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Despite a burgeoning literature on major analytic boundary violations, there has been little investigation of what might be called analytic delinquencies or misdemeanors—the small and virtually ubiquitous ways in which analysts deliberately withdraw from the therapeutic endeavor. I consider the impact of professional misdemeanors on patient and analyst and compare both with more serious analytic “crimes” and enactments. Professional delinquencies may reflect a therapeutic reenactment, an expression of the analyst's split-off or disavowed need, or an unconscious attempt to self-regulate or to negotiate space within the constraints of the treatment setting. Because the professional ideal leaves so little room for the analyst's humanity, it is often difficult for us to address and work with evidence of our own need when it clashes with what we regard as the analytic contract.  相似文献   

韩芳 《中国道教》2008,(5):42-42
周宏是一个古稀老人,每当看到周围同龄的老哥和一些小他不少的老友们病魔缠身,有的甚至过早地离开人世,总有一种惋惜感,同时也庆幸自己在养生保健上所取得的成效.今年74岁的他仍然身板硬朗、耳聪目明,血压、血脂及血糖一直正常,一年到头难得吃药打针.  相似文献   

深夜时分,豫东一偏僻乡村的十几位大汉酒足饭饱之后,有的肩扛抓钩铁锨,有的手拎绳索棍棒来到村南地的一座新坟旁。 众人站定,又各自喝壶酒壮壮胆,执事者嘴中念念有词并点了一大叠阴钞。之后,一声令下:“扒!”大汉们“呼哧呼哧”地忙碌起来。扒坟、铲土、撬棺、系绳,一  相似文献   

“一通茶“现象   从1998年开始首先在北京市场上出现了一种叫做“一通茶“的“保健品“,在大大的“一通茶“三个字旁边是一个穿着红色无领运动衫、梳着油亮整齐的头发、戴着一幅近视镜、抿着红红的薄嘴唇微笑着的中国男人,这个男人显然就是这个被叫做“一通茶“的“发明““发现“或者“发掘“者.……  相似文献   

There are different formulations of the doctrine of double effect (DDE), and sometimes philosophers propose “revisions” or alternatives, like the means principle, for instance. To demonstrate that such principles are needed in the first place, one would have to compare cases in which all else is equal and show that the difference in intuitions, if any, can only be explained by the one remaining difference and thus by the principle in question. This is not the methodology defenders of the DDE and of related principles use, however. I will discuss how they actually proceed, focusing on their preferred four pairs of examples. While these examples might have rhetorical force, they are nevertheless philosophically and methodologically useless (since they do not keep all else equal). As a corrective, I shall offer examples that do keep all else equal. These examples undermine the DDE and related principles. I then argue that while the Loop case and the “closeness” problem in the context of Jonathan Bennett’s Sophisticated Bomber example might once have been an embarrassment of sorts for defenders of the DDE, meanwhile their discussion serves as a convenient distraction from the many clear examples disproving the DDE and related principles. I conclude that there is simply no sufficient intuitive support for the DDE or related principles. Instead of looking for their “rationales,” they should be abandoned.  相似文献   


This paper describes the process of two groups of students from high schools located in the immediate vicinity of the World Trade Center grappling to make sense of the events of September 11 through the creation of a documentary chronicling their experiences. The process of creating these videos mirrored the process and curative factors of a psychotherapy group in a non–stigmatizing, innovative, and accessible format, one generated by the students themselves with the assistance of professionals in the visual and performing arts.

After reviewing the literature on the potential impact of violence on adolescents and the use of group treatment, especially in school settings, as an optimal choice for this population, we describe the distinctive process of the two separate groups of students, each culminating in different expressions of their very personal experience of September 11. We understand and contextualize their process through the lens of the therapeutic dynamics and elements of group work.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1):139-151

This paper presents psychosocial services for displaced women living in the war zones. Two study groups were formed from two cities in Croatia, Zenica and Tuzla. The services were designed to ameliorate distress and improve psychosocial functioning. A questionnaire-based evaluation indicated that highly distressed women derived greater benefit from group psychotherapy (Tuzla) than did the group who participated in occupational activities (Zenica).  相似文献   

We examine the experiences of 3 high-achieving Black undergraduate and graduate women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Our findings reveal that structural racism, sexism, and race-gender bias were salient in the women's STEM settings. These experiences were sources of strain, which the women dealt with in ways that demonstrate both resilience and trauma. We discuss how their experiences might motivate institutions to offer support for high-achieving students who sometimes face risks from multiple sources.  相似文献   

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