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The present study investigated whether and how facial attractiveness affects sustained attention. We adopted a multiple‐identity tracking paradigm, using attractive and unattractive faces as stimuli. Participants were required to track moving target faces amid distractor faces and report the final location of each target. In Experiment 1, the attractive and unattractive faces differed in both the low‐level properties (i.e., luminance, contrast, and color saturation) and high‐level properties (i.e., physical beauty and age). The results showed that the attractiveness of both the target and distractor faces affected the tracking performance: The attractive target faces were tracked better than the unattractive target faces; when the targets and distractors were both unattractive male faces, the tracking performance was poorer than when they were of different attractiveness. In Experiment 2, the low‐level properties of the facial images were equalized. The results showed that the attractive target faces were still tracked better than unattractive targets while the effects related to distractor attractiveness ceased to exist. Taken together, the results indicate that during attentional tracking the high‐level properties related to the attractiveness of the target faces can be automatically processed, and then they can facilitate the sustained attention on the attractive targets, either with or without the supplement of low‐level properties. On the other hand, only low‐level properties of the distractor faces can be processed. When the distractors share similar low‐level properties with the targets, they can be grouped together, so that it would be more difficult to sustain attention on the individual targets.  相似文献   

To successfully infer a speaker's emotional state, diverse sources of emotional information need to be decoded. The present study explored to what extent emotional speech recognition of 'basic' emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, pleasant surprise, sadness) differs between different sex (male/female) and age (young/middle-aged) groups in a behavioural experiment. Participants were asked to identify the emotional prosody of a sentence as accurately as possible. As a secondary goal, the perceptual findings were examined in relation to acoustic properties of the sentences presented. Findings indicate that emotion recognition rates differ between the different categories tested and that these patterns varied significantly as a function of age, but not of sex.  相似文献   

Facial caricatures exaggerate the distinctive features of a face and may elevate the recognition of a familiar face. We investigate whether the recognition of facial composites, or pictures of criminal faces, could be similarly enhanced. In this study, participants first estimated the degree of caricature necessary to make composites most identifiable. Contrary to expectation, an anticaricature was found to be best, presumably as this tended to reduce the appearance of errors. In support of this explanation, more positive caricature estimates were assigned to morphed composites: representations that tend to contain less overall error. In addition, anticaricaturing reduced identification for morphed composites but enhanced identification for individual composites. Although such improvements were too small to be of value to law enforcement, a sizeable naming benefit was observed when presenting a range of caricature states, which appeared to capitalize on individual differences in the internal representation of familiar faces.  相似文献   

How contrast affects stereoacuity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D L Halpern  R R Blake 《Perception》1988,17(4):483-495
Stereoacuity and its dependence on contrast were measured at four spatial frequencies separated by 1 octave steps. Using a method of adjustment, observers adjusted the retinal disparity of an aperiodic narrow-band stimulus until it appeared in the depth plane defined by two flanking reference lines. Variations in contrast affected stereoacuity (the standard deviation of ten depth settings), with better performance observed at higher contrasts. Data were fit with straight lines (on a log-log plot), indicating a power-law dependence on contrast; the slope was steeper at lower spatial frequencies. These findings are consistent with the idea that disparity is computed from the responses of size-tuned mechanisms characterized by nonlinear contrast transfer functions. In a second experiment, the effects of interocular differences in contrast on stereoacuity were studied for two conditions. In the first condition, one eye always viewed a high-contrast target while the other eye viewed targets of successively lower contrast; in the second condition, one eye always saw a target of near-threshold contrast while the other eye saw targets of successively higher contrast. When the fixed contrast was high, stereoacuity deteriorated steadily as the interocular difference in contrast increased; the loss of stereoacuity was greatest at the lowest spatial frequency. When the fixed contrast was low, however, small increases in the contrast to one eye had no deleterious effect on stereoacuity. Once interocular contrast settings exceeded a certain difference, stereoscopic acuity began to deteriorate at lower spatial frequencies. These results address the issue of the stage of visual processing at which contrast exerts its influence on stereopsis.  相似文献   

The recognition of threatening facial stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies examined the information that defines a threatening facial display. The first study identified those facial characteristics that distinguish between representations of threatening and nonthreatening facial displays. Masks that presented either threatening or nonthreatening facial displays were obtained from a number of non-Western cultures and scored for the presence of those facial features that discriminated between such displays in the drawings of two American samples. Threatening masks contained a significantly higher number of these characteristics across all cultures examined. The second study determined whether the information provided by the facial display might be more primary nonrepresentational visual patterns than facial features with obvious denotative meaning (e.g., diagonal lines rather than downturned eyebrows). The subjective response to sets of diagonal, angular, and curvilinear visual stimuli revealed that the nonrepresentational features of angularity and diagonality in the visual stimulus appeared to have the ability to evoke the subjective responses that convey the meaning of threat.  相似文献   

When applied to facial recognition, the levels of processing paradigm has yielded consistent results: faces processed in deep conditions are recognized better than faces processed under shallow conditions. However, there are multiple explanations for this occurrence. The own-race advantage in facial recognition, the tendency to recognize faces from one's own race better than faces from another race, is also consistently shown but not clearly explained. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the levels of processing findings in facial recognition are a result of interest and attention, not differences in processing. This hypothesis was tested for both own and other faces with 105 Caucasian general psychology students. Levels of processing was manipulated as a between-subjects variable; students were asked to answer one of four types of study questions, e.g., "deep" or "shallow" processing questions, while viewing the study faces. Students' recognition of a subset of previously presented Caucasian and African-American faces from a test-set with an equal number of distractor faces was tested. They indicated their interest in and attention to the task. The typical levels of processing effect was observed with better recognition performance in the deep conditions than in the shallow conditions for both own- and other-race faces. The typical own-race advantage was also observed regardless of level of processing condition. For both own- and other-race faces, level of processing explained a significant portion of the recognition variance above and beyond what was explained by interest in and attention to the task.  相似文献   

The effect of adaptation on facial expression recognition was investigated by measuring how identification performance of test stimuli falling along a particular expression continuum was affected after adapting to various prototype emotional faces or a control pattern. The results showed that for recognition of fear, happiness, and sadness, inhibition effects were observed on recognition of test expressions following 5 s adaptation to the same emotion, suggesting different neural populations tuned for the encoding of fearful, happy, and sad expressions. Facilitation of recognition of test stimuli differing in emotion to the adapting stimulus was also sometimes observed. The nature of these adaptation effects was investigated by introducing a size transformation or a delay between adapting and test stimuli and was found to survive these changes. The results of a further experiment argued against a criterion effect being the major source by demonstrating the importance of adapting time in generating the effects. Overall, the present study demonstrates the utility of adaptation effects for revealing functional characteristics of facial expression processing.  相似文献   

Exploring recognition with interchanged facial features   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N D Haig 《Perception》1986,15(3):235-247
Any attempt to unravel the mechanism underlying the process of human face recognition must begin with experiments that explore human sensitivity to differences between a perceived image and an original memory trace. A set of three consecutive experiments are reported that were collectively designed to measure the relative importance of different facial features. The method involved the use of image-processing equipment to interchange cardinal features among frontally viewed target faces. Observers were required to indicate which of the original target faces most resembled the modified faces. The results clearly establish the dominant influence of the head outline as the major recognition feature. Next in importance is the eye/eyebrow combination, followed by the mouth, and then the nose. As a recognition feature in a frontally presented face, the nose is hardly noticed. The number of apparently random responses to some faces indicates that a surprisingly different face can sometimes arise from a fortuitous combination of the old features.  相似文献   

Generation effects (better memory for self-produced items than for provided items) typically occur in item memory. Jurica and Shimamura (1999) reported a negative generation effect in source memory, but their procedure did not test participants on the items they had generated. In Experiment 1, participants answered questions and read statements made by a face on a computer screen. The target word was unscrambled, or letters were filled in. Generation effects were found for target recall and source recognition (which person did which task). Experiment 2 extended these findings to a condition in which the external sources were two different faces. Generation had a positive effect on source memory, supporting an overlap in the underlying mechanisms of item and source memory.  相似文献   

Speech perception, especially in noise, may be maximized if the perceiver observes the naturally occurring visual-plus-auditory cues inherent in the production of spoken language. Evidence is conflicting, however, about which aspects of visual information mediate enhanced speech perception in noise. For this reason, we investigated the relative contributions of audibility and the type of visual cue in three experiments in young adults with normal hearing and vision. Relative to static visual cues, access to the talker??s phonetic gestures in speech production, especially in noise, was associated with (a) faster response times and sensitivity for speech understanding in noise, and (b) shorter latencies and reduced amplitudes of auditory N1 event-related potentials. Dynamic chewing facial motion also decreased the N1 latency, but only meaningful linguistic motions reduced the N1 amplitude. The hypothesis that auditory?Cvisual facilitation is distinct to properties of natural, dynamic speech gestures was partially supported.  相似文献   

Reading the non‐verbal cues from faces to infer the emotional states of others is central to our daily social interactions from very early in life. Despite the relatively well‐documented ontogeny of facial expression recognition in infancy, our understanding of the development of this critical social skill throughout childhood into adulthood remains limited. To this end, using a psychophysical approach we implemented the QUEST threshold‐seeking algorithm to parametrically manipulate the quantity of signals available in faces normalized for contrast and luminance displaying the six emotional expressions, plus neutral. We thus determined observers' perceptual thresholds for effective discrimination of each emotional expression from 5 years of age up to adulthood. Consistent with previous studies, happiness was most easily recognized with minimum signals (35% on average), whereas fear required the maximum signals (97% on average) across groups. Overall, recognition improved with age for all expressions except happiness and fear, for which all age groups including the youngest remained within the adult range. Uniquely, our findings characterize the recognition trajectories of the six basic emotions into three distinct groupings: expressions that show a steep improvement with age – disgust, neutral, and anger; expressions that show a more gradual improvement with age – sadness, surprise; and those that remain stable from early childhood – happiness and fear, indicating that the coding for these expressions is already mature by 5 years of age. Altogether, our data provide for the first time a fine‐grained mapping of the development of facial expression recognition. This approach significantly increases our understanding of the decoding of emotions across development and offers a novel tool to measure impairments for specific facial expressions in developmental clinical populations.  相似文献   

Buttle H  East J 《Perception》2010,39(12):1672-1674
Factors that are important to successful face recognition, such as features, configuration, and pigmentation/reflectance, are all subject to change when a face has been engraved with ink markings. Here we show that the application of facial tattoos, in the form of spiral patterns (typically associated with the Maori tradition of a Moko), disrupts face recognition to a similar extent as face inversion, with recognition accuracy little better than chance performance (2AFC). These results indicate that facial tattoos can severely disrupt our ability to recognise a face that previously did not have the pattern.  相似文献   

This study assessed the speed of recognition of facial emotional expressions (happy and angry) as a function of violent video game play. Color photos of calm facial expressions morphed to either an angry or a happy facial expression. Participants were asked to make a speeded identification of the emotion (happiness or anger) during the morph. Typically, happy faces are identified faster than angry faces (the happy-face advantage). Results indicated that playing a violent video game led to a reduction in the happy face advantage. Implications of these findings are discussed with respect to the current models of aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

Subjects selected on the basis of test anxiety scores made a judgement about each face in a series of slides. These orienting tasks involved either abstract traits (e.g. dependability) or physical features (e.g. weight), and decisions were made relative to either an absolute criterion or self-reference. A subsequent recognition test revealed superior performance by low-anxiety subjects and by subjects who evaluated abstract features during study, but there were no depth by anxiety interactions. The reference point for the decision had little effect overall, but the anxiety deficit was more apparent when the absolute reference point was involved.  相似文献   

Various models have been proposed to increase understanding of the cognitive basis of facial emotions. Despite those efforts, interactions between facial emotions have received minimal attention. If collective behaviours relating to each facial emotion in the comprehensive cognitive system could be assumed, specific facial emotion relationship patterns might emerge. In this study, we demonstrate that the frameworks of complex networks can effectively capture those patterns. We generate 81 facial emotion images (6 prototypes and 75 morphs) and then ask participants to rate degrees of similarity in 3240 facial emotion pairs in a paired comparison task. A facial emotion network constructed on the basis of similarity clearly forms a small-world network, which features an extremely short average network distance and close connectivity. Further, even if two facial emotions have opposing valences, they are connected within only two steps. In addition, we show that intermediary morphs are crucial for maintaining full network integration, whereas prototypes are not at all important. These results suggest the existence of collective behaviours in the cognitive systems of facial emotions and also describe why people can efficiently recognize facial emotions in terms of information transmission and propagation. For comparison, we construct three simulated networks—one based on the categorical model, one based on the dimensional model, and one random network. The results reveal that small-world connectivity in facial emotion networks is apparently different from those networks, suggesting that a small-world network is the most suitable model for capturing the cognitive basis of facial emotions.  相似文献   

Lying about facial recognition: an fMRI study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Novel deception detection techniques have been in creation for centuries. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a neuroscience technology that non-invasively measures brain activity associated with behavior and cognition. A number of investigators have explored the utilization and efficiency of fMRI in deception detection. In this study, 18 subjects were instructed during an fMRI "line-up" task to either conceal (lie) or reveal (truth) the identities of individuals seen in study sets in order to determine the neural correlates of intentionally misidentifying previously known faces (lying about recognition). A repeated measures ANOVA (lie vs. truth and familiar vs. unfamiliar) and two paired t-tests (familiar vs. unfamiliar and familiar lie vs. familiar truth) revealed areas of activation associated with deception in the right MGF, red nucleus, IFG, SMG, SFG (with ACC), DLPFC, and bilateral precuneus. The areas activated in the present study may be involved in the suppression of truth, working and visuospatial memories, and imagery when providing misleading (deceptive) responses to facial identification prompts in the form of a "line-up".  相似文献   

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