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Measures of verbal participation and interaction among graduate students provided a comparison of male and female dominance behavior in the classroom, and measures of the contextual effect of sex of professor provided further data on the interrelatedness of sex, status, and dominance behavior. Male students were found to exhibit significantly more aggressiveness (interruptive behavior) than female students in both male and female professors' classes, although significantly more male aggressiveness occurred in female professors' classes than in male professors classes. Male students were significantly more assertive (frequency and duration of speech) in female professors' classes only. In student-to-student interaction, aggressiveness was predominantly exchanged between sexes rather than among same-sex members.The author would like to thank Julie Parks and Joanie Rubin for their help with this research.  相似文献   

This study asked whether clinicians would judge a case differently if the patient were male or female. One hundred and three clinical social workers were given a clinical vignette with age and sex randomly varied. Clinicians were asked to evaluate the patient's functioning and to make treatment recommendations. As predicted, the female was rated more favorably than the male, suggesting that participants used different mental health standards for men and women. Predictions that the female would be seen as more organic and more in need of medication were not supported. Therapist gender effects emerged: female (but not male) therapists saw psychodynamic issues as less important for the older patient, and especially the older woman. Implications of these findings are discussed.The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of April E. Fallon, Ph.D., to this study.  相似文献   

Sex differences in levels of experienced psychological burnout, and in antecedents and consequences, were examined among teachers and department heads. Male teachers reported greater burnout and less job satisfaction than did female teachers. Although male department heads scored significantly higher on psychological burnout, there were no sex differences on measures of satisfaction and emotional well-being. The findings are explained in terms of sex differences in levels of social support.  相似文献   

Peer and teacher assessments of aggression, social withdrawal, and likability using the Pupil Evaluation Inventory were recorded for 104 French Canadian girls and boys in grade 1. Self-reported delinquency and personality measures were administered to these children when they were in junior high school 7 years later. Linear regression analyses revealed significant predictive differences between the grade 1 assessment of girls and boys: For antisocial behavior, teacher and peer assessments of boys were equally good predictors, and the combination of the two assessments did not improve prediction; for girls, peer and teacher assessments taken separately were weak predictors, but, taken together, they were better predictors for girls than for boys; for personality, peers were better predictors than teachers both for girls and for boys. When categorical analyses were used to predict extreme antisocial behavior, peer and teacher assessments were equally good predictors for girls and boys. The use of peer and teacher ratings together, however, decreased the number of false positives. The implications of these findings for research and clinical work are discussed.  相似文献   

Ratings of leadership ability for 1096 male and 91 female cadets at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point) were examined for gender differences. Males were rated significantly higher than females for two of the three rating periods. Correlates of these ratings were examined in an effort to explore the meaning of such ratings for males and females. For both male and female cadets, situationally specific correlates of leadership ratings were identified. Physical ability and performance were most highly correlated with leadership ratings during summer training camp, while academic ability and performance were most highly correlated with these ratings during the academic year. These correlations were generally higher for females than for males. The value of such information to organizational newcomers and the means by which such information might be transmitted to them were discussed.  相似文献   

Work and family precursors of burnout in teachers: Sex differences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines factors contributing to burnout in women and men teachers. Results indicated that men were significantly higher than women on one of the Maslach burnout subscales—depersonalization. Additional results showed that women experienced significantly more depression, headaches, and role conflict than their male counterparts. Multiple regression results indicated that 47% of the variation in burnout was accounted for by a model of burnout that included role conflict, marital satisfaction, work sources of stress, and social support in women. But in men, the main contributor to burnout was sources of stress including doubts about competence and problems with students. The results are discussed from a gender role perspective that takes account of the differential implications of gender roles for women and men.This research was supported by grants from York University including the Faculties of Arts and Administrative Studies. We would like to thank Jacob Wolpin for assitance in the data analyses.  相似文献   

A variety of nonverbal behaviors was coded from videotapes of 88 dyadic conversations. The 44 male and 44 female subjects were paired so that each participated in one conversation with a stranger of the same sex and one conversation with a stranger of the opposite sex. It was found that sex of subject, but not sex of partner, had a significant effect on many of the nonverbal behaviors displayed during the conversations. Subjects' scores on the behavioral measures were correlated with their scores on several personality measures and on a post-conversation questionnaire. Sex differences in these correlations were used to generate hypotheses linking specific behavioral differences between the sexes to more general differences between the masculine and feminine interpersonal styles.This study was supported in part by NSF grant GS-3033, awarded to Starkey Duncan, University of Chicago; by NSF grant GS-3127, awarded to Donald Fiske, University of Chicago; by a grant awarded to Starkey Duncan and Donald Fiske by the Social Science Divisional Research Committee of the University of Chicago; and by a University of Chicago Humanities Fellowship awarded to the author. The author is grateful to Starkey Duncan and Donald Fiske for the extensive assistance they provided with this study. The author also wishes to express her appreciation to Jeanine Carlson, George Niederehe, Bruno Repp, Thomas Shanks, and Cathy Stepanek, who assisted in coding the videotaped data and in the statistical analysis. This article is based on the author's doctoral dissertation (Beekman, 1973), which may be consulted for further details.Previous drafts of this article have been circulated under the author's former name, Susan J. Beekman.  相似文献   

The effect of the status characteristic of sex on dominance behavior was investigated as a function of a challenger's sex and in relation to one's sex-role orientation. Dyads composed of a student and a confederate recorded individual preferences, then joint decisions, for the more attractive picture of 20 pairs of pictures. The number of challenges a student sustained each time a disagreement occurred regarding the more attractive picture of a pair was recorded. Males withstood significantly more challenges against their preferences than females did (p<.006). However, no differences were found as a function of the sex of one's partner; nor did the Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS) prove to be a good predictor of dominance. Results were discussed in terms of predictions made by the theory of status characteristics.This report is based on a master's thesis written by the first author under the sponsorship of the second and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MA degree at the Graduate School of the University of Alabama. Portions were presented as part of of the paper session Compliance-Conformity/Altruism-Helping Behavior at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, March 1976.The authors would like to express their appreciation those who served as confederates in this study: Jim Dodds, Rochelle Hanan, Eunice Fogarty, and Rex Hall.  相似文献   

The present study examines the direct and indirect effect of managers' accuracy in ‘reading’ non‐verbal emotional expressions and their supervisors' performance ratings and subordinates' satisfaction with the manager. Data from working managers and their supervisors and subordinates were used to test the study's hypotheses. Although managers' accuracy was not directly related to others' ratings, a significant interactive effect was found: Female but not male managers who more accurately perceived non‐verbal emotional expressions received higher performance ratings from their supervisor and higher satisfaction ratings from their subordinates, perhaps due to gender stereotypes prescribing emotional sensitivity to female managers. Furthermore, how managers used emotional information to enhance subordinates' satisfaction varied for female and male managers. Results suggested that male managers who were more accurate at emotion perception received higher satisfaction ratings if they used the information to be more persuasive, whereas more emotionally perceptive female managers received higher satisfaction ratings when they demonstrated more supportiveness.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether men and women differed in using associative and dissociative cognitive strategies during athletic performance. Athletes (31 men, M age = 23.2 yr., SD = 3.9 and 29 women, M age = 22.9 yr., SD = 4.3) who practiced endurance activities (running, swimming, and cycling) were considered high-level performers because they participated in national or international competition. The athletes were interviewed, and Schomer's 1986 method of measurement was used to evaluate and quantify two cognitive strategies. Most specifically, categories of association concerned the way the athlete paid close attention to bodily signals, and categories of dissociation described how the athlete shunned sensory inputs. Analysis of variance and the t test showed that women tend to be more dissociative than men and men more associative than women. The results suggest that pain perception in these sports may be a function of sex.  相似文献   

The Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Inventory developed by Riggs and Enoch was administered to 88 men and 112 women, elementary science teachers in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Significant mean sex differences (t=4.55, p<.01) were observed on the Personal subscale but not on the General subscale. This result has major implications for education planners and administrators employing female teachers whose cultural and educational experiences may not have prepared them as well as their male peers for teaching science. It is concluded that female teachers need support to change their beliefs about self-efficacy regarding teaching science. The discussion also suggests possible directions for research.  相似文献   

Associational ties in academe: Some male and female differences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although a growing body of empirical research has examined discriminatory policies and psychological barriers to ascent for women, it has virtually ignored structural barriers. Noticeably absent are data regarding the social organization of collegial ties. An analysis of the collegial-friend relationships among academicians in this study indicates that female professors, especially unmarried, have fewer males in their collegial-friend networks than men. Whether by choice or exclusion, it is suggested that isolation from these informal collegial contacts leaves women at a professional disadvantage.I am indebted to the Manpower Research Program, Cornell University, which is funded by the Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor (Institutional Grant No. 31-34-70-02), for making this study possible. Researchers undertaking such projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their professional judgment. Therefore, points of view or opinions stated in this article do not necessarily represent the official position or policy of the Department of Labor. I am thankful to several of my colleagues, Joe Scimecca, John Stutz, and Sandra Peterson-Hardt, for their helpful criticisms in revising this paper for publication.  相似文献   

With a minimal intratrial interval, male golden hamsters spontaneously alternated significantly less often in a T-maze than females. Since there was no sex difference in choice latencies, the alternation difference could not be accounted for by longer intertrial intervals experienced by males. Instead, the difference was ascribed to faster rates of habituation to novelty in females because they showed greater between-sessions declines in open-field ambulation than males. From an analysis of rearing scores it was concluded that attempts to escape from the apparatus may have been the principal motivating influence in both the T-maze and open field.  相似文献   

With a minimal intratrial interval, male golden hamsters spontaneously alternated significantly less often in a T-maze than females. Since there was no sex difference in choice latencies, the alternation difference could not be accounted for by longer intertrial intervals experienced by males. Instead, the difference was ascribed to faster rates of habituation to novelty in females because they showed greater between-sessions declines in open-field ambulation than males. From an analysis of rearing scores it was concluded that attempts to escape from the apparatus may have been the principal motivating influence in both the T-maze and open field.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of male and female school principals on first graders' perceptions of school principals and teachers. Participants were 190 male and female first graders who were shown four videotapes depicting all combinations of male and female teachers and principals. Results showed that children were accurate in their labeling of the videotapes regardless of whether the roles presented were stereotypical or counterstereotypical, and regardless of the sex of their principal. On rating scales, children with female principals were more nonstereotypical than children with male principals. Maternal employment was unrelated to their perceptions of teachers and principals. The results suggest that first-grade children do not hold overly stereotypic views and that the presence of both sexes as models for the role of school principal can have a noticeable positive effect on children's perceptions.  相似文献   

Personal interviews were conducted with 499 children of elderly white widows. Results showed no birth order differences in the provision of assistance to the elderly; however, there were significant sex differences. Daughters performed more caretaking activities and social services and provided more emotional support for their mothers than did sons. Sons had a tendency, though insignificant, to provide more advisory assistance to their mothers. After adjusting for situational differences between daughters and sons a sex difference remained only for the provision of emotional support.  相似文献   

M M Sanik  K Stafford 《Adolescence》1985,20(77):207-215
This study develops a model to predict the contribution adolescent males and females make to household work, based upon family characteristics, human capital of the adolescent, geographic location, and societal expectations. Only adolescents in two-parent, two-child households were studied. Separate analyses were run for first-born and second-born males and females. School day was the only variable that explained variance in each of the four prediction equations. Adolescent females worked longer than adolescent males, regardless of birth order. Time use for household work was largely unaffected by family characteristics.  相似文献   

The association was examined between 98 third-grade pupils' expressed self-image scores and inferred self-image ratings from teachers. Significant self-other agreements were found with sexes combined. With sexes separated, significant self-other agreements were found for the 52 girls, but not for the 46 boys.  相似文献   

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