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Carsharing originated in Europe and then expanded to developed countries such as the United States. With the revival and popularity of the “Sharing Economy,” carsharing has remarkably increased in China in recent years. Carsharing has increased convenience for individuals without private cars and is changing the traditional view of car ownership. Chinese college students are a large, highly educated group with low incomes and low rates of car ownership. Understanding the determinants of Chinese college students' intention to carshare is critical to promote carsharing services. In this research, an expanded version of the theory of planned behavior, which contains environmental concern, is the theoretical research framework. The model was empirically tested by using the questionnaire data of 356 college students from four universities in Qingdao, China. The results indicate that subjective norm and the perceived behavioral control are directly and positively associated with Chinese college students’ intention to use carsharing, and attitude and environmental concern have no direct correlation with the intention. Environmental concern has a significant direct effect on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. In addition, environmental concern indirectly impacts Chinese college students’ intention to use carsharing through subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The findings yield practical insights for carsharing organizations and transportation planners. Based on these results, limitations of this study and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectivesSedentary time has emerged as an independent risk factor for numerous adverse health outcomes. However, little is known about the social-cognitive correlates of sedentary behavior. The purpose of this study was to provide preliminary evidence for the factor structure and composition of sedentary derived Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) constructs and to determine the utility of these constructs in predicting sedentary intention and sedentary time.MethodTwenty-three items were created to assess attitudes, subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), and intention with respect to time spent being sedentary. Using a web-based survey, 372 adults completed a modified Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire and were then randomised to one of three TPB questionnaire packages: general, weekday, and weekend. Weekday and weekend participants completed items for work/school (less-volitional) and leisure/recreation (volitional) activities separately, resulting in five TPB models being analyzed: general, weekday work/school, weekday leisure/recreation, weekend work/school, and weekend leisure/recreation.ResultsIrrespective of model, items grouped into coherent factors consistent with TPB and explained 9–58% and 8–43% of the variance in intention and behavior, respectively. The strongest and most consistent predictor of intention and behavior were SN and intentions, respectively. Mediation analyses indicated that attitudes consistently affected sedentary time through intention.ConclusionsThere is growing evidence that the TPB is a useful framework for understanding sedentarism.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between self-determination theory (SDT) and theory of planned behavior (TpB) applied to physical activity and exercise behavior (PA&E) in people with chronic pain. Two hundred and eleven adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain (28 males and 183 females, age range 18 to 82 years, mean age 43 years) were recruited from online support groups and clinic networks in the United States. Participants completed SDT measures relevant to PA&E on perceived autonomy support, autonomy, competence, and relatedness, as well as TpB measures relevant to PA&E on intention, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Correlational techniques and canonical correlation analysis were performed to examine the relationships and variance within and between theoretical dimensions. Overall, the SDT set accounted for 37% of the TpB variance and the TpB set accounted for 32% of the SDT set variance. The results indicate there are statistical similarities and differences between concepts in SDT and TpB models for PA&E. Using both empirical guidance and clinical expertise, researchers and practitioners should attempt to select and integrate non-redundant and complementary components from SDT, TpB, and other related health behavior theories.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the factors predicting the intention to quit smoking and the subsequent behavior 6 months later using the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Data were obtained from 145 smokers who attended a smoking cessation clinic in a community hospital. All participants completed a questionnaire which included demographic information, TPB-based items, perceived susceptibility and previous attempts to quit. The actual quitting behavior was obtained by follow-up phone calls 6 months later. The TPB constructs explained 34% of the variance in intention to quit smoking. By adding perceived susceptibility, the explained variance was significantly improved to 40%. The most important predictors were perceived behavior control and perceived susceptibility, followed by attitude. Subjective norm did not contribute to the prediction of intention. Attitude and perceived behavior control contributed to the prediction of actual quitting behavior, but intention, subjective norm and perceived susceptibility did not. Our findings support that the TPB is generally a useful framework to predict the intention to quit smoking in Taiwan. The inclusion of perceived susceptibility improved the prediction of intention. With regards to successfully quitting, attitude and perceived behavior control played more crucial roles than other TPB constructs. Smoking cessation promotion initiatives focusing on reinforcing cessation belief, enhancing a smoker’s perception of their capability to quit smoking, and persuading smokers that they can overcome cessation barriers to cessation could make subsequent interventions more effective.  相似文献   

Job search is an important element of people’s careers and is especially critical for unemployed individuals. The current study surveyed a sample of 328 unemployed job seekers in China to test hypotheses related to the theory of planned behavior and action-state orientation theory. Results of the three-wave longitudinal study demonstrated that the theory of planned behavior was effective in modeling job-search intention and job-search intensity. Action-state orientation moderated the relationship between attitude and intention, as well as the relationship between intention and intensity. The current study sheds light on the motivational and self-regulatory process of job search and reemployment for Chinese unemployed job seekers.  相似文献   

IntroductionA novel dual-process model based upon the affective-reflective theory which distinguishes between affective attitude and instrumental attitude at an explicit and implicit level was used to predict physical activity.MethodUndergraduate students (N = 114) completed a lab-based study at two time-points, spaced two weeks apart. Participants completed self-report measures of the theory of planned behavior constructs, including explicit affective attitude and explicit instrumental attitude. Implicit affective attitude and implicit instrumental attitude were measured using single category implicit association tests.ResultsExplicit affective attitude and perceived behavioral control indirectly predicted physical activity through intention, and explicit affective attitude, implicit affective attitude, and intention predicted physical activity directly with a modest effect size (R2 = 0.24).DiscussionFindings suggest explicitly and implicitly held evaluative information are conceptually distinct, and affective evaluations are key in guiding physical activity behavior regardless of whether such evaluations are implicit or consciously accessible.  相似文献   



Patients on dialysis have low physical activity levels. The aim of the study was to examine the validity of action planning and coping planning within the theory of planned behaviour framework, for predicting physical activity behaviour of patients on haemodialysis.


This is a prospective study design.


One hundred and forty-four patients who were undergoing haemodialysis were selected from dialysis centres. The mean age of the patients was 56.61 (SD = 11.38) years. The patients completed a questionnaire including variables from the theory of planned behaviour, action planning and coping planning. Physical activity was prospectively assessed at 4-weeks with the validated International Physical Activity Questionnaire self-report measure. A hierarchical regression analysis was performed to examine the effects of action planning and coping planning on physical activity behaviour.


There was a main effect for coping planning but not for action planning. Moreover, the analyses resulted in a significant amount of incremental variance accounted for by the interaction of coping planning and intention.


Results suggest the combination of high levels of coping planning and intention is associated with increases in physical activity.  相似文献   

A sedentary lifestyle is harmful for health; personality traits may contribute to physical (in)activity. With participant-level data from 16 samples (N > 125,000), we examined the personality correlates of physical inactivity, frequency of physical activity, and sedentary behavior (in a subset of samples). Lower Neuroticism and higher Conscientiousness were associated with more physical activity and less inactivity and sedentary behavior. Extraversion and Openness were also associated with more physical activity and less inactivity, but these traits were mostly unrelated to specific sedentary behaviors (e.g., TV watching). The results generally did not vary by age or sex. The findings support the notion that the interest, motivational, emotional, and interpersonal processes assessed by five-factor model traits partly shape the individual’s engagement in physical activity.  相似文献   

In China, junior high school students are considered as adolescents, and their parents have guardianship of them. If junior high school students want to travel by motorized vehicles, they need to get assistance from their parents. The present study uses the theory of planned behavior to construct a model of dependent travel behavior that depicts the active commuting of junior high school students to school. A total of 449 junior high school students’ parents in Jinjiang city of Fujian Province in China were surveyed by using a questionnaire. Non-parametric test, reliability and validity test, factor analysis, and a logistic model were performed to test the model. The results show that the model is a good fit for the junior high school students’ active travel to school in the morning, and the Nagelkerke R2 of the model is 0.68. Behavioral intention and perceived behavioral control of parents affect students’ active commuting behavior, and behavioral intention is larger on behavior. Besides the inner attitude, the external environment such as non-motorized traffic facilities and the road traffic conditions along the way to school have significant effect on the behavior. In contrast to our expectations, parents leaving home for work in the morning, children’s gender, grade, and household income have no significant influence on the behavior. Measures should be taken by the local government to promote students’ active commuting to school, such as improving road traffic environment and providing safe routes.  相似文献   


This study examined whether components from the Information-Motivation-Behavioral-Skills Model, in particular information, added explanatory power to factors derived from the Theory of Planned Behavior with respect to predicting AIDS-preventive behaviors among gay men. Participants were recruited from a longstanding cohort study in Amsterdam. Multivariate regression analyses showed that concepts from the Theory of Planned Behavior could account adequately for intentions to use condoms with casual as well as with steady partners. Actual behavior was best predicted by past behavior. In addition, structural equation modeling demonstrated that the causal paths as posited by Theory of Planned Behavior had a good fit to the data. From the presented findings implications for preventive interventions can be drawn. Specifically, interventions to increase condom use with casual partners need to focus at improving perceived behavioral control regarding this behavior, for instance through skills training. Interventions aimed at safer sex within steady relationships should take into account that the HIV-status of the individual and his partner plays an important role in the occurrence of unprotected anal sex in a romantic dyad.  相似文献   


The present study examined the relationships among the theory of planned behavior (TPB), stages of change, and exercise behavior in 131 older persons over a three year period. Participants completed a baseline questionnaire by mail that assessed attitude, perceived control, subjective norm, intention, and stage and then received a telephone call three years later in which current exercise stage and behavior were assessed. Path analyses showed that (a) TPB constructs were significant predictors of exercise stage, (b) intention mediated the effects of TPB constructs on exercise stage, and (c) exercise behavior was best predicted by intention rather than stage. Results were interpreted as providing evidence for the long term predictive validity of TPB in the exercise domain and as questioning the necessity of combining both intention and stage in a single predictive model.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate whether the theory of planned behavior (TPB) mediated the relationship between dialectical thinking and health behaviors. A sample of 285 undergraduates was tested with a dialectical thinking styles scale, health promoting lifestyle profiles, and TPB questionnaires. Structural equation modeling was used for data analysis. Results indicated that all the three dimensions of thinking styles (belief in the connection, acceptance of change, and acceptance of contradiction) exerted significant effects on TPB constructs. Specifically, the connection and the change dimensions had positive effects on health behaviors mediated by TPB, whereas the contradiction dimension had a negative effect. Model 2 showed a satisfactory fit, demonstrating the influential pathways between dialectical thinking and health behaviors. Implications in issues of health promotion and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


The purposes of the study were threefold. First, to test the validity of Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB) in predicting intended contraception in the Ethiopian cultural setting. Second, to examine the additional predictive roles of past behavior and perceived pregnancy risk in the TPB model. Third, to identify the salient contraceptive beliefs influencing intended contraception. Data stemmed from a community sample of 354 sexually active female adolescents aged 15 to 19 years. The findings of the study supported TPB as a robust model in Ethiopian cultural setting, with subjective norm being the strongest predictor of intended contraception. In addition, both past contraceptive behavior and perceived pregnancy risk demonstrated to have significant contributions in predicting intention over and above that explained by attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control elements of the TPB. Moreover, the study also identified salient and important contraceptive beliefs that need to be addressed in family life education and counseling programs designed for adolescents and the youth.  相似文献   


The present study predicts adults' intention to eat healthily, using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and additive and moderating effects of role identity, group norms and group identification, derived from identity theory and self categorisation theory. A total of 735, 25 years old adults participated in a mailed questionnaire survey in 1997. The TPB explained 52% of the variance in young adults' decision to eat healthily, with perceived behavioural control and subjective norms being the strongest (β= .56, p < .001) and weakest (β = .05, p < .005) determinants, respectively. Although, role identity accounted for an additional amount of 4% of the variance in behavioral intention, past behaviour did not moderate the impact of role identity on intention, as hypothesised. Neither perceived group norm nor group identification added to the prediction of intention over and above the TPB. However, group identification was found to act as a moderator on the relation between group norm and behavioural intention in the predicted direction. The wider social context seems to play a stronger role for the formation of adults' healthy eating decisions than indicated by the TPB.  相似文献   

林琳 《心理学报》2017,(7):953-965
本研究以计划行为理论为理论框架,通过实验操纵实施意向,采用日记法进行为期5天的纵向追踪,考察计划行为理论的4个核心变量和实施意向如何影响拖延行为的程度及其动态过程。134名大学生在前一周末共列举了接下来5个工作日内拟完成的668项学习相关任务,随后每天报告当天的任务完成情况。多层线性模型分析结果表明:(1)行为意向中介态度和行为控制感对拖延程度的影响,主观规范影响拖延程度的直接效应显著,但经由行为意向的间接效应不显著;(2)形成实施意向能显著降低拖延程度;(3)行为控制感和实施意向加速任务完成进程,行为控制感越强,或形成实施意向,均显著加快任务完成速度。研究结果对于如何进行拖延行为的干预有一定启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

Two studies are reported using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to predict and explain joining and not joining alcohol-related social gatherings among Korean undergraduates in various engineering majors. Specifically, considering that the attitudinal component of TPB is behavioral-outcome-based, the current study investigated whether the outcomes of engaging in a behavior and of not engaging in a behavior would similarly predict intentions to engage in a behavior and intentions to not engage in a behavior. The current study also examined whether intentions to engage and intentions to not engage would be significantly related to self-reported behavior a week later. Participants in Study 1 reported TPB components (attitudes toward behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intentions) concerning joining alcohol-related social gatherings. Participants in Study 2 reported TPB components concerning not joining alcohol-related social gatherings. Additionally, a week later, the participants in both studies reported their participation in alcohol-related social gatherings from the past week. Generally, the results showed that the TPB components were significantly associated with undergraduates' intentions to join and intentions to not join. Specifically, conversation-related attitudes and senior-junior relationship-related attitudes were significantly related to intentions to join, and only group-related attitudes were significantly related to intentions to not join. Intentions to join and intentions to not join were not significantly related to self-reported behavior of joining alcohol-related social gatherings a week later. The findings from the current research provide some evidence that joining or not joining alcohol-related social gatherings may not be mere behavioral opposites, predictable by the presence or absence of the same behavioral outcomes. These two aspects of the behavior may require assessment of different behavioral outcomes or different assessments of the same behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   


The perception of behaviours from two categories of health enhancing physical activity (HEPA): outdoor aerobic exercise (OAE) and everyday commuting activity (ECA) was examined in a sample of middle-aged persons (N= 50). A focused semi-standardised interview was constructed on the bases of the components of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The participants perceived OAE behaviours predominantly from the viewpoint of exercise and those of the ECA from that of the fluency of daily routines. They considered the OAE as sensible and associated it with positive health or fitness outcomes, but only those practising it also attributed positive psychological effects to OAE behaviours. A slightly better congruence with the TPB was found for the OAE behaviours than for those of the ECA. The difference is discussed in the light of the higher degree of decisional control with the OAE behaviours and the greater psychological heterogeneity of the ECA.  相似文献   

This study explored differences in the antecedents and consequences of job search behavior depending on gender and family situation in a large, nationwide sample of the Dutch population. Using Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB), we found no gender differences in the antecedents of job seeking. However, family situation did affect the relations in the TPB, such that personal attitude was a slightly weaker, and perceived social pressure a stronger predictor of job seeking for individuals with families than for singles. Concerning the consequences, job search behavior significantly predicted the chances of finding (new) employment, but not job satisfaction in the new job and the level of agreement between the obtained and wanted job.  相似文献   

ObjectivesHabit has been proposed as an explanation of why prior behavior is a good predictor of later behavior. This study examined whether habit mediates the relationship between prior and later physical activity (PA), within the framework of the attitude-social influences-efficacy (ASE) model and the theory of planned behavior (TPB).DesignA longitudinal design was used.MethodsA total of 1976 older adults completed questionnaires on ASE/TPB constructs and PA at baseline, intention at three months, habit at six months, and PA at twelve months.ResultsPath analyses showed that habit significantly mediates the relationship between prior and later PA, after ASE/TPB variables were taken into account.ConclusionsHabit is a partial solution to the question why prior PA is a good predictor of later PA. It is recommended to incorporate habit into the ASE/TPB model.  相似文献   

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