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In this study the experimenter used both individual counseling and manipulation of the environment to help students cope with the crisis situations that frequently arise in the lives of freshman men. In a controlled experiment using students who had ranked in the lower 40 percent of their secondary school graduating classes, it was shown that the use of the crisis intervention technique was effective both in reducing the number of dropouts and in improving the academic performance of the experimental group. A follow-up study showed that the method seemed to be helpful even to those who left college prior to graduation.  相似文献   

S Sawicki 《Adolescence》1988,23(89):83-88
Crisis intervention techniques in a community-based setting, including factors of immediacy of response, location, prior identification and flexibility of service, are examined. Using a community-based program which has received and dealt with 231 crisis situations over a 2-year period as a model, this study shows crisis intervention techniques to be viable and valuable in the identification of problems in the family and individual. Families which request service due to a crisis must be dealt with differently from those who seek service through traditional channels. Preventive intervention is employed to reduce the onset of more serious personality disturbance and family decomposition. Using Caplan's phases of crisis as a guide, most families dealt with in the model program showed signs of reduced conflict and a greater willingness to seek more traditional types of services.  相似文献   

The terms Notfall and Krise, and the semantic problems arising, are elucidated; and an analysis of one years work in provision for emergency psychiatry and stress intervention is presented. Psychoreactive syndromes were found to be most common, followed in second place by psychotic conditions. In third place come disorders in connection with alcohol, which display a rising tendency. 40% of the clinic's beds are occupied by acute emergency cases, chiefly of short duration. Emergency provision is thus shown to be a major feature in the work of psychiatric clinics.  相似文献   

Pastoral Psychology -  相似文献   

This article advocates the use of family therapy in crisis intervention. It relies upon the literature on crisis intervention, on family therapy literature, and on ten years experience of working in a social services area office, in which social workers are often required to respond alone to many different kinds of crises. Two typical referrals demanding crisis intervention and the responses to them are described.  相似文献   

Single-session crisis services by paraprofessionals (graduate students and community volunteers) in the emergency room of a community hospital were offered to 293 clients. These clients were followed-up 6 to 12 months after their last contact and asked about: (1) the effectiveness of the service, (2) their use of referrals, (3) the major source of change in their crisis situation, and (4) their rating of improvement for their presenting problem. There were 104 clients who completed the follow-up. The results support the interpretation that timely intervention by paraprofessionals may have long-lasting results in specific problem areas. A model emphasizing the use of service deliverers as researchers is proposed.  相似文献   

A naturalistic experiment tested the proposition that police time could be saved in nondangerous crisis intervention calls through the use of citizen participants. Results showed that police officers who used citizen intervention spent less time per call than officers who did not. However, police time was not saved in family disturbance calls. Family disturbance control group calls were rated by police as having a higher degree of physical danger present than other calls.  相似文献   

Law-enforcement officers tend to look at traditional mental health services as being of little help to them in dealing with persons they encounter experiencing emotional emergencies. They are frequently skeptical that emergency mental health programs offer more than they deliver. Because of their traditional base as the primary, and frequently only, available emergency "field" service in a community, a mental health emergency program must have a cooperative working relationship with law enforcement to serve a community successfully. This paper describes the development and maintenance of such a relationship, designed to increase the police case-finding potential.  相似文献   

Constant efforts to improve crisis services have led to many innovative programs. Some have proven their feasibility and become established procedures. Others are now in a developing stage and still others represent new approaches. A survey of 50 suicide prevention and crisis services around the world provides evidence of a trend toward a broadening range of services, a more active case-finding approach, greater visibility, increased integration into the community care system, and creative leadership by newer and smaller centers as well as the well-established ones. This is being accomplished without relinquishing the traditional respect for anonymity, ever-present availability, and a nonjudgmental regard for each person's need.  相似文献   

Telephone crisis intervention services are growing at a very rapid rate. A review of the literature reveals that there are very few references to this new phenomenon and even fewer that deal with evaluating the effectiveness of telephone crisis training. Herein 7 articles are reviewed which deal with volunteer selection and training. These articles demonstrate that no consistent rationale for volunteer selection or training exists. Selection of volunteers typically consists of a gross screening to eliminate any obviously unsuitable persons, with training serving as a further sorting procedure where volunteers who are uncomfortable with the role of a crisis interventionist can be encouraged to drop out. The authors suggest that a training model be built around crisis intervention theory using principles of social learning as the methodology for training.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the phases of an innovative in vivo exposure intervention in which all family members were present at the scene of a traumatic incident. Clinical practice has borne out the efficacy of family intervention and its benefits for traumatised individuals and family groups. The intervention discussed here was conducted with a Palestinian family that had suffered trauma in a missile attack during the Israeli–Lebanese war of summer 2006. Narrative and meaning-reconstruction methods were combined with cognitive-behavioural techniques. The study highlights the limitations of the intervention as well as suggesting future directions for integrated models of crisis intervention; development of an evidence-based model is recommended.  相似文献   

The empirical research pertaining to the effectiveness of telephone counseling and referral systems personnel was critically reviewed. The assessment was organized according to several evaluation strategies that researchers have utilized to evaluate effectiveness. These strategies included, for example, client self-reports, client "shows" versus "no-shows" following referral, data pertaining to suicide rates, counselor ratings of personal effectiveness, and phone workers' ability to offer empathy to clients. It was concluded that discussions of effectiveness should be constrained by a careful consideration of the specific index of efficacy chosen by investigators as well as methodological issues associated with current research in this area. There is reason to believe that the availability of telephone crisis services may be related to reduced suicide rates among young white females. Also, there is a significant need to empirically associate counseling technique and indices of effectiveness with substantive measures of client outcome in future research. Additional topics reviewed include the probable differential effectiveness of lay workers with various presenting problems of clients, and the role that training and maturity seem to play in successful interventions. Guidelines for the use of evaluation techniques which coincide with service goals are also offered.  相似文献   

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