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Using simple geometrical figures, the effect of adaptation upon sensitivity to figures of the same or different form was investigated. The adapting stimuli (blank white field, contour triangles, or circles) were presented for 1, 5, 30, or 60 sec. The test stimuli were always triangles, presented for a short exposure time at .1, .2, .4, .8, and 1.2 sec after the offset of the adapting pattern. The threshold duration of the test stimuli was measured. It was found that both adapting patterns raised the threshold above that measured for adaptation with the blank white field. But it wss only for the pair “adapting triangles-test triangles” that an increase of the time of adaptation beyond 5 sec resulted in an increase of this effect. This suggests that selective lowering in sensitivity during prolonged viewing of some figures may develop. The effect disappeared after about 1.2 sec following an exponential curve.  相似文献   

Four experiments sought to identify the processes underlying 2 classes of grouping effects that are readily produced with a hierarchical figure type known as ambiguous triangles. Previous work has shown that aligning small equilateral triangles in particular configurations can both facilitate and interfere with observers' ability to report the pointing direction of the individual triangles. We determined that selectively adapting the observer to low-frequency gratings of the same orientation as the aligned triangles markedly altered the interfering and facilitative effects of the global configuration only when an accuracy measure of performance was used. When a response latency measure was used, no effect of the same adaptation condition was found. Results are discussed in terms of multiple levels of grouping effects in the visual system and the differential sensitivity of these levels to basic neural adaptation.  相似文献   

Research favoring the so-called bottom-up and top-down classes of explanations for reversible figures that dominated the literature in last half of the 20th century is reviewed. Two conclusions are offered. First, any single-process model is extremely unlikely to be able to accommodate the wide array of empirical findings, suggesting that the "final" explanation will almost certainly involve a hybrid conceptualization of interacting sensory and cognitive processes. Second, the utility of distinguishing between 2 components of the observer's experience with reversible figures is emphasized. This distinction between the observer's ability to access multiple representations from the single stimulus pattern (ambiguity) and the observer's phenomenal experience of oscillation between those representations (reversibility) permits the literature to be segregated into useful categories of research that expose overlapping but distinctive cortical processes.  相似文献   

Most people think climate change and sustainability are important problems, but too few global citizens engaged in high-greenhouse-gas-emitting behavior are engaged in enough mitigating behavior to stem the increasing flow of greenhouse gases and other environmental problems. Why is that? Structural barriers such as a climate-averse infrastructure are part of the answer, but psychological barriers also impede behavioral choices that would facilitate mitigation, adaptation, and environmental sustainability. Although many individuals are engaged in some ameliorative action, most could do more, but they are hindered by seven categories of psychological barriers, or "dragons of inaction": limited cognition about the problem, ideological world viewsthat tend to preclude pro-environmental attitudes and behavior, comparisons with key other people, sunk costs and behavioral momentum, discredence toward experts and authorities, perceived risks of change, and positive but inadequate behavior change. Structural barriers must be removed wherever possible, but this is unlikely to be sufficient. Psychologists must work with other scientists, technical experts, and policymakers to help citizens overcome these psychological barriers.  相似文献   

Subjects viewed unambiguous versions of both stationary and rotating Necker cube illusions for varying durations prior to the presentation of the standard ambiguous figure. In each case, the subjects were more likely to report the ambiguous figure to be (1) in the same configuration as that of the preceding prime following brief preexposure periods and (2) in the opposite configuration from that of the preceding prime following long preexposure-periods. In addition, the number of reversals of the figure during the test period was also strongly related to the duration of the preexposure period, with progressively fewer reversals reported following longer preexposure periods. The results are interpreted as revealing the concurrent roles of “set” effects in the brief preexposure conditions and neural fatigue effects in the long preexposure conditions. Furthermore, the ability of the proposed two-process model to integrate the myriad of empirical effects in the reversible-figure literature is emphasized..  相似文献   

Subjects viewed unambiguous versions of both stationary and rotating Necker cube illusions for varying durations prior to the presentation of the standard ambiguous figure. In each case, the subjects were more likely to report the ambiguous figure to be (1) in the same configuration as that of the preceding prime following brief preexposure periods and (2) in the opposite configuration from that of the preceding prime following long preexposure periods. In addition, the number of reversals of the figure during the test period was also strongly related to the duration of the preexposure period, with progressively fewer reversals reported following longer preexposure periods. The results are interpreted as revealing the concurrent roles of "set" effects in the brief preexposure conditions and neural fatigue effects in the long preexposure conditions. Furthermore, the ability of the proposed two-process model to integrate the myriad of empirical effects in the reversible-figure literature is emphasized.  相似文献   

采用事件相关功能性磁共振成像技术(event-related fMRI)以及在FOK(feeling-of-knowing)研究中常用的“线索回忆-FOK判断-再认测验”(Recall-Judgment-Recognition,RJR)程序,以汉字词对为识记材料,研究了FOK判断中的大脑活动区域。根据FOK判断的正负以及其后的再认测验的对错,实验将FOK判断的项目分为四类:PP项目(正性FOK判断,正确再认),NN(负性FOK判断,错误再认),NP(负性FOK判断,正确再认)以及PN(正性FOK判断,错误再认)。脑成像的分析结果显示:准确的FOK预测(即PP与NN项目)与不准确的FOK预测(即NP与NP项目)在脑活动上没有显著的差异。而进一步分析表明,这种“无差异”的现象可能是由于PP项目与NN项目激活了不同的脑活动模式所造成的。具体地讲,相对于NN项目而言,PP项目伴随有明显的左侧前额叶(BA 8区)的活动。这一观察提示我们:知道感(PP)与不知道感(NN)可能是由不同的脑神经网络所支持、并通过不同的认知过程来实现的。  相似文献   

Abstract.— A retroactive interference paradigm was employed for studying qualitative memory changes. The name given to an ambiguous visual figure after presentation influenced reproduction and, to a lesser extent, recognition of the figure, indicating that retroactive definition of meaning may lead to memory changes. The relation between the subject's own conception of the meaning of the figure and the name given by the experimenter involved several types of meaning retroaction, which were related to the results on the remembering tasks. The usual interpretation—in line with the permanent-memory hypothesis—attributing changed reproductions either to perceptual change or to interference with the activity of drawing, is not accepted, and a contextual theory of memory is suggested.  相似文献   

In recent years the developmental implications of menarche have garnered particular attention. Investigators have determined that this developmental event tends to affect three significant domains of the adolescent girl's function: psychological status, relationships with peers, and role in the family. This paper explores these issues and introduces a new technique, referred to as previewing, that may help the teenage girl acclimate to the status of sexual maturity. Derived from the early life interactions of caregiver and infant, previewing promotes representational skills and enhances self-esteem as the adolescent confronts developmental challenges.  相似文献   

Developmental perspectives on relationships address Processes of dyadic adaptation to normative changes in individuals. Relationships with parents and peers during adolescence are a microcosm of these continuous adaptations. Three key themes from research on relationships during adolescence are examined: changes in relative distance from, and connectedness to, different categories of relationship partners; the coexistence of continuity and change in relationships; and increasing differentiation and interrelation of relationships. Findings from studies of adolescent relationships (1) illustrate the potential value of normative perspectives on relationship properties and conditions and (2) underscore the need for further research on processes of relationship change. Particularly needed are testable formulations regarding the processes of relationship change and attention to interrelations among significant close relationships.  相似文献   

Four personality traits--Mastery Motivation, Academic Conscientiousness, Surgent Engagement, and Agreeableness--were measured in a community sample of 205 children (ages 8-12), who were followed up 10 years later. Childhood personality was examined in relation to concurrent and longitudinal adaptation in 3 domains--academic achievement, rule-abiding versus antisocial conduct, and peer social competence. The childhood personality traits evidenced robust, conceptually coherent relationships with adaptation, both concurrently and across time. Childhood personality added to the prediction of later adaptation, beyond childhood IQ and earlier adaptation in the same domain. Few sex differences were obtained in the relationships between childhood personality and adaptation. The present results document both continuity and discontinuity in the links between childhood personality and adaptation across childhood into late adolescence.  相似文献   

Regulatory fit theory predicts that motivation and performance are enhanced when individuals pursue goals framed in a way that fits their regulatory orientation (promotion vs. prevention focus). Our aim was to test the predictions of the theory when individuals deal with change. We expected and found in three studies that regulatory fit is beneficial only when a prevention focus is involved. In Study 1, an experiment among students, prevention- but not promotion-focused participants performed better in a changed task when it was framed in fit with their regulatory orientation. In Study 2, a survey among employees experiencing organizational changes, only the fit between individual prevention (and not promotion) focus and prevention framing of the changes by the manager was associated with higher employee adaptation to changes. In Study 3, a weekly survey among employees undergoing organizational change, again only prevention regulatory fit was associated with lower employee exhaustion and higher employee work engagement. Theoretical and practical implications of applying regulatory focus theory to organizational change are discussed.  相似文献   

This research assessed adaptation to community change in the Israeli kibbutz. A sample of 270 kibbutz members provided self-reports on their perception of the leaders of the change, change appraisals, coping strategies, and assessment of change outcomes. The main results showed that the perception of transformational leadership was negatively related to threat/loss and positively related to challenge/controllability appraisals; challenge/controllability appraisals were related positively to problem-focused coping and positive affect, whereas threat/loss appraisals were related positively to emotion-focused coping and negative affect. The findings contribute to an understanding of the stress and coping processes during a major change in a communal way of life, and underline the importance of leadership perception as a resource that contributes to better adaptation.  相似文献   

Selective spatial attention has a greater effect on detection of the absence of an amplitude change than it has on detection of the presence of such a change. Attention to one of four fingertips was manipulated by an 80% valid tactile cue in two-interval forced-choice tasks. In one task, the target was a vibrotactile amplitude change appearing among constant-amplitude distractors; in the other task, targets of constant amplitude had to be detected amid amplitude changes at the other fingertips. Cuing had a greater effect on the latter task than it did on the former. This asymmetry is consistent with the presence-absence asymmetry found in visual search and does not depend on the difficulty of the two tasks. A statistical model shows that a pooled activity mechanism could account for these experimental results.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees appear to understand something about the attentional states of others; in the present experiment, we investigated whether they understand that the attentional state of a human is based on eye gaze. In all, 116 adult chimpanzees were offered food by an experimenter who engaged in one of the four experimental manipulations: eyes closed, eyes open, hand over eyes, and hand over mouth. The communicative behavior of the chimpanzees was observed. More visible behaviors were produced when the experimenter's eyes were visible than when the experimenter's eyes were not visible. More vocalizations were produced when the experimenter's eyes were closed than when they were open, but there were no differences in other attention getting behaviors. There was no effect of age or rearing history. The results suggest that chimpanzees use the presence of the eyes as a cue that their visual gestures will be effective.  相似文献   

We investigated lifespan differences of confidence calibration in episodic memory, particularly the susceptibility to high-confidence errors within samples of children, teenagers, younger adults, and older adults. Using an associative recognition memory paradigm, we drew a direct link between older adults' associative deficit and high-confidence errors. We predicted that only older adults would show high-confidence error even though their memory performance was at a similar level to that of children. Participants of all ages showed higher confidence following correct responses compared to incorrect responses, demonstrating the ability to calibrate subjective confidence in relation to memory accuracy. However, older adults were disproportionately more likely to indicate high confidence following erroneously remembered word pairs than participants of the other three age groups. Results are discussed in relation to the misrecollection account of high-confidence errors and ageing-related decline in hippocampus-dependent episodic memory functions.  相似文献   

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