such that the participant had to make a decision under conditions of uncertainty; under these conditions, we measured whether participants preferentially relied upon landmark- versus direction-based strategies. Across the three experiments, participants were either provided no information regarding the source of directions (Experiment 1), or told that the source of directions was a GPS device (Experiment 2), or a human (Experiment 3). Without information regarding the source of directions, participants generally relied on landmarks or turn information under conditions of ambiguity; in contrast, with a GPS source participants relied primarily on turn information, and with a human source on landmark information. Results were robust across gender and individual differences in spatial preference. We discuss these results within the context of spatial decision-making theory and consider implications for the design and development of landmark-inclusive navigation systems.  相似文献   

A simple method for pairwise monotone regression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple method of monotone regression is described based on the principle of minimizing pairwise departures from monotonicity.  相似文献   

A simple and very general algorithm for oblique rotation is identified. While motivated by the rotation problem in factor analysis, it may be used to minimize almost any function of a not necessarily square matrix whose columns are restricted to have unit length. The algorithm has two steps. The first is to compute the gradient of the rotation criterion and the second is to project this onto a manifold of matrices with unit length columns. For this reason it is called a gradient projection algorithm. Because the projection step is very simple, implementation of the algorithm involves little more than computing the gradient of the rotation criterion which for many applications is very simple. It is proven that the algorithm is strictly monotone, that is as long as it is not already at a stationary point, each step will decrease the value of the criterion. Examples from a variety of areas are used to demonstrate the algorithm, including oblimin rotation, target rotation, simplimax rotation, and rotation to similarity and simplicity simultaneously. While it may be, the algorithm is not intended for use as a standard algorithm for well established problems, but rather as a tool for investigating new methods where its generality and simplicity may save an investigator substantial effort.The author would like to thank the review team for their insights and recommendations.  相似文献   

A running-wheel movement-detection method is described for use with a modified 1350 Commodore mouse and a Commodore 64, is described. The movement-detection method allows for the detection of partial revolutions and direction of movement, but requires no interface equipment. The modified running wheel is discussed as a new technique that may be useful for bridging empirical and theoretical differences between free-operant and discrete-trial runway procedures.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper are (a) to gather support for the hypothesis that some basic mechanisms of attentional deployment (i.e., its high efficiency in dealing with expected and unexpected inputs) meet the requirements of the inferential system and have possibly evolved to support its functioning, and (b) to show that these orienting mechanisms function in very similar ways in two perceptual tasks and in a symbolic task. The general hypothesis and its predictions are sketched in the Introduction, after a discussion of current findings concerning visual attention and the generalities of the inferential system. In the empirical section, three experiments are presented where participants tracked visual trajectories (Experiments 1 and 3) or arithmetic series (Experiments 2 and 3), responding to the onset of a target event (e.g., to a specific number) and to the repetition of an event (e.g., to a number appearing twice consecutively). Target events could be anticipated when they were embedded in regular series/trajectories; they could be anticipated, with the anticipation later disconfirmed, when a regular series/trajectory was abruptly interrupted before the target event occurred; and they could not be anticipated when the series/trajectory was random. Repeated events could not be anticipated. Results show a very similar pattern of allocation in tracking visual trajectories and arithmetic series: Attention is focused on anticipated events; it is defocused and redistributed when an anticipation is not confirmed by ensuing events; however, performance decreases when dealing with random series/trajectory—that is, in the absence of anticipations. In our view, this is due to the fact that confirmed and disconfirmed anticipations are crucial events for “knowledge revision”—that is, the fine tuning of the inferential system to the environment; attentional mechanisms have developed so as to enhance detection of these events, possibly at all levels of inferential processing.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper are (a) to gather support for the hypothesis that some basic mechanisms of attentional deployment (i.e., its high efficiency in dealing with expected and unexpected inputs) meet the requirements of the inferential system and have possibly evolved to support its functioning, and (b) to show that these orienting mechanisms function in very similar ways in two perceptual tasks and in a symbolic task. The general hypothesis and its predictions are sketched in the Introduction, after a discussion of current findings concerning visual attention and the generalities of the inferential system. In the empirical section, three experiments are presented where participants tracked visual trajectories (Experiments 1 and 3) or arithmetic series (Experiments 2 and 3), responding to the onset of a target event (e.g., to a specific number) and to the repetition of an event (e.g., to a number appearing twice consecutively). Target events could be anticipated when they were embedded in regular series/trajectories; they could be anticipated, with the anticipation later disconfirmed, when a regular series/trajectory was abruptly interrupted before the target event occurred; and they could not be anticipated when the series/trajectory was random. Repeated events could not be anticipated. Results show a very similar pattern of allocation in tracking visual trajectories and arithmetic series: Attention is focused on anticipated events; it is defocused and redistributed when an anticipation is not confirmed by ensuing events; however, performance decreases when dealing with random series/trajectory—that is, in the absence of anticipations. In our view, this is due to the fact that confirmed and disconfirmed anticipations are crucial events for “knowledge revision”—that is, the fine tuning of the inferential system to the environment; attentional mechanisms have developed so as to enhance detection of these events, possibly at all levels of inferential processing.  相似文献   

The Journal of Value Inquiry -  相似文献   

A technically simple method based on the Peltier effect was employed to determine semiquantitatively thermesthesia in normal individuals, patients with functional disorders, and patients with cortical and spinal complaints and peripheral affections of the CNS. The results demonstrate the suitability of the method in principle for use in routine examination.  相似文献   

Panic attacks may be perceived by patients as either cued or uncued (spontaneous) and either expected or unexpected. The purpose of the present study was to examine the prevalence and characteristics of these types of panic. Twenty-six panic disorder patients with mild avoidance and 18 with moderate or severe avoidance were instructed to complete a questionnaire during or immediately following each of three consecutive naturally occurring panic attacks they experienced. They were asked to rate the extent to which they expected the panic attack to occur, whether they felt it was associated with an external panic "cue" (e.g. a shopping mall), whether they would expect to panic again in similar circumstances, their mood, present level of life stress, and fear and severity of their body sensations and disturbing cognitions. Results indicated that from a sample of 92 questionnaires, each representing a separate panic, nearly 70% of panic attacks were rated as cued-expected and only one panic was rated as uncued-expected. The other two categories each comprised about 15% of all panic attacks. There were few reported differences in body sensations and cognitions reported as a function of type of panic and no differences with regard to extent of agoraphobic avoidance. Expected panic was associated with a higher expectation of future panic in similar circumstances.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test different methods for distinguishing between two known timing processes involved in human rhythmic behaviours. We examined the implementation of two approaches used in the literature: the high-frequency slope of the power spectrum and the lag one value of the autocorrelation function, ACF(1). We developed another method based on the Wing and Kristofferson (1973a) model and the predicted negative ACF(1) for event-based series: the detrended windowed (lag one) autocorrelation (DWA). We compared the reliability and performance of these three methods on simulation and experimental series. DWA gave the best results, and guidelines are given for its appropriate use for identifying underlying timing processes.  相似文献   

A simple method of making orthogonal rotations by projecting coordinates from one plot to another is presented. An easily constructed apparatus for rapid and accurate work is described in detail. By the technique proposed 12 to 15 rotations of pairs of axes involving 20 test variables can be completed per hour by a practiced technician.  相似文献   

A sample of 755 school pupils between the ages of 11 and 18 years completed the Benson and Spilka semantic differential measure of God images. Factor analysis indicated the advantages of re‐scoring the measure as an eight item unidimensional index, defining semantic space relating to God images ranging from negative affect to positive affect.  相似文献   

A simple method for extracting correlated factors simultaneously is described. The method is based on the idea that the centroid pattern coefficients for the sections of unit rank of the complete matrix may be interpreted as structure values for the entire matrix. Only the routine centroid average process is required.  相似文献   

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