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Violence and aggression are fundamental problems of human existence. Every culture bears traces of some way of coping with them. In adolescence, violent fantasies are part of normal development but can also lead to violent acts. This article discusses the defence dynamics of such violent acts and of the fixation on violent fantasies, their function for the emotional balance and their consequences for development. Two cases, the case of a 17-year-old boy, who stabbed an older woman to death, and the case of a 10-year-old boy with aggressive tantrums are presented. Melanie Klein’s concept of innate envy and Donald Winnicott’s considerations on the antisocial tendency are contrasted to each other and evaluated with respect to similarities and differences. Both concepts describe the importance of bad inner objects, which become increasingly more charged and experienced as persecutors. This results in paranoid anxieties and feelings of guilt which are decisive for the genesis of pathological fixations of that quality. Differences exist mainly with respect to anthropological basic assumptions about the relationship between constitutional and environmental factors and between destructive and reparative tendencies. Finally, the article derives consequences for the therapeutic technique.  相似文献   

For as long as man has been on this earth, envy and greed have performed a duet of destruction. Indeed, these terrifyingly complimentary emotions have been at the root of the worlds' great conflicts and can be seen featuring as a point of origin in what are euphemistically referred to as ‘crimes of passion’. In biblical accounts, both were sighted amongst the seven deadly sins. An impressively awesome curriculum vitae indeed.

In this paper I should like to explore the role of envy and greed in the formation of anorexia nervosa, where it would appear that the destructive nature of this powerful duo have been turned inwards against the body itself. Analytical theorists make much of the difficulties evoked by the Oedipal situation. These particular theories are explored at length and applied to anorexia nervosa. In attempting to understand how this painful stage of development impacts upon this client group, the difficulties posed and the coping strategies employed to alleviate them are both examined.

A further avenue discussed is the particular challenge anorexia nervosa sufferers pose to those of us who would seek to engage them in therapy. Anorectic difficulties in engaging and accepting therapy are explored and understanding is sought as to how we might begin to make progress with this most intractable of illnesses. I would like to illustrate these issues by utilizing my experiences of working clinically with a client suffering from an enduring eating disorder.  相似文献   

Opening Gambits     
This study discusses the rôle of destruction and destructive fantasies in forming a relationship to the body and in experiencing the reality of the body. The starting points are Freud’s conception of the nature of the drives and Winnicott’s theory on the use of an object. The central assumption is that the destructive impulses and fantasies directed towards the body create and strengthen the experience of the body as a part of the extrapsychic reality. By improving the trust in the continuity of bodily existence, they help to lessen the experience of the body as a subjective object which improves our relationship to our bodily reality.  相似文献   

This paper explains the importance of understanding the little girl's envy of her mother and how the resolution of this envy (and her fear of other women's envy) is crucial to a woman's development. I postulate that envy is a universal part of female development (with more or less destructive effects on a woman's personality, depending on the libidinal/sexual components of her attachment to both parents). I hope to show that by interpreting a woman's fear of her destructive envy, one can free her not only to enjoy her own sexuality and to find appropriate ways to express her aggression, but also to be more creative. I believe that guilt about these envious feelings often leads to profound inhibitions and masochistic behavior. Two clinical examples illustrate how envy manifests itself in treatment with a woman analyst, and how the working through of intense envious feelings leads to a greater ability to enjoy one's own capacities without constant fear of retribution.  相似文献   

Many patients are desperately struggling with feelings of envy and greed. For some, greed is experienced as a constant hunger, a feeling of being empty and alone. This type of patient can be aggressive or resentful in the way they feel and act. They are determined to take what they feel is rightly theirs. Other such patients are much more conflicted about their greedy phantasies and striving. This paper focuses on patients who are fearful and anxious about the greedy urges that shape their inner world. Case material is used for illustration.  相似文献   


This article reviews Freud’s theory of castration, as well as critiques of the theory. I then offer my own elaboration of castration theory, proposing that castration fantasies are universal and refer to a sense of incompleteness—about the body as well as psychic attributes—in both males and females. Such fantasies, I argue, deal with the gap between what one is and what one would like to be and are frequently expressed in envy toward perceived privileges belonging to persons of the opposite sex, same sex, and different generation. Furthermore, these fantasies are intimately tied to object relations. A case of a transgender male who desired castration is presented to illustrate this expanded theory and its usefulness.  相似文献   

Extant research on greed has focused on situational determinants of greedy behavior, ignoring individual differences in greed. Defining greed as insatiability, the present paper introduces a six item Dispositional Greed Scale. Two studies demonstrate convergent and discriminant validity and test–retest reliability. Specifically, they demonstrate that greed is related to but different from materialism. It is also positively related to entitlement, egoism, social comparison, envy, competition and productivity orientation and negatively related to impression management and satisfaction with life. The Dispositional Greed Scale enables researchers to disentangle the impact of personality from that of the situation on greedy behavior.  相似文献   

This paper is presented as a potential teaching resource for those starting out in their psychoanalytic understanding, whether aiming at clinical work or the academic study of psychoanalytic ideas. Some central ideas from Freud and Klein are illustrated and illuminated in an accessible way using the Disney film The Lion King. Key elements from the film are used to bring to life concepts such as infantile omnipotence, manic defences, Oedipal conflict, persecutory guilt, destructive envy, the superego, reparation and mourning. The story of Simba is taken as demonstrating universal struggles to overcome Oedipal rivalry and destructive envy in order to reach maturity.  相似文献   

The fear of being envied makes people act prosocially, in an attempt to ward off the potentially destructive effects of envy. In three experiments, people who were in a superior position and could be envied were more likely than control participants to give time-consuming advice to a potentially envious person or to help a potentially envious person pick up erasers she had accidentally scattered. However, helping behavior increased only if envy was likely to be malicious rather than benign. People who were better off did not increase their helping behavior toward people in general, but increased their helping only toward the potentially envious. This finding is consistent with the idea that the better off act more prosocially as an appeasement strategy. The fear of being envied serves useful group functions, because it triggers prosocial behavior that is likely to dampen the potentially destructive effects of envy and simultaneously helps to improve the situation of people who are worse off.  相似文献   

Four illustrations have been presented which demonstrate the uses and interpretations of envy in countertransference reactions to religious patients. To be sure, envy reactions to any patient are significant, whether they simply distort the therapist's perception or contribute to a deeper understanding of the patient. In the case of the religious patient, envy reactions in the therapist may serve as an additional instrumentality for under-standing the ways in which the dynamic determinants of religious behavior and metaphor become enmeshed in and also transform the pathology of the patient as well as the therapeutic process itself. Both the constructive and destructive object relational implications of envy must be borne in mind by the therapist in order to adequately explore the range of reciprocating forces between therapist and patient. Primitive mechanisms such as projective identification and psychotic transference are particularly prone to evoke envy reactions of surprising intensities, yet an empathic attitude will usually enable the therapist to differentiate the true source of his envy as he more carefully comprehends the quality of object relational and dynamic needs such envy serves.  相似文献   

Self-envy is described as the consequence of an early split between different part objects which form the structure of the oedipus complex. This takes place between an excluded destructive child part and another part usually modeled on a harmonic parental couple or on a creative and successful adult. The former will attack, paralyze, or destroy the latter, out of envy within the self. There are three main advantages in using an intrapsychic interpretation: (a) avoiding possible transference collusion in paranoid or perverse borderline structures; (b) eliminating possible persecutory anxiety from superego part objects projected into the analyst; and (c) putting the conflict in the right place, inasmuch as transference is a projection of internal conflicts. Clinical material is presented.  相似文献   

The results of a survey conducted in 1988 on the traditional deadly sins and the schedule of virtues formulated by Erik H. Erikson were previously reported by Capps (Pastoral Psychology 37:229–253, 1989). The results of a second survey conducted in 1998 were reported by Capps and Cole (Pastoral Psychology 48:359–376, 2000). This article reports on a third survey conducted in 2008–2009. All three surveys employed a research instrument constructed by Capps titled Life Attitudes Inventory. Major findings of the third survey are that lust and melancholy are considered the deadliest of the deadly sins, with anger rounding out the top three. Envy is thought to be the least deadly sin. The sins most personally struggled with are pride, envy, and apathy, with both genders accounting for the high ranking of pride, women for envy, and men for apathy. Men’s and women’s views whether individual sins are more characteristic of men or of women were also reported, with greed especially ascribed to men and envy to women. Similarities and differences between young, middle and mature adults’ views on and experiences of the deadly sins are reported, as are comparisons between the members of two Christian denominations (Presbyterians and Methodists).  相似文献   

I agree with Joye Weisel-Barth's main point. But I regret her impression that Klein “monopolized” envy. In the world of ideas, a concept cannot be appropriated as if it has been bought. We acknowledge the originator, but the concept belongs to our collective heritage. It is open at all hours and there is no entry fee. Quite apart from this, Klein's concept is not simple. I have discussed elsewhere the conflicting currents in her paper on envy and questioned traditional views. But even for Klein herself, envy is never isolated. It is always in a dynamic conflict with love. To my mind, Klein's envy was loaded with a further responsibility: to remind us of the worst in our nature. If we accept the full humanity of our patients, we must remain receptive to their cruelty as well as their love. In my own thinking, envy has a subtle relationship with admiration and is ever shifting on a spectrum, from a point of positive emulation to a point of destructive attack. Lastly, I enjoyed Joye's clinical work. But I expressed deep concern about the paedophilic activities disclosed by the patient.  相似文献   

The envious mind     
This work provides an analysis of the basic cognitive components of envy. In particular, the roles played by the envious party's social comparison with, and ill will against, the better off are emphasised. The ill will component is characterised by the envier's ultimate goal or wish that the envied suffer some harm, and is distinguished from resentment and sense of injustice, which have often been considered part of envy. The reprehensible nature of envy is discussed, and traced back to the analysis of its components. Finally, we explore both points of overlap and distinguishing features between envy and other emotions such as jealousy or emulation, and make a few general remarks, pointing to the necessity of overcoming conceptual looseness in the notion of envy.  相似文献   

This study augments Erik Erikson's developmental schedule of virtures with a corresponding schedule of vices. Eight major vices are correlated with the eight stages of the life cycle. The vices, derived from traditional classifications of the “deadly sins,” include (in order) gluttony, anger, greed, envy, pride, lust, indifference, and melancholy. Implications of this schedule of vices for pastoral care are suggested.  相似文献   


Two brief case reports are utilized to illustrate phenomena that arise as women seek known individuals to donate sperm cells for the purposes of assisted reproductive technology. Intrapsychic and interpersonal dynamics arise and, at times, collide. Close scrutiny reveals a number of fantasies on the part of all participants: those seeking a donor, potential donors, and the parents of women seeking a donor. These very human forces play out in the context of highly controlled biomedical procedures. I caution that human beings bring the depths of their very human minds to these procedures, and infuse cells with meaning far beyond the technical procedures involved in ART.  相似文献   

Narcissistic patients tend to push the analyst to work harder than usual to contain, understand, translate, and utilize their countertransference states. This is because of the unusually extreme reliance on denial, devaluation, projective identification, and control that these individuals exhibit. Defenses against loss, envy, greed, and dependence create difficult transference states in which symbolic or creative material is flattened, stripped, and neutralized. Feelings are out of the question. This clinical paper explores the narcissistic lack of connection to self and other that endures in the transference as well as in all aspects of these patients' lives. With thick-skinned narcissistic patients, there is a subtle lack of engagement, an underbelly of control, and a complete uncoupling of feeling or link between self and object. Envy is often a cornerstone of such difficult clinical problems and is part of an internal desolation that fuels an emotional firebombing of any awareness of interest in self or other. Detailed case material is used to show how confusing, alarming, and demanding such narcissistic patients can be, trying the very essence of the analytic process. They enter treatment looking for help, wanting a quick fix to their suffering, but resist the deeper understanding, learning, and change that psychoanalytic treatment offers.  相似文献   


This paper describes how the dynamics of envy infiltrate interactions if envy is not contained. An interactive model of a 'giver' and 'recipient' is presented as a way of looking at envy and is applied to a clinical and organizational example. An analysis is made in terms of utilizing symbiosis defensively in order to avoid coming to grips with envy.  相似文献   

Most patients come into psychoanalytic treatment engaged in some form of repetitive, destructive behavior that is an externalization or projection of their internal struggles. One form of this object relational acting-out is the addictions, be they to alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, procrastination, or other variations. The patient's experience is a "must do-can't stop" one that leaves them both desperate and relieved. Patients come to us wanting help in refraining from these addictive patterns. Sometimes, they are attending a 12-step program or are in a day treatment recovery program but need additional assistance in remaining free from their addictive behaviors. Others seek out psychoanalytic treatment while still involved in their addiction, but wish to stop the behavior and build a more positive plan for their lives. This paper examines the deeper object relational issues that lie behind the addictive process. The transference is often colored by acting-out, by sadomasochistic dynamics, by projective identification, and by fantasies of persecution and loss. Case material is used to explore these specific problems as well as the patient's general difficulties with paranoid-schizoid and depressive functioning.  相似文献   

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