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This essay uses previously unpublished correspondence of George Herbert Mead to tell the story of his involvement in the aftermath of a political dispute that took place at the University of Wisconsin during the years 1914-1915. It seeks thereby to clarify the historical significance of an article he published on this controversy in late 1915. Taken together with relevant information about the educational activities of William H. Allen of the New York Bureau of Municipal Research, Mead's correspondence and article throw helpful light upon his understanding of how an educational survey of a university should proceed; they also show how he went about the task of evaluating a failed attempt at such a survey.  相似文献   


For the past two hundred years scholars have repeatedly dismissed ‘The Church Militant', the third movement of George Herbert's The Temple. In fact, this scholarly disavowal has been so severe that many students of Herbert's work are unaware of the poem's very existence. Upon close analysis of ‘The Church Militant', however, we find the poem to be a vital, integral part of The Temple. I contend that not only is this movement integral but that a careful consideration of the poem will serve also to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding the structure and arrangement of Herbert's work. Especially instructive is a consideration of the heroic tradition as it informs this third and final movement of The Temple. While using elements of the epic to express a narrative of Christian history and doctrine, Herbert in ‘The Church Militant’ reawakens in his readers an awareness of the significance of the legacy of Christian heroism.  相似文献   

A. Karpinski (2004) recently criticized Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures of self-esteem, arguing that their measurements of self-associations are compromised by their contrasting self with a putatively extremely negative second category, the nonspecific other. The present data show, to the contrary, that the nonspecific other category in the self-esteem IAT is near neutral in valence. Validity of the self-esteem IAT is most appropriately assessed by examining its correlations with conceptually related measures. That has been done in several previous studies that are reviewed here. The nonspecific other category is only one of several choices for representing the concept of other in self-esteem IATs. Choice of the appropriate other category to contrast with self in self-esteem IATs should be guided by the needs of the research question being addressed.  相似文献   

This article explores Herbert Simon's attempts to build Carnegie Tech's Graduate School of Industrial Administration into a center for interdisciplinary social research. It shows that despite the pressures toward disciplinary specialization created by the rapid growth of the postwar social sciences, there were strong countercurrents supporting interdisciplinary work. Support for interdisciplinary work came from a network of powerful new patrons that were interested in transforming social science into behavioral science and that supported mathematical, behavioral-functional analysis whatever the topic of study. These patrons deliberately defined their goals in terms of solving problems, not building disciplines, and the networks of advisory committees they created enabled certain entrepreneurial researchers, such as Simon, to exert influence across a range of fields and institutions.  相似文献   

This analysis assesses the factors underlying Charles Horton Cooley's place in the sociological canon as they relate to George Herbert Mead's puzzling diatribe—echoed in secondary accounts—against Cooley's social psychology and view of the self published scarcely a year after his death. The illocutionary act of publishing his critique stands as an effort to project the image of Mead's intellectual self and enhance his standing among sociologists within and outside the orbit of the University of Chicago. It expressed Mead's ambivalence toward his precursor Cooley, whose influence he never fully acknowledged. In addition, it typifies the contending fractal distinctions of the scientifically discursive versus literary styles of Mead and Cooley, who both founded the interpretive sociological tradition. The contrasting styles and attitudes toward writing of the two figures are discussed, and their implications for the problems of scale that have stymied the symbolic interactionist tradition are explored.  相似文献   

This study was done to examine age-stage (preschool children, young adults, and elderly people) differences in the center-of-pressure sway using body-sway factors (unit-time sway, front-back sway, left-right sway, and high frequency-band power), power-spectrum distribution, and relative accumulation of power frequency (25%, 50%, and 75% RAPF) of the center-of-pressure spectrum. The center-of-pressure movement for 1 min. was measured twice using Anima's stabilometer. Data-sampling frequency was set at 20 Hz. Significant age-stage differences were found for 3 factors except for left-right sway, which was larger for preschool children and elderly than for young adults. The power spectrum of body sway in any age-stage was noted mainly in low frequency bands. A marked age-stage difference was found at 75% RAPF. Body-sway characteristics in each age-stage differ, and differences of postural-sway frequency are marked in the low frequency bands.  相似文献   

The role of the standard in a fixed-standard experiment of auditory amplitude discrimination was examined by varying the proportion of trials on which it was presented. The results suggest that the Os may use different perceptual strategies, depending on the availability of the standard. While they did better on trials containing a standard regardless of the proportion of such trials, their accuracy on both “standard-present” and “standard-absent” trials was positively related to the probability of the particular type of trial. These results conflict with the claim of advocates of the roving-standard paradigm that the O in the fixed-standard experiment does not use the standard but, rather, compares the variable with a long-term referent built up over many trials. The introduction of a second pair of tones, making it a random-standard experiment,, produced considerable response bias tied to the stimulus level and to an overall deterioration in performance.  相似文献   

In this essay, I reconstruct H. Richard Niebuhr's interpretation of George Herbert Mead's account of the social constitution of the self. Specifically, I correct Niebuhr's interpretation, because it mischaracterizes Mead's understanding of social constitution as more dialogical than ecological. I also argue that Niebuhr's interpretation needs completing because it fails to engage one of Mead's more significant notions, the I/me distinction within the self. By reconstructing Niebuhr's account of faith and responsibility as theologically self‐constitutive through Mead's I/me distinction, I demonstrate Niebuhr's deep yet unacknowledged agreement with Mead: the self is constituted by its participation in multiple communities, but responds to them creatively by enduring the moral perplexity of competing communal claims. I conclude by initiating a constructive account of conscience that follows from this agreement. Conscience is more ecological than dialogical because it regards our creative participation in multiple ecologies of social roles oriented by patterns of responsive relations.  相似文献   

Mask L  Blanchard CM 《Body image》2011,8(4):357-365
The present study examines the protective role of an autonomous regulation of eating behaviors (AREB) on the relationship between trait body dissatisfaction and women's body image concerns and eating-related intentions in response to “thin ideal” media. Undergraduate women (n = 138) were randomly assigned to view a “thin ideal” video or a neutral video. As hypothesized, trait body dissatisfaction predicted more negative affect and size dissatisfaction following exposure to the “thin ideal” video among women who displayed less AREB. Conversely, trait body dissatisfaction predicted greater intentions to monitor food intake and limit unhealthy foods following exposure to the “thin ideal” video among women who displayed more AREB.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a tilting room on body sway across a series of trials. Sixteen subjects were instructed to maintain an upright position in the tilting room, and their body sway was measured by a force plate. After the experimental session, subjects were interviewed about awareness, strategies and impressions. The results indicated that the forward-tilting room induced forward body sway, as would a moving room. The center of gravity in the pre-tilting period in the first trial was significantly more forward than in the following trials. From the analysis of strategy, subjects were divided into two groups: maintaining-standing strategy group and other-strategies group. While subjects who used the maintaining-standing strategy swayed more in the first trial, they had significantly reduced their body sway compared with the other group by the ninth and tenth trials. Based on these results, the effects of a moving room for adult subjects as related to the context-dependent weighting of new inputs are discussed.  相似文献   

Body displacement, the theory that predicts that individuals with eating disorders will displace negative feelings about themselves onto their body, was tested experimentally in this study. Unrestrained eaters (n = 61), restrained eaters (n = 33), and individuals with eating disorders (n = 26) were randomly assigned to a control condition or an ineffectiveness induction. In the ineffectiveness condition participants were asked to recall and reflect on a past experience when they felt useless or incapable (i.e., ineffective). Results showed that individuals with eating disorders who were made to feel ineffective reported more implicit appearance/body concern than those in the control condition. Unrestrained and restrained eaters did not show this effect. This is the first experimental study to support body displacement theory. These data can be used clinically to educate and encourage patients with eating disorders to address thoughts and feelings related to ineffectiveness directly, instead of displacing this distress onto their body and potentially perpetuating their eating disorder.  相似文献   

Precursors of adolescent sexual risk taking were examined in a multiethnic sample consisting of 443 children (51% girls) of National Longitudinal Survey of Youth participants. Respondents were 12-13 years old in 1994 and 16-17 in 1998. Controlling for demographic and contextual factors, self-regulation--but not risk proneness--was significantly (modestly) associated with overall sexual risk taking 4 years later. Analyses of individual sexual behaviors indicated that self-regulation may affect choices made after becoming sexually active (e.g., number of partners) rather than the initiation of sexual activity. Measures of parent and peer influence had independent effects on sexual risk taking but did not moderate the effects of self-regulation and risk proneness. Findings add to the growing literature on implications of self-regulation for individual development.  相似文献   

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