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Intrinsic sensitization is a form of behavioral facilitation that is distinct from the extrinsic sensitization normally studied. To examine whether intrinsic and extrinsic sensitization are mediated by different physiological processes, the effects of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine-induced serotonin (5-HT) depletion on intrinsic sensitization of the leech whole-body shortening response were observed. Previous experiments have shown that 5-HT depletion disrupts dishabituation and extrinsic sensitization of this behavior in the leech. Intrinsic sensitization was observed in preparations from both control and 5-HT-depleted animals, indicating that this form of behavioral facilitation was not affected by 5-HT depletion. The differences in the effects of 5-HT depletion on intrinsic versus extrinsic sensitization suggest that there are distinct neurophysiological processes mediating these two forms of behavioral facilitation. In addition, 5-HT depletion appeared to disrupt a putative extrinsic form of habituation of the shortening reflex. These data support the hypothesis that both intrinsic and extrinsic processes of neuromodulation mediate habituation and sensitization.  相似文献   

Rat fetuses exhibit motor and cardiac responses to chemosensory stimulation on Days 20 and 21 of gestation. The first experiment demonstrated that fetuses exhibit an increase in overall motor activity and decrease in heartrate in response to an initial intraoral infusion of a lemon solution. After a series of nine exposures, however, fetuses no longer exhibit motor or cardiac responses to lemon infusion, suggesting the existence of a habituation-like process. Responsiveness recovers spontaneously following a 3-to 9-min period without stimulation. In a second experiment, a dishabituation treatment was administered to distinguish habituation, which is a centrally mediated decrement in response, from effector fatigue, sensory adaptation, and other peripheral mechanisms that can result in reduced responsiveness. A single infusion of mint following a series of nine lemon exposures was effective in reinstating fetal motor responses to lemon on both Days 20 and 21, but reinstated cardiac responses only on Day 21. Rat fetuses habituate to repeated chemosensory stimulation, suggesting the utility of the habituation paradigm in measuring CNS development during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Habituation and conditioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Songbirds respond to initial playback of a recorded conspecific song in numerous ways, from changes in gene expression in the brain to changes in overt physical activity. When the same song is presented repeatedly, responses have been observed to habituate at multiple levels: molecular, cellular and organismal. Core criteria of habituation have been established at each level, although in no case have all the formal parameters been rigorously measured. At the level of overt behavior, classical field studies showed that territorial birds respond to the song of a potential challenger with a variety of behaviors, and many (but not all) of these behaviors decline with repeated stimulus presentation. More recent laboratory studies have defined analogous responses to song presentation in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), the dominant species in current molecular and neurobiological research and one that does not use song for territorial defense. Studies in the zebra finch have also demonstrated activation followed by habituation of responses measured at both electrophysiological and molecular (gene expression and signal transduction) levels. In all cases, habituation is specific for a very particular stimulus – an individual song presented in a particular context. There are strong correlations between habituation measurements made at these different levels, but some dissociations have also been observed, implying that molecular, electrophysiological and behavioral habituations are not equivalent manifestations of a single core process.  相似文献   

The most reproducible and ubiquitous interictal abnormality of the migraineurs’ brain is lack of habituation in neuronal information processing. The underlying mechanisms are uncertain. Increased neuronal excitability, decreased inhibition or decreased pre-activation levels have all been proposed as possible culprits.The present review summarizes the available data on habituation in migraine patients obtained with different methodological approaches. We will discuss the change of habituation level over the migraine cycle and we will show that these data congruently indicate that the sensory cortices of migraineurs react excessively to repetitive, but not to a small series of stimuli.Although the precise cellular and molecular mechanisms of this hyper-responsivity must still be determined, we will describe experimental data suggesting that a dysrhythmic thalamo-cortical activity due to inadequate monoaminergic control might be a plausible explanation.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with Aristotle’s theory of habituation, focusing on the following three issues: (1) the relation between habit and reason, (2) human nature and habituation, and (3) the roles of family and politics in habituation. Aristotle’s theory of habituation has been a topic of interest recently. Yet so far, most debates about this topic are about the first issue. This paper will bring in the second and the third issues, in order to provide a complete picture of the theory. To be more specific, the paper seeks to better understand the following three claims of Aristotle, corresponding to the three issues mentioned above: (1) “We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts” (NE 1103a34–b1) . (2) “We are adapted by nature to receive virtues, and are made perfect by habit” (teleuioumenois de dia tou ethous) (1103a25–26). (3) “One’s own good cannot exist without household management, nor without a form of government” (1142a9–11).  相似文献   

Habituation and the human evoked potential   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Habituation of human scalp-recorded cerebral evoked potentials was studied in response to auditory and visual repetitive stimuli of different intensities. Changes in magnitudes of evoked potentials with stimulus repetition were examined according to the parametric characteristics of habituation, generalization, and dishabituation. In addition, tests of the predictions of two theories of habituation were made regarding the degree and direction of intensity generalization of habituation. Both auditory and visual evoked potentials exhibited decrements in response magnitudes across the repetitive stimuli consistent with the parametric criteria of habituation. Early evoked potential peak components showed a pattern of intensity generalization of habituation consistent with the predictions of the dual-process theory of habituation. Intensity generalization of late evoked potential peak components occurred in a manner more consistent with the predictions of the stimulus comparator theory of habituation. These results provide further evidence that evoked potentials can be used as electrophysiological indexes of plasticity in humans.  相似文献   

Rat fetuses exhibit motor and cardiac responses to chemosensory stimulation on Days 20 and 21 of gestation. The first experiment demonstrated that fetuses exhibit an increase in overall motor activity and decrease in heartrate in response to an initial intraoral infusion of a lemon solution. After a series of nine exposures, however, fetuses no longer exhibit motor or cardiac responses to lemon infusion, suggesting the existence of a habituation-like process. Responsiveness recovers spontaneously following a 3- to 9-min period without stimulation. In a second experiment, a dishabituation treatment was administered to distinguish habituation, which is a centrally mediated decrement in response, from effector fatigue, sensory adaptation, and other peripheral mechanisms that can result in reduced responsiveness. A single infusion of mint following a series of nine lemon exposures was effective in reinstating fetal motor responses to lemon on both Days 20 and 21, but reinstated cardiac responses only on Day 21. Rat fetuses habituate to repeated chemosensory stimulation, suggesting the utility of the habituation paradigm in measuring CNS development during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Infant-control habituation methodology, although serving the research community well, has never been carefully analyzed. A main use is to equate infants in their level of habituation prior to experimental manipulations in a posthabituation phase. When studied analytically and with simulation, it is found to have serious difficulties. It inadvertently recruits infants with large variations in performance while discriminating against those with less variable performance. For nonhabituating infants, its Type I error rates can approach 1. A model-based nonlinear regression framework is proposed, which, because of large individual differences in infants, takes as the unit of analysis the individual infant. It is shown to be more powerful and efficient than existing procedures and can offer practical and theoretical benefits.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting their behavior based on specific information acquired from their current...  相似文献   

The ability of ten normal and two Down's syndrome fetuses to habituate to a repeated auditory stimulus was assessed. The normal fetuses were assessed on two separate occasions during the final trimester of pregnancy. The number of trials to habituate and latency to respond were recorded. The results demonstrated that all normal fetuses exhibited a decrement in response to repeated presentations of the stimulus, a 250-Hz sine wave. This was the result of habituation and not fatigue since fetuses recovered responding upon presentation of a new (500 Hz) stimulus and habituated faster on re-presentation of the original stimulus. The performance of fetuses remained stable over the two testing periods. The response of the Down's syndrome fetuses was different to that of normal fetuses rarely overlapping indices of habituation exhibited by normal fetuses. The study concludes that habituation may be a powerful tool to examine the behavioural and sensory development of the fetus and may be of use in the antenatal assessment of the existence and severity of neural abnormality.  相似文献   

Habituation of a conditioned emotional response was investigated using a procedure which eliminated contaminating temporal discriminations. Three rats were trained to bar press on a random interval 60 sec schedule of milk reinforcement and variable duration tone-shock pairings were superimposed upon this baseline. Very little recovery from conditioned suppression was found over 60 sessions of testing and no systematic differences were found after a month's “vacation” from the procedure. Analysis of responding within the CS period showed uniform suppression. The data are discussed in terms of stimulus predictability.  相似文献   

Habituation in a protozoan Vorticella convallaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D J Patterson 《Behaviour》1973,45(3):304-311

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